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Don's WW2 Diaries


Don’s middle brother Ern was declared unfit for service on 7th June 1940

Soon after this the diaries show he became involved in firewatching both at home and at work, along with Don and their father Joseph.  Later I was very interested to discover that their mother Florence was also a firewatcher.  Many women became involved as the war continued but I had not heard much about this before reading the diaries.  

There is an interesting entry on 25th June 1940 where Don was asked to form a  Stirrup pump team and he was very excited about being put in charge of “older chaps”.  However a couple of days later he is very put out that Ern has taken it over. As the bombing progresses it is clear that Ern takes his firewatching role very seriously, most likely because he was unfit for active service.  There are many entries recording that he was “up all night” or falling asleep on the stairs and on 19th April 1941  Don writes,  “ I reckon he deserves a medal the way he goes on night after night.”  

Some of the interesting dates in the Diary include.

31st July 1940 making bomb with friend for pump demo.

4th August 1940 Watered garden with the Stirrup Pump

29th January 1941 incendiary bombs dropped behind house.  Info on how all neighbours ran to put them out. Also funny story about Don’s friend Bert stepping in bucket of water.

9th February 1941 Info on starting up the Street Fire Patrol

9th March 1941 Mention of Ern putting out Firebombs at the Greengate and that there was a fire watchers meeting at Lister Institute & the watching starts next Wednesday 12th March.  Don’s first watch to be the following Wednesday 19th March from 2 to 6 am.

19th March 1941 Don’s first watch.  Very heavy raid.

5th April 1941 Issues around watchers not turning up and Ern stayed up all night.

20th April 1941 Ern has forms from the A.F.A. for the firewatchers to sign so that they have to do their duty or they will be reported.

27th April 1941 Firewatchers meeting.  Don and Ern got the first helmets as they are Fire-fighters not firewatchers. 

29th  August 1941 Ern asked to take over a Section From Dundee Road to Grasmere Road, (probably 3 Jack Area).  Fire watching to be made compulsory.

Amongst all the war time  memorabilia, I found a very large amount of information relating to firewatching.  I will put up what I feel to be the most interesting and will list at the end of this section all that I have.  If you would like further information on anything please contact me.

Ern had become a Senior fire guard by 1942  and was responsible for 3 Jack Area.


He was responsible for the firewatching duty rotas, Record keeping and training and he kept many records and logbooks in beautifully hand written note books, as well as many official letters, memos and information.  

Formation of Teams Letter 3 Pages

Letter 14.10.42 Reporting fires during Air Raids

Civil Defence Duties became Compulsory by 1942 Compulsory Enrolment Order and below are some of the notices sent out by the County Borough of West Ham.

Ern had kept a number of portable signs and the Drill for using Stirrup Pump’s. 

Below are a selection of leaflets issued by the Ministry of Home Security and the Ministry of  Health, and snippets from various Handbooks.

Below is a selection from a number of hand written note books which were used as Fire watching log books and other records.  

After May 1941 he seemed to keep all records on individual foolscap pages

Many copies of THE MIDNIGHT WATCH the Broadsheet of Britain’s Fire Guard and Civil Defence Workers, were kept and are available below.

Full List of Fire Watching Documents:

County Borough of West Ham , Civil Defence Small red ID cards to certify BLANK is a member of a Fire Guard Party  (7)

Hand Written Note Books

Black Notebook recording names on firewatching duty 12.3.41 to 12.5.41

Duty Log Book Tuesday 13th May to 31st December 1941

Duties of Fire-Watchers

This log-book must be signed immediately coming on duty. 

During Alert periods at least one watcher is expected to be on outside patrol.

10 to 2 watchers are responsible for calling up 2 to 6 men, and on no account must they put book in letter-box or go off duty until at least one of these men accepts log-book personally.

Fire-watchers (and Fire-fighters) not actually on duty must be prepared at all times to render assistance if alarm is given by watchers on duty.

The Following Party-Leaders, with Stirrup-Pumps, are in our Immediate Vicinity

Rota Committee

Collection Committee

Equipment at Post


Water butts

Stirrup Pumps

The Midnight Watch (Wall sheet of Britain’s Fire Guard and Civil Defence Workers)

Britain Shall Not Burn!

Issued by the Ministry of Home Security.  To be displayed in Fire Guard Posts and Wherever Fire Guards Gather. 

No 4 (4))

No 5

No 6

No 7 (2)

No 8

No 9  (2)

No 10 (Midnight Watch in a new form)  half the size and no longer a wall sheet but a paper to read at ease.

No 11

No 12

No 13

Many sent to Mr Redhead 3 Jack – presumably the area he was responsible for 

 Fire and bomb watching formal instructions including: 

Mobile Fire Pumps Operating Instructions Worthington-Simpson Limited

Air Raid Precautions Handbook No 13 (1st Edition) FIRE PROTECTION For the Guidance of Occupiers of Factories and Other Business Premises HMSO 1942

Ministry of Home Security air raid precautions training bulletin No1  HMSO 1940 reprinted 1942

Ministry of Home Security air raid precautions training bulletin No2  HMSO 1940 reprinted 1942

Air Raid Precautions Handbook No9 INCENDIARY BOMBS AND FIRE PRECAUTIONS HMSO 1939 revised 1942

Air Raid Precautions Handbook No11 (1st Edition) CAMOUFLAGE OF LARGE INSTALLATIONS  HMSO 1939

Air Raid Precautions Handbook No14 THE FIRE GUARDS HANDBOOK HMSO 1942

Home Office (Fire Service Department) THE NATIONAL FIRE SERVICE DRILL BOOK  third edition HMSO 1942

Home Office  THE PROTECTION OF YOUR HOME AGAINST AIR RAIDS  Read the book through then keep it carefully  HMSO 1938

The Fire Guard’s Pocket Chart including A Table of War Gases – Pictures Diagrams Tables – Compiled by T.M. Ross

Protect your home against fire from Incendiary Bombs  with PIONEER fire-resistant Finish A.R. Grade ICI

INCENDIARY BOMBS Instructions to the Public  

Fire Guard training

County Borough of West Ham Civil Defence  – memo to all member of the Wardens Services and Fire Guard Organisation.  Explains structure of Fire Guard Organisation.  ER was Snr Fire Guard for post area Jack 3  19425

District Warden, Head Fire Guard Senior Fire Guards, Street Captain, Party Leaders Stirrup Pump Team Leaders.  

Letter from Chief Warden regarding H.E. I.B. and gas demonstration East Ham 21.11.42

Memo to the Senior Fire Guards24.11.42

Revised Method of Dealing with Incendiary Bombs  1 Kilo Anti-Personnel

Addendum to Report Writing – Reporting Fires During Air Raids

Fire Guard Circulars 

No 9 31.3.43 memo on Static Water Supplies, Eye shields, Exemptions, Trailer Pumps

War Instruction No 12 21.7.42  3 new types of German Incendiary bombs

Hand written notes on Incendiary bombs, Phosphorus, Oil Bombs and combination H.E. & Incendiary  

Map of 3 Jack area

Auxiliary Fire Service   How to summon the Fire Service during air raids

Wardens Service  Addendum to Report Writing  Reporting Fires during Air Raids  14.10.42

Air Raid Precautions Office 12.12.42 Meeting of head and senior fire guards at Holbrook road schools on Tuesday.  Film display at Broadway Cinema Sunday 20th December.

Fire party drill

Home Security Circular – Interval between impact and detonation, Heating of explosive nose, hospitals, final disposal of unignited IBEn and IBSEN

15.01.43  Gas and incendiary bomb demonstration at Hackney Marshes 

Supplementary Fire Parties 24.8.42 – info on bombs and firefighting

Ministry of Home Security 

1.8.42 Phosphorus and other Bombs Now being Used by the Enemy.

What to do About Gas

Protection of Churches and Similar Buildings against Incendiary Attack.

Issued by the Ministry of Health

If Hitler uses Blister gas – Soap and water will help to bet him

Various Forms and Notices

Lots of Records, .Log Books etc from 3 Jack Area

Arm Band and Insignia

Eye shields anti gas Mk11

Fire Guards and Stirrup Pump signs