Books 4 – 8: 15/03/1939 – 31/03/1940
Book 4
Wednesday 15th March 1939
In evening I went to social, before that I had been looking for mum – I had her key and she had been to the hairdressers. I left at 8 to listen to the final “Band Waggon”. The BBC ‘best ever’ show. Dicky and Arthur were repeating bits of the previous “Band Waggon” and they brought in all ‘Bigs’ famous sayings, “light the blue paper and retire immediately” “I don’t suppose it’ll matter” etc, and at the end they all said good bye and the finale was Dicky and Big trudging off with Basil Lucy and Lewis.
Thursday 16th March 1939
In afternoon, while I was at school mum and dad went to Rainham to see one of dad’s customers – I had been asked but didn’t go. In evening Ern and I had tea. Dad enlarged table for tennis while I went on errand. Ern fixed up a net and then Bruce came. Ern went to a dance at 7.30 and we played a lot of table tennis and a game of dice.
Friday 17th March 1939
In evening I went to the ‘Greengate’ and saw “Dracula’s Daughter” and “Bride of Frankenstein” “H” films.I
Dad brought home my new suit. Mum said Smith had been. In afternoon I showed my school round Lister and saw Mr Mackinnon.
Saturday 18th March
Stopped in except for an errand and in evening I went up Queens Road with mum.
Sunday 19th March 1939
Stopped in all day. In evening I played cards and other games. Dad gave me 1 of the new British stamps that had come out a couple of weeks ago.
Monday 20th March 1939
Dad got me the other new stamp. Stopped in and did home work.
Tuesday 21st March 1939
Mum went out in evening and I went to music. Came home and did homework.
Wednesday 22nd March 1939
Jack came with his girl.
Thursday 23rd March 1939
In evening Dad went up City and mum and I went up the Premier. Saw Will Hay “Old Bones of the River” and a murder film.
Friday 24th March 1939
In evening went to Social.
Saturday 25th March 1939
Stayed in except for some errands. Mum went to cemetery. At library I got “Boodle” L. Charteris (The Saint Stories) and “More William” R. Crompton.
Sunday 26th March 1939
Went to Cemetery and for walk with Smith, in evening went to his house.
Monday 27th March 1939
Stopped in in evening except for errands.
Tuesday 28th March 1939
Went to music in evening.
Wednesday 29th March 1939
Mr Jewry came back to school. In evening I went to social. I only got a couple of games because ½ a dozen of the big ones pinched the table and we couldn’t get to it. About 8 there was some fuss about a man that was hanging about outside, but some of us (about 4) went out and there was no one there. Before I went to the social I went to the Post Office and they gave me 7d too much in my change. While I was in there some kids slung a stink bomb in.
Thursday 30th March 1939
In evening went to Premier with mum and dad. Pretty good show up there.
Friday 31st March 1939
Broke up.
In morning didn’t do any work had drill, watched Commerce beat Tech 10-4 at rugby. Also Cambridge beat Oxford 12-7 at netball.
Saturday 1st April 1939
Cambridge won boat race. Helped mum.
Sunday 2nd April 1939
Went to cemetery.
Monday to Thursday
Helped mum, read books, didn’t go out much. Had these books,
By W W Jacobs
“Sailors’ Knots”
“Sea Urchins”
“Odd Craft”
“A gentleman of Leisure” Wodehouse
Friday 7th April 1939
In evening went to Central Hall to hear concert.
Helped mum
Stopped in
Monday 10th April 1939
Went up City in afternoon, went for walk round then at 6 went to Hippodrome Leicester Square to see Vic OliverII in “Black and Blue”. Fairly good show.
Tuesday 11th April 1939
Went up library got “At the Earths Core” E.R. Burroughs and “The mystery of Dr Fu Manchu” Sax Rohmer.
Wednesday 12th April 1939
Put up fence and creosoted it.
Thursday 13th April 1939
Smith came in evening.
Friday 14th April 1939 to Saturday 22nd April 1939
Not much except that Ern was out from Monday 17th To Saturday 22nd with laryngitis. On 22nd went to cemetery with mum and Ern.
Library Books –
”The 4th Plague” E Wallace
“Boodle and Return of the Saint” by L. Charteris
“Dr Sally” and “Something Fresh” PG Wodehouse and another book.
At music got a new piece. Very good too. Waltz medley.
Sunday 23rd April 1939
Went for walk, met some of the boys. In evening played games.
Monday 24th April 1939
Went to library in evening got “Luck of the Bodkins” PG Wodehouse
“Once more the Saint” L Charteris.
Tuesday 25th April 1939
Music in evening. She said I am getting on very well. Walter came with Chris in evening about 9. He said he had been listening to the budget. Tobacco and car tax and sugar up: cinema down and other changes. Wal said he was going to flog his car and get as much out of it as he can.
Mr Jewry is much better than Ronkovitch for Gym. He has the equipment out.
Wednesday 26th April 1939
Conscription 18-21 years old 4-6 months service a year. Semi-official but almost sure to be passed in all papers. Bought packet of tenner’s.III
Thursday 27th April 1939
Went for walk in evening with dad. Bought some sweets. Mum has got Erns illness and has lost her voice.
Friday 28th April 1939
Stayed in in evening.
Saturday 29th April 1939
In afternoon I went over Prince Regent Lane grounds to play cricket with school.
Saturday 30th April 1939
Went for walk in afternoon, it rained. Read in evening.
Monday May 1st 1939
Tuesday May 2nd 1939
Lost 1 ½ d at school. Went to music. Miss Elson said I would probably start a new piece next week. Went to library got “General Besserley’s Puzzle Box “ E P Oppenheim
“The Invisible Man” H G Wells.
Ern went to Stratford Empire with some pals and got us 3 seats.
Wednesday 3rd May 1939
Thursday 4th May 1939
In evening went Stratford Empire to see Arthur Askey in Band Waggon. There were about 4 or 5 acts in first half (Arthur was one). Then Band Waggon was on in second half. It is a very good show. Stinker was in it.
Friday 5th May 1939
Stopped in in evening.
Saturday 6th May 1939
Went to library got “Saint Overboard” Charteris
“Lord Emsworth and others“ Wodehouse
In morning went to Coates for Dad.
Sunday May 7th 1939
Went to Mr Ody’s in afternoon with dad.
Monday May 8th 1939
Tuesday May 9th 1939
Music had new piece crossing hands called Melody D’Amour
Wednesday 10th May 1939
Thursday 11th May 1939
Went to Granada saw Music Hall top liners Kate Carney etc and “the Lady Objects” and another film.
Friday 12th May 1939
Saturday 13th May 1939
Played against Grafton the champions. Beat us 78 -19. I made 3 runs, 3rd best score on our side.
Sunday 14th May 1939
In morning Ern went to phone Bob. I went with him but phone box had been jammed by a penny, so we went to the other one but there was a skirt in there fiddling about but when she had gone Ern told the operator about the jammed phone and then got on to Bobs house but he had gone, when we got home Bob had been and gone back again but he came back. Ern gave me 3d. in afternoon went for a walk met Tunnage smoked 2 fags each.
Monday 15th May 1939
Tuesday 16th May 1939
Music. Library books for past week-
“Odd Craft “ by Will Jacobs
“Theatre Organ” by Reginald Foort
“The Lost World” “The Maracot Deep” both by A.C Doyle.
Wednesday 17th May 1939
Thursday 18th May 1939
Got sent home for nothing. Parkinson a twerp in afternoon. I took my book back. Parkinson said he wanted to see mum so she went up and I’ve got to go there tomorrow about a job.
Wrote after 2 jobs
Thursday 25th May 1939
Dad gave me 1/- . The job was at Silvertown. Job was no good 10/- a week. In evening went to Granada by myself.
Saturday 27th May 1939
In afternoon went to library with Jack. Got “The Night Watches” by W W Jacobs and an omnibus by W W Jacobs and “A century of Humour” by P.G. Wodehouse.
Sunday 28th May 1939
Went to cemetery in afternoon.
Monday 29th May 1939
Bank Holiday
In morning went to Wanstead fair with dad. In afternoon went to West Ham park to hear band with dad. In evening went for walk with dad. Got some ices and put out a fire two little kids had started in an empty shop – they were pushing lighted paper under the door. Later dad wrote up to Banks for one of their Gem series “Musical Medley” and their catalogue.
Tuesday 30th May 1939
Helped mum do the spring cleaning
Wednesday 31st May 1939
Got letter to say I am to go to 10 Drapers Gardens, Throgmorton Avenue, for an interview with Mr Barnier of May Elder & Co Solicitors tomorrow. Helped mum spring clean.
Thursday 1st June 1939
Postman brought my music, jolly good too but a bit hard. Went for interview. If I get a letter tomorrow I’ve got the job so I hope to get the letter. While I was in Throgmorton Street I only saw two top hats – worn by doormen. In evening went to West Ham park with mum and dad to hear band – same as last Monday’s band.
Friday 2nd June 1939
Saturday 3rd June 1939
Sunday 4th June 1939
Monday 5th June 1939
Tuesday 6th June 1939
Went up library and got a job that said applicants were to be at a place tomorrow.
Started reading folio music.
Wednesday 7th June 1939
At 10 am got 2 more addresses. Saw mum. Went to Ibex house in the Minories first and at 10 to 11 I was ringing dad up to tell him I got the job. There are 2 boys. The other one started at Xmas with 13/6d p.w. in a month he was getting 15/- and now £1. I am getting 15/- now. Not very hard work think I’ll take it. It’s a new firm started last September next September they are extending to the next floor.
Thursday 8th June
Working a bit harder at work. There are Mr White Miss Keen, Miss Bakley Mr Philo Mr Clare Mr Faddi Mr Raz Mr Gross Mr Kalman Mr Evans. Kalman is a Hungarian. Mr Evans is The boss and a rotter as well. Everyone else is alright. I have to go on many errands.
Dad saw Mr Tarr and got my season ticket ready. Ern brought Bob home.
Friday 9th June 1939
Got my season ticket. In evening dad gave me a wallet. Wages were 8/3d
Saturday 10th June 1939
Had to be in at 8.30 but away at 12.30 but didn’t get away till 25 past 1. Had bath in afternoon. In evening Walter came then went to Dads shop for a raincoat (17/11). then went to Odeon saw ”Topper takes a Trip” and “Strange Faces”. Smoked 2 fags.
Sunday 11th June 1939
Up late, in afternoon helped to clear out cupboard on landing. Library books I got on 3rd June “A Century of Creepy Stories” “The Man Upstairs“ Wodehouse. In evening went for a walk with Dad.
Monday 12th June 1939
Work again, why is it we have to work? Think how nice it would be to be in the Stone age just roaming around hunting your food. The nearest we can get to is in the jungles of other lands. Well if I get a lot of money I will got for a trip round the world. Work wasn’t too bad. Had to go to the Polish Consulate. When I got there I was told it had moved to Portland Place near the BBC. I found it at last and are they slow? I was kept hanging about for a hell of a while but at least I saw the Consul. He was as bad though hanging about talking.
Tuesday 13th June 1939
Went to music. Miss Elson had been told by mum about me starting work and she said 8 would do but could I come early next week. I started a new piece she said I read some too easily.
Wednesday 14th June 1939
Thursday 15th June 1939
Dad gave me key Ern had made for me.
Friday 16th June 1939
Mum gave me a key ring she had got me
Saturday 17th June 1939
I had decided to get some music at Ebblewhites but they were shut so I went to a shop in Green Street. Got 4 Gem books @ 5d each and the man said he could get me some more by next Saturday. Later I met Tuck and went round to his house in Western Road.
Went to library, got “Lady of the Barge” and “Short Cruises” both by WW Jacobs. Also got form to fill in for new tickets.
Sunday 18th June 1939
Up late. Decided not to keep my 3 sixpences that are souvenirs. Wore new suit.
Monday to Friday 30th
Have had no time to write anything but have bought lot of music, learnt a bit at work. Dad started his holiday.
25th June
Went to a lot of places with mum. On 25th we went to Southend and Ern went to Caster holiday camp and took my camera. Had a good time at Southend.
Sat 1st July – Friday 7th July.
During week Mr Evans went to Budapest. Whilst he was away got home earlier of a night. On Friday I got a new season ticket form for dad to fill in.
Saturday 8th July 1939
White said he was going to get a loose leaf album with a lot of stamps in it for 4/- off a friend. Asked him to show it to me and if he could to get an album for me like it (they’re only 2/6), he said he would. When I got home I sorted out my stamps.
Sunday 9th July 1939
Uncle Albert came in morning. In afternoon finished sorting stamps. Evening went to Odeon saw “Fire Fighters” – “Tip-off Girls”.
Mum and dad went on coach trip.
Monday 10th July 1939
A little trouble @ work but fairly good day. Went to library got “Money for Nothing “Wodehouse. “Book of horrors” Wallace. Mr Coleman came in for a while to see his dad. Saw Whites album but I don’t think I’ll ask him to get me one.
Tuesday 11th July 1939
Went to Chambers of Commerce & Romanian Consulate. In evening dad brought home a box for me which I turned into a filing cabinet for my stamps. While I was going to C of C I saw in Lime Street a stamp dealers and found they sold S.G. 5/-, loose leaf albums for 4/- , refills 2/6 per 100 when I got home and told dad he gave me 10/- to buy one. I’ll get it tomorrow and White said he’ll come with me.
Wednesday 12th July 1939
Went to C of C.
From then until 23rd July 1939 I have abandoned my Diary. A summary is this. I have learned some more, visited a good few places from work. Last Sunday went to Odeon saw “Alf’s Button Afloat” with the Crazy Gang and “Rio Grande Ranger.
On Saturday 22nd July White came and we exchanged stamps and at 8 we went to Odeon saw “Les Misérables” Fredric March, Charles Laughton and another film. On Sunday (today) finished sorting stamps again.
23rd July – 9th Aug.
Not much doing . Started new book of music. 1 Aug. 6 Aug (Sunday) went to Odeon with M&D saw Will Hay in “Hey Hey USA” and “Main Event”. 7th Aug (Monday) went to Ally Pally with M&D.
10th Aug – 24th Sept
Saw Will Hay in “Ask a Policeman”.
One day had to go to Cricklewood with a clock.
Germany started on Poland on 1 Sept. On 3rd we declared war on Germany at 11 am, France at 6 pm. As war started we had a warning and after one or two more we had no more raids for about 2 or 3 weeks.
I finished with Evans on the 28th Sept and wrote after about 7 jobs. Went up library about 12 times got some good books including “Legion of the lost” “With the Secret Service in Morocco” “The Truth about Poison Gas” “Air Attacks on Cities” “The Truth about the Legion” “Sam the Sudden” “the Man Upstairs” and a lot of others. Went to pictures over a dozen times up to date films seen include “Do it now” “ 4 Feathers” “ Idiots Delight” “Woman against Woman “ “Ladies in Distress” “Heritage of the Desert” “Chasing Danger” “I was a Captive of Nazi Germany” “The face at the window” “Murder in Studio X”
WalsIV birthday 16 Oct Ern’s birthday 4 Oct. on Saturday got new rabbit. On Monday got 5 more songs.
Thursday 19 October 1939
In morning I got a letter from A Dolland & Co Solicitors of 158 Bishopsgate to go for interview at 11.30. while I was up there I got dad some port. It’s now 3/6d per bottle. If I get a letter on Monday it means I’ve got the job.
In evening I went to Odeon saw “Lambeth Walk” “The Flying Irishman” “Goonland”.
Friday 20th October
Went up library in morning got “Hangman’s Holiday” “Sayers and “Sing Sing Nights” Keeler.
In evening went up Queens Road with mum.
Saturday 21st October 1939
Went up library with Den in morning. Got “How Dare You Sir” by Noel Godber – an excellent book and I must try to get some more of his works, they are very funny and rather daring, and “Thieves Nights” by H. Keeler. In the afternoon I went to the Carlton with Den saw “Jamaica Inn” and “Blondie Meets the Boss”.
I’ve just thought of a couple more films I saw – they are:
“Battle of Broadway”
“Swiss Miss”
“Woman Doctor”
“3 smart girls grow up”
“A Gentleman’s Gentleman”
“The fatal glass of beer”
“Streets of New York”
Sunday 22nd October 1939
Got up late, dressed. About 4pm had tea then went to Odeon saw “The Hollywood Stadium Mystery” and “The Call of the Yukon”. When I got home I got one of dads books “Valentine Vox”V and read bits of it.
I wonder whether I’m going to get a letter from Dolland tomorrow, if I don’t I shall be broke for I don’t know how long I’ve only got about 2d left now and I want to see “The Mikado” at the Odeon this week and I want to keep up my record of going to the Odeon twice a week. It was quite light as I walked home tonight. The moon was out. Coming home I was thinking of something that’s been running in my head for a long while the idea of writing a “Blackout Mystery” with a Marine murder and plenty of murders but I’m afraid I wouldn’t have the patience to write a story – at least a long story – and a small one wouldn’t be worthwhile on a subject that worth a good strong plot. Why, if it was good enough I recon some people would be too scared to go out at night, once when I was talking to Lenny about it one night and it scarred him alright.
There’ll probably be a revolution in Germany soon because of the way things are happening. There’s been a lot of raids lately but all up north and along the coast and I reckon that they’ve lost a good few planes and I think the Siegfried line will be flooded if there’s much more rain in France. “The French have retreated and left the Germans in possession of several miles of mud” said the news bulletin. It seems funny to me that they haven’t mentioned any British soldiers fighting yet – Doris told me that the British are behind Belgium and Switzerland in case the Germans try to break through.
I’m going to make a list of authors whose books I like so far I’ve got
H. Keeler
N. Godber
A.C. Doyle
R. Crompton
E.R. Burroughs
L. Charteris
P.G. Wodehouse
H.G. Wells
E. Wallace
D. Sayers
S. Rohmer
H. Cockton
That’s a start anyway. I think I make a list on a special piece of paper when I’ve got them all and then if I can’t find 2 books I like in the library out of them – well.
In the book “How dare You, Sir!” by Noel Godber a lot of trouble is caused by a diary of a girl in which she writes several intimate things about herself and other people and when her Aunt the Villainess gets the diary there’s trouble in store for her – but still it ends all right. So I think I’d better keep this book and my others very carefully.
It isn’t often I write as much as this – only when I feel like it, so I don’t suppose I’ll always have such interesting episodes to read when I’m older. But still a few good parts make up for a lot of that. Reminds me of a joke I saw in a book up the library.
There was a farmer who had a sick cat so his wife rang up the vet who told her to “Boil up ½ a pound of Epsom salts and give her” so she did. That evening the vet saw the farmer and said “how’s the cow” so the farmer said “That weren’t no cow but a cat, but it’s alright. She is in yonder field with 10 of her cronies 4’s digging holes, 4 ‘s filling holes and 2’s looking out for new ground. – not a bad joke and that reminds me of a joke told last Christmas that I’ve remembered all this time because it’s so good. There was a man who went to a dance hall and had never been to this particular dance hall before.
Book 5
And when he wanted to go to the lavatory, he went to the M.C. who told him “Upstairs on yuor left”. So went upstairs, turned left – and found himself on the roof and he found a hole after a while he did it down that. When he got down stairs he found the Hall empty and the M.C. walking about flicking himself so went up to him and said “Where are the dancers” so the M.C. said “never mind the dancers but wait till I get hold of the sod who shit down the fan shaft.”
Mum has been writing to Harold and she going to finish it tomorrow so that she can tell him whether I got the letter or not. Now I’m going to read my old diaries and find the best parts.
Monday 23rd October 1939
Up about ¼ to 9. Read papers then went on a couple of errands and brought my “Everybody’s”VI with my last 2d. Then went up library, got one address. Then I read again.
Further list of authors
H. Keeler Rohmer
N Godber H.Cockton
A.C. Doyle B. Perowne
R. Compton
ER Burroughs
L Chartreus
PG Wodehouse
H.G. Wells
E. Wallace
D Sayers
After dinner I wrote to this firm. I went up library got “The Spectacles of Mr Cagliostro” and “Tiger” both by H. Keller
Tuesday 24th October 1939
Went up J.E.B. in morning, walked there and back because I haven’t any money. When I got back Mrs Ryder had had a load of sand and as she couldn’t get rid of it all we had some of it then I helped her – and worked up a lovely blister. In the afternoon I went to music – Miss Elson asked me if I had any other music so I told her about my “Gem” books – but not the “new” tunes. I had bought and she asked me to take some next time I go.
When I was coming out, she said “if ever you are home of a day come round but I suppose it’s only a lucky day now and again” so I told her about my being out of work. When I got back I picked 9 “Gem” books to take next time. In the evening I went to the Odeon with mum to see “The Mikado” and “Society Smugglers” intending to meet dad in there, but we didn’t see him until it was over, when it transpired he was probably sitting in the same row as us. “The Mikado” is a wonderful film and it has got “encores” if a song has been clapped enough. The film is shown again. “The Mikado” was the first Gilbert and Sullivan Opera to be screened and I think it is one of the best films I have ever seen. The Odeon has been getting some of the best films going for a long while now and there are a lot more to come.
Wednesday 25th October 1939
Stopped in all day except for a couple of errands. In the evening heard that butter or marg ration together would be 3ozs per week per person.
Thursday 26th October 1939
Up late. Mum went to meet dad and see “The Little Dog Laughed” at the Palladium. At 20 to 1 when Ern came in, I gave him his dinner then he went to sleep. In the evening we went to the Carlton and saw “Beau Geste” and “The Adventures of Jane Arden”.
When we got home mum and dad were in.
Friday 27th October 1939
Wrote to two firms. Went up library. Got “The Mikado” Gilbert & Sullivan & “English Review Books of Short Stories” Shipp.
Saturday 28th October 1939
Got 4 addresses to write to. Must get back this book from library “English Review book of short stories” by Shipp, I’m taking it back so that I can get a book of Schubert’s Music.
They didn’t have any of Schubert’s music thought so I got Mirth & Melody Piano Albums 1 & 2
Sunday 29th October 1939
Got up late, stayed in all day, in evening Ern & I played cards.
Monday 30th October 1939
Wrote to one firm went up library got “Book of Indoor Games Phillips & Westall” “Hoyle’s Games Modernised Dawson”.
Tuesday 31st October 1939
Wrote to one firm. In evening I went to music and took 9 of my Gem books. Miss Elson gave me a manuscript book and an exercise book. She said 3 of the books were alright.
Wednesday 1st November 1939
In morning I went up library and got a firm in Cheapside to go to. When I got up there the job was filled so I walked back to Ibex House and the porter took all my particulars and said he would see what could be done. In evening played cards.
Thursday 2nd November 1939
Went up library in morning. In evening went to Premier with mum & dad. Saw “Shipyard Sally” “Double Daring” “The Painter”.
List of Patience games:
Sir Tommy trans of cards
Aces get all aces at bottom of 4 columns by taking the lowest card of each suit and leaving only the highest.
Pairs lay out 4 cards if there is a pair touching lay two more and so on till you either finish the pack or get 4 rows of 4 cards take out any pair of cards touching in any way and shifting up cards.
Chinese Puzzle lay out all cards in 4 rows and put aces at the left and then shifting cards into the spaces get 4 complete laid out. If you are stuck, you can shuffle the cards twice
Tower of Hanoi 3 columns of 5 cards make them into one column with 10 at top and 1 at bottom
Clock Patience and The Travellers both the same except in that one is laid out like a clock and in the other a square is made of the 12 packets of 4 cards each. Then one of the 4 over is turned up and put at the bottom of the pack of the same number and the top car of this is turned up and so on. The patient is won when all cards are in their right place and the King together.
Block Eleven 3 rows of 3 cards laid out adding to 11 covered by two more cards also if K.Q.J. turn up they are covered. Try to get all pack on board. If blocked on card can be dealt on packet.
Baccarat patience
As you deal out 3 rows of 3 cards if a 9 or 2 cards adding to 9 are laid, they are covered likewise if K.Q.J.10 all turn up if 3 rows of 3 cards are dealt the patience is lost. If all cards are dealt, then they must be picked up again in 9s or K.Q.J. 10.s.
Golf Patience 7 rows of 5 cards turned up and top of next turned up and any card of next suit whether higher or lower is played on it and so on. Nothing goes on top of a king, when stack is used up count up cards on board this is score for the hole (there are 9 holes) if stack is used up count 0 if board is used before stack count stack and subtract them from total score.
Friday 3rd November 1939
Went to the library and got “William the Rebel” and “The luck of the Bodkins”. In the evening mum fell over and hurt her knee coming home from Queens Road.
Saturday 4th November 1939
Went to Library got “William Again” R Compton and “Just William”. Went to Odeon saw “Spy in Black” “Tomorrow at Midnight” “Point of View” “The Pointer”
Sunday 5th November 1939
Ern got some stuff and refilled several dud batteries. In the evening we played cards.
Monday 6th November 1939
Went to library got “Stories for Speeches” SJ Wicks “William in Trouble.
Tuesday 7th November 1939
Went on errand. When I got back Rose was there then I went to music. When I got back, I sorted my stamps.
Wednesday 8th November 1939
Got out my pintable. Didn’t do much.
Thursday 9th November 1939
In the afternoon went to the Odeon with M &D saw “Goodbye Mr Chips” which is a wonderful film and I would like to see it again. “Clockwise” “Swing Vacation” “Donald’s Penguins”. In the evening played dominoes.
Friday 10th November 1939
In the evening I went to the library. They’ve got “Goodbye Mr Chips” and “To you Mr Chips”. I must get them. got “William the Gangster” “More William”.
Saturday 11th November 1939
Mum bought me a poppy but as there were no sirens very few people observed the 2 minutes silence. Mum and I did.
In the morning a letter came from Campbell’s Soup 3 Lombard St. to go up for an interview between 9.30 – 10 o/clock on Monday.
Went up to the library got “Williams Happy Days” “William the Conqueror”.
In the evening when Ern came home, he said he was going to a party. Just before he went, he gave me 1/- Dad gave me 3/- got my hair cut in the afternoon. U. Albert came in evening.
Sunday 12th November 1939
Up late read paper. In the afternoon I pressed my trousers for the first time. It’s easier than I thought. Then I went for a walk. Came back had tea. Read in evening and did stamps.
Monday 13th November 1939
Up early, when I got up to Lombard St, I saw another boy and I thought he was after the job – he got it. There were 5 of us. One of us came from Bromley Kent and I took home to Blackfriars S. Electric station. Home just after 1.
In afternoon went up library. She was up there by herself and there were some kids who wouldn’t go home when she told them too and when I was coming out, they said they were waiting for me – a crowd of dirty kids – cheeky devils. I asked her to reserve “Goodbye Mr Chips” and “To You Mr Chips”. She said “Goodbye Mr Chips” was in now but someone had taken it. In evening read “The Romantic Life of Maurice Chevalier” W. Boyer and “Hitler as Frankenstein” Steel. U Bob and Aunt Liz came to say that as John had been called up Queen and he would be getting married in about a fortnight. Sorted stamps.
Tuesday 14th November 1939
Went to J.E.B. in morning. About 11 a card came to say “To You Mr Chips” was in so I took back “The Romantic Life of Maurice Chevalier” to get it. In afternoon went to music. & Albert came in evening.
Wednesday 15th November 1939
Didn’t do much all day. Sorted stamps, read.
Thursday 16th November 1939
In the afternoon dad brought home a Directory and we made a list of about 100 Chartered Accountants that I’m going to see Monday.
Friday 17th November 1939
Not much doing all day
Saturday 18th November 1939
Found out that Queen is going to be married tomorrow as John has got a leave of 48 hours. I found it out at 1 o’clock when I went round. Went to library got “Voice of the 7 Sparrows” H.S. Keeler and “Inorganic Chemistry” TM Lowry.
Sunday 19th November 1939
Jolly fine time at Queenies wedding. There were about 30 of us. Ern went in the afternoon but came back later. Phyllis (one of the bridesmaids is jolly good but she’s 17 now). We had a lot of tricks and games. It was arranged that Hilda, Florrie, and some others were coming round to try our piano and hear me play because Hilda thought I was a good player.

Monday 20th November 1939
When I went up city, I thought I was going to get a job right away but I didn’t. I got a job anyway at a shipping office “Thurley & co”. I have been there for Evans before. They are the best firm I’ve been with – but they’ve got a switch board that’s the drawback.
Bought a packet of U.S.A. stamps (100 for 2/-) 72 of them (about) I want.
Tuesday 21st November 1939
Went again still alright. In evening I went to music and she lent me a book about music to read. I wish I could have gone up the J.E.B. this morning and told them I’ve got a job.
I suppose they’ll put down that they got me my job – still if they didn’t, I don’t suppose they’d have a job. Last night on the train we didn’t have any lights but tonight from Mark Lane we had lights all the way to West Ham.
Wednesday 22nd November 1939
Work again, I got up late and had to rush but I got there before 9 and Mr Buttle – the next came in about 9.20-25. Yesterday I asked if I could have the stamps – I can. So I took them all. Between 12 and 1 I made a lot of calls and I am getting used to the board now.
Mustn’t forget to find times of trains at lunchtime. |
First train to stop at Plaistow after 5 is the 6.36 so that I’ll have to go and come by underground because the only train that stops at Plaistow is about 8.15-20 in the morning. Walter came just after I got in for our ration books. When dad got in mum brought out my present – a lovely piano stool with a roll-back so that I can keep my music in it. And dad said he was going to give me a £1 so that with the £1 he already has and 5/- I will give him I will get 3 of the new 15/- savings certificates which are worth 17/0 in 5 years and 20/6 in 10 years.
Thursday 23rd November 1939
Left work early (about 5) when I got in Ern was in playing the gramophone. My nose bled 3 times in the evening at home. Mum and dad were in about 15 minutes after me. Ern went out later. Just after he went mum decided to lay some lino in the scullery and found the switch broken. Still we managed to lay it with 3 candles alight. Mum & dad went round Odeon. I think I’ll go on Saturday afternoon. I think I’ll go to Dr Kyndt about my nose Sunday morning. My cards came to the office. I bought a knife from dad for 1d.
Friday 24th November 1939
Pay day. 19/8
Went to library got “The kidnapped Scientists” M.B Dix “Tarzan the Invincible” E R Burroughs.
Saturday 25th November 1939
My Birthday. Mum gave me 2/6. I bought “William the Bad” with it, first of my library I want to get. Went to Odeon in afternoon. Saw “Nurse Edith Cavell” “Little Moths Big Flame” “Bulldog Drummond’s Bride”.
Sunday 26th November 1939
In morning dad saw U.Bob. He asked us round for the evening but I didn’t want to go, but I was glad I did in the end. In evening Fred & Bob, 2 of Erns pals came to tea talked & played piano. About 7 they went out, so we did too. Round to U.Bob’s. There were U. Bob A Liz, Queenie, Queenie and John & Phyllis Ed and Bert came in later. Phyllis is coming next Sunday to our party.
Monday 27th November 1939
During dinner Mr Buttle and Cureton were talking about torches and when I told them about some batteries Ern got they asked me to get one for Mr B and 2 for Mr C so I rang up Ern but he was at lunch but Ern got them for me.
Tuesday 28th November 1939
Miss Purser wants a couple of batteries. Ern was at lunch when I rang, and Mr Simonds forgot the message so she’ll have to wait till Thursday for her batteries. Went to music in evening when I got back U.Bob was there to say that Hilda had gone to the piano tuner but he was ill so I went back to Miss Elson’s and she said either Evans or a place at Princess Alice so mum is going to Evans tomorrow as we got the piano there. Miss Elson said she would get me “In a Monastery Garden” for next time. She gave me “Christmas Eve at Dingley Dell” a piece like the one I got last Christmas.
Wednesday 29th November 1939
Mum went to Evans about the tuner. In evening went to Odeon saw “The Lion has Wings” “Second Fiddle”.
Thursday 30th November 1939
Went to library got “Party Games”. Tuner came.
Friday 1st December 1939
Saturday 2nd December 1939
Bought a notebook in Woolworths for the party.
Sunday 3rd December 1939
Wore new suit & overcoat. Practised in afternoon. Got some winkles for U. Bob. Dad got them ready. Doris got here first. Suddenly there was a knock at the door and – Harold came he. He had got a leave, so he visited us, he stopped to tea but had to go early about 6.30 because of getting back. Ern went with him. Next came the women then the men then Wal and Chris. Walter brought his banjo. As there were 4 pianists here, I didn’t play all evening. They were Hilda, Doris, Phyllis and Queen. Eddie and Chris have to sign up Saturday week. Up to 6.30 it was all singing and I didn’t think much of it but then Walter had to go to the police station so Ed, Chris and I went with him. When I got back, we had some games and the party finished about 1. Went to bed 2.15 sleep.
Monday 4th December 1939
Very tired in morning. Bought a packet of stamps.
Tuesday 5th December 1939
When I got home a card from the library to say “Goodbye Mr Chips” was in so I got it. Also “The Holy Terror” Charteris. When I got back, I read and forgot music till nearly 8. Still I went she had Monastery Garden for me.
Wednesday 6th December 1939
In the morning a letter came for me from ‘Spicer & Pegler asking me to call for an interview about a job. So I called there at dinnertime to thank them. In evening I had a haircut. Miss Purser came in early brought her little sister. Took morning off – to go shopping I suppose. Mum got worried as I didn’t get in until 7. Think I’ll go to Odeon tomorrow. On train we had every light on till Bow Road.
Thursday 7th December 1939
Foggy. Took Titbits to work with me. While Buttle & Purser were out Mr Cureton asked me about Evans and I told that although I didn’t remember him coming to us, I remembered him also once when he took me to Freight Express Ltd, while I was with Evans. He told me about another Donald they had. He didn’t post letters, nearly killed himself with an electric shock, played about with the telephone, smashed cylinders and did everything wrong that he could. I told Mr Cureton about my letter from Spicer & Pegler and he said if they offered more money, I should have took it but I said I liked this place best.
20 to 6 left. When I got home, I went to the Odeon saw George Formby in “Keep your Seats Please” and “Double Crime in the Maginot Line”. Had full lights again coming home.
Friday 8th December 1939
Pay Day. The only days’ work I get paid for. I earned it as well, I was busy all day and in the afternoon I had to do some typing and so there were 3 typewriters going at once – the noise was terrible and when I answered the phone I could hardly hear what people said. Coming home in the train I saw one of the best girls I have seen for a long time – and I see a lot now – but although we got pressed together by the crush, we didn’t get acquainted. She was the type I like brunette – no makeup good features and form. When I got home I went to the library got “Regent Encyclopedia of Empire Postage Stamps” & “Carry on Jeeves”. That girl up the library seems to be taking more notice of me now. I always go up there well dressed – still I may be imagining this – I seem to be always thinking of girls now. Jack came later on and cleared up his debt. Although I like him, I always have a suspicion that under dad’s instructions he took Nobby to be murdered 2 year ago last June. That Wednesday we got the letter I shall never forget. I was feeling happy and we were going to the caves. “Dad said I’ve got some news for you, can you stand it” I said “it will depend what kind of news it is I don’t mind good news” – then he gave me the letter and the only farewell I gave Nobby was an ordinary one before I went to school. After losing poor Nobby I don’t think I would want another dog although U. Bob and Walter have offered us some, and that Jack’s wife is going to have a baby.
Saturday 9th December 1939
Walter came last night for his music and banjo so I got it for him then he asked me for a lend of my new music & had a lot of fuss getting that. Then he said it wouldn’t take them till tomorrow. When I got in – first as usual, I did some work then went to wash and while I was out Mr Buttle came in, when I got back he was just putting on his glasses and he called me over and showed me a pair of wings. It appears that at his home they put so much away every week and he drew £2.10/- & bought cigs, tobacco, cig papers, chocs, and chewing gum and sent them to his sons squadron (no. 11 fighter) and by return came a letter with these wings saying they were from his sons uniform and they could fly and nearly speak French, so he knew they were on his sons uniform when he was convoying troops to France. Mr Buttle also said that when his son Eric first got his wings he came home at 4 in the morning and the first thing he did was to pin his wings on his mother’s nightgown saying “When I joined up I made a vow to give my mother my wings”, she wears them like a broach now. Miss Purser brought up 2lbs of butter for Messrs Buttle and Cureton.
A few nights ago I met Chipp and Ruck coming home on the train and as I was coming up the steps of Plaistow station today I met Ruggles he works for Caters but he said that when he is 16 his brother will get him a job as a lighterman. Talked to him for about an hour. How many chaps can I think of: Morland, Ruggles, Chipp, Ruck, Tourzel (he got killed) Freeman (he died) Robinson & Robinson, Tuck, Smith, Philpin, Deaning, Stanton, Tunnage, Blackie, Rowley, Bashford, Burrage.
When I got home Walter had been and taken my music. Next week I’m going to ask him for it. I practised Monastery Garden ever so many times ‘couse I want to learn it for Xmas. Went on a couple of errands, went to library got “Samuel Pepys” and “Lost Horizon” James Hilton. Had my Bath. Then read a bit.
Sunday 10th December 1939
Up about 11.30. had breakfast, washed, dressed, practised, had dinner. Then dad and I went for a walk round Boleyn up Green Street to Carlton then down Grosvenor Road to West Ham Lane and through park along to Pelly Bridge then dad went on home and I went to U. Bobs to see how Mrs Dobinson was. She was expecting to be out of hospital Christmas. Queen, Phyllis, U Bob, A Liz & Eddie were there. After a while I went out back to see Eddie & practise on his air gun. He said I’m quite good about 75% of my shots were on target. A. Liz said she would be coming round and the others were going to see Stan Dumper off (France maybe). Then I went on to Greengate to see what “Boy Slaves” is like (cert H) but I couldn’t get near to the box where they put the pictures as a ‘preview’. I’m going to try to find out about it. Home. Had tea. Ern went out, read, then A Liz & U Bob came. Stayed till about 9.30 then went. Bed about 11.30. Ern sad he saw a good jazz trumpet at £12.10/-.
I put my batteries in the oven and it exploded when U. Bob & A. Liz were here and it didn’t half explode too, it was completely emptied of its insides which were all over the oven.
Monday 11th December 1939
I think I’ll write all dates in red so as to tell where it begins.
Everybody’s busy at work.
In evening got a train that passed Bow Road. That meant we stayed there ½ hour and then all change. The next train that came in filled to capacity, so everyone got in it from Bow Road to Plaistow was absolute murder and before I got out two people had one of my arms between them and 2 others my other arm then to cap the lot I put my hand on a poster that had just been put up and got my hand covered in slime. Practised, when I got home and listened to Monday night at 8. Bed about 10.
Tuesday 12th December 1939
I think it would be a good idea if I got another fountain pen for red ink. Up early (workmen are going to do my ceiling today). Took “Lost Horizon” to work with me. In evening went to music paid for “Monastery Garden” listened to wireless.
Wednesday 13th December 1939
Took Lost Horizon to work with me. While Mr Buttle and Mr Purser were at lunch Mr Cureton asked me if Ern could get more batteries for him so I rang Ern up and he got 2 while I waited “special” 7d each Mr Cureton said that would be ok. They’ve got a good phone there & could even hear the costerVII in the street yelling. In evening I went to Odeon saw “Winter Carnival” & “What Would You Do Chums?”. Bed about 11.
Thursday 14th December 1939
Took Titbits to work. Presents I’ll get, Ern, Wil 50 Cigs, 2 10d each. Dad 5 cigars 2.11d. Doris 6 hankies 3/- mum –
In evening listened to wireless.
The Navy has got her hand on the Admiral Graf Spee (Battle ship) – she’s been driven into Montevideo Harbour.VIII
Stopped in in evening.
Friday 15th December
Yesterday evening, I took home a catalogue from Barham & Marriages and dad and I made a list of the things to get. E.g. cocktail cherries, ginger, tea etc. so dinnertime I got them. 17/3d altogether. I got chipped a bit at the office. Mum bought me a book like these but the fool gave her 2 cash books, so dad had them. Also a bottle of hair cream. In evening Ern dad and I made a list of cigs and chocs to get at Progers on Sunday. Ern asked me to get 2 tins of tea for his pal’s mothers. Ern and I played rummy after supper I was winning wholesale and started to play so that Ern would catch up and he beat me.
My Xmas box was £2
Everyone was amazed. I’m going to put in the bank after xmas with my other £2 and dad will give me £1.
Book 6
Saturday 16th December 1939
Yesterday I had to go to the Coal Exchange near Billingsgate. Phew! What a stink, but anyway while I was coming back I saw in a stationers some little cards 10 for 6d, with Xmas wishes on them and the word from_____ to enclose in gifts so when I told them they said I was to get some. Ern also asked me to get him 2 tins of tea for his pals’ mother (he’s getting a proper Romeo he’s trying to get 5 puffs for his girls like mum got for Queenie, Phyllis, Hilda & Florrie). And I was getting some wine for Dad so I said I would get some. So I went round – and I couldn’t find the place – I found it eventually – closed. I got the other things and came home. I suppose I’ll get them Monday. When I got home mum went out and while she was out Walter came (when I asked for my music he said “Alright you’ll get it.) He wanted to see mum but she was out. So he said well will you ask her ring us up and say if Doris could come over next Sunday and also what we can buy dad “We’ve got all the other gifts”. Anyway when mum came in I told her and we went up to the telephone outside the library and rang them up. It was arranged that Doris is to come for Dinner next Sunday and they will bring dad some cigars. Afterwards bathed and listened to Garrison Theatre.
Sunday 17th December 1939
Up 10am. Ern & I were supposed to be going to Prager’s this morning but he simply wouldn’t get up until about 12.30 and we got there about 1.15. After we got home we found we had bought 400 cigarettes (app). 7 boxes of sweets & packets of razor blades. I had bought 150 cigarettes, 50 dad, 50 Ern) Walter and 1 box chocs Doris. (I’ve decided to buy mum her tea). But coming home Ern said he couldn’t think of anything for mum so we decided to buy the tea between us. After dinner we sorted things out & it was decided I should go back for 4 boxes of Chocs 1 rose bowl (filled with Chocs) & 1 box of cigars we were shown. In the evening I sorted my stamps. Went for a walk with dad in afternoon. Met Bruce from Lister. He is working at a printing firm in Fleet Street. He thinks Eddie got a job. Stavely was evacuated.
Monday 18th December 1939
Up late work 9.10.
In my dinnertime I got 3 packets of cards. Coming back I saw a man with a pet monkey and it chased some girls. Did they run. He made it jump onto a car and it played about for a long while.
In the evening I went to the Odeon saw “Cheer boys Cheer” & “Soldiers of the King”.
When I got back Ern was doing up his parcels – he got his puffs. Also some boxes to put them in. so I did up my parcels. The underground was 41 years old today – and the first station is being made into an A.R.P. shelter.
Tuesday 19th December 1939
About 7 I woke up and heard voices – it was Ern fully dressed. He said he had woken up and as he couldn’t sleep he got dressed. So I got up and he lit the fire and I made tea. Yesterday I saw a Cyclists Diary in a shop window so I asked Ern if he would like one, he said yes so I got him one when I got out of the train. 1/6d. but I’m going to give it to him. I still haven’t got a couple cheap diaries for Dad & I – there’s plenty of dear ones but if I got these it wouldn’t seem as if it were for dad.
Big air battle over N. Sea we lost 7 they lost 12. After lunch I went on to Tower Hill and listened to the orators, there was one disclaiming the “conchies”IX another preaching the S.A. 2 peanut merchants and a chap who was selling trick machines to print 10/- notes. The machines cost 1/- each. I’ll see if dad thinks they’re worth getting.
Memo: I’m never going to get up so early again as I did this morning – everything’s going wrong after 3.
Finished about 5.30, when I got home I went to music, she said I needn’t come next week except for a piece of music she has. Then U. Bob came round. It was decided they would come round Xmas day we would go there Boxing day. Afterwards we did the remaining parcels up. At work I met one of the chaps from Lister but it was only while we were in the lift we could talk. Went to bed about 12 as I had waited for Ern so as to give him his diary – but I didn’t see him. Dad said “don’t get one of those mint machines”. Read my old diaries.
Wednesday 20th December 1939
Up 8.10 gave Ern his diary, he was very pleased with it. Had to go to Westminster Bank Old St for Mr Thurley to get a parcel from Mr Cole. When I got back I saw that chap from Lister again (I wish I knew his name) and while we were talking Mr Gross walked in, I followed him to see if he came to Thurley’s but he didn’t. Afterwards Mr Buttle asked me to go to the bank and get 2/6 of new copper. Mr Thurley got two parcels and he did them up into Xmas boxes for different people he gave Miss Purser a box of chocs. Dad had asked Mr White if he had a 10d stamp in his collection (I only want that for myself) and he says that he will probably look for one over the Xmas holidays.
Thursday 21st December 1939
At 4.30 this afternoon I can say that I left school over a year ago. Plenty of things have happened since then, I’ve have 3 jobs and spent 2 terms at a day continuation school. I’ve grown about 5 inches. This morning I took Titbits to work.
Captain Innes came in. I had to go to Taylor & Becketts for some brown paper and string. While at lunch I saw a man on Tower Hill selling patent tie adjusters and collar stiffener, as they seemed quite good I got one of each – they only knocked me back 9d. when I got back I put on the tie adjuster and its jolly good. (I wonder what dad will say).
Went to library in evening, got “Mr Deeds Goes to Town” and “Thank You Jeeves” PG Wodehouse. When I showed the things to Dad he said they were alright. Ern asked me to get him a tie adjuster. If I’m off Saturday I will go there in the morning. Ern also asked me to go to his shop in the afternoon.
Friday 22nd December 1939
I forgot that Everybody and The Leader were coming out today and I didn’t see them till I got to the City. I had to go to the bank and the clerk said he had already paid out as much as he usually does all day Friday. That was at 11.45am. I said I thought this was because of the Xmas bonuses. He said it was quite probable. In my dinner hour I got 6 mince pies and 1 chocolate Kup Kake (for Mr Cureton) that we could have to make it seem Xmassy.
We decided to have tea early so that Mr Cureton who is going to Newport at 3 could have something to eat. But Simpson and Shirley didn’t get back till 3.20 so Mr Cureton caught the 5.55 train. Before I went home I asked if I would have to come in tomorrow and it was decided that Miss Purser, myself, and Mr Simpson would be in. I forgot that Everybody was coming out today so I got it in the evening.
Saturday 23rd December 1939
Up there at 9. Miss Purser 20 to 10 Mr Simpson 10.20. finished 12.20. When I got home I wasted an hour out but the shop was crowded so I left it. Got to Ern’s shop at about 2.15. The kid they’ve got there is a decent chap, he wanted a city job but when the war started he got this job. Got 5/- and a handful of balloons. Home at about 10.30. on the tram coming home a drunk got on and started saying “he’d done his bit in the last war and he’d do it again if they’d give him his sergeants stripes back “and ”he always packed up drinking when he had had enough”. When he got off he shook hands with us all.
After mum and dad had gone to bed I had my bath. Bed about 12.
Sunday 24th December 1939
Up about 10. Ern wouldn’t get up to help me with the decorations so I did them myself. Doris came about 1. Ern still wasn’t up so she went and dragged him out (she was the one who finally made him wash). When dad came in after going to the ‘Vic’ he said that the Turners would be coming in the evening. Walter came about 4 and had tea. The Turners came about 5.30. There was A Liz, Queenie, Phyllis, Hilda, U Bob and Eddie. Doris & Wal went about 7. We packed up about 1am.
Xmas Day – Monday 25 December 1939
Up about 11, Ern was even later. Hilda can’t come today. The Turners came about 4.30. there were A Liz, Phyllis, Queenie and U bob and Eddie. We had a jolly good time, once when I had been teasing Phyl she fell over while chasing me and at last everything I did she was watching me. About 1 in the morning Queenie and she were having a fight with the boxing gloves on we finished about 3.
Boxing Day – Tuesday 26th December 1939
Up about 12. Harold came about 12.30. Ern came down just before dinner. (Harold stayed to dinner and it was decided he should come round to Turners in the evening. We got there at 4.35 but Hilda wasn’t there so mum and Mrs Dumper (who was also there) went round to her house and was told she was ill. Altogether there were U Bob, A Liz, Phyl, Queenie, Eddie, Ern Mum, Dad, me and Mrs Dumper & Harold. We had some decent games and Phyllis was made the mug every time – the same as Sunday & yesterday. We packed up about 11.30.
Wal had left his music at home since Monday so I borrowed the case for my music.
Mrs Dumper said that one of her relatives was the verger at St Olave’s Hart Street and could tell me (if I saw him) why they have 5 skulls over one gate. She described him to me.
Wednesday 27th December 1939
Work again. In the morning I had to go to L G Sloan’s in Kingsway to get a new fountain pen nib for Mr Collins. While at lunch I bought 2 comm. labels & a packet of stamps. While walking along I saw a chap selling 1940 Mazawattee diaries 3p each so I got 2.
In the evening I went to the pictures, saw “Big Town Czar” & “The Under-pup” in which 11 year old Gloria Jean has her first part. She is a wonderful singer – nearly as good as Deanna Durbin.
Thursday 28th December 1939
Snowed in the morning – just like winter now – but I’d rather not have snow. When I got home I sorted my stamps.
Friday 29th December 1939
I took up my £5 and in dinner time I went to Fenchurch Street P.O. and joined the bank.
Saturday 30th and Sunday 31st December 1939
Yesterday I went to dad’s shop bought a hat. Went to library got “Whit Kings 1940 Catalogue” & “Flying Palatine”.
Today I got up late. In the afternoon I went to Mr Odys for dad, in the evening I sorted my stamps. bed about 11.15.
1st January 1940
I saw the New Year in in bed. Up about 8.5. fairly busy.X Home about 6.25. Stratton was here when I got home. Then I went to Odeon saw “What a Life” & George Formby in “Come on George”.
Tuesday 2nd January 1940
Up 8.10 work about 9. Started the new files today. Yesterday I took down most of the old files but there were a few more to take down today. In the evening I went to music. Got a piece called Moonglow – another one like I usually get. Next time she gives me one I’m going to ask for some of the more modern pieces.
Wednesday 3rd January 1940
(I nearly put 1939)
Took up my library book to work. Had lunch in Milk Bar. In the evening I sorted out my stamps.
Thursday 4th January 1940
Took Tit-Bits to work. We used up the last page of the Bank Book and I had to stamp our name on every page of the new one – some job. When I got home mum and dad went to the Broadway to see “The Frozen Limits” & “Come on George”. I sorted stamps, read and listened to wireless. Bed 11.30. we decided to go to Coliseum on 25th Dad will book seats tomorrow.
Friday 5th January 1940
In the morning I bought some stamps – cost me 1.5.1/2 for 5 but I think it nearly completes a set I was lucky to get them – I had to get to the bank for Mr Simpson but the bank wasn’t open so I went to look at a stamp shop nearby and saw the stamps. In the evening I sorted stamps.
Saturday 6th January 1940
After I had finished work I went to Gordon Rhodes and got some mounts but he didn’t have a watermark detector but said that any shiny black surface would do. I also got some benzine from a chemist.
When Walter came he brought me 4 lb of sugar for the office. Stopped in all rest of the day.
Sunday 7th January 1940
Up about 12. In afternoon went for walk and outside the Odeon I met one of the chaps from Lister and 2 of his pals. Went for a walk round and found that the night schools are opening on Wednesday so me and this chap are going to join tomorrow. We arranged to meet at Greengate at 3.15 and go to Granada saw “Cipher Bureau”. I’ve seen it before, but it was jolly good and the Ritz Bros in “The 3 Musketeers “ jolly good. I think I’ll get some of Dumas’, books from library.
There was also Boyd Oxford at the organ – he was excellent – he made up some parody verses on “How Ashamed I Was” – and were they good. When we went out we walked to Greengate – hung about for about ½ hour. When I was coming home down Stirling Road a young woman came up to me and asked me how to get to Northern Road, so I told her and left her at Southern Road. – I wonder if that was all she wanted.
Monday 8th January 1940
Up 10 to 8
Before I went in I bought some stamps knocked me back 1/6d. In at 10 to 9. Before anyone else got in I had opened the post, cleared rollers, done filing and almost finished post book. Mr Cureton who was in first had forgotten his handkerchief, so asked me to get one just as I was going Mr Buttle came in and his collar had broken so he got me to get him another. When I got home I went to library took back “Flying Palatine” & “Mr Mulliner Speaking” Wodehouse. Then I went to Balham Street School, met Williams and we went in and enrolled ourselves. Met Blake and Burridge there.
Mr Jeremy and Miss Langtree were there. I’m doing shorthand Monday, typing Wednesday, and book keeping Friday. I had to take my form to Mr Jeremy and he persuaded me to give him a half promise to turn up on Tuesday for P.T.
Then we went round to Williams house and he showed me his stamps. So then he brought them round home and I gave him some stamps and it was arranged he should look through his other stamps before Thursday and on Thursday he would call for me about 6.30 and we shall go round the Odeon and arrange some time when we can see each other’s stamps again. He left about ¼ to 9. Bed about 11. Ern came in about 12 so I went down to see hm. He said that Dicky (who’s in the Air Force) might be coming for the night but he didn’t come. Ern said he was thinking of joining up so I told him about Mr Shirley giving me a 3-colour pencil because he can’t get lead for it. Ern said he would see if he could get any leads but anyway there is a bit of red in it and I have some black lead that fits it so I think it will be ok.
Tuesday 9th January 1940
Took “Mr Mulliner” to work. In the evening, I went to music and saw Blake and Robinson – with a girl as usual. You’ll find them petting every night and Blake promised to call me at a quarter to 7 tomorrow night. Paid for the piece of music I started last week. Went I got back sorted stamps.
Wednesday 10th January 1940
Up 5 to 8 before I went to work I finished “Mr Mulliner Speaking”. Went up to wake Ern and asked him if he could get any leads but he hadn’t. Still I might try to get some.
Today is a 100 years of 1d post – a great occasion. On the wireless in “The World Goes By” a man spoke about the inauguration in 1840. In the evening I went to Balaam Street and found typewriting was to be at Lister, so I went there, arrived about 7.5 but it didn’t start until 7.15. there were 8 of us altogether & I knew 2 of them Randall who was at Cave with me & Joyce Carter who used to be at Lister. She’s at work now. I hope she is taking the same classes as me. 2 of us there had done some typing so the teacher asked us to make copies of some letter for him.
When I got home Ern was in so I asked him if he knew anyone who would like to buy my 3 colour Pencil. He said he would but I told him I could get 4 colour ones for 2/6so he said he would take it with him tomorrow to work and try to sell it.
Thursday 11th January 1940
Up 8.15. woke up Ern left about 8.35. work 9.5. In dinnertime, I bought a 4-colour pencil. Jolly good value – refills are 6d each and besides the leads already in I found I had 2 lots of refills. Home about 6. Dad had been to Coliseum but couldn’t get in.
Williams came about 6.25 and we went in the films at 6.45. Saw “Young Man’s Fancy” and “Professor Mamlock”.XI When we came out I walked to Greengate with William and he said he would call for me on Saturday at 3. So I want my bath as soon as I get home Saturday.
When I got home Ern was in, so I showed him my pencil and gave him the other. Bed about 12.
Friday 12th January 1940
Went to Night School in evening I was supposed to be doing Book Keeping but the lessons have been changed round and I do it on Monday and tonight, shorthand. Met another chap I knew there and Charlie Patterson. Came home with Patterson. Bed about 12.
Saturday 13th January 1940
Took Ern’s pencil to work to get him some leads but I didn’t have time so I’ll get them Monday. Williams came for me about 3, and we went round to Dads shop so that I could try on a suit, but it was crowded so I told Dad I would be coming back later on. Then we went to library I got the catalogue out again and “A Century of Ghost Stories”.
In the evening I went to dads shop with Wells & then we went to the Premier saw “Where’s that Fire” with Will Hay & Co. & “The Spellbinder “. Bed about 11.30.
Sunday 14th January 1940
Up at about 12. Bathed in afternoon went to Wills’ house at about 5. We left his house after 7 went for a long walk. We didn’t have any luck thought. Home about 10 bed about 10.45.
Monday 15th January 1940
During lunch I went to a stationers about those leads and he said if I left the pencil he might have them tomorrow. When I got home I went to night school. I’m starting Book Keeping again. Went with Wells. Home about 10.45. Ern said Walter had been to his shop & asked him to go to a party next Sunday at the shop. Ern suggested bringing his pals home for tea and going to the shop afterwards he asked the (older ones) for the week after. I suppose they’d be mum and dad, Mr & Mrs Keyes & me – why wasn’t I asked with the younger ones, does he think I’m a kid still. I don’t think I’ll go, but go out with Wills that night.
When mum & dad had gone to bed Ern started to give me some advice on how to behave! “because I rather like one of the girls”. I think I’ll go if that’s the way they think of me & be rid of the whole crowd of them. Wells is worth more than the whole lot put together.
Tuesday 16th January 1940
Went to music in evening. Got “For an 18th Century Dining Room”. Miss Elsom said it was very nice and said the original was by Mozart (which I already knew). I bought it yesterday when Miss Purser saw it she wanted to copy the words and then we all got talking and I promised to let her copy the words of Lebensraum so I took it up today. When I got home about 15 mins to 8 I decided not to go out & see Wells.
Jack Parker came, stayed till about 10, he’s got his teeth now.
Wednesday 17th January 1940
In the morning, Mum & Dads teeth were frozen.
The train was very crowded both ways today.
There were 4 girls crowded next to me, one of them is very good looking – & she’s the one that doesn’t get out at Mark Lane, from what they were saying she gets out at the Angel.
In the evening, I went to night school there were a lot of us there tonight but we still couldn’t use the typewriting room as it had not been blacked out. When I came out Wells wasn’t there so I went to his house, his mother said he had gone to the Granada (I suppose he’s mad because I didn’t see him last night) so I made my excuses and said I would call round tomorrow abut 6.30. Bed about 11.
Thursday 18th January 1940
I saw that girl again today – we went down the steps almost side by side – and then she has to sit down some distance from me.
This morning I found a cascade of water coming down from the roof so I told the liftman and he said the tank had overflowed and spilled out – I recon I’ve saved the A.L.P. some money.
In the evening we had nearly finished except for about 3 letters to come out, when one of Mr Simpsons “friends” came – Mr Gibson – the little squirt – and wasted 20 minutes of our time. – then the first train in was a circle, so I got home at 6.30 – when I was supposed to be at Wells house. I just rushed and had a wash while Ern got my dinner out – Mum & Dad had gone to the Granada – gave Ern his pencils & leads – I managed to get the last tube at Hughes in Fenchurch Street, 4 of each colour 1/- per tube. – ate my dinner & went to Wells house. He was all ready and we went to the Odeon saw “Inspector Hornleigh on Holiday” “Quick Millions” “Father Thames” & “The Man with the Jaundiced Eye”. Wells came home with me and we are going next Saturday evening.
Friday 19th January 1940
So cold in the morning that Mum and Dad’s teeth were frozen in.
Pay day.
In evening went to night school & got my shorthand instructions & note book. 4/- the 2. When to library got “Indiscretions of Archie” P.G. Wodehouse & “Mystery Stories“by Quiller Couch.
Saturday 20th January 1940
Got a slight cold. Took the empty bottle with me to get some port for Dad, but they shut at 1 now, I think I got there 5 past.
Just after I got home Walter came and he mentioned there would be a party for the older ones and mum said she and dad would not be there and besides I was not an old one. So Walter said Ern said I always went out with my friends – so if it is Ern who put the lid on me going after the way I rushed about getting leads for his pencil – well I don’t know what to say.
Mum went out so I had my bath and at 5.30 I went to Wells’ house. His aunt & uncle were there. We went about 7. Went all over the place – Beckton Road – Stratford – Wanstead Flats. Home about 9.30. Listened to “Ukridge” by P.G. Wodehouse on radio at 10.30 then went to bed.
Sunday 21st January 1940
Up about 12. After we had used up the water in the cistern there was no more until a water man came round and told us a pump had been fixed up the road. So Ern & Mum went & filled up the copper and some pails and jerry’s. He said he would be round again at 3. We were all ready by 2.30 but Ern’s pals came at 4.45. While we were waiting, once Ern started on me about behaving myself. So I told him off about it. There were 5 coming but one of the girls was ill so her boy stayed with her so there was Ted, Hilda & Violet. Hilda is one of those artificial blondes and she’s common & cheap and I’m surprised at Ern getting with her, but Violet she’s a very nice girl – brunette as well, I hope she’s the one Ern likes and I think she is and she’s the kind of girl I’d like for a sister-in-law.
Wells came about 6.30 so we went in the front room. With the rest and Violet and Hilda got me to play and then wouldn’t go till I’d finished as Dad said there aren’t many girls like that and one of them might say something about me and show Ern where he gets off. In fact Dad called me the hero of the evening. They left about 7.30. Wells had to be home at 9.30 so he left early.
Monday 22nd January 1940
My cold was worse when I got up and of course at work they all asked me if I had a cold. Bought my “Everybody’s”. In the evening I went to night school for bookkeeping. Wells called for me. I got my journal and ledger tonight @ 3d each. I got my new season ticket.
Tuesday 23rd January 1940
My cold seemed a bit better when I got up. Got Dad his port in dinnertime. In the evening I went to music. Got “Musical Switch” it’s about the best piece I’ve so far had. There’s a bit of the tune I like “Down South” in it and the tune I heard on the wireless, Sunday that had it in was “American Suite”. I think I’ll try and get it. When I went to work I posted the letter to the Coliseum. So, we ought to get the tickets soon. When I got home I did some homework but I gave it up after a while as I didn’t feel well. On Mark Lane Station I met Eric Kemfry (or was it Cyril – I never know the 2 of them apart).
Wednesday 24th January 1940
On Plaistow station I met Peter Emanuel. His going to come round on Saturday to change stamps. As I passed the Post Office coming home I saw in the window “Platinum pen nibs 3d each” so I bought one. They are easy to fit in and I’m using the new nib now. Mum is going to get me 2 more & 1 for Dad. I went to typewriting at Lister at 7. We’ve got the typing room now – it’s been blacked out properly.
Thursday 25th January 1940
Took Titbits to work. Simpson & Thurley went to Philpot’s office in the afternoon and we didn’t get away till 6.5. When I got home mum was in but dad was at Ridbells. About 7.15 I was looking out for Wells – he was nearly ½ hour late when dad came in and behind and through him I saw Wells. So I called out, but it was Smith – he’s still with the Daily Mirror but in another part and he wants to learn photography so he’s going to night school so he is coming for me tomorrow and we are going to night school. Just before he left Wells came. We went to the Odeon and saw “The Man in the Iron Mask” “Wanders of the Desert” and “Full speed ahead”. I really must read Dumas books now.
Book 7
Friday 26th January 1940
Mr Simpson caught this Spanish Flu that’s going around and didn’t come in, that made Miss Purser become a proper little squirt – going round with the Sanitor and spraying all the phones. In the evening I did a very brave thing – I went and bought her one of those rain hats because she didn’t want to get her hair wet. I rushed in the shop got it and rushed out again. In the evening Smith called for me and we went to night school. He’s doing science Monday Typing Wednesday and shorthand Friday.
Saturday 27th January 1940
Mr Thurley was already in when I got in. Mr Buttle was out as well – Mrs Buttle rang up and told us so there was only Mr Thurley, Mr Cureton, Miss Purser and myself in. First thing in the morning Mr Thurley dictated a cylinder and he didn’t have the needle down so there was nothing on it.
When I got home I sorted my stamps and Emanuel didn’t come. After tea I had my hair cut and went to the library, I got “Love & Laughter” and “A Hundred Years of Postage Stamps.” Just as I was getting in the bath Wells came round so I am going round his house tomorrow.
Sunday 28th January 1940
Up about 11. Snow was about 6 inches to a foot thick and higher where it had drifted. In the afternoon I went to Wells house but he and his sister had gone to their aunts and had not come back so I waited for about 3 minutes and they came in after he had had his dinner we went right to Woolwich and over the ferry. In the evening we went to Barking but we didn’t have any luck so we came back. When I got in my trousers were wet so when Mum and dad were in bed I hung them over a chair to dry. When Ern saw them he said they were in a worse state that his and he had been further and done more walking than we had. So I asked him where he had been to, he said Stepney. I didn’t enlighten him as to how far I had been.
Monday 29th January 1940
When I got up I saw more snow than I have ever seen before. It was a foot think in the shallowest part and it was about 3 feet or more where it had drifted. I borrowed Ern’s galoshes’ as he would be wearing his wellingtons. When I got out of the gate I had to walk to Southern Road before I could cross, and it took me an hour to get to work. I got in at 20 to 10. Everyone except Mr Willis came in, but he was frozen in and was staying at Amersham. Home before 6. Wells came about 7.5 and we went to night school. I’ve got a nice little lot of shorthand and book-keeping waiting for me now. As I was coming away I met Miss Purser.
When I got home I sorted my stamps.
Tuesday 30th January 1940
Up about 8.15. Work 9.15. in the afternoon Miss Purser said she had dropped her gas mask so Mr Buttle (he’s an expert with masks) told her to put it on. When she had it on Mr Cureton made fun of her so she went for him. Mr Buttle said her mask was alright and then Mr Cureton requested she went into Mr Collins and said “Boo!” So she crept in and all of a sudden there was a loud ‘Ooh’ and she came out with Mr Collins both of them roaring with laughter. Mr Collins had been sitting by the corner of his table so Miss Purser sat down next to him and waited for him to see her. Mr Coverton was trying his mask on and the phone went and he was going to answer it. Mr Buttle got back early from his dinner and him, Mr Coverton and I were all talking. Mr Buttle had his back to the window and all of a sudden a fall of snow came from the roof, Mr Coverton and I both pointed and said “look!” and Mr Butler dropped to his knees and I believed he thought someone was after him. Then it just happened again, everybody has looked up and Mr Buttle said he will be all nerves if it happens much more.
In the evening I went to music. Miss Elson’s going to try and get me that American suite that was on the wireless last Sunday. When I got home I did some homework. At 9.30 till 10.15 there was a programme about George Gershwin 1898-1937. He was a wonderful composer his rhapsody in Blue and piano concerto are marvellous pieces of music and he even wrote an opera – a man who wrote some of the best jazz ever. I don’t think there has ever been another person who can combine Jazz and classical music as he did in “Rhapsody in Blue”. I think I’ll try to get it. It’s a great pity he died so young – 39 he was. Schubert was another genius who died young 28 he was.
Gershwin died on July 11th 1937 at Hollywood and I think I’ll get a book about him from the library if they have one there.
Wednesday 31st January 1940
In the tram coming to work my nose started bleeding and it was misery until about 11 when it finally stopped dripping. In the evening I went to typing at Lister. Just before I finished I saw in the book I was working from some figures showing how sums of money double themselves in S.1 and C.1 so I copied them because I wanted to find them for a long time.
Thursday 1st February 1940
I do get some nice jobs, this morning I had to mend Simpson Oil Stove and did I get my hand mucked up. In the evening I went to the Odeon with Wells and saw “Husbands or Lovers” and “An Englishman’s Home”. 2 very good films and in an Englishman’s Home it shows what would really happen – having to bomb and kill your own friends and relatives so as to kill your enemies – very realistic. When I got in mum was in bed and dad went up soon after so I had my supper and went to bed about ¼ to ten.
Friday 2nd February 1940
This morning I had to get to Bow Lane with a fur coat for Mrs Simpsons. It had to be repaired. I wish someone would pass a law against the importing of furs. They say England is a country of animal lovers, but while people skin animals while they are alive so that a few daft, mad, silly woman can swank about “their fur coats 250 guinea you know” to their friends. You can never say England is a country of animal lovers.
When I got back I went to the P.O. and paid 2/- into my account.
During dinner time I went to Ebblewhites and bought “Scatter-brain”. As soon as Miss Purser saw it she wanted to copy the words. Mr Buttle thought it a very nice piece. In the evening I went to Night School.
Saturday 3rd February 1940
Got to work late. Home just after 1.
Had my bath in the afternoon and in the evening I called for Wells and we went to Dr Kyndt. I have to get some medicine, lotion and cotton wool. I got them at Pattern. Then we went to Walters, we got there just after 8 and he gave me Ern’s gloves and the ration books. Doris was not in, seems that Rose was ill with pleurisy (whosever Rose is) and Doris was with her and he was waiting for her to phone up. While we were waiting, he got his banjo and we played some tunes. He’s got Scatterbrain as well. But Doris didn’t ring so we all left together about 20 past 9.
Diana’s one puppy that is left – Peter they call it- is a lovely little thing, just like a tiny black bear.
My medicine hasn’t got a bad taste when you first drink it but it makes all your mouth go dry and then you get an horrible taste in your mouth. Bed about 11.
Sunday 4th February 1940.
Up about 12. In the afternoon, I went round to U Bobs with some boot-boxes for Queen to pack John’s parcels in, but she was in bed ill. Ed passed his examination A.1. Bert A.2. U. Bob gave me some paint for the kerbs he said he had promised it to dad. Fred called for me at 4.30 and we went round to his house. After tea, we went out. We went right over Woolwich Ferry and then we went back to his house, then out again. Then we went back until his mum, and dad came in about 10. Then I went home. I’m, going to book up from, work tomorrow for the 23rd of March for the Victory Palace. I shall take some paper and stuff with me.
Monday 5th February 1940.
In the morning dad said that “Me and My Girl” is ending on the 17th Feb. So I didn’t bother to take up any paper, but Fred rang me up & we decided to go to any performance, Saturday or Thursday. So when I went to the post office I rang up dad and he will book up dinnertime. When I got home I went to night school & called for Wells on my way. I lent Miss Purser my torch and she said she would give it me at night school but I didn’t bother to wait for it. While we were going home Wells said he wanted to see Haw Haw at the Holborn Empire and Black Velvet at the Hippodrome. When we got home I showed him, the letter and then he left. This morning I was so interested in Everybody’s that I went on to Monument, and it was funny because in Everybody’s they had reviewed an old poster of 2 or 3 years ago which said “Oh Mr Porter,. What can I do, I was reading Everybody’s & got taken on to Crewe” a parody on the once famous song.
Tuesday 6th February 1940.
Aren’t I a mug. When I went to music this evening we were talking about some music I wanted, and I wondered why Miss Elson, was hanging about but I didn’t realise till sometime after I had got home —————-I hadn’t paid her so mum, is going round there tomorrow. I could have got home before 6 this evening if Simpson hadn’t made Mr Cureton & I wait for a call from, Philpot so he could add a p.s. to one letter. I had what I wanted when I got home, 4 pancakes. I would have had some at the milk bar if they had had them, but they didn’t. When I got home from, work the tickets were there BN20 & 21 and dad looked it up and they were exactly the same as the ones I had before when I booked up with White.
There still are some polite people about. This morning at Gibson’s on the other side of the corridor. A Breton sailor called and before going in he took off his boots. It’s a custom, over there.
Wednesday 7th February 1940.
This morning I went to work in my raincoat as dad is taking my overcoat to work to be altered. When Mr Buttle came in I asked if I could use the phone. I rang up Wells & he is coming to see me tonight at 9.30. went to night schools in the evening. Dad brought my coat,. Its lovely now. When I got home from school Doris was there. Ern was in and he was making some batteries. So when Fred came we made our arrangements. He’s going to meet me at Mark Lane about 7 tomorrow and then we started talking about electricity. Doris went about 9. I think we’re going to make batteries to sell if Fred can get some more chemicals for us. Bed about 11.30.
Thursday 8th February 1940.
In the morning I went to Moorgate. I had to go to Taylor & Becketts so I asked about those envelopes we want, they are 12/6d per 1000. Because I didn’t want to finish this Thursday till about 6, old Simpson went out to a meeting & we could have all gone home about 5. But as Mr Buttle was staying in case a phone call came through I waited as well. We got away about 5.30. I suppose next Thursday when I’m going to the pictures I shan’t finish till about 6. While we were waiting we were talking about days when he was about 18. He had 5 dogs and one of them, helped to catch a burglar – it was like this – he and his mother had been out & coming back a tramp accosted them, & when he used bad language & began to threaten them, he whistled his dog – a bull terrier he called it Crab. So this dog chased him, into an old stable and kept guard until they were a long way away. When they got home they told his father who said “I think that’s the man they want for burglary”. So the cops came round with a cart and the senior Mr Buttle, a plain clothes cop and the dog went after them, and this dog captured him. He got a free dinner from the police for it. Another time he brought a Boar Hound in Hamburg and when he got home he tied it to a leg of the kitchen table and this dog went for a walk round the kitchen and broke nearly everything up with the table he was dragging, So I told him, about Nobby.XII
When we left I went to the milk bar and then I went on the station . He arrived at 6.30. His dad said he had better leave early or he wouldn’t get there in time, so we walked around for nearly an hour before we could get in. We went in about 10 minutes before the show opened. It’s a marvellous show and even now when its 2300 performances old all the cast still laugh at the jokes,. But it’s one of the funniest shows I’ve ever seen but nearly all the unbooked seats behind us were empty, I suppose people are scared of an air raid. We got home just after 11. He wants to see Haw-Haw and Black Velvet now. Bed about 15 to 12.
Friday 9th February 1940.
Up late. I went past Mark Lane for the second time this week. I was so interested in my reading & Mr Buttle was waiting for the lift when I got in. Mr Buttle left at 4 as he was going out but he doesn’t know where he is going,. His son is arranging it.
I went to night school for shorthand but as they had no coal we left early. It was as cold at school as in the street. In the afternoon I spoke on the phone to Mr Clare of Arthur E. Evans. They’ve moved to Bishop’s Stortford but I don’t think we will do business with them, as they want a lot for Latvia and its controlled by Russia and Germany now.
Saturday 10th February 1940.
Mr Buttle had been to see “The Impossible She” at the Richmond Theatre. We got away early. I went round to Wells house & we went to Maribor Park the other side of the river. Home about 7. I didn’t go out again.
Sunday 11th February 1940.
Up about 12. Ern went out about 1.15. I went to Wells about 3. We went to Eastbury House Upney by bus and to a museum inside Eastbury House but we weren’t in their long as it shut at 4.30. We came back by train from Upney. In the evening we stayed at his house I hope I go to the bungalow with him because he knows two nice girls down there. He was telling me some of the things he did. His sister came in after a while and we were all playing about till his mum & dad came in about 10.15.
Monday 12th February 1940
For some reason or other when I got in I didn’t clean the cylinders & Miss Purser happened to look at her machine about 11. And the cylinder holder was out of place. When she had a closer look she found 2 cylinders broken. In the afternoon Mr Clarke came up and he said she would have told him if the cleaners had broken them. In the evening I went to night school , did bookkeeping – the books we work from are all wrong and although I had worked the exercise correctly it was wrong by the answer book. So he worked it out, found I was right and blamed my “mistakes” on printing errors.
Wills came home with me and we were talking till about 20 to 11. Mr Smith called in his car for some blankets that had come from Dorking. After he had been gone for some time he rang us to be summonsed for leaving his car 35 minutes in Lloyds Avenue. Why! He was only in our office 15 minutes at the very outside. I suppose the copper was one of those officious blighters who has only just joined the force. But whenever they do pick on someone they pick on the wrong one. He was doing someone a good turn and besides I’ve seen cars in Lloyds Avenue for an hour or more.
Captain Innes came in. I sorted out a lot of old books today and in one of them that was going to be thrown away there was a lot of maps, so I took them home. Mrs Simpson came in in the evening. Queenie has been taken to hospital.
Tuesday 13th February 1940
In the morning the cleaner who does out our office stopped me and asked about the cylinders and said she didn’t do it. I think she cleaned out the room on Saturday and she said they were alright then. It looks as if is going to be one of those great unsolved cases.
Captain Innes came in & while he was talking he said that his 1st or 2nd mate (I forget which) was leaning on a lamppost reading his paper waiting for a crowd of traffic to go by when a lorry skidded and knocked down the post he was leaning against and —————didn’t even scratch him. It’s quite light now when I get home. It seems that summer will soon be here & not too soon for me. When I got home I went to music . Miss Elson had “American Suite” for me. When I got home again I changed and went round to Wells house. He said he would have his chemistry set out, but he didn’t so we played cards. I went home about 10 to 10.
Wednesday 14th February 1940
These last 3 days I have done up a parcel of firewood for Mr Cureton and Mr Buttle to take home as they can’t get any wood. The wood was in the basement and today while I was down there I found:
- A pencil
- A propelling pencil
- A tube of refill leads.
I found out something else about my typewriter today, besides having red, blue and stencil it’s got a fourth position and when it’s on then it types blue and then red and the blue and then red ad infinitum. In the evening I went to night school, did typing. Afterwards I went for a walk with Wells bed about 11.15.
Thursday 15th February 1940
This evening, when I got home Vic was there but Ern and he soon went . Then mum and dad went out. Mum had been to A Liz’s again this afternoon. She went to see Queenie yesterday and said that she is very ill. About 20 to 7 Wells came & we went to the Odeon, saw “Mr Chedworth Steps Out “ & “The Light That Failed”. I’ve been collecting silver paper for Mr Buttle for some days now (he gives it to the Canine Defence League) & I asked Ern to get out that bagful from his shed – but he forgot it – as per usual.
Friday 16th February 1940
In the evening I went to the library, its lovely inside now they’ve painted it. I got “If I were You” P.G. Wodehouse & “William, the Rebel” Richard Crompton. Went to shorthand after.
Saturday 17th February 1940
This afternoon I went to the music shop and bought “Bella Bambina” “Give me my Road“ “Music from the Movies” & “10 Noel Gay Hits”.
Walter came about 20 to 3.
I went round to Wells’ house & we went for a walk in the evening we went out again.
Ern will have to register 9th March.
Sunday 18th February 1940
I was up before 10. The morning ——- it happened like this: at 9.30 M&D were woken up by a crowd of people coming down Tweedmouth Road. They gave a 3-hour A.R.P. demonstration.XIII First of all the fire Engines & trailer pumps got their hose out and put out the flames (Edinburgh Road was razed to the ground & Glasgow Road was in flames). But they didn’t use the hose and there wasn’t any incendiary bomb demonstration although they got the equipment out. When the fire engines were going home one of them went down Tweedmouth Road and was stopped by an highly indignant officer who said, “you can’t go by here the roads blocked” then he yelled out “Stop any vehicle that comes this way”. When they had finished demolition squads came round & all they did was stop a while and then drive off. After all this the S.B’sXIV started work so they are evidently going to let casualties be bombed, burnt, drenched with water & then taken to hospital. There were 400 casualties & they all had labels on saying what they had wrong. Although some other people were making tea & one man who was supposed to have a cut artery said he had bled to death & then he went home. The Stretcher Bearers were the only hot ones there and Boy! were they hot, but of all the daft things one man had a broken Patella of the left leg & they were going to do up his right leg. And the bandages weren’t marked so some of the station are going to be without bandages. The ambulances were quite good on the whole but one or two of them were sloping backwards & it’s a wonder the stretchers didn’t slid out especially when they went over the bump in the road outside Browns. One of the Drivers was showing off and as he went over the bump I thought the back was coming off the chassis, it jumped so much, I don’t know what the “casualties“ thought who were in it.
Wells came round while I was watching & I said I would meet him about 3.20. after “Garrison Theatre” (BBC Forces Radio Program). So I went round & we went to Barking Broadway & then walked about a mile or so & then we caught a bus back to the Greengate. Vic was there when I got back but Ern & he soon went. Mum went round to U.Bobs & I had my bath. Afterwards I worked my stamps. When mum got back she said Queenie was very ill indeed. I went to bed about 10.30.
Monday 19th February 1940
Bought “Everybody’s” and “If I were You”. I forgot to take the silver paper I promised Mr Buttle. In the evening I went to night-school. Afterwards I went home with Ronnie Cook – a chap I met at night-school. Wells was with us, he lives at 61 Libra Road near the railway. I’m going to meet him with Wells on Saturday & we are going to the Odeon. When I got home Doris was there she had brought some sugar for us. Bed about 10.30. John is being brought home, he will be here in 2 or 3 days.
Tuesday 20th February 1940
Took the silver paper to work this morning. Mr Buttle was very pleased with it. Went to music in the evening and to library. Got “Something Fresh” “P Smith in the City” both by Wodehouse. When I got home I listened to George Formby . Mum went to U. Bobs. Wells came and was upstairs with me for some time. Queenie is a little better. Went to bed 11.30.
Wednesday 21st February 1940
Simpson didn’t come in, he went to Newport. Thurley was with him. It seemed very restful today. In the morning I finished my library book and in the afternoon I was reading Picture Post.XV Home just before 6. I went to Night-school – typing. I met Joyce Carter there – she was in the same class at Lister as me. And I walked round to the Broadway with her after we had finished typing.
When I got home Hilda was there so I walked back to the Broadway with her. After M&D had gone to bed I washed & was talking to Ern and I told him what had happened today. When I got back from lunch Mr Buttle & Miss Purser called me over & said we’re going to let you into a secret but you must not tell anyone. Yesterday while you were out someone rang up and asked to speak to “Wan Ling”. Mr Buttle answered and he thought it was Mr Thurley so he asked what number he wanted and he said ROYAL 6155 so after a bit they rang off. They then said to me that when Mr Cureton came in he kept on looking and asking them what they were laughing at but they wouldn’t tell him. So they wanted me to get on to Mr Thurley as soon as Mr Cureton came in and went upstairs. So I got on to Mr Thurley and gave the line to Miss Purser & Mr Buttle & listened in. Miss Purser wanted to speak to Mr Wan’s laundry and Mr Thurley guessing it was a reprisal made a joke of it . Miss Purser said she wanted ROYAL 6155 the number they wanted yesterday. Anyhow after a while they rang off & when Mr Thurley has come down again someone comes on the phone & asks to speak to Mr Cureton without being announced. I’m sure it was Mr Thurley and he said to Mr Cureton “Hello! Is that smelly, if so this is carbolic” and rang off soon after. Sitting thinking a while Mr Cureton rings up Mr Thurley & says “Hello Carbolic why did you ring me up just now”. But Mr Thurley said he didn’t & Mr Cureton explained what had happened & then Mr Thurley said I thought it was you who rang me up just now, Mr Cureton said he hadn’t (which of course is true) then Mr Thurley said, “well it must have been John”. I think Mr Cureton is still puzzling it out. Perhaps we will get a call tomorrow. Oh I’ve just remember I went out once when I got back Miss Purser said, “Tell Mr Cureton if I’ve had any calls while he was out so I said “No”.
Poor Mr Cureton. I bet he’s still thinking it over. I’m going to meet mum & dad on Mark Lane Station tomorrow night.
Book 8
Thursday 22nd February 1940
Up late. Finished “Something Fresh” at work. I was on Mark Lane platform 10 to 6. M&D came along at 5 past 6 and they came on an Inner Circle Train. Dad had got on a Metropolitan train and gone to Liverpool Street. We went into the Coliseum at 6.30. “Cinderella” is a jolly good show but I’ve seen better. The 2 Leslie’s ran away with the show I think & Leslie Sarony – Buttons was the best. Leslie Holmes was the Baron. The 3 brokers men – played by the 3 Loose Screws were quite good and one of them who called himself Bear Brummell was very good looking. There were only 8 men in the show. In the interval, I went with Dad & had a drink. Home about 12. Ern & Vic came in & we were all talk about Haw-Haw & other things when Ern brought out a card with French & English words and their pronunciation and asked me if I could do a few copies for him so that’s a job I’ve got tomorrow.
Friday 23rd February 1940
Dinnertime I copied out that list of French words, 4 copies in all. Went to the library in the evening got “More William” R Crompton and “Piccadilly Jim” Wodehouse & I asked them to reserve “William & A.R.P.” for me. When I got to night school Mr Shearing asked me what books I had. Cook came home with me.
Saturday 24th February 1940
Simpson didn’t come in today so I was home early for a change but it didn’t really matter because Wells was ¾ of an hour late. We got round the Odeon at about 3 and saw “Over the Moon” – in technicolour. A very good film. “Meet Maxwell Archer” – after the style of the Saint Books & “Donald’s cousin Gus”. Home about 6.15.
My eyes ached terribly so I bathed them & that helped a bit. After Garrison Theatre I went upstairs to lay down but I had to come down because I felt sick. After I had been sick I had some lemon & bicarb of soda and went to bed.
Sunday 25th February 1940
I was up at 10.30 & considering that summertime began so that it is really only 9.30 I was up very early for a Sunday morning especially after last night. I wanted to go round and help Wells build his laboratory but Dad said I had better not. Wells came round about 3.30 while I was bathing & I’m going round to see him tonight. I was round his house about 6.15 and we went for a walk he came home with me & I lent him my William book and he is coming round tomorrow evening.
Ern going to have his ears syringed & I put some olive oil in his ears & syringed them to soften the wax before he goes to Dr Kyndt’s.
Monday 26th February 1940
Up 8.5. Captains Fisher and Innes came in this morning. I made out all the new files & at one time I was almost completely submerged in papers. We got rid of the last of the parcels of torches, tin helmets, lifesaving waistcoats etc. This evening I went to night school and I went for a walk with Wells after. When I got back Ern was in. He’s got stock-taking to do tomorrow so he wants to get up early – I can see him doing it.
Tuesday 27th February 1940
Ern surprised us, after being called 2 or 3 times he was up by 8.20. in the evening I went to the library but I couldn’t get a book I wanted so I went to music and went again afterwards and got “Just William” & “William the Conqueror” both by Crompton. I read under the bedclothes with a torch when I was in bed. Mr Butler’s brother Douglas came up from Goole to see him.
Wednesday 28th February 1940
Captain Broughton came in. I met mum in the butchers as I came home. She had been to see Queenie. She is much worse & John has applied for extended leave. I went to night school and met Wells after and went for a walk. Bed about 12.15.
The best thing the government has done in this war was to start summertime again. I can practice every night now.
Thursday 29th February 1949
What a day. I recon we’ve spent nearly 5 quid on ‘phone calls alone. I haven’t had a minute to call my own and because I was going out I didn’t get away till 20 to 6 & was home at 6.10. Freddie came round about 6.30 & we went to the Odeon and saw “The Stars Look Down” – a very great picture “Night Work” & “Living Dangerously. Home about 10.15 bed 11.20.
Friday 1st March 1940
On Plaistow station this morning I met Edwards – he’s working in a stockbrokers office. I went with him to Aldgate on a ‘Met’ train and then changed to a District. He likes work better than Lister although he says now and again he would like to be back there.
Ern will be called up to sign next Saturday – the 9th March. Home about 6.5. Practised & then went to Night School when I got back Jack Parker and his wife were there. She is going to have a baby. Before going to Night School I went to the Library & got “The Brighter Buccaneer” Charteris & “The Travelling Skull” H.S. Keeler. Bed about 11.45.
Saturday 2nd March 1940
Nothing much doing at work, except a letter saying we’ve got to clear out of the Basement by the 8th as they want it for ARP purposes. So that means I’ve got to take up my warehouse coat on Monday. In the afternoon I went to Wells house & helped him build his laboratory. I had my bath in the evening.
Sunday 3rd March 1940
Up late. Went to Wells house in the afternoon & couldn’t get an answer so I called again in the evening & he and Willy (one of his pals) was in so we went to the Greengate & saw “You can’t cheat an Honest Man” & “Air Devils”.
Monday 4th March 1940
What a day. I’ve got about 250 stamps & have I enjoyed myself. Mr Buttle helped me in the basement & we did in less than a day what Mr Simpson said would nearly take me a week. We were down there looking at files – 1931 over our shoulder onto the heap, 1933 ditto – 1938 keep that – 1934 over our shoulder. By the time we had finished the basement looked a proper wreck, paper and files in a 5 foot pile up against the wall sloping gradually down to the floor. We were filthy when we had finished – but boy of boy – was it fun or was it fun.
Mr Buttle was trying out some new cigarettes with cork tips and he lit about 3 of them at the cork tipped end. And then as we were finished, I turned to him and said casually – I’d like to make old Hitler sort all those out and Mr Buttle nearly exploded with laughing. So what with one thing and another I had an enjoyable day. Wells called for me about 6.30 & we went to the library. I got a card this morning to that “William and ARP” was in so I got it & “Ten Hours” by H.S. Keeler. Then we went to Night School. I’m going to see Wells Thursday about 6.45.
Tuesday 5th March 1940
At work we didn’t do much as Miss Purser is out – ill in bed. So Mr Cureton did the typing and Mr Collins gave him the bind about it. Went to music and started “The Skater Waltz”.
Wednesday 6th March 1940
Miss Purser came back. We brought up the last of the files from the basement and the men brought up the cabinets and some shelves. Went to night school did typing.
Thursday 7th March 1940
I’ve nearly finished that blooming job at work, except for those 2 extra shelves we want for the stationary cupboard. When I got home Ern and Vic were in, but Mum & Dad were out. So I had my dinner. Ern and Vic went and when Freddie came we went to the Odeon. When we got there, we met MacDonald (from Lister) and we all went in together and boy oh boy did we have fun. There was the 3 of us in the front row cracking jokes about the film we were seeing. We saw “If I had a Million” and “The Great Victor Herbert”. When I got home I started talking to Ern and I went to bed about 1.15.
Friday 8th March 1940
There’s one thing about a diary – you don’t have to bother about grammar, spelling, punctuation etc. you can do it just as you like. Went to night school – shorthand Bed 11
Saturday 9th March 1940
Ern registers today – between 4 and 5. I hope they take a long while to call him up. I hope the war ends before he is ready to go to the front.
Went round to Freddie’s in the afternoon and we went to the Kinema, West Ham Lane & saw “Heaven with a Barbed Wire Fence” and “Old Mother Riley Joins Up” a jolly good show. Bed about 12. Ern has put down for the Navy. Uncle Albert came in the afternoon just before I went out.
Sunday 10th March 1940
Up about 12. Went round to Freddie’s about 3. But he was not ready, I came home about 5.45 and he came round about 7. Mum had been stripping the wall as we are having the sweep in and then the decorators after tomorrow. Fred and I went to the Premier East Ham and saw “Torchy gets her Man” and “Going Places” – about racing – with the song Jeepers Creepers home 11.15. bed 12.15.
Monday 11th March 1940
Captain Gibbons of the “New Lambton” came in this morning – he seems one of the best we’ve had in. I went to Night School in the evening and I found out the list stage of the R.S.P. exam is the end of next month so I am going to book-keeping on Monday & Tuesdays now, and I arranged to go to music at 6.30 on Fridays. All those who are going in for the exam have to put their names down by tomorrow night and pay their subscription – 2/6d. Mr Simpson brought up the curtains for the shelves & cabinet. The kitchen doesn’t look too bad now it finished.
Tuesday 12th March 1940
We put up the curtains this morning at work. As I was walking down London Street a platoon went by. All the soldiers were whistling “In the Quartermasters stores”. In the evening I didn’t get away till 10 to 6 and then I got my hair cut, got a pair of shoes that are being mended and collected my battery from being charged – and I still managed to get to night school in time and put my name down for the exam & paid my 2/6d.
Wednesday 13th March 1940
Went to night school in the evening. Nothing else of interest.
Thursday 14th March 1940
Met Edwards in Plaistow station. Simpson didn’t come in. Just before we went home (5 0’clock) we were taking nails out of a lot of wood for Mr Buttle & Mr Cureton and by the time we had finished the place looked like a carpentry shop. I got home at 5.45 and took the clock from Simpsons room with me, they’ve got a new one and said I could have the old one. Freddie came about 10 to 7 & we went to the Odeon and Saw “Backyard Front” “Return to Yesterday” and “Laugh it off” with Tommy Trinder and there was a film about saving wastepaper. Freddie wants me to go to their bungalow at Easter. Home about 11. Just before I went to bed I started the clock. Read in bed.
Friday 15th March 1940
It’s a good job today is pay day. When I came down this morning the clock was still going. Mr Buttle got me to take a pair of glasses to be mended this morning and asked me to go back for them at 4.30. Got Mr Buttle’s glasses for him.
Saturday 16th March 1940
Mr Buttle bought a new hat so he made a dent in the old one and said that on Monday he would take Mr Collins new one and put the dented on in its place – I wonder what will happen. In the afternoon I went to Wells house and we mucked about in the garden. In the evening we went to the library & I got “The Heart of a Goof” & “Summer Moonshine” both by Wodehouse.
Sunday 17th March 1940
Up at 1 pm. Fred was coming round at 3.30 but he arrived at 6.30 & we went to the Premier and saw “Secret Service of the Air” & “They Made me a Criminal”. Home about 10.45. Just before tea Stanton came round and we gave him some books & things & he gave me a mechanical book he gets every month & he said he will bring one round every month. Ern mended Mr Buttle’s torch.
Monday 17th March 1940
I took Mr Buttle’s torch to work, he wanted to know how much it cost so I said nothing – which was the truth. But in the end he made me take 20 cigarettes for Ern and 20 for me. Home at 6. After tea went to library got “Last Men in London” W. Olaf Stapleton & “William Again”. Last man in London is very good. Then I went to Wells house and then to night school. I got 2 new books – cash book & ledger and he gave us all a sheet of Instructions for the Exam. I am going to Freddie’s house Thursday evening. Read when I got home bed 12. Read in bed. Ern came in 1.15. Went down and gave him his cigarettes. He asked me to thank Mr Buttle.
Captain Le Louann of the Daphne came in this morning and were we busy. For at least an hour I did nothing but attend to the telephone & whenever I had someone on, Simpson or Thurley would lift their receivers and I had to cut off to attend to them. It nearly drove me crazy.
Tuesday 19th March 1940
When I got at work I saw Mr Buttle I conveyed Ern’s thanks to him. Sometimes work seems so good that I wish I was always at it but just now for instance old Simpson wanted a number and gave me the number, extension and name, and then got mad a bit because I wasn’t quite sure of the extension and I had to ask him and then Collins comes and mutters something about stations social when he means the solicitors law society. A Mr Parker has just called to see Mr Parker – I think he’s the Parker of Kumolo. I’ll have to get a new nib for this pen the blue pencil thing.
Went to night school and met Peter Emanuel at bookkeeping. So there was no work done by me or him and going home we were reminiscing of our schooldays. He came home with me and I gave him some stamps. Next Tuesday he is bringing his collection to school and we are going to exchange.
Bed 11.
Wednesday 20th March 1940
We get paid today because Mr Collins doesn’t come in Thursdays. This evening I went to night school and went home with Joyce afterwards. She lives somewhere up Prince Regents Lane, in a turning just past the fire station. I said I didn’t think I would come any more but she asked me to so I will. My exam is April 30th – 7 to 9.30 pm.
Thursday 21st March 1940
I have to go in Saturday with Mr Cureton and Mr Simpson but I can have a Saturday off in the near future whenever I want it. During dinnertime, I got some buns and butter. Mr Buttle said he would toss up as to whether he or the P.C. box would pay so I said “alright, heads the box pays tails you don’t pay” so it came down tails so he didn’t pay. In the afternoon Mr Buttle said it had been arranged that he and Miss Purser are to have Saturday off and Mr Cureton and Mr Simpson will come in and I and Mr Cureton can have a Saturday off later. But I would sooner have next Saturday. Home about 6. Went to Fred’s & we went to the Odeon and saw “Hollywood Cavalcade” “Too Busy to Work” & an advertising film.
Good Friday 22nd March 1940
Up 9.30. went to Fred’s about 10.40 and Fred and I went for a walk. His sister is going to have a bike so Fred will be having one so I am going to try to get one too. In the afternoon we went out and got as far as Woodford. We went about 20 miles I should imagine and walked about 9. Home 6.30. after I had had tea I went to Fred’s and we went for a short walk. Bed by 10.30
Saturday 23rd March 1940
Work in morning. Finished 12.0 home 12.40. in afternoon went to Fred’s and mucked about in the street on bikes. In evening I went round again. Home 10.30.
Sunday 24th March 1940
Up 9.30 went to Fred’s at 10.45. Billy and Fred came round & helped Ern & I to clean up his bike. After dinner Bill and Fred came round & we went on our bikes over to Wanstead. Home about 5. Did about 10-12 miles. In the evening, we went to the Greengate & saw “Little tough Guys in Society” & “The Crime of Dr Hallet”. Home 9.30. No-one was in so I just sat down and read till mum & dad came in.

Monday 25th March 1940
Bill, Fred & I went to Woolwich on our bikes this morning. Did 20 miles. Home 1.30. Ern wanted his bike in the afternoon so went to the Fair at Wanstead. Coming Home it began to rain but it stopped by the time the bus got to the Greengate. Home 6.20. In the evening, I stopped in and read. Ern is getting a motor bike when he comes out of the army and I am having his bike.
Tuesday 26th March 1940
It rained all day. In my lunch hour I went to Barclays Bank Leadenhall Street, & when I was coming back that dame from Harrisons & Johnsons upstairs gave me shelter under her umbrella. She spent the holiday the same way as I did. I will have to cultivate this acquaintance. I went to night school in the evening. Peter had forgotten his stamps so I am going round to his club tomorrow night. I went to Fred’s afterwards & he is going to come round Thursday evening. Simpson said I could have Saturday off.
Wednesday 27th March 1940
Mr Buttle was at work first that’s 3 times I’ve been 2nd now. I fitted up a plug in the far corner of the office so that I can boil the kettle or have a light there. To do it I had to switch off all the electricity in the office. Went to typing in the evening. Took Joyce home afterwards. Then I went to see Peter at his club & took my stamps with me. We exchanged stamps & I’ve got some jolly good ones from him. Home 10.45. Bed 11.50.
Thursday 28th March 1940
Got a letter from Night School saying that if there is less than 10 at shorthand tomorrow the class would close down. We went to the Greengate saw “The Arsenal Stadium Mystery” “Arizona Legion” & “Arms” (A Call for Arms). Home 10.30.
Friday 29th March 1940
At night school there was just 10. Went to music.
Saturday 30th March 1940
In morning I bought some music. In afternoon I went to the Forest Gate Odeon & saw “The Housekeepers Daughter” & “Band Waggon” & went to get a new gas mask – mine is too small – but the offices were closed. In evening I went to Fred’s. He bought a bike £2.19.6 it cost him.
Sunday 31st March 1940
Up 1.30 went out with Fred on our bikes. We went to Purfleet and as soon as we turned round the wind did the same & we had it against us all the way. Where we started the mile meter was at 2275.0 when we turned round it was at 2287.6 and when we got home it was at 2798.0. In the afternoon we went to Woolwich and when we got home it was at 2812.2. in the evening I went round Fred’s and we mucked about it was at 282.8 when I got home. 46.8 miles not bad.
I: Wikipedia
An H (Passed as Horrific) certificate was added in 1932 to alert parents to horror-themed material. Patrons of all ages are admitted. Patrons under 12 cannot be admitted unless accompanied by a parent or guardian.
History of British film certificates
II: Wikipedia
Victor Oliver von Samek (8 July 1898 – 15 August 1964), known as Vic Oliver, was an Austrian-born British actor and radio comedian.
III: Probably Churchman Tenner’s Cigarettes.
IV: Walter – older brother
V: Wikipedia
Henry Cockton (7 December 1807 – 26 June 1853) was an English novelist, remembered primarily for The Life and Adventures of Valentine Vox, the Ventriloquist
VI: Wikipedia
Everybody’s Weekly was tabloid founded 1913 in London as The Competitor’s Journal. The publication was widely syndicated in the United States. The publication ran its last issue 25 April 1959. The publication contained a short story each week, some of which were by Edgar Wallace. H. E. Bates was also a contributor.
VII: Costermonger – a person who sells goods, especially fruit and vegetables, from a handcart in the street
VIII: This was probably the German cruiser Admiral Graf Spee
IX: Wikipedia
A conscientious objector is an “individual who has claimed the right to refuse to perform military service” on the grounds of freedom of thought, conscience, or religion.
X: Surprised to see News Years Day was NOT a bank holiday until 1971 in England
The Origins of Bank Holidays
In the UK we owe our statutory bank holidays to John Lubbock, first Baron of Avebury, scientific writer (who studied ants and tried to teach his poodle to read), banker and politician and who, in 1871, drafted the Bank Holiday Bill which, when it became law, created the first bank holidays.
Statutory bank holidays were introduced by the 1871 Bank Holiday Act and were days when the Bank of England and banks could close.
The first bank holidays were Easter Monday, Whit Monday, the first Monday in August and Boxing Day, in England, Wales and Ireland. In Scotland they were New Year’s Day, Good Friday, the first Monday in May, the first Monday in August, and Christmas Day.
Confusingly, there were also public holidays , which are common law holidays that came about through habit and custom, these were Christmas Day and Good Friday in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Today, the terms public and bank holiday have become interchangeable.
New Year’s Day 1 January
The 1871 Act made this a bank holiday in Scotland but England, Wales and Northern Ireland had to wait until the 1971 Act.
XI: Wikipedia – A 1938 Soviet drama film, directed by Herbert Rappaport and Adolf Minkin. It is one of the earliest films directly dealing with the persecution of Jews in Nazi Germany.
XII: Dad’s dog when he was younger
XIII: Air Raid Precautions (ARP) (Wikipedia) was an organisation set up in 1937 dedicated to the protection of civilians from the danger of air raids. It included the Raid Wardens’ Service that was to report on bombing incidents. Every local council was responsible for organising ARP wardens, messengers, ambulance drivers, rescue parties and liaison with police and fire brigades.From 1 September 1939, ARP Wardens enforced the “blackout“. Heavy curtains and shutters were required on all private residences, commercial premises, and factories to prevent light escaping and so making them a possible target for enemy bombers to locate their targets. With increased enemy bombing during the Blitz, the ARP services were central in reporting and dealing with bombing incidents. They managed the air raid sirens and ensured people were directed to shelters.
XIV: Stretcher Bearers
XV: Picture Post (Wikipedia) was a photojournalistic magazine published from 1938 to 1957. It is considered a pioneering example of photojournalism and was an immediate success, selling 1,700,000 copies a week after only two months. It has been called the UK’s equivalent of Life magazine.The magazine’s editorial stance was liberal, anti-Fascist and populist and from its inception Picture Post campaigned against the persecution of Jews in Nazi Germany. In the 26 November 1938 issue a picture story was run entitled “Back to the Middle Ages”: photographs of Adolf Hitler, Joseph Goebbels and Hermann Göring were contrasted with the faces of those scientists, writers and actors they were persecuting.
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