Books 9 – 13: 01/04/1940 – 18/08/1940
Book 9
Monday 1st April 1940
Fred came round in evening at 5.30 with some leather cloths for mum & me. He came again on his bike at 6.45. I went to library and got “Wonderful Scheme” (The Wonderful Scheme of Mr Christopher Thorne) and “Cheung Detective” (Y. Cheung Business Detective) both by H.S. Keeler. Then we went to night school. Fred left his bike chained to our gate so he came home with me. It was Simpsons Birthday.
Tuesday 2nd April 1940
I met Fred outside the library as I was coming home. Went to Night School but first I met Ern at the Greengate & rode the bike home for him as he was going out. Went for a walk with Peter after school.
Wednesday 3rd April 1940
I met Ern in the evening & I decided that if Fred would come out I would go for a ride. We went for a long ride with one of the girls and we were talking for a long while afterwards. I was home about 10. I broke the teapot lid today at work.
Thursday 5th April 1940
I wonder what’s come over Cureton lately he seems to positively dislike me but still – I hate him so it makes no difference. The silly old Blue-PencilI – I found out yesterday he’s 37. When I got home mum & dad were out they had gone to see Haw-Haw. Fred came round to say he would not be coming to the pictures so I went by myself. I saw “Sherlock Holmes” “Arizona Wildcat” & “3 Kings and a Queen”. Home 10.30.
I think I’ll have to change my mind about Cureton he’s been quite decent since lunchtime.
Friday 5th April 1940
Went to B.I.S.C. at Tothill Street this morning, took me just over an hour. Miss Purser rang up the “Standard” today to tell them about a mistake in the paper, according to them a Swedish town belonged to Norway. Mr Buttle said she should have given them her name, he said his son had made quite a lot of money by sending papers photos or ringing them up to tell about something he had seen. I’m going to keep my eyes open now.
When I went to the bank to get the wage money he gave me all new notes – the blue ones. I think they are better looking than he green ones. I expect the mauve 10/- notes will be available next week. Ern had one of the new 10/- notes this evening they are not as good as the old ones.
I went to music & to the library. Got “Doctor Sally” by P G Wodehouse & “Gibbons Simplified Stamp Catalogue”. Then I went to night school. Home 9.20
Saturday 6th April 1940
Captain Broughton came in at 9.20. Mr Buttle was in soon after. Mr Buttle & I were alone at one time and he asked me about the stamps & he, after a while, verified my opinion of Mr Cureton. He told me not to let him run up a big account as several times he has had to wipe off accounts which Mr Cureton owed.
Because I wanted to get home early the train I was in was delayed. We were going along when about 5 yards outside Mile End the lights went and we came to an abrupt stop. We were in silence – complete silence – for about ½ a minute & then 2 women started to laugh. Then a voice called “The currents off Harry” “What” bawled the unseen Harry. “The currents is cut off – there’s no juice” “alright “ was the reply”. After about another 4 or 5 minutes someone started to whistle and you could hear whispered conversations. The guard came through just then & one or two people lit up cigarettes – It was very queer seeing their faces in the feeble red lights of the cigarettes – all highlights & shadows. Then we started again after a 15 minute delay.
After dinner I went to Ern’s shop to get his bike. While I was there I tried on some shoes. In the afternoon I went to buy some music – got “There’s a boy coming Home on Leave” & “When you wear your Sunday Blue”. Bed 10.30. Did 25 ½ miles.
Sunday 7th April 1940
Up 10 to 8. Found I had a puncture when Fred came round at 15 to 9. We found it was only a slow puncture so we started at 7 to 9. The meter was at 2,883 9/10 miles. We got at his bungalow about 11.30 and the meter was 2,908 miles. We called at his aunts and then went to his Grans. We bought some peaches and biscuits and what with the grub we took down we had a feast. We played about and at 4.20 we left the meter was at 2908.3/10 miles. We went to his Grans and met his aunt & uncle. When we had gone about 5 miles we got behind a man and woman on a tandem with a baby car at their side and we made them our pacemakers for 15 miles. With their help we got home at 20 to 7 with the meter at 2932.7/10 miles. We did 48.8 miles. In evening I sorted stamps and did some homework. Bed 11.30
It took us about 2 hours 37 minutes to go and 2 hours 10 minutes to get back.
Monday 8th April 1940
Captain Frollet of the Blacktoft was waiting when I got in. His 2nd mate came in afterwards, I don’t know his name, but he used to be captain of Andrew Carnegie’s yacht. And he still goes to sea – although he has a pile of money for 2 reasons:
1:- he likes the sea
2:- he can’t agree with his wife.
Only 3 weeks to the exam now. Home 9.30 Bed 11.45
Tuesday 9th April 1940
Germany has now invaded Denmark and Norway.
Nothing much at work. Went to Book-keeping, I was talking about stamps to Mr Richards & he has promised to get me some if he remembers. After school I went home with Peter.
Wednesday 10th April 1940
Went out on my bike with Fred & one of the girls down his street. Home 10. Sorted stamps. About 11.10 I was downstairs by myself & I was fiddling with the wireless and on 1525 metres I got a news service, I don’t know where it came from but it had all the latest news. When it was over a foreign language news was broadcast.
Thursday 11th April 1940
The new stamps are being issued on May 6th. We are also going to have Anglo-French stamps. We have recaptured several Norwegian towns and a lot of our troops are over there. After lunch Mr Buttle, Miss Purser and I had a discussion about politics and war in general. I’d like to wring old Simpsons neck, the silly old sod has said I’ve got to wait until 5.30 every night now. All the rest clear of about 5.15 & leave me to twiddle my fingers, nothing ever happens, so it wastes my time & makes me hurry to get to night school. I’m the first one in and the last but one to leave. He’s a mean selfish vindictive sod and I’d like to break every bone in his body. As soon as I can am going to get another job so the quicker I pass the exams the better.
Went to the Odeon with Fred. Saw “Mrs Feather Explains” “Chinese Bungalow” & “Eternally yours”.
Home 10.30. Fred wants me to go to his aunts at Tilbury on Sunday. I don’t know what to do.
Friday 12th April 1940
I got in early & rang up Fred. I got out of going to Tilbury by saying that as we’re rationed I did not think it was fair to take other people’s grub. They have nearly completed the extension of Mile End Station & I recon the new trains will be running inside 6 months.
Went to music and then the library. Got “Cannibal Quest” by Gordon Sinclair. Then went to night school. Went to Fred’s afterwards.
Saturday 13th April 1940
Ern is going to work on his bike so I can’t have it. Got “Moonlight Avenue”. Messed about all day. Had haircut.
Sunday 14th April 1940
Up 11.20. Ern went to Southend, Billy, Fred and I were out on our bikes all day. Went to Woolwich in afternoon. Did about 22 miles all day. Promised to find out the train times for next Saturday for Mrs Wells.
Monday 15th April 1940
I went up to Ronson’s in the Strand during my dinner hour for Mr Buttle. Mr Thurley had asked him to mend a lighter but he couldn’t so he was going to have it done by the makers. They only charged 6d and my fare was 4d so it cost Mr Buttle 10d. I had to get an A.B.C. Railway Guide so I got the details for trains to Laindon from that.
Went to night school. Then went to Fred’s. One of the louts down his road had an argument with Mrs Riley and socked her one and cut her eye, so she is going to summons him. Fred and I were in Bill’s house for a long time, home 10.30. bed 11.30.
Tuesday 16th April 1940
Mr Thurley is moving soon & we had to duplicate some postcards for him about it. Our duplicator is better than the one at Evans. During my lunch hour I joined the City Library in London Street. I got “Small Bachelor” by P.G. Wodehouse. When I got home I went to the library and got “Pagans of North Borneo”
Wednesday 17th April 1940
Mr Buttle brought us up 2lbs of sugar today. He gave me a couple of envelopes. One was marked from H.M. Ship and had no stamp. Simpson didn’t come in today. Mr Thurley’s son Donald came in & his niece Olive came in, she’s not a bad looker – about 18 I should recon. I stayed late with Mr Buttle – we left about 5 to 6.
Fred, Bill, me and a chap named Knight went to Woolwich in the evening. Home about 10.15. I went to the City library & got “Sweet William” by Richard Crompton.
Thursday 18th April 1940
It is Mr Buttle’s and Mr Cureton’s birthday today. Miss Purser sent Mr Buttle a lovely card. Mr Buttle brought up a cake for us. He gave me 20 cigarettes that were supposed to be for the navy only – duty free ones – His son had brought them home and he had brought some up for me. He said he has cigarettes from dozens of ships – they stamp the name of the ship on them that they are destined for. He has one from the Ark Royal among his collection. Didn’t leave the office till 5 to 6.
Went to Odeon with Fred and saw “Destry Rides Again” “Mrs Pym of Scotland Yard”. Home 11. Ern came in gave him one of the cigarettes & told about the fun we had today. Mr Cureton told Mr Troughton about the cake & Troughton asked for a piece. Mr Buttle, when he heard this said, “very well, he will have a piece”. Just then Mr Troughton rang up for Mr Buttle so Miss Purser took the call & got rid of him. The cake was done up into a big envelope & a poem was put in,
“We are sending you this Rill Mill
We hope it won’t make you fill ill”
(I’ve forgotten the 3rd line)
And we hope you’ll find it very tasty very sweet”.
Then Miss Purser signed herself “Little Gel”
Mr Cureton – “Curbolic”
Me – “Bovver Syd”
Mr Buttle – “Big Hearted Arthur”
Then I took it to Mr Troughton. He rang up about an hour after and thanked Mr Buttle for the cake & wished him many happy returns and asked who had signed the poem. Then he said “I hear Mr Cureton and you were under a table in the London Tavern this afternoon”. “Who said that” said Mr Buttle. “Little Gel” replied Troughton. “Wait till I lay my hands on little gel! I’ll give her little gel” said Mr Buttle. But – of course – he was only joking. Bed 12.20.
Friday 19th April 1940
Home at 6.25. That old Blue Pencil Simpson stayed out 3 hours for lunch and when he came back set the place in uproar with the different things he wanted. I know what he wants – but I can’t give it to him. Went to music and then to night school. Went to the City library and got “The Bishop’s Jaegers” by Thorne Smith.
Dad brought home a pair of flannel trousers for me. They fit fine. Fred & Bill came at 20 to 10. Read in bed.
Saturday 20th April 1940
When Miss Purser came in I noticed she was wearing black – her mother died last night. Mr Buttle said she shouldn’t have come in. But I think it was the best thing she could do. She isn’t one of those girls who could sit around at a time like this. Home 1.30 had dinner, bathed, changed into flannels and went to music shop bought Oh Johnny Oh & Bring out the little Brown Jug. Then went to Fred’s. Started at about 4. Arrived Laindon nearly 7. We had a strong wind against us & Fred kept on saying “let’s have a rest” Cyclometer 3046.6 went to shop, 3048.7 started for Laindon, 3073.9 arrived Laindon.
Fred’s mum & dad were out in the evening & us 4 were left alone (me, Fred, Bill and Kat)
Bed 10.30
Sunday 21st April 1940
Up 8.30. Did some digging & raised 4 blisters. After breakfast we went for a ride round Crays Hill & all round there. Coming back up one hill we were 15 minutes and we had to take our ties and collars off. Cyclometer 3082.9 so we did about 9 miles. When we got back we climbed up a tree to read. Then we went to his aunt’s house – (there is no one living there). Then we had drinks. Then went for a little ride. Came back to read. Then had tea. then we went to a pond & all went up to our ankles in mud. Left 6, home 7.45 had 2 stops averaged just over 12 m.p.h. Cyclometer 3084.0. left 3106.7 arrived then went to get some drinks. Arthur Major & his wife were talking to us and we asked him in. They left just after 12. If seems that Mrs Major used to go to Russel Road Central Schools with Miss Purser. And the character she has given Miss Purser. I had my opinion of her for some time and this verifies it. Ern came in at 12.15.
Book 10
Monday 22nd April 1940
Felt terrible until the afternoon, nothing I did could get rid of the horrible feeling. Nearly fell asleep once or twice. During lunch time I went to the library & got ”Amazing Spectacles” by Noel Godber.
Home at 6. Went to library got “The Evening Standard 2nd book of Strange Stories” “Find Actor Hart” H.S. Keeler. Went to Night-School. Was talking to the chap who is going in for the same exam as me. And found that Philpot is the chairman of his firm & that he has seen Miss Bolitho. What a small world it is! Arranged to meet Fred on Wednesday. Went to the station to take my season ticket form on the bike. Bed 10.30.
Tuesday 23rd April 1940
We’ve got to save paper so I might as well do my bit. My nose bled about 12. Mr Buttle is going to buy some flowers for Miss Purser. We all signed a card with our sincere sympathy. Went to night school. Exam is a week today. Home 10 to 10 as I went for a walk with Peter. Bed 11. Mr Richards lent me a bookkeeping book to study.
Wednesday 24th April 1940
Went to library in lunchtime got “William The Detective “ R Crompton.
Captain Broughton came in.
Went to Odeon with Fred in evening saw “Hitler Beast of Berlin” & “Adventure in Diamonds”
Bed 11.30
Thursday 25th April 1940
Captain Broughton came in. Miss Purser didn’t come in – her mother’s being buried today. Home at 6. Went to Fred’s Aunt at Barking with him on the bikes, we went for a ride by the creek. When we got back we went for a ride round. Home 10.30. Went to library in lunch hour and got “Twin Bedsteads” by Noel Godber.
Friday 26th April 1940
Went to library in lunch hour – got “Keep it Dark” by N. Godber. Went to music & night school in evening. On Friday night there is 4 or 5 chaps at the School who have got a band & they were rehearsing while we were there & they are really good. Bed 11.20.
Saturday 27th April 1940
Simpson went out so we didn’t get away till 10 past 1. I didn’t go out on the bike Fred came round. Went to dad’s shop for a pair of shoes after tea. Bed 11.20
Sunday 28th April 1940
Up 10.30 after dinner went out on the bike did over 20 miles went out again after tea & got a puncture so I did some bookkeeping. Bed 11.
Monday 29th April 1940
The Captains of the Marie Dawn (Lawuer)II and New LambtonIII (Gibbins) came in. Captain Broughton came in, in afternoon. Went to Night-school in evening & ordered one of those bookkeeping books. Mr Richard will get it for me. When to Freddie’s after. I am going to see him Wednesday. Went to City library. Got “The Jovial Ghosts” by Thorne Smith. It is the story of those “Topper” films.IV
Tuesday 30th April 1940
Went in for the exam in evening. Met Langford at the Broadway. It was a stiff exam & the 2 ½ hours went very quickly. We walked home. Mum painted the stairs & passage today.
Bed 11.20
Wednesday 1st May 1940
Went to the library in my dinnertime. Got “Skin & Bones” & “Did she Fall” both by Thorne Smith.
In evening went to Fred’s but he wasn’t going to the pictures so I went to the Greengate by myself. Saw “The Wizard of Oz”. & “Chip of the Flying U”. Home at 10.30 bed 11.20.
Thursday 2nd May 1940
That Marie Dawn has caused us some trouble. First a man falls down a ladder & nearly kills himself and now another has been injured in a knife fight with another Arab and we will have to repatriate him to France.
In evening I went to Freddie’s and we went for a ride round. Home at 10.30. Stopped up reading, when Ern came in we sat talking for a long while. Went to bed at 12.30.
Friday 3rd May 1940
About 10.45 a telegram came. I was just going to open it when I saw some writing on it – so I looked and it said ”Cureton” so I gave it to Mr Cureton – I guessed what it was thought – as I gave it to him his hand shook but when he opened it his face lit up. His wife has had a baby boy. He didn’t half get his leg pulled. All day, Mr Collins kept popping his head round the door of his room and saying, “Here’s something else I want to tell you”.
Miss Purser wrote a parody on “FDR Jones”.
In evening I went to music & then to night school. Home 9.20.
The sun has been beating down on Mr Buttle all day today & he has been complaining about it so I promised to fix up some blinds for him, & tonight I got the screws and things.
Saturday 4th May 1940
Started to put up the Sun Blinds, haven’t finished yet. Home 1.20.
Mum went out in afternoon. Fred & Bill came round at 3 and stopped for nearly an hour. After tea I went to the music shop & bought “Oh Mamma Mia” “The Woodpecker Song” “You Made me Care” & “A Small Cafe by Notre Dame”. Then I went to get some biscuits. Listened to Garrison Theatre, it was the last one and it ended by Jack & Joan making up the perpetual quarrel and kissing and going out as lovers, Jack is going to change his bike for a tandem. Big & Stinker were in it too. Bed at 10.45. Ern has bought a new Chromonic. (type of Harmonica)
Sunday 5th May 1940
Up 10.45. Uncle Albert came. After I got ready to go out on the bike Ern said he wanted it. So I just went round to tell Fred I wouldn’t be coming out today. Up till dinnertime (at 1.30) I just mucked around talking to Vic. Vic and I were playing with Pauline for some time. She is a very amusing kid. She’s not 2 till next week, but she’s very cute. Joan & her pal were talking to Ern and I about bikes and he gave them enrolment forms for the N.C.V. Ern went at 2.30. just stopped in for rest of day. Stanton came round about 4.30. while we were listening to the Gala Variety Aunt Jill came round. The show was very good. Bed 10.45.
Monday 6th May 1940
Met Peter coming out from the station. We both bought a set of the new stamps. They are jolly good stamps. Mr Thurley, when he saw them, asked me for 2 sets. Went to library dinnertime got “Say it with Flowers” by George C. Foster. Went to Night School in evening. Mr Richards had our books. Went for a ride with Fred and Bill after.
Tuesday 7th May 1940
Nothing much happened at work. Went to night school – my last bookkeeping lesson this term & one of the chaps arranged to come round my house tomorrow night & change stamps. Just before we finished work Mr Simpson came out and said “He couldn’t see any reason why we shouldn’t have holidays this year, the same as usual. He would be going away for a week on May 24th and he would only be away that week, so if Mr Buttle would make arrangements he didn’t care how it was done so long as holiday didn’t clash”.
Late in the night Ern came in & we were talking about things and he said he had got the telephone numbers of a lot of famous entertainers, from the Trades directory, such as Arthur Askey, Weston Bros. etc. and that reminded me about one entry in the directory about Babies Napkins Suppliers so I asked Ern to get it from his directory & I’m going to send it to Mr Cureton.
Wednesday 8th May 1940
Went to library dinnertime and got “Don’t do it Doctor” by N Godber. Ern was home early he had the cutting so I pasted it on paper and he wrote underneath “Don’t kill your wife with washing – let us do it”. That chap came & we exchanged stamps. Walter came.
I have arranged to have a week’s holiday on the 23rd June and another week at the same time as Fred. Went to Fred’s on the bike and we went for a ride. Bed 11.
I saw the A.M.P.C. (auxiliary military pioneer corps) marching to Fenchurch Street Station from the roof of Fenton House with Miss Purser, during the afternoon.
Thursday 9th May 1940
Posted that letter to Mr Cureton at Fenchurch Street so as to make him think Troughton did it. Peter rang me up and we went to lunch together. He said that he had rung up the London Museum and the exhibition is from 10 till 7 and he is going to meet me on Saturday. I asked him if he would come with me to see “Garrison Theatre” at the Palladium, Peter said he would, and then asked me if I wanted to go & see “Oriental Wonders” at the Stratford Empire next week. He said the club he belongs to is going to see it next week & if I want to come it will cost me 1/3d but if I went by myself it would be 1/9d.
The letter arrived at 1.15. Mr Cureton came in about 2.15. When he saw it he gave it to Mr Buttle & then rang up Troughton but Troughton swore he didn’t do it. So then he began to accuse everyone in the office (Mr Buttle) said that it was very clever. Mr Buttle & Miss Purser had an idea I did it but I think (& hope) I fooled them. I managed to swerve the blame on to Mr Thurley.
Peter Emanuel said that yesterday a notice was put up at Lloyds saying that Holland had been invaded. When I got home Mum & Dad went out and I left Ern in while I went out on the bike. I went to Peters & he is to see me on Saturday at 3 & I will not be going to the Stratford Empire & he is not coming to the Palladium.
About 9 I had a collision with Bill. He got a ripped tyre & inner tube and my back wheel was buckled. It is going to cost me 4/- to clear it up with Ern. So before I went to bed I left a note and 4/- for Ern. Went to City library and got “The Clicking of Cuthbert” P.G. Wodehouse.
Friday 10th May 1940
Ern took the back wheel off last night & I took it to Penny’s this morning and I will collect it tonight. This afternoon that Arab that was knifed came in with another chap & it was a proper comedy with these 2 chaps and Mr Buttle. The Arab who had been knifed wasn’t so daft as he looked & he wanted some money but he didn’t get it. Went to Music & collected the wheel, then went to night school. I arrived at 7.45 & was the first one in. Home 9.10.
Walter & Doris were here they went about 9.15. Ern came in about 10. After mum & dad had gone to bed we put the wheel back. Bed 12.30
Saturday 11th May 1940
Up 7.55. Work 9.10. Home 1.3.
We will have to go in on Monday.
Peter came round in the morning & told mum he couldn’t come to the exhibition so I didn’t go. Mrs Major was taken to the home & had a baby girl. Went to library & got “Pirates of Venus” & “Tanar of Pellucidar” both by E.R. Burroughs. Bed 10.45
Sunday 12th May 1940
Fred came round for me but I wasn’t ready so I said I would be round his house in an hour. Round there at 11.30. We took Kit with us but Fred and Kit had a collision and we went home again. In the afternoon Bill, Fred, I, and another bloke went for a ride all over Wanstead and we had a lot of fun over there. Home at 5.15. We were going to the pictures but I changed my mind and I went for a ride round. I did about 60 miles I should think Bed 10.30.
Monday 13th May 1940
Some Whitson holiday this is – I don’t think. Everyone is supposed to be working but only about 50% are. That Arab who got knifed on the Marie Dawn came in again with an interpreter.
Went to library in dinnertime & got “Girls will be Girls” by G.C. Foster. Home by 4. Ern was in after tea I went for a ride with the boys. Home 8.20. Bed 10.30
Tuesday 14th May 1940
In lunch time I went to Gamage’s in Cheapside for Mr Thurley & when I was coming back I saw a music shop & got “Kiss in the Dark” & “No Souvenirs”. In evening I went to library but didn’t get any books. Went to Miss Epsom’s for some music about 8 I went round to Fred’s. Home 8.45 Bed 10.30
Wednesday 15th May 1940
Went to library dinnertime & got “Hot Dog” & “Turkish Delight” by G.C. Foster. Met Peter at lunch. He joined the library. He wants to see Garrison Theatre after all. In the evening I went to Fred’s aunt with him. I found I had a 3 punctures & we broke the thread of the back spindle while we were putting the back wheel on.
We came home at 5 past 11. In the thunderstorm when I got home I was soaked through & through. So I stripped & had a rub down to get clean things on & soon got over it. But it was a ride to remember. The driving rain & Pitch Black except for a few lights – hardly able to see a thing – the fear of the back wheel coming out making me go slow – I shall have to wear my best suit tomorrow.
Ern was out when I got in but he rushed in about 12.15 & said he had dropped his Ronson pencil lighter. So he put on his big top boots, got a broom & his big torch. He got back about 20 minutes later but he had found it – or rather Arthur Major found it for him. I told him about the bike & we changed it round to fixed wheel & it will be alright till he gets a new spindle. Bed 12.40.
Thursday 16th May 1940
Up 10 to 8.
Miss Purser was caught in the rain last night as well. When I got to work Mr Troughton was outside the door. He said he had been there ¾ of an hour (He always is a joker).
Home 6.10 . Mum & Dad had gone out. Fred came round. He & Ern and I were talking for some time then Fred & I went out for a ride. Home 9.0 bed 11.30
Had to wear my best suit for work today because other one was wet.
Friday 17th May 1940
Up at ¼ to 8. I sent myself a set of centenary stamps through the post. Miss Purser says they have an album at home with a lot of old stamps in it. Her Grandfather collected them. I advised her to get them valued as she says they are all nearly 100 years old.
Went to lunch with Peter in a little café he knows but I am not going there again – the mucky little hole.
Went to library & got “Death Squad of the Desert by T. Brenan.
Went to music in evening. Bed 11.30
Book 11
Saturday 18th May 1940
That letter came this morning. Some twerp has pencilled all over the 3 lower values. I had to make up another envelope and took it to the P.O. & also showed them the other envelope. They said it was probably done on purpose by someone who didn’t like a little bit of extra work & said if it happened again I had better put in a complaint to the Head Office.
I think these short skirts are making women round shouldered. Half of them are leaning forward all the time to make sure their skirts are not blowing up & showing their legs and the other half are leaning forward, looking at their skirts, to make sure they are showing as much of their legs as possible.
Went to City library & got “Horror on the Asteroid” by E. Hamilton.
When I got home I stayed in for a while and then went to library. I met Doris Stainsby on the corner. The first time I have seen her for over a year. She still goes to Lister. Several of the teachers have left & new ones come & Miss Horsefell has got married.
I will have to see her again sometime, for she was good looking when I knew her at Lister & she is even better now. I got “Teamwork” by Joan Butler & asked them to reserve a stamp catalogue for me. I bought a roll of film for my camera. Miss Elson got for me “When our Dreams Grow Old”.
Fred & Bill came round & I rang up Ern to see if I could have his bike. He said I could. My 2nd registered letter came – it was alright.
Sunday 19th May 1940
Up 9.45 about 12 Fred and I started for a ride. But on the other side of the ferry I got 2 punctures. We came back and while we were mending them a policeman came along & helped us. We went to Woodford in the afternoon and did about 30 miles. In the evening I stayed in & read.
Monday 20th May 1940
Went to library dinnertime. Got “The Gods of Mars” by E.R. Burroughs. In the evening Fred & Bill came round. Fred had got me a 10d stamp. That completes my set of used stamps, and I want a 9d, 10d & 1/- unused to complete my set of unused. Then I went to library & got “Bloodspots in the Sand” by Waterhouse & “Red Horizon” by R. Forbes. Bed 11.30. There were a great number of ‘planes about & I thought there was a siren wailing, but it was a plane.
Tuesday 21st May 1940
There was a warden’s meeting in Fenton House today & Mr Buttle said there will be practice tomorrow at 12. In the evening I did some Bookkeeping & went round to see Fred. I stopped there till about 10.45. bed 11.30
We had to fill in our identity cards this evening. The instructions came over the radio. Things must be serious now.
Wednesday 22nd May 1940
Things are serious. The Germans have advanced through Brittany and nearly cut France in 2.
Mr Thurley said they had a warning at Margate from 10.35 to 11.45 but Ramsgate had one at 7.30 pm. He said that all the noise came after the warning and there seemed to be a big fight off Ramsgate. We had our practice at 12. Now all the people have moved from the basement there is a tremendous amount of room.
I went to lunch with Pete. Went to library & got “The Rift in the Loot“ & “Sea Breezes” by C Foster. (George Cecil Foster)
In the evening I went round to see Fred. Home at 10.30.
Thursday 23rd May 1940
In the afternoon I had to go to Lloyds & I met Peter. I went to music, my nose bled while I was there but it soon stopped. Then I went to Fred’s we went out on the bikes & I fell over and hurt my wrist (That’s why my writing is bad).V Home at 10.30. 3 tanks went through the City today and they literally shook the building.
Friday 24th May 1940
My wrist was worse this morning and I’ve torn my coat. I am going to the Doctors. I left the office at 10.30 and went to Plaistow station & then to Kyndt’s (the Doctor), and then home. Mr Buttle had asked me to bring up my binoculars because there are some chaps who get on Lloyds every dinnertime and he wants to see who it is.
Well we’ve seen the back of Simpson for about a week and am I glad.
When I got home I managed my wrist. Then I went out. Bill, Ron & I went to the Greengate. We met Fred in there. We saw “Timber Stampede” “5th Avenue Girl” and “Our Fighting Navy”. They interrupted the programme to broadcast the Kings speech at 9.VI Home 11.30.
Saturday 25th May 1940
We didn’t finish work till 5 to 1 although Simpson wasn’t there. In the evening Bill & I went to the Odeon & saw “Tower of London” “Men of Africa” & “The Legion of Lost Flyers” Home 8.30.
Nick showed me some rabbits they are trying to sell. In the afternoon I went to North Street Wardens Post & got the Contex put on our masks.VII Bed 12. Got “Kiss me Again” & “Rhythmic Stakes” Kiss me Again was 2/- wasted because it’s a song and not a piano solo.
Sunday 26th May 1940
Up 1.30
Ern has remade his Polo BikeVIII into an ordinary one and wants to sell it. It looks jolly good too. I stopped in all day until evening, when I went out with Bill & Fred.
Monday 27th May 1940
Went to Greengate with Bill & Fred in evening saw “Band Waggon” & “Oklahoma Frontier” “Weather Flight” and “The Pointer”. I am glad I went to see Band Waggon again – its so good. When I got home Ern was working out some figures. I did some and promised to finish them tomorrow if he will leave them at home. At work, I promised to make Miss Purser a loose-leaf book for addresses so that she can type in the addresses. Went to library got “Miss Boveley” N Godley.
Tuesday 28th May 1940.
Mr Thurley is having a bad time lately. He thinks that everyone must evacuate from Margate and is having a terrible time trying to find a house. He did finally get one at Amersham (he wants to get there) but Mrs Collins went to see it & rung up T.H.C. and said it was no good – so he hasn’t got a place now.
I nearly finished that book I’m making, I’ve just got to index it.
Stopped in all evening. Had a long talk with old Reddin. It enlightened me. How any man could be such an utter fool as he I don’t know. Finished of those figures for Ern.
Wednesday 29th May 1940
Finished the address book. Its jolly good, although I say it so shouldn’t. Went to library got “Alias The Saint” L. Charteris. Ern has asked me to type a notice, and have it put in Hallyers, about his bike so I did during lunch & going home I put it in. Only 2d a week. Ern & I went up the shop to see if it was in, about 8. But the notice wasn’t in yet. Coming back we met Queenie and Phyllis. We were talking to them for about 30 or 40 minutes, then I went to see the boys. Home 10.45
Thursday 30th May 1940
Went to library & got “Topper Takes a Trip “ T Smith. When I got home, Walter had brought Bert & his girl Jean over in the car. Bert was in France 6 weeks and got away from Boulogne last Tuesday. He has had some excitement though. He was knocked out by a bullet going through his helmet. Been in bayonet duels, killed a sniper, had his boots shot off his feel and pinched a pair from a dead Frenchman.
About 20 to 8 I went to see the boys. I went to the music shop & ordered “The only One is You” “Melody Maker” “Say Le Giana” “He would Whistle” and “In the blackout last night”. Home 9.30 Bed 11.30
Friday 31st May 1940
Cureton started his holidays this evening. Went to library & got “The Misfortunes of Mr Teal” L Charteris. Went to music. Miss Elson started me on a big new book with some jolly good pieces in it. About 8.15 Ted & Hilda came over to see Ern. But he didn’t get in till after 9. They went about 10.30. then Ern & I balanced up his days takings at the shop. Ern has hurt his bad leg so he massaged it with white oils. Ern asked me to help him at the shop tomorrow.
Saturday 1st June 1940
They have got 4/5 of the boys home from N. France. Ern had to take a stick to get along this morning. If it gets no better he is going to the doctor but he will ring me up so that I won’t go over this afternoon as if he goes to the Dr someone will come over and help him. I was out when Ern rang up but Mr Buttle took a message to say I could go over this afternoon.
When I got home I went to the music shop and got all but “He would Whistle” of the 5 I ordered. I left home at 3 and got to the shop about 10 to 4. I found it quite easily Ern & a kid were there and another chap came after. Ern’s leg is a bit better but not much we got home at 10.35.
Sunday 2nd June 1940
Up early. Ern’s leg was worse so we went round to Dr Kyndt but he was out, but he called about 1 to see Ern. Ern has got a swollen gland. He gave him some medicine & tablets. In the afternoon, I went out on the bike. In the evening Bill, Fred, Ron & I went to the Greengate & saw “The Lady Escapes” & “Joy Parade”. When I got home Ern had gone out with Vic. Bathed & went to bed about 11.15.
Monday 3rd June 1940
Went to library dinner time got “Rain in the Doorway” T Smith “The Ace of Knaves” Charteris. Left office at 20 to 6. Stopped in. Ern’s leg is a bit better. Got stamp catalogue from library.
Tuesday 4th June 1940
Ern has had his papers down, he’s for the army and is to be examined Friday. Dad rang him up to tell him & told him to go to Kyndt’s tonight about the leg. When Ern got home he said Kyndt gave him medicine and liniment. I hope he gets an exemption because of this. And he is almost certain to get an extension of a few months because he will be no good if his leg keeps going wrong and if he gets a few months extension the war may be over so it seems that his leg was a blessing in disguise.
I went to see Fred & we went over to Wanstead . Those lumps they have made to stop aeroplanes landing are very deep & I pity any plane that attempts to land there. Went to library in evening and got “Empire Postage Stamps”. From 10 to 11 we could hear guns very loudly. I think they were on the coast and they were not AA’s.
Ern gave me 7/6. Mr Sweetman said I was to have it for Saturday.
5th June 1940 (Wednesday)
Ern didn’t have to go in as Sweetman gave him a few days off. Went to library in dinnertime and got “Chessmen of Mars” E.R. Burroughs. Went to lunch with Peter. When I went home Ern had gone to the Doctors again as he had been in terrible pain. I went for a ride with Fred and Farrington. Home 9.30. When Ern got in he said he has to go for an X-ray at Poplar hospital tomorrow at 9. Bed 12.35.
Thursday 6th June 1940
Up 8. Went to lunch with Peter. Went to library got “Code of the Westerns” P.G. Wodehouse.
Mr Simpson wasn’t back from the air raid practice at 3. So I stayed in the office while it was on. Gibson’s are evacuating so Mr Gibson is giving up his Wardens job and Miss Purser has taken it over and I am deputy, so if Mr Buttle or Miss Purser were away I should take their places. Home 6.15. went out for a while with Fred. Then came back & stopped in.
Friday 7th June 1940
Rang up Dad when I went to lunch to ask about Ern. He said that the Doctors said it was a very interesting case and it would get better and it was nothing to worry about. But it would keep him out of the army and they gave him a letter to take to the Board this afternoon. Went to library and got “The Stray Lamb” & “The Night Life of the Gods” by Thorne Smith.
Ern has got total exemption from all classes. The doctors gave him a letter & when the board saw it they gave him his exemption form. Am I Glad!
Went to music & then to pictures. Went to Greengate & saw “Drums along the Mohawk” “The Honeymoons over” & “All Hands”. Saw Fred & Bill after.
Saturday 8th June 1940
When old RJ went out for “elevenses” I went out & bought Dad a bottle of port for his birthday. In the afternoon Peter & I went to the Broadway and saw “A Chimp at Oxford” “Road to Singapore” & “Water Baby”. In evening we listened to Cup Final
West Ham Won
1 – 0
Ern & I nearly went crazy with joy. But it was a close thing. Rovers nearly scored in the last 2 minutes. Fred came round after.
Sunday 9th June 1940
Up late. Didn’t go out till about 3.30 & then it rained. About 8 Fred came round and we went for a walk and I raised 2 lovely blisters.
Monday 10th June 1940
Got “ A Yank at Oxford” by A.P. Garland. Mr Buttle asked me to get him some Port so I got him a bottle. Went to Pictures in evening (Greengate) saw “Max Miller” in “Hoots Mon”. Jolly good. Also “Kind Nightingale” “Dogs & Dawgs” & “Benny Me & the Band”. Home 11. Ern has to see a specialist tomorrow. Cureton came back from his holiday.
Tuesday 11th June 1940
Italy’s declared war. But she will soon be a liability not an asset to Germany.
Got “Pagan City” by W.N. Chaplin from library. While at lunch I tried to order some roses for mum’s birthday but I couldn’t get any so I asked at the office and Mr Buttle said he knew a shop in Leadenhall Market so I went round there and ordered some . 6 red 6 pink & 6 yellow at 4/- per doz was 6/- . Ern went half with me. Mum was very pleased & dad brought home a lot more flowers. Fred & I went to Walters as I wanted to borrow some music but he did not have the piece I wanted. He told me to tell Ern he was going to Reigate tomorrow & wouldn’t be back till 9.
When I got home Ern had returned from the hospital. The Specialist said that it was nothing serious and he would get over it. But he has to go for massage on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. He said he saw the Frenchman Villain who comes in our office. Ern said every time anyone passes him he says Bonjour, bonjour. And he was smoking French cigarettes incessantly. He kept wandering around and once he went into the lady’s lavatory but it seems there was no-one there. Uncle Bob came round. When I told Ern what Walter said he phoned him up because it seems they are having a final binge for Ted as he is going away Thursday. Ern, Ted, Violet & Hilda are going.
When Ern rang up Walter he could get no reply so he asked me to go to Ted’s house in Grundy St. to say that Walter could not take them up to the West End but he would try to arrange for Walter to bring them home and would let him (Ted) know tomorrow what he will be doing. About 10 I rang up Walter for Ern and I arranged that Ern will ring up Walter as soon as they come out of the theatre. And if Walter can pick them up in time they will go and have supper and meet him later. If Walter cannot fetch them they will come home by taxi or something.
Coming back from the phone I met Denis and stopped talking to him. Bed 11.45.
Wednesday 12th June 1940
Uneventful day. Had haircut. I didn’t go cycling as I had a headache. Bed 10.30
Thursday 13th June 1940
Old Cureton’s after another job. He gave me a letter dinnertime addressed to Box 823 Lloyds List, Lloyds EC3. So I looked up the ad and it says West Coast shipbrokers require clerk. Good knowledge custom house work etc I took round during lunch.
Went to library and got “Traitors’ Market” by Grierson Dickson. Fred came round in evening & we mended a puncture & went for a ride to Woolwich. When we got back Ern and Vic were in and we went round to the off licence to get some drinks. Bed 12.
Friday 14th June 1940
Got “Alf’s Carpet” by W.U. Darlington from library. Miss Purser started her 2 weeks holiday. Dad starts his tomorrow. Went to library with Fred, didn’t get any books. Mr & Mrs Brett came in, they are going to buy Ern’s bike for Bert. It is arranged for £2.10/- & Ern is to put a few more things on it. Went to music too late so I am going tomorrow. Bed 11.30.
Saturday 15th June 1940
Cureton didn’t half get mad this morning because Simpson didn’t use the mistake indicator on the Dictaphone & he kept making mistakes and had to retype letters. We finished at 1. Fred & I went to the music shop & I bought “Ha would whistle”. I went to music. Stopped in during evening most of the time. Ern finished the bike & I tried it out. It goes jolly fine. And they are getting a bargain. Bed 11.
Sunday 16th June 1940
Up 12. U. Bob came round. Mr Brett came for the bike.
Bathed in afternoon. Fred came round. We went for a walk in the evening. Home 9.15. Everyone was out. Mum & Dad came in at 11. Had supper. Bed 12.30.
Monday 17th June 1940
Had a terrible day at work, had to type some credit notes & a lot of other things I have never done before because Miss Purser is away. When I got home I had a headache and I felt sick but a glass of Andrews put me right and I cleaned up my bike. Went to library & got “The Little Nugget” Wodehouse.
I lent Ern my tickets for the library up the top. Dad went for a ride round & booked for some shows and found the times of “Gone with the Wind”. Mum and he are going to see it Wednesday.
Tuesday 18th June 1940
Had to make out a receipt today – first time I’ve ever done that. Went to library & got “Great Asiatic Mysteries” by Charles Law. I have been doing some work for Mr Collins these last few days and I finished it today . He gave me a 1/- for doing it. Home 5 past 6.
Mum & Dad went to Granada. I went for a ride with Fred. We went through Blackwell Tunnel, through Charlton to Woolwich & over the Ferry & home. We did about 7 miles. From ¼ past 9 I was in the kitchen reading . Ern came in about 10.15 Mum & Dad at 10.30. “Great Asiatic Mysteries” is extremely interesting and Ern wants to borrow it. Bed. 12.10.
Wednesday 19th June 1940
Up 7.50 Mum & Dad are going to see “Gone with The Wind” & “Garrison Theatre” today. Went to library & got “Great Australasian Mysteries” by Michael Glenne. Home 6.20. made tea. Fred came round at 7. Went at 20 to 8. I stopped in & read. Mum & dad were in at 9.30.
Thursday 20th June 1940
Simpson went home at 5.15 tonight so I was able to do a lot of tomorrows work and we left at 5.30. Mum & Dad went out and at 7.30 I went to see Fred but he was messing about with his chemistry and I came back. As I was coming home I met Mr Richbell and stopped talking for some time. I met Denny and with another chap we went for a ride round. Went in at 10. Ern was in. Mum & Dad came in at 10.30. bed 11.50.
Friday 21st June 1940
Went to music in evening. Played about with Lenny, Len and Nick after. Dad & Mum told me they have bought a bookcase and it being sent round Tuesday next.
Saturday 22nd June 1940
Simpson hasn’t come in so we may get away early. Home 1.15. After dinner Dad & I went to Beckton Road Rec. Ground and had 2 games on the putting green. Dad won the first 62 63 and we tied the 2nd at 60 60 which means dad has won 5 games I’ve won 4 and we have tied 1. When we got back I went to the music shop & bought “Too Romantic” & “Sing A Round Up Song”.
After tea Mum Dad & I went to the Stratford Empire and saw “Entente Cordial” Home 8.45 bed 10.15
Sunday 23rd June 1940
Up 11.30 I started to sort out all my things after breakfast so I could put them in my bookcase. Joan came round, her bike was a bit decrepit – her tyres wanted seeing too. Fred came round so the 2 of us mended it for her after dinner Joan & her pal went out for a ride, Fred and I followed them but lost them at East Ham so we went to Woolwich. When we were nearly there Fred’s lamp bracket broke so we had to come back.
Bashford, Denny, Nick and I have arranged to go to a dance at the hall in the Broadway tomorrow night so I asked Fred to come but he wouldn’t. Had tea & bathed. Then went out with Den, as I had arranged not to see Fred till Tuesday. When we got home Mum said Fred had been “about tomorrow night” so Den & I went round to him but he had gone out with Bill. He called again at my house later but I couldn’t be bothered to go round to him again.
Monday 24th June 1940
(Written in an Air Raid). Mr Buttle asked me to get him some sugar as his wife had used up all theirs on things for soldiers so I said I would get some. He also asked me to get some thread for sewing together carpet slippers his wife is making for some wounded soldiers.
( I stopped here because everyone was talking and I couldn’t concentrate on what I was doing)
I tried to get the thread during my lunch hour but I failed. But I got it in a boat shop at home. Denis went out so I didn’t go to the dance as arranged. I went to see Fred but he was at the pictures. Came home and met Dave Robinson & Jacky Tunnage and we went for a walk. Home 10.50.
The war will be over for France tonight at 12.35 – 6 hours after they signed with Italy.IX I wonder what is really behind it all. Bed 11.45. Went to library and got “The Girl Boy Mystery” by Wade.
Tuesday 25th June 1940
The warning went off just before one. Dad woke me and we were all down in a few minutes. I kept up my record and didn’t get out till I was fully dressed. Ern was out but came in at 1.30. He said he had been at the Greengate. The Trolley Buses dumped their passengers and went to the garage he said. Ern met an R.A.F. man who wanted to get to Hornchurch. He had been told to report for duty at 10.50 but couldn’t get down.
Went into the garden Majors & Reddin were in the shelters and we spent most of the time talking to them. It was made into a joke by us and everybody was laughing. A voice was enquiring were Joe was and several people told him and afterwards another voice inquired whether Joe wanted a cup of tea. Several folks called out “yes”.
Just after 3 we went to bed again and Dad said the all clear went about 4. Work about 9.15. Mr Buttle was very pleased with the sugar and thread. He had a 3 hour warning and so did Cureton & RJS. I don’t know about CWT or THC. Thurley said they were up. When I got home the new bookcase had arrived. Dad is having it as there are only 2 drawers, and I am having the old one. I spent a busy night transferring my things to it.
When I had just finished it 2 wardens came to the door and asked if we would form a stirrup pump team of 8 persons. We were talking for about ¾ of an hour and it was arranged I should get the names and do all the necessary arrangements. So I will be in charge of a lot of chaps older than me. Mr Newman (one of the Wardens) said he would have a pumpX and our house would have the other. I have got 5 so far, Mr Newman, Ern, Vic, Arthur, and myself. I’ll get the others tomorrow. Fred came round earlier and I explained why I wouldn’t be coming out for a ride but promised to go out tomorrow.
When the wardens had been I realised I would be busy tomorrow and went to see Fred and tell him.
When Fred first came round I got him to go to the music shop & order “A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square” & “Don’t Ever Pass Me By”.
Wednesday 26th June 1940
RJS, CWT & THC had warnings last night. Went to library & got “The Other Half” by John Worley Mum & Dad were out when I got in. Ern came in & we went round and got the 8 names, they are Ern, me, Terry, Arthur, Vic, Albert, Bob & Mr Newman. About 8.45 I went to see Fred, left about 9.45. He is coming to see me tomorrow.
Book 12
Thursday 27th June 1940
Ern has taken over that stirrup pump scheme – after I said I would do it. He might have let me carry on once I had started. Fred came round. We met Den & Len and we went for a ride over Whips Cross, home about 8.30. Den & I stayed out till about 10. Went to library & got “Tombs Travel & Trouble” by L Griswold.
Friday 28th June 1940
Got “My Jungle Trails” by A.H. Verrill from library. Home at 7.15 in evening – I was kept for ¾ hour in the barbers. Went to music. Mr Buttle asked me if I could get any butter for Mr Thorley’s invalid son. I said I would try.
Saturday 29th June 1940
Went to the music shop and got my music. The lady in the shop said she used to know Walter. It appears Hilda mentioned me and Walter when she was round there once. It must have been several years ago since Walter took her out. She said it was when he worked at the shop in Green Street & knew Sid Randall.
I went round to get some biscuits and asked Hilda her name, its Eva. Coming out of the shop I met Queen & Phyllis . Queen said John will be home tomorrow or Monday. Mum is going to ask Walter about her when he comes on Monday. Mum got some butter but as Mr Thurley doesn’t come in on Saturday I didn’t take it. Mr Buttle said if it lasts I could bring it on Monday.
We were held up for 30 minutes at Plaistow Station this morning. I got in at 9.45. I found out after a man had fallen on the line at Upton Park and they had to cut the current off to get him out.
Ern, Dad & I went to Becton Road and played on the putting green. Ern won both times. He broke our record twice. In the evening I went to the Broadway & saw, “We’re in the Army Now” & “Swiss Family Robinson”.
Sunday 30th June 1940
Up 11.30 Uncle Albert came. Fred came, we are going out this afternoon. We went for a ride round the city on our bikes. In the evening I stopped in and finished tidying up my bureau. And bathed after.
Monday 1st July 1940
I bought that jitterbug song “In the Mood” today. Simpson left at 12.45 so I got away at 5.20. home at 5 to 6. Stopped in all evening. Bed 11.45.
Tuesday 2nd July 1940
Went over to Walters in evening to get some sugar but he wouldn’t let me have any. When I got back I began to clean up my bike. When it got dark I had to leave it so I will have to finish it Friday.
Wednesday 3rd July 1940
Went to library & got “The Prince & Betty” by P.G. Wodehouse
Went to pictures at the Odeon & saw Mae West and WC Fields in “My Little Chickadee” the other films were “Missing Evidence” “Behind the Guns” & “The Worm Turns”. Home 11.30
Thursday 4th July 1940
Went to library got “Hell Riders” by Patrolman Garcia. Home 6.30. went to Greengate with Fred saw “French Without Tears” “Island of Missing Men” “Behind the Guns” and an advertising Film with Oliver Wakefield.
Friday 5th July 1940
Got “Knight Templar” by L Charteris from library. Jules William came in this afternoon. Every Friday when he & the woman who is looking after him come in, the office becomes a farce – especially when you get Buttle, William & this woman all talking at once.
When I got in this morning Mr Buttle said he saw last night German Communique printed in the Evening News that the “Illustrious” had been sunk.XI I hope it hasn’t because Eric is on board, Mr Buttle has actually altered with the worry of it. Went to music.
Saturday 6th July 1940
Mr Buttle hasn’t heard anything about the “Illustrious” yet. Went to the library & got “The Last Hero” L. Charteris. Fred & Bill came round in the evening & I went round Fred’s house with them. Fred and I went to his aunts at Barking. Fred is having his holiday from the 22nd to the 28th of July. Home 9.25.
Sunday 7th July 1940
Up 11.45 Fred came round with his bike in the afternoon. We were going for a ride to Buckhurst Hills but something went wrong with his bike so we came back. In the evening we went for a ride round Barking.
Monday 8th July 1940
Home 5.50. Went to Odeon saw “The Invisible Man Returns” “2 Smart Boys” “Mother Plato” & “Westward Ho 1940” Met Peter and some other chaps after. Home 11.15.
Tuesday 9th July 1940
Got “The Happy Highwayman” L. Charteris. Gave Freddie 2/- towards a saddlebag he bought as he is 16 today. Fred & I went for a ride. Back 11.45.
About 12 I heard a plane circling around the N.E. or N.NE & I’m sure it was a German.
Wednesday 10th July 1940
Got “Don’t Get Me Wrong” Peter Cheyney. When I got home Mum was out. She was at Wilson’s having her eyes tested, she had to have 2 pairs of glasses. Fred & I went to Granada saw Max Miller in “The Good Old Days” “Calling All Marines” & “Westward Ho 1940”. Home 10 past 11.
Thursday 11th July 1940
Got “Follow the Saint” Charteris. Home 5.30
Went to Greengate with Fred saw “The Hunchback of Notre Dame” with Charles Laughton and Claude Hulbert in “Honeymoon Merry-go-round”. Home 10 to 11. Dad got our tickets for “Garrison Theatre” next Tuesday 2nd House.
Friday 12th July 1940
Got “Prelude for War” Charteris, went to music. Freddie didn’t come round thought he said he would.
Saturday 13th July 1940
Mr Simpson, Miss Purser & I were there by ourselves this morning. Peter rang up to see if I had booked up for the palladium as he wanted to come, but as I had booked he can’t come. I went home with him. Got “This Man Is Dangerous” by Peter Cheyney from the library. Went to the music shop and got “Playmates” “Watching a Man Paint a Fence” & “The Singing Hills”. Went to the library with Fred got “Modern Stamp Collecting” by F.G. Melville, & “Modern Conjuring by …..
Fred & I went for a ride in the evening and got lost . Home about 10.
Sunday 14th July 1940
Today is the anniversary of the fall of the Bastille in 1790. Churchill mentioned it in his speech this evening. He made a wonderful speech.XII In the news they gave a recording of a raid on a convoy & Charles Gardner described how the British planes came up & shot some down and got rid of the others. One of our planes had its engines damaged – as it flew overhead we could hear its engine missing.
It’s coming to a fine thing when they broadcast a battle in the air – a far cry from the time when it took weeks for news of any battles to get from France to the north of England as it did in the 100 years’ war etc.
I got up at 1. Fred and I went to the Crystal Place in the afternoon. It is a dead and alive hold now. We were out about 3 hours and we spent nearly an hour there. We went through Blackwall Tunnel going and then followed a 108 bus when we started my cyclometer was at 3941 miles and when we got there it said 3953.9. We came back by following a 75 bus and coming over the Ferry when we got home the cyclometer was at 3967.3 miles. Fred came round at 8.30 and we spent some time talking , he left about 9.20. About 11 several planes came over and the searchlights came up. Bed 11.45.
Monday 15th July 1940
Buttle was supposed to start his holiday Saturday but he came in this morning. Mr Buttle did a good bit of detective work yesterday. It appears that yesterday afternoon he saw a shifty looking fellow walking along with a bundle under his arm. He kept looking over his shoulder and after a while he threw something in the hedge. So Mr Buttle told his wife to call the Flying Squad, and he went after the fellow. He found it was a London Telephone Directory with some pages torn out that had been thrown away. So he followed this chap and when the flying squad came up he sent one chap to see if anything was missing from the telephone kiosk near his house. The policeman came back & said yes the L to Z London Directory was missing so they sent one policeman back for the book and the rest got this chap. When they grabbed him he started off in some foreign language. But of course, they couldn’t understand him. In the car they searched him and found the missing pages – they were all the important places like power stations he had got from the book.
They still don’t know why he wanted them but they said they will find out all there is to know. Mr Buttle had to make a statement and he will have to appear at London, somewhere. The police said it was a very smart piece of work.
In the evening I went with Ern, Vic & Arthur to the Stirrup Pump Demonstration at Prince Regent Lane Fire Station. We only got one pump so we are keeping it.
Tuesday 16th July 1940
Freddie was supposed to come round at 7.30 but it was nearer 7.45 – he had to work late. We got into our seats at the Palladium with about 4 minutes to spare “Garrison Theatre” isn’t bad. Billy Cotton & his band were there, “Lillywhite” the negro trombone player dances, but he is getting on and isn’t so nimble now, but did he get clapped. Just before that interview Jack Warner was giving an impression of Maurice Chevalier and he finished by giving a toast of France, the French people & Paris. Some chaps dressed as police came on and the band played the Marseillaise, everyone stood up whilst it was being played. Jack Warner is good & Joan Winer isn’t bad but after hearing her on the wireless & then seeing her she seems different. I think most people got the idea she was extremely pretty, but she didn’t look it to me, unless it was her make-up. We got home at 11.50. I went to bed at 12.40.
Got “Turnabout” T Smith & “Poison Ivy” Peter Cheyney from library.
Wednesday 17th July 1940
Got “Saint In New York” Charteris. Freddy came round in evening. We went round to see Stanton and I managed to get some sugar from him for the office. Then Fred & I messed about for some time. After he had gone I was talking to some of the boys. About 10 Arthur knocked, just to say “Goodbye” as he is going tomorrow. Terry came and we were all talking till about 11. Arthur is very keen on going and he has promised to shoot down a German for each of us. I’ve just remembered I have left something out so I will have to go back a bit. Coming out of Plaistow station tonight I saw Arthur and when I got home mum was sitting with Cynthia on her knees. It seems Yvonne’s mother has been taken to London Hospital nearly dead, they operated on her and gave a blood transfusion and of course Yvonne went to see her. Arthur was getting rather worried so mum suggested she should look after Cynthia and he could go to meet Yvonne. Arthur & Yvonne called for Cynthia about 7 and said Yvonne’s mother is now much more comfortable and they think she will live.
Thursday 18th July 1940
Captain Follet and his wife came in this afternoon. Fred came round at 7.40. We messed about till about 10.30. Went to the music shop & got “You Gorgeous Dancing Doll”. Bed 12.30. Heard aeroplanes about for a long while.
Friday 19th July 1940
I got my 3 weeks wages today. It is surprising the amount of different things I had to tell them today. I took my books back to the library . Went to music.
Saturday 20th July 1940
Up 11. Fred came in the afternoon & we cleaned our bikes. In the evening I went home with him coming back it started to rain & I skidded and went over. I bent a pedal and the brakes shifted so I had to walk home.
Sunday 21st July 1940
I fixed up my bike. It rained all day so we had to stop in Fred came round in the evening he is coming round tomorrow at 9.30.
Monday 22nd July 1940
I was awakened at 10.15 by Fred. He had just come round. In the afternoon we were going to Beechen Wood but we were turned back by the cops at Swanley Junction. Home at 6.30. Bed 11.
Tuesday 23rd July 1940
Fred came round at 9.10. went to Leicester Square. We got in the Empire (sit where you like 1/-6d) just as “Let George Do It” started. Other films were “Know your Money” & “A call to Arms”. We went for a walk round then had lunch then sat in the gardens. We lined up at the Hippodrome early – we were the first in fact – and it was a good thing we did as there were only 10 seats left. We had K3 & K4 – a good seat. Black Velvet is better than Black & Blue. Vic Oliver is very clever. The situations are funnier. We got home at 9.15.
Book 13
Wednesday 24th July 1940
Went to Freddie’s at 11. We went to Aldgate by bus, then I went to Fenton House & gave Tom a ¼ of tea for him to give to Mr Buttle or Miss Purser, and then we caught another bus to Kingsway. Fred – the silly twerp – bought 2 seats at the Princes and while we waited to go in we went for a walk around. “Shepherd’s Pie” is a jolly good show -just as good as “Black Velvet”. When we came out it was raining so we hurried to the stall. We got in just before Tauber came on so we were able to stay and hear him twice. The films were “Just William” – the film of one of Richard Crompton’s books, “Untamed” & “A Call for Arms”. We got home at 9.20.
Thursday 25th July 1940
Fred & I went to Alexandra Palace in the morning had lunch there, but there is absolutely nothing going on there. Afterwards we went on to St Albans. Coming home I had some trouble with my bike, we got home about 10. Cyclometer read-
Start 3988.3
Alexandra P. 3999.6
St Albans 4017.2
Home 4043.4
Total 55.1 miles.
Friday 26th July 1940
Stopped in all day. Fred didn’t come round. I was in the shed most of the day. In the afternoon I took a snap of mum, 2 of Yvonne & Cynthia and 1 of Cynthia in the pram and mum took 1 of me. About 9 I went to see Fred – he had been messing abut like me all day. We made some bombs by stuffing celluloid in tins and lighting it. Home 10.30
Saturday 27th July 1940
Up 10.30. A bomb was dropped at Dagenham at 10 last night, 300 yds from Woodmansee’sXIII & about 50 yds from Uncle Alberts place, 2 were killed. Yvonne’s brother and sister are coming home today from Weymouth where they were evacuated to, so Yvonne went to meet them & mum had Cynthia. I took 2 photos of her in the afternoon. Fred came round for about an hour. I went to the library and got “Gibbons Simplified Stamp Catalogue of the World” & “Modern Stamp Collecting “ by F.J. Melville.

Sunday 28th July 1940
Up late, didn’t go out till evening then I went to Fred’s but he wasn’t coming out so I went home and made a sign for the Stirrup Pump. I cut the wood, put linseed oil & French Polish on and painted the letters cream. Took photo of mum & dad.
Monday 29th July 1940
The cream letters don’t show up enough so I put a black border round. I messed about in the shed. After dinner Terry Parker & I went for a ride. We did 30 miles. While we were out we passed 2 aerodromes and we watched the Spitfires & Bombers flying about. Home 5.30 & I put up the sign. Took the films up in morning got them at 6.30. they are jolly good.
Tuesday 30th July 1940
Messed about in the shed all day. Mum said the sign didn’t show up enough so I went over the cream part in red and it shows up very well now. Yvonne wanted some enlargements of the photos so I took them to Potters in the morning, they will be ready tomorrow night. Fred came round so we went for a ride.
Wednesday 31st July 1940
This morning a kid ran into me in Tweedmouth Road & hurt himself a bit, still it will teach him to look another time because he is always in the road. I ordered “Gibbons Stamps Monthly” from Hellyer’s today.
When I was going for the photos I met Fred. He is going to the Municipal College in the Autumn. He said he had the materials to make an incendiary bomb so I asked him to bring one round and we would have a demonstration with the Stirrup Pump. He came round about 6.30 with the bomb.
When Ern came home we had the demonstration. Although the bomb only weighed about 3oz we were able to give a good demonstration with it although the water was playing on it, it was red hot and still flaming. Fred is going to make a better one by Friday.
Thursday 1st August 1940
Up 8.15
I found a suitable tin & took it round to Freddie’s house at 9.20. There was no one in so I left it with a note. I went out about 11.30. When I got to the Palace I found all the seats were booked for Chu Chin Chow for both of today’s performances so I went on to the Coliseum to see White Horse Inn. It is a jolly good show with some fine actors. When I came out I went across to the Duke of York Theatre to see “High Temperature” the “all bedroom” farce. That was a jolly good show too. Home 8.45. I met Fred in Lane Road & he came home with me. Ern & Vic were in Vic was reading & Ern was finishing off a door in the fence between Yvonne & us. Vic went home after a while & then Fred went & Ern & I were by ourselves. I told mum I would see White Horse Inn in the evening but actually, I saw it in the afternoon, Yvonne said Mum & Dad had gone to the Coliseum to meet me and take me in. When they got in they said they thought I had bought a chair and gone for a walk, but when I didn’t turn up Dad said he thought I had gone to the Duke of Yorks.
Friday 2nd August 1940
Up late. I spent the morning and some of the afternoon valuing my stamps. At 2.30 the men came and dumped a load of sand Yvonne had ordered, outside her house & Mum, Yvonne & I carried it through to the shelter & some job it was. When we got it all in I began to tidy it up. Valerie wanted to help so I let her hold nails and fetch tools for me, she seems to have adopted me for her stay here, still she’s a good kid. I was supposed to have met Freddie at 5 where he works but I couldn’t get round, he called on me & we finished the shelter between us.
Saturday 3rd August 1940
Went round to Freddie at 2 & we made the incendiary bomb. In the evening we went to the East Ham Palace & saw “Une Nuit Exatante” Home 8.30. went to music shop & got “I can’t Love you Any More Than I do”.
Sunday 4th August 1940
Up 1 p.m. I continued valuing my stamps. After tea Ern and I watered the garden with the Stirrup Pump, Valerie was watching us so I let her water the garden. Fred came round & we valued his stamps. Bed 11.
Monday 5th August 1940
Got “William and the Evacuees” R. Crompton & “Keep out the Light” by C.C. Thompson from library. We have found Villain a job as watchman on a French boat.
Mr Buttle had his son home on leave for 6 days – 4 days leave & 2 days disability leave. He went to Bermuda on the “Illustrious” after the French aircraft carrier and as he said, “They made him a good boy”. One day a plane crashed in the water and the pilot went down with the plane but the gunner got out but then the sharks got him. Then next day 3 planes crashed on the flight deck. Eric was next down, but the line which holds them back broke and he went over the edge. He and the gunman were rescued and rather than lose the plane he swam back & tied a line to it so it could be salvaged. The photographer who had been filming the other crashes took 6 pictures of Eric’s crash, one shows him just going over the edge. Eric had to have his leg stitched up. When the Captain censored his letter home he put on it “He’s a good boy – His British” & he told him that what he did won’t be forgotten later on.
Home at 5.45 after I got my tea I went to Freddie’s he came home with me and we talked for a long while after he went I continued valuing my stamps. Mum & Dad got back from Brighton about 10.30.
Tuesday 6th August 1940
Got “Nightmare by Daylight” C.C. Thompson. Home 6. Fred, I, & Bert Clay went to the East Ham Palace & saw “Don’t Blush Girls” but it wasn’t much of a show. Home 10.30.
Wednesday 7th August 1940
What a day. Every damn thing has gone wrong. I was glad to see the last of the office. Stopped out till about 10. Got “Enter the Saint” Charteris “At Dead of Night” CC Thomson.
Thursday 8th August 1940
Uneventful day. In the evening we were going to give a stirrup pump demonstration but mum got the needle and wouldn’t let us do it so I cleared out for a few hours.
Friday 9th August 1940
Simpson didn’t come in. Mr Buttle is having a week off starting tomorrow. Home 6. Went to music. Fred came round – stopped till it was very late. Gibbons Stamp Monthly came today. Got “Dames Don’t Care” P Cheyney & “Getaway” Charteris.
Saturday 10th August 1940
Buttle Started his holidays. Home 1.
Went round Fred’s & we went to the Odeon saw “If I had my Way” with Bing Crosby & Gloria Jean. It’s a jolly good film. Also “The Farmers Daughter” & “Miss Grant Opens the Door”. Home 5 to 8.
Sunday 11th August 1940
Got “I’ve got my Eyes on You” from Music shop. I continued valuing my stamps & I’ve done about ½ of them now. I went round to Freddie’s in the evening and he, Bill & I messed about till 10.15 when I came home. Stanton came round & said if I wanted any sugar I could come round tomorrow.
Monday 12th August 1940
Home from work at 6. Fred came round. We went round to Stanton’s but he wasn’t in – he was at the Doctors in fact, through eating a lot of plums – and he hadn’t told his mother I would be calling so they didn’t have any sugar so I am calling again tomorrow.
Bill has got an allotment over by Prince Regent Lane & Fred and I helped him to clear away the thistles that were all over it. We got rid of them but when it began to get dark we spent most of the time keeping the gnats away from us. Home 10.15.
Had haircut tonight.
Tuesday 13th August 1940
Is there an exception to the rule that says there is an exception to every rule, only if there is any exception to the rule that says there is an exception to every rule, the rule that says there is an exception to every rule cannot be right. On the other had if there is no exception to the rule that says there is an exception to every rule it is still wrong – what the heck made me think of that anyway.
Got “The Saint Goes On” Charteris. This evening I helped Bill over his allotment again. We burnt up most of the stuff we cleared yesterday. Home 9.30.
Wednesday 14th August 1940
I made up a X word puzzle today. SEC solved it & said it was easy. I went to the East Ham Palace with Fred saw “We’re in The Army Now”. There were 6 saxophone players in it, all with different sized saxophones and the effect was jolly fine.
Miss Purser is after another job. She went out about 10 and got back at 3.45. and from what she said to SEC I think it’s at one of the ministries. I have an idea she will take the job.
Thursday 15th August 1940
I went round the music shop tonight but they were shut. Coming I noticed all the A.R. P. personnel going to their posts. Went round to Freddie’s just as we were going over the allotment to meet Bill the sirens sounded for our 5th Air Raid Warning, this at 7.15. I got home on my bike and got the pump ready but nothing happened and we heard the all clear at 20 to 8. We found out after they bombed Croydon aerodrome. Afterwards I was with Bert Clay and he showed me models of planes that he makes. Hitler said he would be in London on Aug 15. And I think most people thought of that when the sirens sounded and thought the invasion had started.
Got “You Can’t Hit a Woman” Cheyney.
Friday 16th August 1940
We’ve brought down plenty of Germans this last week – 60s & 70’s each day but yesterday we got down 144. There are some fellows in the city who are paying a 1d each for every German brought down, to buy Spitfires. They’ll be bankrupt if the R.A.F. goes on like it is.
We’ve just had another A.R.W. The sirens went at 12.25. But we were in the office again by 12.35. Miss Purser was out so Mr Cureton & I were wardens for our floor, the only other person on it was a girl in Mann Ruttersons we had 2 wardens and 1 civilian.
It all happened very quickly. Warning – leave what your doing – SEC grabbed whistle & mask – outside office blowing his whistle – I grabbed water bottles, mask, torch, helmet – rush out – go downstairs – it seems I did it in about ½ a sec.
I went out to lunch at 1.10 and was in the library when the all clear went at 1.15. I rang up dad when I got back in the office and he said the alarm went at 12.15 and the all clear at 1.10. Mum said he had best stay at home till the all clear so he had just got back when I rang. We had another alarm from 5.10 till 6.10. We had quite a good time in the shelter but we began to get a bit peckish towards the end so I am going to get some “Iron Rations” in.
Home at 6.50
I went to music at 7.10 afterwards I went to the music shop & got “Meet the Sun Halfway”.
Yvonne came in to feed the baby later on and she stopped till 11.15. Bed 11.45
Saturday 17th August 1940
Cureton had to go somewhere about 10.15. and didn’t come back so when Captain Frollet came I had to go to the Customs & clear him – the first time I’ve been. Frollet was telling about the damage the Germans did yesterday & Thursday. They bombed Tilbury and blew the stern off one of the clan ships. Killed 26 people at Northfleet and dropped a bomb on Bowater & Lloyds Paper mills.
Dad heard that over 200 people were killed at Croydon. It’s quite possible because they have been burying people without knowing who they were.
I got home about 1.12. Went to music shop & got “I haven’t time to be a Millionaire”. I took my books back to the library. About 8.20 Jack Parker and his wife came with their little girl – she’s 5 weeks old and they call her Martine. They stopped till 10 so I couldn’t have my bath. Bed 12.
Sunday 18th August 1940
Up 10. We had an A.R.W. at 10 past 1. Mum went with Yvonne down the shelter. We had an idea there would be a raid because the balloons were up & we could hear planes. People took shelter quite calmly – their getting used to it now. The dinner was spoilt – still that couldn’t be helped. We heard a thunk like a bomb once. Afterwards I found out 1 dropped at Greenwich and 2 Jerries’ were shot down there. The all clear went at 6 past 2 and we had dinner at 3. Another ARW went at 17 minutes to 6 but mum didn’t go down Yvonne’s shelter as Mrs Major was with her but she continued preparing tea. AC 6.13
I went to see Freddie after, stopped till about 9. Coming back met Stanton. Yvonne came in with Cynthia.
Bert & I were in the front room talking about music till it got dark then we came into the kitchen. I gave him the music of “In the Mood”. Bed 12.
I: Wikipedia
A blue pencil is a pencil traditionally used by a copy editor or sub-editor to show corrections to a written copy.
The colour is used specifically because it will not show in some lithographic or photographic reproduction processes.
Built for French Govt, Le Havre; Main Owner; R. Colombier, Bordeaux, France; In 1939 vessel placed under the control of Ministry of War Transport (MOWT), re-named MARIE DAWN, and managed by the Mooringwell Steam Ship Co; Bombed and sunk by German Luftwaffe aircraft. On 02/11/1941 the MARIE DAWN was on passage from Middlesbrough to London, with 2,500 tons of coal, when she was bombed by German aircraft, 4 miles, 210 degrees from 59 A Buoy, Humber. The crew abandoned her at 11p.m. on the 2nd November. The vessel sank on the 3rd November 2 miles S W of H 2 Buoy, Humber. 24 crew & 4 gunners, no lives lost.
III: On the 4th of September, 1940, the following ships were attacked and torpedoed by the German Schnellboote or E-boat Flotilla, consisting of S-18, S-20, S-21 and S-54: SS Nieuwland (1.075 grt sunk by S-18 Christiansen) SS Joseph Swan (1.571 grt sunk by S-18 Christiansen) SS Corbrook (1.729 grt sunk by S-21 Klug) Fulham V (1.562 grt sunk by S-22 Grund) New Lambton (2.709 grt sunk by S-21 Klug) Ewell (1.350 grt not sunk by S-54 Wagner) while in escort from Sunderland to London.
IV: Topper Movies
by Michael D Walker on May 1, 2012
All told there were three Topper movies made in Hollywood. All three were produced by Hal Roach Studios, the same company that brought us The Little Rascals, Laurel & Hardy, and Turnabout (based on the Thorne Smith novel).
The first Topper movie was released July 16, 1937. It was based on Thorne Smith’s wildly popular novel. The movie featured Cary Grant, Constance Bennett, Roland Young and Billie Burke. This was Cary Grant’s first film as an independent actor. He’d successfully freed himself from the old Hollywood studio system which typically kept actors with a single studio and rarely granted them the opportunity to accept film roles at other studios. The success of this Topper movie skyrocketed Cary Grant’s career to new heights. It also earned Roland Young an Academy Award nomination for Best Actor in a Supporting Role for his portrayal of Cosmo Topper. After watching his incredibly physical performance, I’m still astounded he did not win.
The second of the Topper movies, Topper Takes A Trip, was released January 12, 1939. This one was also based on a Thorne Smith book of the same name. Most of the stars from the first film returned for this one with the notable exception of Cary Grant, whose salary had soared after the success of Topper. He does appear in flashback sequences, which was accomplished using scenes from the first Topper movie. Roy Seawright was nominated for an Academy Award in the “Best Effects, Special Effects” category. Sadly, he did not win.
The third of the Topper movies, Topper Returns, was released March 21, 1941. Despite popular belief to the contrary, this was not based on a Thorne Smith novel. However, screenwriter Jonathan Latimer did a wonderful job in keeping with the zany spirit of Thorne Smith’s characters. Roland Young and Billie Burke reprised their roles as Mr. and Mrs. Topper, while Joan Blondell took over the character of Marion Kerby. Once again, the masterful Roy Seawright was nominated for an Academy Award in the “Best Effects, Special Effects” category. Unfortunately, he did not win. I don’t know about you but the Academy sure seems biased against comedy films when it comes time to acknowledge the best in film.
V: Transcriber’s note: His writing is always terrible, I cannot tell any difference!
VI: HM King George VI – Empire Day Address
In the recording, the King said: ‘It is not mere territorial conquest the enemy is seeking. It is the overthrow, complete and final, of the Empire and of everything for which it stands, and after that the conquest of the world.'”
VII: Imperial War Museum From 1938, in response to fears that air attacks on Britain might include the use of poison gas, the entire British population was issued with gas masks. Most people received the standard civilian pattern respirator. Air raid wardens, by contrast, received a higher grade of respirator. This is a civilian duty respirator. Unlike the standard civilian model, it features separate glass eye pieces, an exhalation valve and could be adapted to accept a microphone. Although poison gas was never used against Britain during the Second World War, masks like this became another common symbol of wartime life. Though masks were potentially lifesaving pieces of equipment, they tended to make their wearers appear terrifyingly alien and dehumanised.
Air Raid Precautions (ARP) was an organisation set up in 1937 dedicated to the protection of civilians from the danger of air raids. It included the Raid Wardens’ Service that was to report on bombing incidents. Every local council was responsible for organising ARP wardens, messengers, ambulance drivers, rescue parties and liaison with police and fire brigades.From 1 September 1939, ARP Wardens enforced the “blackout“. Heavy curtains and shutters were required on all private residences, commercial premises, and factories to prevent light escaping and so making them a possible target for enemy bombers to locate their targets. With increased enemy bombing during the Blitz, the ARP services were central in reporting and dealing with bombing incidents. They managed the air raid sirens and ensured people were directed to shelters.
VIII: Extract from Cycling Planet by Gareth Collins re Bike Polo. Played on fixed- wheel bikes.
The sport grew steadily in stature since its inception, with its biggest moment coming as an exhibition sport at the 1908 London Olympics. Ireland beat Germany 3-1. As is the norm following exposure at any major sporting event, bike polo flourished. At its peak in the 1940s, there were over 170 teams playing regularly in England alone and numerous clubs were formed worldwide. Sadly, bike polo’s popularity has waned and since the War fewer and fewer people have been playing. However, a number of clubs continue to play competitive bike polo and there are organised tournaments, attended principally by teams from England, Ireland, Scotland, France, India, the USA and Canada.
IX: Wikipedia
The Franco-Italian Armistice was signed at 7:15 p.m. A very small zone of Italian occupation was established consisting of 832 km2 that included the port town of Menton.
Stirrup Pump
The stirrup pump could deal with small scale fires (usually caused by incendiary bombs). one pump per 30 houses or 150 yards of street were allocated. Wardens’ Posts always had a stirrup pump available.
A stirrup pump team: No 1 carried a torch, an ARP 55 axe and a whistle; No 2 carried the pump; and No 3 carried two water buckets, one for use as a reservoir for the pump and the second for transporting water. A team could pump 1.5 gallons of water a minute. It took up to 6 gallons of water to extinguish a single 1 kg incendiary bomb.
XI: Wikipedia
HMS Illustrious (R87) was an Illustrious-class aircraft carrier commissioned in 1940. In the same year she became the first carrier to strike against an enemy fleet and was in service until 1954.
XII: Wikipedia
Winston Churchill gave a radio address declaring that Britain would fight on alone, saying that “be the ordeal sharp or long, or both, we shall seek no terms, we shall tolerate no parley; we may show mercy-we shall ask for none”.
Speech available on Youtube NB often known as The War of the Unknown Warriors speech
XIII: Donald’s father Joseph worked at Woodmansee’s as a tailor. They were based at 78/80 Wood Lane Dagenham and 750/758 Barking Road E13 which is probably where Joseph was based. I found a 1941 advert for sale on eBay which stated Men’s’, Youths’, boys’ Clothing & Hosiery. To Measure & Ready to Wear.
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