Books 1 – 3: 18/11/1938 – 14/03/1939
Books 1 & 2
Friday 18th of November 1938
I have been intending for some time to keep a real diary, so today I started. In school we were reading a book called “Delight in Books” by S P B Mais.I I thought it was a dopey book at first but when we got the chapter called “diaries” after reading some extracts from Diaries of famous people I decided to start today instead of waiting until the new year. I hope to keep it every day.
I got up at 20 to 8 which was very early – I don’t usually get up until 10 past eight. Took to school my piece of plywood for a lock box I’m making (hope I finish it by Christmas). Mr Reid said he had got a better piece but my piece would come in handy for something else.
Did a good deal of work and think I will just finish it. When I got home for dinner I read Tit-BitsII which mum had bought that morning. Didn’t eat all my dinner. Practice music. Went up early and started on a map but broke nib of mapping pen (cost me a 1d). Afternoon lessons drawing, maths, English. When giving out library books some of them played about so didn’t finish. After tea I went to change an electric light bulb for mum. Walter came just before I got back. Got ½d for going. Mum then went up to Queen’s Road and I started this about 6:10. In part of the book “Delight in Books” it told about a man Pepys who earnt £10.08 shillings a year (not much) or four shillings a week, and how after the great Fire of London in 1666 Pepys saw a cat with all the hair burnt off but still alive.
When dad came home he had three pieces of cardboard I had asked him for so that I could make a game. I started on it. 2 pieces are for the game and one for “chips” to play with. When mum came home she had some masks and things in a carnival packet. I tried them on and they were very amusing. Bed about 9:45.
Saturday 19th November 1938
Up after nine. Got on with game while mum was out, then practised music. Went out, met Dennis and went to football, watched girls hockey as well. Didn’t stop long. Stew for dinner. Dad gave me a penny for a mapping pen. Went to Lanks after-dinner with Dennis to get one. Mum went out when I came back and Den came in for a while. Did some more of the game. Then melted some wax crayon in a tin in the fire. Went out after tea and Jack told us some ghost stories about films he had seen. Went on errand. Bathed about 8:15*. Read paper for a while. Mum had bought some balloons, blew them up, not very big ones, I broke 2.
*Editors Note I had wondered why Dad so often mentioned ‘having a bath’ until I saw the photo below!

Sunday 20th November 1938
Sick during the night. Up late. Had breakfast then dressed. Practised piano. Did some more of game. Read paper. Dinner, read paper, read Radio Times, and did some more of game. Tea. Spelling bee at 5.30. Mum, Dad Ern and me did it.
Mum got 23
I got 22
Ern got 11
Dad got 8.
Then we played dominoes. Dad and Ern verses mum and I. They won two – one. Then played my game. Ern and I played two games of drafts. Won one each. During the day I had pain in my stomach so had my milk hot. Read in bed.
Monday 21st November 1938
Up 8.20. Washed and dressed, read paper. Breakfast.
Lessons, English (changed from hymns) maths. Playtime had a game of Releason (have been playing it for some time). Drill, History. Dinner time read paper. Didn’t practice. Afternoon metalwork, used drill on engineers set square. So far everyone had got cut doing that. I broke record. In evening went to library and met Den up there. Got 2 Books called Private Selby by Edgar Wallace. Very good, read it by quarter to 9. And “Fighting Man of Mars” by Edgar Rice Burroughs. Read papers in bed and started on “A Fighting Man of Mars”. Good book.
Tuesday 22nd November 1938
Got up 8.15 WizardIII was here. Only about four weeks before I stop having it. Lessons English maths football. At football replay from last week, white red v green blue. We won 2 – 0. D Robinson scored in the first half and about 45 seconds from time I had a run down with the boy who had the ball and expected him to score. The goalkeeper deflected the ball and I kicked it into the net. Very good game. Afterwards we had history. Dinner time read Wizard and practised. Lessons – Geography, drill, English. Was reading in evening when Uncle Albert came. Got ready for music. After he had gone, went on errand. 7 o’clock I went to Miss Elsom’s for music lesson. Started new piece “Christmas Party”. Went home and read in bed.
Wednesday 23rd November 1938
Up late 8.25. Went to school about 20 to nine. Went up early and did some maps. Lessons, Scripture, assembly, (every Wednesday morning) maths. Playtime, drill, music. Dinner. Didn’t practice after-dinner because mum was cleaning the parlour, but read “A Fighting Man of Mars” afternoon lesson English, English, English. Instead of English drawing, English, (last lesson we had films). After tea finished “A Fighting Man of Mars” very good. Read papers and got washed so I would not have to have so much bother if we went up City tomorrow afternoon. Supper, read in bed. Started “The Henty Omnibus” my school prize.
Thursday 24 November 1938
Up at 5 to 8. School early, did some maps. Lessons, English, maths, geography, films. Dinner time Got ready to go out. Just after dad came home I got a firework leftover from Guy Fawkes day, opened it and put the powder in a tin and set fire to it. It gave a pufffff – and a cloud of smoke appeared. Dinner. Read. Then Ern came home. Went to Aldgate East by underground. Then 2d bus ride to Holborn. Then went to Gamages, looked round. In one part they had a lot of jokes and tricks, one was a salt seller which exploded when picked up, one man picked it up then when it exploded walked away – quickly that made everyone laugh. In Gamages bought a thing called the Great Illusion. I have to make a stage for it. It is worked by an accomplice, price 1/-. Then went to Wallis’s, not so good as Gamages. At Woolworths we bought several things. Had tea at Lyons. Then walked back to St Paul’s looking in the shops going along. 1d bus ride to Aldgate and then rode home. Got some supper coming along. Listen to wireless then bed.
Friday 25th November 1938
My Birthday
14 now. 10 shillings from dad one shilling from mum and card from both. Got bumped at school. Lessons scripture manual. Got on a good bit with model. Dinnertime read Titbits. Practised. Lessons drawing, finished a painting but some fool put his on top. Gave out all library books (for a change). After tea started on stage for model. Almost finished it. Walter came. Then mum went out, I stopped in and read. At school got notice that Mr Tarr was coming Monday 2.15. Just as I got in bed card came from Wal and Doris.
Saturday 26th November 1938
Up late. Practiced. Went up Queens Road for some things. Afternoon went over football ground and quarrelled with others. Stopped in in the evening except for 3 errands. Dinnertime went up library, and did errand. Got “Psmith in the City” by P.G. Wodehouse.IV Very good, finished it by evening. “Marinova of the Secret Service” Richard EssexV started it. Very good. Bath at 8.15. read, listened to variety then up to bed.
Sunday 27th November 1938
Finished “Marinova of the Secret Service” in bed. Up 10. Ern got up 12.30. Mum & dad already up. Went down washed, dressed, breakfast, Practised. Read paper altered stage so that twine ran freely. Ern got up. Dinner. Practised several times in afternoon and read and pottered about and listened to ‘General Knowledge Bee on the wireless. Mum got back from hospital 5 to 4. Washed again. Sat in front room. Which had had things moved round for more space for party. Walter and Doris couldn’t come. Then Ted, Bob, and Len came. We sat in front room talking about bikes. Then mum said tea was ready. At tea talked about everything from photography to fishing. Then back to front room. Talked, played lexicon till mum and dad came in. Then played lexicon and cheat. Just as we were going to show them how to play Crown & Anchor Uncle Bob and Auntie Liz came, so we showed them the great illusion then we had some drinks. Then Ern and his pals went out to his shed when they came in they stopped in the kitchen talking about bikes for some time. When they came in we played Buzz several times, then Crown and Anchor. Uncle Bob and Auntie Liz went then.
We then talked about things done on bikes. Played consequences twice. They then began to tell us experiences they had had. The three best were
1 when they were at the isle of Wight they had collected a large jar of sand then they dropped it over a cliff.
2 when collecting this sand at the isle of Wight another one named Dicky was up above on the Cliff and Len and a stranger were below. Dicky knocked down some little stones and Len told him to stop but then a large rock came down and hit a stranger with a bald head. He can’t speak he just put his hand on his head looks at Len with a strange look and goes ‘ohhh!’ and sits down.
3 when they were staying at a little place they went to a dance and thought it was 2.00 when it was only 12.00. They ran through the town and were creeping upstairs as quietly as they could when Bob falls down so they all bolted up the stairs and slammed their doors. They laughed so much they had to cram pillows in their mouths and they kept on laughing all through the night. In the morning they had no hot water outside their door so Len crept up to a girl’s door and was just going to take her water when she opened the door and he had to bolt back.
They left ¼ past 12. Bed half past twelve.
Monday 28th November 1938
Up 8.20. washed, dressed, breakfast. Lessons English, maths, drill, history. Dinnertime practised and read papers. Afternoon Metal-work, did tech drawing exam. Mr Tarr should have come 2.15 but rolled up 3.20. Dad had gone back to work fed up with waiting. Tarr wanted to know about Ern and Walter, asked about my scholarship. Said I had a good brain. Tea, went up library and post office got “Piccadilly Jim” P.G. Wodehouse and “Bride of Fu Manchu” Sax Rohmer.VI Started latter, good book. Listened to Carrol Levis’s Discoveries on wireless then had supper and went to bed.
Tuesday 29th November 1938
Up early. Read Wizard. lessons English, games – lost 2-0, History. Dinner time read Wizard. Practised. Afternoon lessons Geography, Drill, English, tea. Listened to wireless. Miss Elson’s at 7. When home read then went to bed.
Wednesday 30th November 1938
Up 8.10. read. Breakfast. Morning lessons, Scripture, assembly, maths, playtime, drill, music. Also stopped for drill at 12. At home had dinner, read, practised washed, went back to school went up early. Afternoon lessons, English – had plays, Drawing. Started exams. Have now done T.D. Mental 1, writing, drawing 1. At home got fire ready for when mum came home. Walter had been to see nan. Read my Fu Manchu book. Uncle Albert came. when he had gone went on a couple of errands. Then tried to think of good poster for drawing exam. Read then up to bed.
Thursday 1th December 1938
Up 8.20. lessons, reading exam, maths, geography, reading. Afternoon English, science exam films.
Evening went up Granada with mum and dad. Good show up there because it was their end birthday week. When we got home Ern’s mates Ted, Len and Bob were there. Listened to fight Harvey v Philipps. Harvey won on foul in fourth round.
Friday 2th December 1938
Up 8.20 lessons. Poetry exam. Now have 40 marks out of 40. Manual exam. Afternoon all boys who were leaving went up Lister Institute to see what it was like. Came away about 3 all went to our homes to take in letters we had got from the Institute then walked around playing about. Got back at school at 4. Thompson said it was good that we did come back for we did not have too. Evening stopped in while mum went out. Mum went up High Street about 8 to get book of private Christmas cards and brought it home.
Saturday 3th December 1938
Up at 11. Mum had took back Christmas card book. I read “Piccadilly Jim” until dinner then practiced. Finished books and went out same time as mum – but she went up Barking Road. I got “Sanders of the River” and “Bones in London” by E. Wallace. When coming home got the collars from laundry. Got home just before mum. Started “Sanders of the River”. Just before 4 Walter came. After tea went on reading. Bathed about 8. Went upstairs while mum bathed then came down again. Nearly finished “Sanders”.
Sunday 4th December 1938
Finished “Sanders” in bed and started on “Bones in London”. Both good books. Up after 10. Read then got washed to go on errand. Mum wanted some confetti for a wedding she and dad were going to. I didn’t want to go. Dinner, then practised. Ern wouldn’t get up. Mum and dad went. Then Ern got up. Read. Then started to mend a pine-table Ern had made. Then mum and dad came home. Tea after a while. Played games in the evening.
Monday 5th December 1938
Up 8.20 breakfast. School early. Lessons, English, Maths, Drill, History. Dinner. Practice. Afternoon metalwork. Went up library in evening got “Hot Water” P.G. Wodehouse and “Man who Knew” E Wallace. Started “Hot Water”
Tuesday 6th December 1938
Up 8.25. Lessons, English, Games, drew 1-1 so still top, History. Dinner, Practised. Lessons Geography, drill, English. Tea. Went to Miss Elsom’s at 7 o’clock, read after.
Wednesday 7th December 1938
Up 8.20. just after we had gone, Dad and Mum got news that nan was nearly dead and was going backwards and forwards all day with some of the others. Lessons, Scripture, Assembly Maths, drill, Music. Dinner, practised. Afternoon English, drawing. Mum was at hospital so got tea. After tea I was supposed to go to see Mr Tarr but of course I couldn’t go but finished mending the table. Read in bed. Nan had fits during the day.
Thursday 8th December 1938
Up at 8.20. Lessons, English, Maths, geography. Afternoon English P.S. Science. After tea Dad and I went to Stratford Empire saw “The Long and Short of it” featuring Ethel Revnell and Gracie West.VII And mum went to see nan who was about the same.
Friday 9th December 1938
Nan gradually got better during the day till she was semi-conscious. Up early. Lessons, History exam, woodwork. Afternoon Drawing, Maths, Plays. Mum was up hairdressers when I got home. Rose called but met mum so came back again. Went up Mr Tarr’s but his office was shut when I got home mum was getting ready to go to the hospital. I was alone till Dad came in. Got supper and read while waiting for mum then went up.
Saturday 10th December 1938
Up 8. Stopped in all day except when went on errands (a lot of ‘em), and generally helped mum. In morning went with Ern up phone box. News was that nan had regained consciousness. (Everybody says it was very wonderful they only knew of 1 or 2 other cases of people recovering). In evening while mum was out I went up library got “Ukridge” by PG WodehouseVIII and “The adventures of Sherlock Holmes” A Conan Doyle. Had bath.
Sunday 11th December 1938
Finished “Ukridge” in bed. Up 10. Read, had breakfast, washed, dressed, read, practised, read, went out up Barking Road, got 2 Mazawattee diaries,IX went out again, came home, read. Dad came in, gave him one diary, read, had dinner, mum went to hospital, nan was very bad. Tea. Ern came back from hospital. During evening played games. Mum came home at about half past 10. Bed about 12.
Monday 12th December 1938
Up 8.20. Ern went up phone to ring up but NAN Died. At 1 0’clock.X All day I was running about on errands. For next few days I will be brief.
Tuesday 13th December 1938
Up usual time. More running about. Football we played 3 B.
First team won 2-0
Second team won 6-0
Were bit earlier to music for a first time. Read Wizard.
Wednesday 14th December 1938
Up usual. Errands. In morning last but one assembly. No practice. In evening went to Mr Tarr’s met Collard there. Mr Tarr gave me a letter to take up to Mr Fyfe at Dronhill London.
Thursday 15th December 1938
Up early. Dinnertime I changed into best suit. After school I went home then up Broadway by bus to Abbey, walked to Aunt Lily’s. Had tea, talked for rest of evening, met many people. Nan was buried by Mr Hitchcock.XI Unofficially top. Hope it is true.
Friday 16th December 1938
Up usual. Morning, manual almost finished model. I am going to do manual on Monday afternoon. Afternoon got official I was top with 183 out of 200 or 91½%. Mr Thompson said it was the highest mark he had ever had.
Saturday 17th December 1938
Up late. It is getting very cold. About half past 10 I went up Coates to get 3 bottles of Port for dad. Back before 12. Dad gave me 3 pence. Mum went to cemetery in afternoon. Nan’s grave number was 39933. The first 2 numbers are aunt Aggies first house number, then 2 and 3 are her number now. The last two are the number of years’ mums’ father has been dead and added together they are our number. I went up library got “If I Were You” P.G Wodehouse, “Bosambo of the River” by E. Wallace. Finished “Bosambo” started “if I Were You”. Evening mum and I went up Queens Road. got lots of things including crackers. Bathed. Read in bed.
Sunday 18th December 1938
Up very late. Uncle Albert was home. Finished book in bed. Dad went out. Albert went. Had something to eat. Dinner. Earn wouldn’t get up. Practised. Nose bled badly while putting on best things. Tea about 7. Went to uncle Bobs. Home about half past 10. First snow. read in bed.
Monday 19th December 1938
Up usual. Got Crazy Leader & Wizard was also there. Very cold but to be colder. School. Dinner time, read, school. Evening I went up library got “Laughing Gas” by P.G. Woodhouse & “War Lord of Mars” E Rice Burroughs. Took receipt of Report back with me in morning. Met Dad when he was going to work and went with him to get overcoat, I did after a long while.
Tuesday 20th December 1938
Up early, even colder, in morning finished the History Book: (all in 1 term). Our lavatory tank is frozen, and in morning tap is. In afternoon told Mr Thompson about tomorrow. He said as I had come top I could have a set of books. In evening I got them sorted after great struggle. Went to Miss Elson’s. She said I wasn’t so good so I told her about nan. Dad brought home my overcoat and told me about tomorrow, and I drew map in this book. Mum put two hot irons in my bed.
Wednesday 21st December 1938
Up before 8. Dressed, left home about 8.30, got lost twice in City. At Exchange I went where Tarr told me to, ordinary schools section, I was offered several jobs, and finally went to Messrs Shaw & Son. Was successful and I start 28th December. 15/- a week, after a month, every 3rd Saturday off. He asked me to ad up 2 rows of figures. I got them wrong, but I expect he made allowances for it was the first time I had been in an office. Afternoon I told Thompson they were very pleased. We could do what we liked. Did a play. Leavers got their woodwork models. At home I sorted out some of my things.
Thursday 22nd December 1938
There was a letter from Shaw’s, replied. During day tidied room, did a lot of errands, read books Thompson had given me. Helped mum. Uncle Albert came in evening, gave him all his toys mum had bought. Albert said Abby wanted a train set so I gave him mine worth about £1. Told him how to fit it up.
Friday 23rd December 1938
Up late. Much of the same as yesterday but went up Queens Road in evening with mum.
Saturday 24th December 1938
Up later than usual. Much the same as yesterday. In evening Walter came with turkey but we didn’t hear him so he left it with Reddin’s and Joan gave it to us. Mum and I had our baths. Mrs Dawsett came.
Sunday 25th December 1938 Christmas Day
Up early. During week I had got slippers, shirts, over coat, socks, gloves. Mum gave me 2/-. Dad gave me some money: I went out with Dad in morning but left him. Up the Barking Road I saw a game of cards called “Bobs your Uncle” price 6d so I bought it. Doris came soon after got home. Then I went round to off licence. We were having diner when Walter came because we knew he would be late. Played piano, eat nuts, talked and played “Bobs your Uncle” before tea. After tea Uncle Bob, Liz, Queen, Ed and John came. Was told Queen and John were engaged. Heard a lot of jokes, played several games, did some tricks. Wal and Doris gave me a tin of toffees and cuff-links. Mum cut up an old bowler hat for a joke, and Walter thought it was his. I have never seen such a look on anybody’s face. Liz and Queen road home in Wal’s car about half past 3. Finished up with 4.11.7 ½ d
Monday 26th December 1938 Boxing Day
Up about 10 just after mum and dad. Ern didn’t get up till after we had left in the afternoon. Got washed early and went in front room and looked among things for my detector that I got yesterday. Had dinner, got ready to go out. Plaistow to Charring Cross. We were in 1st class and at Temple an inspector got in but he was in another compartment, before he got to us we were at Charring Cross so we dodged him. At Coliseum we saw Doorlays Christmas RocketXII, wonderful show. 102 stars in 130 minutes. Over 100 artists, dancing, comedian, factory of the rocket, acrobats. At interval I had ice, mum & dad had tea and something to eat brought to them on a tray. Had real tea at Lyons after show then rode to Fitter Lane and Dad showed me how to get there from Blackfriars. At home we played Bobs your uncle, talked and read. Dad drew a map to explain how to get to different parts of London. For supper Dad & I picked over the turkey, and I had some cake.
Tuesday 27th December 1938
Up about 11 after mum & dad. Mum brought up my Wizard. About ¼ past 1 I went for a walk. Dinner at 2. Uncle Bob came just after and arranged for us to go round that evening. Went round about ¼ past 5 had tea. During evening we played cards, and asked puzzles, and went out with Dad and Uncle Bob, and went up to Plaistow Station to get my ticket and I arranged to meet him at 7.30 at Plaistow tomorrow. Left about 11. Uncle bob gave me 2/-.
Book 3
Wednesday 28th December 1938
Got about ½ hours sleep all night. Up before 7, breakfast, left at 7.20, station at 7.27. Met uncle Bob at 7.32. caught special train empty seats all the way. Left 7.35 arrived 8.10 at Shaw’s 8.20. Waited until 9 before I did any work. I was shown round and went to boy whose place I am taking. He got sacked. Very difficult job, not worth 15/- a week but £1. Shown how to enter, answer buzzers, collect different things. He was with another boy 2 weeks, I am with him 3 days. Came home with 2 other boys older than myself arrived home at 5 to 7. Had a good dinner, because I didn’t want much at Shaw’s, dinner hour 12.30 to 1.30. no time off for tea.
Thursday 29th December 1938
Same as yesterday at work except that they gave us invoices to do as well. In morning special train wasn’t running. In evening I read.
Friday 30th December 1938
Same as yesterday. Special train did run. Got wages at 4 o’clock, got 7.6d less 4d. I found out that if I got my cards and gave them to them I should have to give them a fortnights notice. So I didn’t get them. When I got home mum was out, and I forgot my ticket. I went for a walk and met mum. Dad decided I was not going to stay there so he wrote to them. Queen and John came.
Saturday 31st December 1938
Up after 11, got “Daily Telegraph” but no suitable jobs in it. In afternoon I bathed and put best suit on, after tea went round to Uncle Bobs for Queen and Johns engagement party. People there, mum, Dad, Uncle Bob, Aunt Liz, Ed, Bert, John Queen, Hilda, Florrie, Kathleen, Hilda, Ern, Little Ern, Mr & Mrs Sparrowhawk, Irene, Leah, her mother, Elsie, Jack, another of Queen’s work mates, (I can’t remember her name)* and myself.
Very good party games, songs, dances, about 20 to 12 Bobby Lee (the local milkman) came in dressed as a woman, with old fashioned dresses and things on. With him was a man who (it was found afterwards was Ern’s cousin) dressed as a negro) they sang and danced and the negro played the piano then they went, just before 12, they were out in the street so we all went out, they were all singing and dancing in the road about 2 to 12. They formed a procession with drums and things, just as 12 struck all the sirens went.
*Her name was Ivy
Sunday 1st January 1939
We joined hands and sang “Auld Lang Syne” then to put all the other people out we sang “Lambeth Walk”. Supper at gone 2, from then people gradually went. After we went at 5.20 they all went to bed because some of them stopped there. The games I can remember are: Blarney Stone, Nelsons Dead, Ghosts, Joining the club, Cherry in the Flour, Hair in the Water, Queen of Sheba, Poking out the Eye, but there were many others. We slept till 1 when Uncle Bob came, dinner about 3, tea 6, super 10, while I was up I just read and loafed about. Ern said he might join the R.N.V. R. (He was up in the City for the new year.)
Monday 2nd January 1939
Up 5 to 9. Read till about 11.20 then went up laundry, then went up library. Got “Summer Lightning” PG Wodehouse. “C.I.D. Behind the Scenes at Scotland Yard” H.L. Adams. Got Daily Telegraph. Read during day.
Tuesday 3rd January 1939
Up 9. Read, then went to see Mr Tarr. Lot of bother there but it’s alright now. In afternoon went to cinema saw “Border Patrolmen” “60 Glorious Years”. Coming home bought torch 10 ½ d, knife 9d. Read. Went to Miss Elson’s. She gave me a new piece. When I got home I read.
Wednesday 4th January 1939
Up 9. Read. About 10 Collard and Bashford came asking if I was going to see Tarr. Said dad had told me not to. Read all afternoon. In evening went to Roberts’s with Mum. Letter came from Shaw’s said they could claim 1 week’s wages if they wished.
Thursday 5th January 1939
Up 10, went up library got “Lost London” memoir of ex detective Inspector LeesonXIII, and “Bygone Punishments” by William Andrews. In afternoon dad went back to Shaw’s telling them off. In evening we went to Odeon, Mum Dad and I saw “Pygmalion” and “Sinners in Paradise” the cartoon we saw was the same as the one at the Kinema “Fox Hunt”
Friday 6th January 1939
Up just after 9. Read during day and went on several errands. In afternoon I went to get a rabbit from Wynn’s and the chap gave me the wrong one so Charlie sent round one like mum has off of him. Walter came.
Saturday 7th January 1939
Ern had got me 2 batteries I had asked him for. So I was enabled to fix up my speedway, torch and Morse code buzzer. Read. Walter came. West Ham won at Shepherds Bush beat QPR 2-1 in F.A. cup.
Sunday 8th January 1939
In morning stayed in. In afternoon I went for a walk. Went to Princess AliceXIV, walked down the Romford Road till I came to Stratford Broadway, then home past Plaistow station. In evening I read.
Monday 9th January 1939
Up early, went up Lister Institute at ¼ to 9. Was in a room with all the other new ones till about 10 to 10. While there we had to fill up a form, name, address, school, employment wanted etc. then we were divided into groups 2 or 3 boys in technical group 2 or 3 girls in domestic group and the rest 21, (4 boys 17 girls) formed the commerce group. We had, (first lesson I don’t know), Geography, Dinner time, 1.20 Commerce, Shorthand, bookkeeping, play, commerce. In evening I read, and about 7 Emanuel and Halliday knocked for me. We went out for a walk. Home about ½ past 8. Did my shorthand homework.
Tuesday 10th January 1939
Lessons Eng, Mental, Eng. In the last English lesson we had plays, first she found out who had acted, we all had. So she picked a play with 6 characters 4 boys,2 girls so she made the servant a girl to make things even 3-3. The girls were so eager that they are going to understudy one and other. But us 4 boys wouldn’t act so they are waiting for us to change. There are now about 25 in the class. In afternoon Book-Keeping, shorthand, shorthand. In evening listened to wireless, read and went to music.
Wednesday 11th January 1939
Up 8.10. Lessons Shorthand, Shorthand, afternoon Arithmetic, Shorthand Typing, Shorthand is getting harder. Nicknamed the fattest girl in the class fairyfeet.
Thursday 12th January 1939
Up 8.25. lessons, typing shorthand shorthand. P.S. Fairyfeet leant on one of the collapsible desks this morning and couldn’t get up when it fell over. Typing Arithmetic Shorthand. At Playtime I saw dad, he told me he was going to get 2 seats for Peoples Palace Pantomime. In evening I went to beer shop before we went out but it was shut. Then I went round the Odeon had to line up for 6d seats but when he said “you will have to wait more than an hour” I decided to pay a 1/-. Saw “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” “Goodbye Broadway” and Mickeys Parrot”. Left at 20-10 got to beer shop at 10-10 and walked a blister up on my left heel. Mum & dad got home at 12.
Friday 13th January 1939
Up 8.15 lessons typing, English shorthand book-keeping arithmetic commerce. In evening I stayed in while mum went out. At school we got 2 shorthand books and had to sign for them. We were told to put a brown paper cover on them so I started doing that. School sports fund 2d.
Saturday 14th January 1939
Up 10. Finished covering books. Read. Went up library twice got “Humour in our Streets” John Aye. “Child of Storm” Rider Haggard. In afternoon was going up to Greengate but found out it was child’s show, went in evening saw “Meet Mr Penny” “Crime doesn’t Pay” & “3 men & a girl”. Home ½ past 8. Bathed.
Sunday 15th January 1939
Up about 11. Practised then went on errand for Ern. Read. Dinner. Then went for a walk. Home 20-4. Then did homework and read.
Monday 16th January 1939
Lessons Eng, Geog, shorthand, book-keeping, commerce. In evening read and did homework. Went up library, got “Love and Laughter” and “Clerical Chuckles” by John Aye.
Tuesday 17th January 1939
Lessons Eng, Mental English, book-keeping, shorthand, shorthand. Did homework, went to music, went out with David Robinson.
Wednesday 18th January 1939
Lessons Shorthand, shorthand, literature, arithmetic Shorthand Typing. In evening mum head that one of her oldest friend’s little boy had died, she went to see Aunt Lily, who had written to her. While I washed and changed to get ready to go to a social at Lister. Alf Smith was supposed to call for me but he didn’t so I went up there at 6.30. Up there, I played darts, draughts and had my fortune told. Home 8.30 listened to last part of Band Waggon.XV In literature I got a book called “The Little Nugget” P G Wodehouse.
Thursday 19th January 1939
Up 8.20. dinnertime I went to Woolworths bought book and typewriter rubber 3d each. In afternoon got off drill. Bought bottle of milk. In evening went to Broadway with Mum & Dad. Saw “The Amazing Dr Clitterhouse” & “The Cheat”. 2 very good films. Got dad his beer. Spent 1d on spearmint.
Friday 20th January 1939
Same as usual all day.
Saturday 21st January 1939
Practised several times. Went on errands. Fourth round of cup West Ham drew Spurs 3.3 at Boleyn. Re-play on Wednesday. (Editor’s note: repay result was 2:2 second replay was a 2:1 victory for West Ham) Saw Brett and talked to him about Lister.
Sunday 22nd January 1939
In morning went on errand. Stayed in after that. Bob came in afternoon and Ern and him went for practice with polo things over Wanstead.
Monday 23rd January 1939
Same as usual.
Tuesday 24th January 1939
Same as usual. In evening mum went out, when she had been gone a little while uncle Albert came and we were talking until mum came home. Then I went to music. Miss Elson asked me to call during the week for some music, I told I would call Friday evening and she told me to see if I could get any of Erns old pieces.
Wednesday 25th January 1939
Same as usual.
Thursday 26th January 1939
Same as usual. Went to East Ham Palace in evening with M & D. Fairly good show next week they are having a play up there.
Dad hasn’t been very well.
Friday 27th January 1939
Same as usual.
1d for sports. Last lesson was commerce and Mr Perks was out of room most of the time so we had a game. Edwards threw an inkpot at one girl and she caught it and threw it back – she didn’t aim straight – it hit the wall (girls never could aim straight) and it broke. You should have seen the mess it made. I went to social in evening very good up there.
Took back to school “The Little Nugget” no more good books in school library besides that.
Saturday 28th January 1939
Dad stayed in bed. I had to go to a couple of places for him. In evening I went on errand for mum and when I got back Ern was in. He didn’t feel too good. I bathed and Ern washed, had supper and went to bed.
Sunday 29th January 1939
Uncle Bob and Uncle Albert came in morning, rest of day just read and loafed, Ern went Polo-playing in afternoon with his pals. In evening I first felt a pain in my wrist (I had fallen on Friday or Saturday I’m not sure which) so I borrowed Erns strap but it wasn’t tight enough so I put bandage on. Read in dads room later.
Monday 30th January 1939
In morning dad said he would get up and as my wrist was worse he said he would take me to Kyndt’s the doctors so I went up the school and told Parkinson. Dr Kyndt said dad was recovering from influenza and was to keep warm for a few days and he gave me some powder for massage and some lotion for my wrist. A little while after we got home Walter came in his car with aunt Jess, Ethel and her baby. Then I went to Miss Elson’s and told her mother I wouldn’t be coming for a lesson. Went to library got “Modern Tales of the open era“ & “Tales of Detection Mystery and Horror” and went to chemist for some oilskin. went to school in afternoon.
Tuesday 31st January 1939
Same as usual. When I got home in evening Mrs More (whose little boy has just died) was here and put me all behind with my homework.
Wednesday 1st February 1939
Same as usual. After school I had haircut. Went to social in evening. Went up in billiard room for a while, towards the end Smith and 2 others began to try and get off with Betty and wanted her to go with them, but I stopped them – for tonight at least. I think she likes me a lot and we are increasing our friendship gradually. She asked me to lend her a penny but if she offers it back I shall refuse.
Thursday 2nd February 1939
Same as usual. We stopped in in the evening. I read. Ern had been polo-ing.
Friday 3rd February 1939
Dad went for walk in afternoon. Mum went out in evening and just before she got back Mr Wells came round with dads wages.
Saturday 4th February 1939
Dad went to work in afternoon. I went on an errand.
Sunday 5th February 1939
Up late. In afternoon I went to Wanstead with Ern and his pals to see them play polo.
Monday 6th February 1939
Same as usual, nothing much doing.
Tuesday 7th February 1939
Wednesday 8th February 1939
Thursday 9th February 1939
Friday 10th February 1939
Went to social in evening.
Saturday 11th February 1939
Went up library got “50 years of Football” by F Wall and “Night Watches” by W W Jacobs.
Sunday 12th February 1939
In afternoon I went to see Nan’s grave with mum, saw aunt Jill and the lady whose husband was buried 1 hour before nan in the same grave. Saw some other graves as well, Dora’sXVI, uncle Phin’sXVII, Aunt Lizzies.XVIII
Monday 13th February 1939
Went to the library in evening got “War of the Worlds” by H G Wells and “Lord of the Leopards” by F A M Webster
Tuesday 14th February 1939
In evening bought some fags. Had pancakes for dinner.
Wednesday 15th February 1939
Went to social, smoked some fags, played games. Coming home Shorty had a puff of my fag and nearly chocked himself.
Thursday 16th February 1939
In evening went to Lyceum. Mum tripped over a kerb in the Strand and when we got home there was blood everywhere. The Lyceum is to be pulled down so I am going to keep the programmes as a souvenir. It’s a jolly good show “Queen of Hearts”
Friday 17th February 1939
Same as usual. Went to A Smiths house at 33 Northern Road to play billiards.
Saturday 18th February 1939
Went on lots of errands for mum during day.
Sunday 19th February 1939
Went for walk in morning with Nick and in afternoon smoked 3 fags. Before I went for walk with Nick in afternoon I went to the cemetery to see if the frame was on Nan’s grave. It wasn’t. in evening I went for a walk with dad.
Monday 20th February 1939
A new girl came in the afternoon – an Austrian refugee. A boy who was studying German gave Edwards a paper with some on it and Eddie took it to this girl who when she read it started laughing . Afterwards I found out it had on it “you are good looking I like you” and things like that. She called Eddie “the funny little boy”.
Tuesday 21st February 1939
Pancake day, had several pancakes.
Wednesday 22nd February 1939
Same as usual
Thursday 23rd February 1939
Another German refugee came to our school, that makes 5. 1 German girl, 2 Austrians boy and girl, 1 Chinese girl, 1 from Palestine.
In evening I went to Granada with mum and dad. Saw 2 good films & good stage show. Got 2d on a bottle that I found near the Granada. Came home and listened to fight for lightweight championship of G.B. Eric Boon beat Arthur Danaher on tech K.O. 14th round.
Friday 24th February 1939 to Wed 2nd March 1939
Nothing much doing. Went to 2 socials both good. Once Smith and I got there early & played table tennis for ¾ of an hour.
Thursday 2nd March 1939
In evening went to Broadway with Smith saw George Formby “It’s in the Air” & “Breaking the Ice” Bobby Breen. Smoked several cigarettes. Mum & Dad went to see “Running Riot” at the Gaiety.
Friday 3rd March 1939
In evening mum went out and I stopped in just after mum & dad came home the mirror fell but I saved it. Mum gave me 3d.
Saturday Sunday not much going on
Saturday went to library got “Tarka the Otter” “Puzzles” and answers.
Sunday, I went for a walk with Smith who is starting work tomorrow in the Daily Mirror offices. In evening I went to his house.
Monday 6th March 1939
In afternoon us boys made a complaint to Parkinson that Miss Hornet was going too fast for us. She got on to us but it was worth it.
Tuesday 7th March 1939
Went to music in evening.
Wednesday 8th March 1939
Same as usual. Listened to Band Waggon.
Thursday 9th May 1939
Went to Odeon. Mum & Dad went to Adelphi. I saw Ritz Bros in “Room Service” and Tom Walls “Old Iron”. Smoked two cigs. when I got home Ern & Ted were playing cards, I took Smiths case round to his house then came home. Did homework & played cards.
Friday 10th March 1939
Same as usual. Went to Social saw Smith about 8. When I got home Jack & his bride to be came to see us.
Saturday 11th March 1939
Went on errands, read. Mum went to cemetery. In evening I went to Woolworths.
Sunday 12th March 1939
In morning did some homework. Afternoon Smith called but I was playing table tennis with Ern. Went to cemetery. After tea Smith called again. Went round to his house and played games. Went for walk after with him, smoked.
Monday 13th March 1939
Smith came round, he had been trying to get me a job where he works, but it was filled, he found out there were no prospects.
Tuesday 14th March 1939
Went to music. When I got home I was doing my homework. Doris & Ted’s sister were round, she kept nudging her mother to find out what I was doing – shorthand. Then Jack came.
I: Still available on Amazon
II: Wikipedia
Tit-Bits from all the interesting Books, Periodicals, and Newspapers of the World, more commonly known as Tit-Bits, was a British weekly magazine founded by an early father of popular journalism George Newnes on 22 October 1881. It came as a direct response to the Elementary Education Act 1870 which made education compulsory for children and hence produced a new young generation able to read. The magazine’s headquarters moved from Manchester to London where it paved the way for popular journalism — most significantly, the Daily Mail was founded by Alfred Harmsworth, a contributor to Tit-Bits, and the Daily Express was launched by Arthur Pearson, who worked at Tit-Bits for five years after winning a competition to get a job on the magazine.
From the outset, the magazine was a mass-circulation commercial publication on cheap newsprint which soon reached sales of between 400,000 and 600,000. Like a mini-encyclopedia it presented a diverse range of tit-bits of information in an easy-to-read format, with the emphasis on human interest stories concentrating on drama and sensation. It also featured short stories and full-length fiction, including works by authors such as Rider Haggard and Isaac Asimov, plus three very early stories by Christopher Priest.
The first humorous article by P. G. Wodehouse, “Men Who Missed Their Own Weddings”, appeared in Tit-Bits in November 1900. During the first world war Ivor Novello won a Titbits competition to write a song soldiers could sing at the front: he penned Keep the Home Fires Burning.
Pin-ups appeared on the magazine’s covers from 1939 and by 1955 circulation peaked at 1,150,000. On 18 July 1984, under its last editor Paul Hopkins, Tit-Bits was selling only 170,000 copies and was taken over by Associated Newspapers’ Weekend. At the time, the Financial Times described Titbits as “the 103-year-old progenitor of Britain’s popular press” (Tit-Bits lost the hyphen from its masthead at the beginning of 1973). Weekend itself closed in 1989.
III: Wikipedia
The Wizard was launched as a weekly British story paper on 22 September 1922, published by D. C. Thomson & Co. It was merged with The Rover in September 1963, becoming Rover and Wizard, and renamed The Rover in August 1969. The Wizard was relaunched on 14 February 1970, and continued until 10 June 1978, by which time 1,970 issues had been produced.
IV: Psmith in the City is a novel by P. G. Wodehouse, first published on 23 September 1910 by Adam & Charles Black, London. The story was originally released as a serial in The Captain magazine, between October 1908 and March 1909, under the title The New Fold. It continues the adventures of cricket-loving Mike Jackson and his immaculately-dressed friend Psmith, first encountered in Mike Jackson.
V: Richard Essex (1878-1968) pseudonym of Richard Starr. English author, who wrote stories for the influential paper The Thriller which were recycled as novels. The serial character in the mysteries written under his pseudonym is always Jack Slade of Scotland Yard, formerly John Darrell MP, who drifted into the police force as a road from shame. His recurring adversary is the master-crook Lessinger. The novels written under his real name Richard Starr have no serial characters.
VI: Wikipedia
Arthur Henry Ward (15 February 1883 – 1 June 1959), better known as Sax Rohmer, was a prolific English novelist. He is best remembered for his series of novels featuring the master criminal Dr. Fu Manchu
VII: From History for Sale ETHEL REVNELL (1896-1978) and GRACIE WEST (d. 1989) formed a comedy team featured in stage pantomimes, music hall variety shows, and feature films of the 1930s and forties. Revnell was over six feet tall, West under five; so together they were known as The Long and the Short of It. They appeared in five films, from Father O’Flynn (1935) to Up the Lark (1943). West retired in 1953, while Revnell kept performing as a solo act.
VIII: Wikipedia
Ukridge is a collection of short stories by P.G. Wodehouse, first published in the United Kingdom on June 3, 1924 by Herbert Jenkins, London, and in the United States on July 30, 1925 by George H. Doran, New York, under the title He Rather Enjoyed It. The stories had previously appeared in Cosmopolitan Magazine in the US and in the Strand Magazine in the UK. The book contains ten short stories relating the adventures of Stanley Featherstonehaugh Ukridge, narrated by Ukridge’s long-suffering friend, the writer “Corky” Corcoran.
IX: Wikipedia
The Mazawattee Tea Company, founded in 1887 by the Densham family, was one of the most important and most advertised tea firms in England during the late 19th century
NB are selling these vintage diaries.
X: Alice Louisa Ovens Aged 72 years Interred at East London Cemetery
XI: C.E. Hitchcock, undertaker, 378 Barking Road Plaistow.
XII: Doorlay’s Christmas Rocket BBC Television, 13 January 1939 21.00
Synopsis by permission of Sir Oswald Stoll, the first act of Doorlay’s Christmas Rocket, with Ruth Hasse, Gold and Cordell, Johnny Riscoe, Julita and her Spanish Dancers, Olding’s Crazy Gang, Carter, The Mazzoni’s Trio, The Five Olympic Rings, Arthur Pond and Company, The Lily Aven Trio, The Yu-Nan-Chen Company, Schamil’s Russian Company, Doorlay’s Eighteen Midget Ponies, Popow’s Cossack Choir, and the Twenty-four Betty Hobbs Girls, will be televised direct from the London Coliseum.
Information from Genome beta Radio Times 1923-2009
XIII: Lost London: The memoirs of an East End Detective by Ex-det. Sergeant B. Leeson (Author)
XIV: The Princess Alice Public House. In the heaviest night of the blitz, 19th April 1941, the Princess Alice, the shopping terrace opposite and the bank and cinema on the south side of Romford Road were bombed.
XV: Wikipedia
Band Waggon was a comedy radio show broadcast by the BBC from 1938 to 1940. The first season featured Arthur Askey and Richard Murdoch. In the second season, Askey and Murdoch were joined by Syd Walker, and the third season added Diana Clare for two episodes.Band Waggon was co-produced by Gordon Crier and Harry S. Pepper and was the first comedy show to be designed specifically for radio. Together with Monday Night at Seven, it established the practice of broadcasting a regular comedy and music programme at the same time each week. The show ended in 1940, allowing Askey to pursue a career in film and Murdoch to join the Royal Air Force. A show of the same name and starring Askey and Murdoch with Tommy Trinder was playing at the London Palladium when the Second World War broke out.
XVI: Dora Florence Redhead, Don’s sister who died before he was born on 06.06.1912 aged 14 months.

XVII: Phinias James Ovens died 06.01.1926 age 33
XVIII: Probably Elizabeth Allaway died 27.05.29 age 49