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Don's WW2 Diaries

Letters Between Don and his Brother Ern

Letters Between Don and his Brother Ern

The Following letters sent by Don to his brother Ern were saved by Ern in the On Active Service Envelopes.

Only two letters from Ern to Don were saved so I have included them in this section.

1876276 AC Redhead

Section 27

6107 S.E.




Dear Ern,

I have met a chap who knows a good deal about coin collecting & he was very interested when I told him about that coin you had.  He would like to see it, but of course that is a little impracticable.  Maybe you could let me have a drawing of it & I’ll let you know what he says about it.

According to him the “Encyclopaedia Britannica” devotes quite a lot of space to numismatology. If I had known, he collected coins I could have shown him yours while in England but it’s too late now.

I had a treat this evening. The Squadronaires visited us & gave nearly 2 hours of music. I was in my element. They played several of my favourites including the good old “South Rampart Street Parade”. I hope we get some more shows of a similar nature. They are always worth seeing which is more than can be said for the majority of Ensa shows.

There is a faint hope that we may soon be getting our long -deferred Trade Board. But after 9 months I’m beginning to feel doubtful about the result, unless I get an opportunity to get some Genning up hours in. if he doesn’t give it to us this time, I shall keep binding him about it. I’m cheesed off after 9 months of waiting, especially when I know of chaps who passed out after me, but went to a unit with a good officer, who are all Lacs, two are now corporals & one is expecting his third stripe. I don’t envy them their tapes but is not fair on all us chaps to be denied a chance of our props for a song.

How are things going with you these days? I hope your leg is not giving any trouble now. Please pass on my compliments to Jean.

Cheerio & all the very best Don

Signed by censor DK Mallek

1876276 AC Redhead D.J.

Section 27

6107 S.E.




Dear Ern,

I wonder if you would do something for me. You see we have found some hidden talent in one of the lads. He is quite good at hairdressing, & as the camp barber never call regularly thus leaving all of us needing haircuts most of the time, he said that if we could get some equipment, he would cut our hair. Therefore, if you could obtain the following stuff & let us have it, we would all be very much indebted to you.

The equipment he requires is a follows;

3 cutting combs

1 pr OG 5” scissors

1 pr 000 clipper

1 pr 1 clippers

He says that he prefers BERMAN clippers if you can get them.

However, if you can get a Pr of FORFEX electric clippers complete with 3 cutting heads he would rather have that than the 2 pairs of manual clippers.

I hope you are able to do something for us in this. If you are successful in obtaining them don’t forget to enclose the receipts & I suppose you had best register the parcel. Also, you had better make sure you are permitted to send such stuff over to here. It would be a dead loss if it were confiscated.

I’ve not yet heard from you about that win of yours. 

Well I’ll dry up now, hoping to hear from you soon. Give my regards to Jean. Cheerio Don

Signed by censor RA Cowling

1876276 LAC Redhead D.J.

Section 27

6107 S.E.




Dear Ern,

I am sending you my pipe which I have broken again. You will see it has gone in exactly the same place as before. Do you think you will be able to get it repaired for me again?

If you are successful don’t bother to send it back to me as I have obtained another. This time I’m breaking it in gradually – not trying to do it all at once as I did with my last one, I learnt a lesson then.

Have you been able to get the other things I asked for? Please let me know one way or the other, so that I can let my pal know.

I’m hoping that my leave will be coming off in July, but I’m not sure so don’t say anything about it yet. I did very badly in the ballot – 908 out of 1031.  Still my 48 will soon be along now, & that will make a break – a decent bed for a change & really good food.

Well Ern let’s hear from you soon. Give my regards to Jean.

All the best Don

Initialled by censor EH

1876276 LAC Redhead D.J.

Section 27

6107 S.E.




Dear Ern,

Many thanks for your letter which I received today. 

Dad said in one letter that you had been unable to get the things I required & since then my pal Norman had a look round & he did see some in one shop, but to buy them you need to get a permit, so of course it was impossible for him to get them.

Norman asked me to convey his thanks to you for trying & he hopes you weren’t to inconvenience by your endeavours on his behalf.

I think it best now to leave it at that.

Now as regards the watch, thanks very much for getting it going, but I think it will be wiser not to send it over. It may not arrive in the same condition as that in which you sent it, & anyway I’m looking around over here for a watch. Incidentally you can get quite reasonably priced alarm clocks over here. Any use to you? If so just let me know & I’ll attend to it.

I’m sorry about the coin but at last you have the satisfaction that you hadn’t invest any money in it. It was just a chance that didn’t come up to expectations 

The story of your researches should be worth hearing when I get the opportunity.

I’ve been having a game with my cycle lately, in the last fortnight I’ve repaired 6 punctures & 2 broken links in the chain so this afternoon I took it down & gave it a thorough overhauling. It runs much easier now & I’m painting it up. I’m also fixing up lights so I would like a couple more spare bulbs.

I have sent my pipe off to you & you may have received it by the time you get this.


Definition of a gentleman – a man who can change gears in an Austin 7 without having his face slapped.

He gave her a string of pearls. “They’re beautiful” said she “Have they the old-fashioned catch”

I met a girl called Pasion & so I made a date.  I took her out to dinner & gosh how passion – ate.

I’ve been getting some gen on driving lately, it’s been all theoretical but it should be simple for me when I get an opportunity. I’ll have to see Walter about it.

Well cheerio for now Ern, remember me to Jean, Ernie send his regards,

All the best Don


27 Edinburgh Rd

Plaistow E.13.


Dear Don,    

I hope you find the enclosed suitable as I have been working rather in the dark about them, fortunately one of the fellows at work had a pair of service type specs & I have made these to suit accordingly.

My first idea was an arrangement that would work on a hinge, & lift at right angles to the lens of specs, so that you would have protection, even if you were not looking through them i.e.   

but this would entail a small fitting on actual specs, probably on the nose-piece & in the circumstances I don’t think the M.D. would like it.

You will be able to wear rings on inside or outside, but I actually made them to fit inside as they have a better appearance, also there isn’t so much chance of them falling off

Open paper marked X carefully & you will see plan of fitting, leave the left one I have sewn in, & fit the Right in your specs as show, first.  Remember the two flats on side of rings always go on the arm side of lens when fitted inside as shown.

Lastly the clips should not have to be bent when either putting on or taking off as there is enough spring tension so just ease them slightly.

Jean & myself were delighted with our presents & wish to thank you & Jean will be writing you I think so I’ll enclose a few lines in that.

Cheerio for now, Ern.

Ps the other lenses I have enclosed are a lighter colour but there is a grain in the material & vision is wavy, so don’t use them if you find it so.


Dear Don,

I am pleased to be able to send you the required certificate of your C.D. Service as you will see I have the actual date which I found in a diary (15th July 1940).

I would also like to mention that you should retain this, if possible, in your possession for future reference, in any case I have copied it out, also the ref:- letters AZ/VD.  The Defence Medal should I think be given to us & several more of the old members as I hear there are 1500 or more now being struck for our boro, but I’d rather your service in C.D. go to your credit in reforming your group number as you no doubt do, to date that is 5 years 1 month odd.

Now the war’s almost finished I do not see why you should be retained in the service for you have every reason to be out, regarding your studies etc.  there is one consolation for you it seems that everyone fit, & in certain age groups will even now have to do some service even though they may have changed their civvy jobs for war work several years ago, this service will not be in their favour, so when you are out it will be for keeps.

Up to now I have not been able to make the wireless cabinet etc owing to lack of wood, but I did get a plug the same as our own, so we are now able to work either set without trouble. I had to replace the dish light & up to now it is alright. I haven’t seen it myself but I was told only today that a fellow made a complete cabinet of “Perspex”.  But I’m rather curios to know what will eventually happen when it gets warm.

You may remember some ages ago I made you that angled screwdriver, but was unable to get the case hardening material, well at last  a chap has taken it in one of our depts & will get it done (with cyanide I believe) so I will be sending it on to you.

I will be writing again on any advancement with wireless, & I hope once again that your group number will now be reconsidered in your favour.

Cheerio for now Ern.

1876276 LAC D.J. Redhead,

‘M’ Section

6021 S.E., 140 Wing (Main)

B.A.F.O., R.A.F.,

C/o B.A.O.R.


Dear Ern,

Many thanks for your most welcome letter, & thanks also for getting the certificate of service. I suppose I should feel highly honoured as Charles E Linfield signed it personally.

I agree about retaining it but I am rather doubtful as to whether this will be possible as I expect they will make out another form from the one I have filled in & it will end:- see appendix A, & the appendix will be the cert. you know the usual bull attached to these things. Actually, as I believe I have said before I would rather be without them, but as they are there you might as well have your entitlement & be the same as everyone else.

I should have thought that 1500 wouldn’t go far in W.H. because from when you started operating No 90, (remember the fire station visit) till May 42, which was the last date to qualify for the 3 years there would be far more than 1500 who joined. Of course, thought a lot would drop out & not complete 3 years, I was forgetting that.

Still I suppose it will be the same as the service stripes. It’s all very well when you’re in uniform to go about like a rainbow coloured zebra but when you’re in civvies you’d shrink from drawing attention to yourself.

It would be very nice if it all helped to reduce my release group no.  if CD service counted, I should be in R.G. no. 37. Which would help a lot.

To tell you the truth though, although I really do want to get out I do want to get through the Forces Prelim Exam because it means a hell of a lot to me when I’m out & I’ll never get another chance to obtain the prelim. Certificate to any professional body. Still if some “gen” I got today is correct I should have time to complete it even if my number was 37. I don’t know whether its “pucka” or “duff” gen but it was to the effect that from January to June 46 groups 23 to 28 will be released & then 2 groups a month which would put 37 group out during Nov 46. As it is 53 group will be out in July 47 at that rate which is 7 months more than my estimate a couple of weeks back.

I sincerely hope that its incorrect because another 2 years will just about drive me crazy.

As it is, they are training boy apprentices as Radar Mechs, obviously there aren’t any Radar types who are dim enough to sign on as regulars or so far, I haven’t met one anyway.

Of course, the new call up will help a lot & I think there are a lot who would be o.k. for Radar amongst them but the snag is the time taken to train them.

I suppose the new mechs will start arriving about next June & we can hope for an increase in rate of demobbing then. Anyway, we shall have to wait & see.

The dial light in the radio is across half the heater winding i.e. 3.15 volts but a bulb between 3.5v to 4.5v is o.k. for it, in fact even a 6v bulb would be ok.  Getting the right plug is a help. Have you heard any more interesting short-wave stations lately? I got a decent piece of wood last week, for a cabinet but I’m having to use it on my rig.  You’ll see it when I bring it home. I knew of a chap who somehow or other coloured some perifex pink & made a cabinet.

It was stuck together with acetic acid & looks fine. The heat inside a radio isn’t sufficient to affect it. I’ve tried & it needs quite a lot before you can bend it.

Funny you should mention the angled driver. I picked up a piece of suitable rod at Epinay & was going to make a temporary one, but I lost it in transit somewhere. Now I’m trying to find time to make a key saw out of some broken hacksaw blades

Walter seems to be strongly forging ahead.  We’ll have to start something soon, we can’t let him get too far ahead of us.

I had a letter from Ernie today (you remember him) he sends his best wishes to you.

I’ll show you his letter when I come home it’s well worth reading. He had a leave in Paris with some friends recently & got himself in some awkward situations. First of all he found that the girl whose place he was staying at wanted to marry him & trying to get himself out of that he got himself into compromising situations with 2 sisters who were friends of Raymonde .  Still I’ll let you read it yourself & have a good laugh.

Well although I’m not going out much as you will have gathered from my letters, I’m managing to enjoy life. I like Belgium but in some respects it’s not as favourable as France !!!!

It costs a lot more to live here. Your money goes like wildfire. what I do is change my pay into Postal Orders except for the odd few bob & then when that’s gone by not borrowing, I can live within my means & still save.

Is it right that there has been a lot more gen about Radar in the papers recently I never see any except what’s sent. I suppose most of it is lousy as usual.

I got another good description of the atomic bomb from the New Your Herald Tribune which I am sending. When you’ve read it please keep it for me. Did you see the newsreel with pictures of an A.B. exploding? The same newsreel showed an Aussie squirt a flame thrower on a Jap – it nearly made me sick. A few pictures like that & the Belson ones showed occasionally would help a lot in preventing wars.

It’s a pity that films didn’t come out as well. The 2 taken indoors weren’t even worth printing.

Well cheerio for now, give my regards & best wishes to Jean,  Don.

1876276 LAC D.J. Redhead,

‘M’ Section

6021 S.E., 140 Wing (Main)

B.A.F.O., R.A.F.,

C/o B.A.O.R.


Dear Ern,

I won’t try drawing your letter in style of the cutting you enclosed, too much of a strain.

Take one notebook will be o.k. I think. Originally, I thought I might need more but now I don’t think more than one will be necessary.

You seem to have had a bit of trouble with the screwdriver & I must thank you for it.

If I get a chance of any more ply I’ll cut it to convenient sizes & bring it home with me. If I finish my test set before my leave it will be extra protection for it. Now I’m back in the workshop I get a chance to do some work on the set during the day so there’s a chance I might have it finished in time. Anyway, I’m pretty sure my leave will be a bit later than I thought now I’m back in workshop because I shall be on a different test.

I’ve given up bothering about demob now, it’s not worth it. You might just as well sit back & wait now. I’m at least satisfied that I shouldn’t have to do more than another 16-18 months. Don’t forget that the groups they are coming to now are the biggest of the lot & will take longer to dispose of than the later groups which haven’t got so many chaps in.

Well now about these ideas I mentioned in my other letter to mum & dad. I was having a talk with another of the boys this morning & we got round to discussing laziness.  we both maintained we were the laziest of the two & as we couldn’t decide we got on to things we would like to have to help us be lazy & while thinking up things I got the following bright ideas.  I’ve already mentioned one to you, but I’ve never thought of the details but today it all seemed to come in a flash.

What I was wondering if you would do was to make some decent plans out of my notes as you have far more idea of that than I have. You could also suggest the various materials & for my part I can work out theoretical circuits for the electrical parts & we can test them sometime later.

Of course, I’m not sure whether they are entirely original but I think I’ve got a new angle on it.  

Don’t forget to let me know if you get any ideas, especially in the electrical line because that’s one thing atomic power can’t touch. It might generate electricity but it couldn’t work a radio.

Well lets know what you think of them, cheerio Don

I’ve mentioned this one before but in a simpler form.

Its an electric alarm clock which besides starting a buzzer which will continue until you stop it, will also do all or any of the following things, depending on what switches you set the night before.

  1. Light an electric fire
  2. Boil water & make tea 
  3. Switch on a toaster
  4. Switch on a radio.

The general idea is that you have a control box with a switch for each thing marked ON & OFF & when you go to bed you set the clock for whatever time you want & whatever you want done in the morning, you put that switch to ON. As for the buzzer, fire & radio are concerned you needn’t do any plans but what I would like a plan of is a try for the toaster etc. (details later)

Of course, you can have on of these efforts which only does say No’s 1 & 5 or 1,2 & 3 or 5 & 2 so there are lots of different devices to be made. Then you can have the tea & toaster either singly for a bachelor or girl or double for married people so there’s bags of scope.

Now for the tray

  1. It can be merely standing on a bedside table
  2. It can be fitted on a swivelling extendible arm to come round in front of you.  This is the arm I mean.

Lazy tongs I think they are called    

   the tray can be taken off the arm. 

To prevent the milk jug & teapot being knocked over & spilt.  They are weighted at the bottom or are fixed on an upright arm so that you just swivel them. To hold them still you have a rod sticking from the jug lower down on the upright arm you have a stop & a spring clip.  (drawing on back)

The drawings aren’t much good, but you’ll probably get the idea.

What you can do better than I is to decide how to fix the details of the jug & clip etc. the jug must be possible to remove for cleaning. Also, the teapot. 

You can use some staybright metal for the jug but about the teapot you’ll have to get another opinion. I don’t know whether you could use metal for that.

The jug will need a lid.

I can fix a device to switch off the teapot element when the water boils & dip a bag containing the tea into the water*. The tea holder will be held under the lid or a lever & when the element is switched off the lever will descent.

In the tray recesses will be cut for the saucers & sugar bowl (sugar bowl needs lid) & butter dish (needs cover).  the toaster can be fixed but easily removable & have a covering so the bread can be put in overnight.

For the sugar & butter you could have metal cans screwed in the tray with a glass interior.

I think that’s all you want to get cracking on the design.

I saw an idea recently worth remembering. It’s a pilot lamp always burning by every switch. It takes about a 1d worth of electricity a year.

My other idea is a tie rack. Most chaps these days seem to tie permanent knots & it isn’t easy to hang them all so they can be seen & yet get at anyone easily. My first idea was a tube fixed permanently to the ceiling by one end 

(A) & a rod fixed at end (B) to a glider similar to those used on heavy curtains.

The idea is to hang the ties on the tube & when you want one some way in you put all the ties before the one wanted on to the rod, pull out the rod, take off the wanted, then push back the rod.

Then I thought that the ties would catch in the gap between the rod & tube, but that can be got over by have a double runner, with the rod on one runway & on the other a strip of the top of the tube. Then all you do is slip the ties not wanted over the strip pull out strip & rod the trip preventing the ties catching. Then pull out the strip & leave ties on the tube.

I think its quite a neat idea. Of course, some sort of dust cover is necessary.

Well let’s know what you think of the idea.


   The material shortages of World War 2 stalled the mass adoption of tea bags in Britain, and it was not until the 1950s that they really took off. The 1950s were a time when all manner of household gadgets were being promoted as eliminating tedious household chores, and in keeping with this tea bags gained popularity on the grounds that they removed the need to empty out the used tea leaves from the tea pot. The convenience factor was more important to the British tea-drinker than the desire to control the length of infusion time, hence the appearance of tea bags that did not have strings attached.

1876276 LAC D.J. Redhead,

Radar Section ‘M’

6021 S.E., 140 Wing 

B.A.F.O., R.A.F.,

C/o B.A.O.R.


Dear Ern,

I think it’s about time I dropped you a line & as I’m on guard tonight it’s as good a time as any.  I’ve hit lucky tonight & got the job of runner – no patrols to do – just stay in the guardroom & take charge while the Corporal’s away.

I keep meaning to send you the prefabricated radio cabinet, I’ll do it as soon as poss. I’ve marked all the pieces on what will be the inside so you can see how it goes. The wood isn’t too good but I’m going to make some wood filler to cover up the worst flaws.

I’ve found what was wrong with the set I’ve just built. One of the coils was broken. When I’ve completely finished it should be whizzo. I’ll be able to start on Walters set then, I’ve got practically all the parts.

Thanks, forgetting the pipe for my pal. Have you been able to send mine for repair yet?

Can you send me a couple of cigarette rolling machines – nothing special it’s just that I want 2. Let’s have them soon please.

Do you remember me telling you about some girl my pal’s wife knew, who wanted to know all about me? I’ve started to write to her. She seems quite a nice kid from her letters & photo. She’s 21, named Gwen, lives at Romford.

The demob news is good 39’s out in June, & they are going to announce the programme up to September before the Easter holidays. I reckon to be out in Oct or November. I hear that the end of the year will see round about 56 group out.

We are getting 4 days off for the Easter break – Friday to Monday.

My next leave should be due in June I think, it’s something to look forward to anyway. I expect I’ll get one more in after that & then it’s the one-way journey home.  

Cheerio for now, remember me to Jean.    Don

1876276 LAC D.J. Redhead,

Radar Section ‘M’

6021 S.E., 140 Wing (Main)

B.A.F.O., R.A.F.,

C/o B.A.O.R.


Dear Ern,

Thanks for getting the sunglasses & valve bases for me. I will see you about them when I am home next month.

I’ll note what you say if I have to alter them, but I think they should fit because horn rims are pretty well standard in size I think.

The lead solders & marketing sounds quite interesting. Maybe we can do something worthwhile between us.

Have you had any luck with the dagger yet?

If any of the stuff I send is useful to you just take it, & the films may as well be used.

I’m glad to hear you have been able to get the pipe away for repair.

I’ve wound a mains transformer that gives out 6v 12v 18v 24v & 30v so we can fix up some low voltage circuits at home like bells & other odds & ends. I’m also working on some power packs for car radios, winding transformers for them as well.

What do you think of these sterling vouchers they are going to give over here, after 1st August?

I have completed my 3 years(last Saturday) so I now get a 1/3 rise to 7/9d a day.

They booked too & dated it a day early, from the 17th instead of the 18th.

Group 39 are out in June. Roll on November and let me get home.

Well I must push on with the radio Ern, so cheerio & thanks for getting me the things, all the best, Don

1876276 LAC D.J. Redhead,

Radar Section ‘M’

6021 S.E., 140 Wing (Main)

B.A.F.O., R.A.F.,

C/o B.A.O.R.


Dear Ern,

Here is that “gen” I said I’d let you have about compassionate leave. You apply to the nearest Army Welfare Officer, SSAFA (Soldier Sailor Airman’s Families Assn).

A.H.S. or I.S.S. What they mean I don’t know, or a Police Station. Take documentary proof give my number rank name & address & also let me know.

There is something else I would like you to do. They want proper evidence about Defence medal service now, would you get forms DM1 & DM3 from a post office & get them completed by the local authority & let me have them then please.

Did you get the mould & do that first lot of riders o.k.?

We hitch hiked back to camp from Munster this morning as our lorry wasn’t due till about 6pm.

We did the trip in 2 ¾ hours in 3 lifts. We did the last part of the journey in a German Labour Corps lorry (we are forbidden to do this actually) & just onside Gutersloh the driver cut out on to the wrong side of the road round a corner & forced a little staff car up a side street to avoid a smash. This car immediately chased us & as we were doing over the speed limit, we made the driver stop.  When the car came up a Wing Commander, a Squadron Leader & a Corporal came out – & the W/C was the Gutersloh district Proctoct Marshal – the big cheese himself. He was in a frightful rage & bound us all rigid, took the drivers name & number (a German driver) & told the Corpl who was with us to see the driver reported to the Gutersloh military Police. He could have charged all of us too, but he was in such a rage with the driver he seemed to overlook that. However as soon as he left all of us except the corporal got out & left. We didn’t want to get involved in any trouble & I expect nothing will come of it.

If they do say anything, we shall all deny we were on the wagon & as they didn’t take our names etc, they have no proof of it.

Well cheerio for now, my regards to Jean, Don

1876276 LAC D.J. Redhead,

Radar Section ‘M’

6021 S.E., 140 Wing 

B.A.F.O., R.A.F.,

C/o B.A.O.R.


Dear Ern,

This is to wish you all the best for the 4th. I’ve fixed up that briefcase & I only hope I get it before I leave here on the 8th. I may even be able to line up another as well. Still I must see what happens.

I had a fine time at the dance last Saturday in the Sgts mess. The music was wizard & I got gloriously merry on an injudicious mixture of Beer, whisky, cognac, Gin & champagne. I went in the wrong room when I got back to the billet & left my pals talking from 1.15 till 1.45 then couldn’t sleep so read a book & even then despite a terrific hangover I was up for breakfast.  Still, I’m glad I don’t make a habit of it – getting merry I mean, not getting up for breakfast.

We have another dance Wednesday but that is a beer only effort so I don’t suppose I shall suffer any ill effects from that.

I have got another radio going & if I get it finished in time I hope to bring it on leave next Tuesday, well cheerio for now, Yours Don

1876276 Cpl D.J. Redhead,

Radar Section ‘M’

6021 S.E., 140 Wing,

B.A.F.O., R.A.F.,

C/o B.A.O.R.


Dear Ern,  

I was very pleased to get your letter today. Thanks a lot for going to Jones for me; it was a great pity you were unable to see him, but I have decided to forget all about it until I am home again. I shall decide then whether to go & see him or not.

Thanks a lot also for going to all our trouble with the lighter, but as you say, they are certainly well worth looking after.

I have mentioned in my letters home all about the Xmas festivities & the show. I expect you have seen them. In my letter today I have given the latest demob gen. it is bang-on, 51 out in March. I think I shall be out in the first half of this year. Anyway, you can read the full gen in that letter.

Despite the fact East Ham is much nearer, I don’t suppose you viewed your move with much favour. I don’t think I would have done so if I had been in your position.

I expect mum was rather surprised at winning a prize, let’s hope it’s a foretaste of some worthwhile successes in the family’s dabbling’s in speculation.

I must tell you about our latest clash with the Station Warrant Officer. He came to our show Boxing Day & apparently enjoyed it very much ————— until we got to the two turns where we guyed him. After that he shut up like a clam & lacking the moral courage to express his opinion by walking out, he sat thought he rest of the show in silence. Since then he dropped one or two rather resounding clangers at various times & today when he was witnessing officer at Pay Parade he was in a foul temper.  

He started off by inspecting the first batch, he let off a stream of foul language & then it seems he recognised Ray as being “Centurion Swiftus” in our little play “Dear Swiftus” —- the SWO’s name is Swift ——- & took the opportunity to give Reg a read dressing down for no reason whatsoever.

When I went on parade, I don’t know whether or not he recognised me, but he looked me up & down, but was unable to find any fault.

The finale came at teatime when we found that instead of bods piling in for tea at any time after 4, you had to have a chit to get served before 5.

This of course caused terrific queues, so Ted Utley & I barged in to see the Catering Officer whom I know quite well. We were told that he went on leave yesterday & it seems that this order has originated from Discip, i.e. W.O. Swift. So we came to the conclusion that Swift has stuck his neck out & needs fixing. We then heard that two corporals have sent in statements that a Senior NCO (Swift) swore at them on pay parade in the presence of airmen, which is a very serious offence. This gave Reg (who is also a Cpl) the idea of putting in a statement that he was told off by a S.N.C.O. in the presence of airmen, which is another very serious offence.

Ted & I have decided as our contribution, to see the Padre (whom we are on very good terms with) & ask him to see the Group Captain about Swifts swearing in front of boys of 18 who have only just joined.

If he can get out of that little mess we have cooked up for him I shall be surprised.  It’s marvellous the things you can do when you have a pair of tapes on your arm.  The G.C. already hates Swifts guts because he is strictly anti-frat & Swift & another W.O make a practice of going off for dirty weekends.

I think the least he will get is a posting & if we have any luck at all he will lose his rank.

I’m looking forward to my next leave to get things straightened out at the office, besides which I feel at the moment that I could do with a nice long rest after the hectic holiday we have had.

I guess I’ll pack in here & climb into the pit. Give my regards to Jean & best wishes to you both,
