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Don's WW2 Diaries

Books 46 – 49: 11/06/1947 – 31/12/1949

Book 46

Wednesday 11th June 1947

Mum & Dad back at 12.45

Ern in at 1 so we gave mum her garden.

Mum 60th birthday.

Out of office most of day . Home 5.15.

Mum & Dad & I went to Palladium to see Tommy Trinder in “Here There & Everywhere”. Very good. Home 11.40

Thursday 12th June 1947

Up 8 Saw Doris on train. In office all day. Went to Ron’s.

Friday 13th June 1947

Up 8 saw Doris.

Went to Stratford Town Hall dance with Bert.

Meet Eileen & Barbara. Danced several times.

Saturday 14th June 1947

Up late.

Saw Doris & asked her for date.

Home 1.

Got photos from holiday. Not very good. Took sport jacket back to Woodmansee’s.

Went to Band job with Ron & Bert.

Home 11.40

Sunday 15th June 1947

Up 1. Had a bath. 

My name is in the Melody Maker this week in an article by Kenneth Essex.

Stayed in & played monopoly with Ern & Jean.

Monday 16th June 1947

Signed articles today with FHAVII & took them to Inst.

Went to cinema with Bert saw “That Brennan Girl” & “Hue & Cry” very good. 

Went to Midland bank & opened A/c.

Tuesday 17th June 1947

Went to speedway with Bert. W Ham lost to OdselVIII

Wednesday 18th June 1947

Went to Cinema with Bert to see “King Kong”. Well worth seeing again. 

DS is hooked up for good – damn & blast

Thursday 19th June 1947

Went to RAFA dance – had a very good time.

Friday 20th June 1947

Mum & Dad went to Clacton.

In all evening Ern & Jean came over.

Signed up for course with H Faulks Lynch today.

Saturday 21st June 1947

Up late.

Went out looking for a suit but unsuccessful.

Played in evening. Nice easy quid for 2 hrs work.

Had letter from Institute saying my articles cut to 3 years & receipt from Faulks Lynch.

Friday 27th June 1947

Got paid today.

Very very hot in morning but extremely violent storm in lunch hour & almost a cloud burst in fact.

Home early. Saw Bert & did some studying in evening.

Got my Biro pen today, it is certainly a very nice thing to write with & I am glad I got it.

Saturday 28th June 1947

Went to work but didn’t do much. 

In afternoon went to Woodmansee’s it rained. Played in evening total 22/6d for a nice job. Home 11.40

Sunday 29th June 1947

Played piano & messed around. Saw Ron in evening.

Monday 30th June 1947

My papers arrived from Faulks Lynch & co. started studying & then went to YC’s very interesting talk by Councillor Collins on “Local Government”.

Home late in storm.

Tuesday 1st July 1947

Halfway through the year now. Worked hard all day went to City YC during lunchbreak for lunch & to hear JBL Thompson the vice chairman of the Con Party in “Party Organisation” very good.

Studied hard in evening & did self-test. I will go out tomorrow & do test on Thursday.

Wednesday 2nd July 1947

Went to  Charing X Rd to see “Birth of a Baby” very good but I didn’t learn much.

Thursday 3rd July 1947

Did 2 Lynch tests & studied all evening.

Friday 4th July 1947

Studied all evening.

Saturday 5th July 1947

Up 8.15.

Went to see about a suit & I hope to get one in a few weeks’ time.

In all afternoon sorting music. 

Went with Ron to dance job. Not too good – didn’t feel on form.

Sunday 6th July 1947

Wasted day fiddling with music etc. till evening when I went to open air social meeting & rather messed up the speakers.

Monday 7th July 1947

Home 5.15

Studies & went to Y Con meeting what a crazy night.

Thursday 8th July 1947

Went to City Y Con meeting & heard Anthony Nutting MP. Quite good.

Studied in evening..

Wednesday 9th July 1947

Studied in evening.

Thursday 10th July 1947

As yesterday.

Friday 11th July 1947

Studied in evening.

Saturday 12th July 1947

Went to work.

Home 12.45

Did odd jobs in afternoon & bought tie & collars & ordered sports jacket. Had appointment with optician.

Sunday 13th July 1947

Up late.

Messed about all day.

Went to Walters in evening home 11.45.

Monday 14th July 1947

Went to Y Con in evening. Played records & danced etc. home 11.35.

Tuesday 15th July 1947

Went to lunch with Bert. Studied in evening.

Wednesday 16th July 1945

Studied in evening & did test. Saw Bert. Got Job Sat at Heathway

Friday 18th July 1947

Bought some music & manuscript books. 

Studied in evening.

Had to get biro refilled – cost nothing.

Saturday 19th July 1947

Day off.

Took photos to Baker for extra prints & did odd jobs.

Got invite to Bob Agers wedding.

Trains hopeless must try by coach.

Played at Heathway.

Sunday 20th July 1947

Up 10

Messed around all day & went to Broadway in evening. Saw James Mason in “The Patient Vanishes” & “Eve knew her apples”

Monday 21st July 1947

Had afternoon off to book coach seat but queue too long so went up Charing X Rd for music etc.

Went to YC’s meeting pretty dead loss.  Walter & Olive called.

Tuesday 22nd July 1947

Up late.

Studied in evening.

Wednesday 23rd July 1947

Got an electric clock for Bob.

Lunched with Bert & bought 2 ties.

Studies & went to YMCA arranged to go hiking on Sunday.

Thursday 24th July 1947

Studied in evening.

Friday 25th July 1947

My nephew David Joseph Redhead born at 10.20 am 9lbs 8 oz.

Mum of course stayed over Wanstead with them.

Another DJR born on a 25th..

I went over with Dad in evening. He has dark brown hair. Saw Jean when we got home.

Saturday 26th July 1947

Went to office.

Got photos & collected jacket, it isn’t too bad.

Played at Heathway with Holloway.

Dad stayed at Wanstead talking to Bert till 2am.

Sunday 27th July 1947

Up 9.

Went on Ramble with YMCA very good time went to Walters had a bath & something to eat & came home with Dad. Bed 11.45.

Monday 28th July 1947

Up late.

Went up YMCA in evening & messed about.

Tuesday 29th July 1947

Worked all evening.

Walter called.

Wednesday 30th July 1947

Last Day In RAF.

Got 19/4/2 from them & sent off a stinky letter cause I think they owe me a fiver still.

Went up YMCA.

Thursday 31st July 1947

Had letter from Bob, wrote to him & got new glasses. Went up YMCA

Friday 1st August 1947

Studied all evening.

Saturday 2nd August 1947

Saturday off.

Messed around all day played in band at Heathway again.

Talked to Bert till 2.

Sunday 3rd August 1947

Dad was at Walters – I woke at 12.15. at Walters at 1.30.

Did odd jobs & messed arounds stayed all night.

Monday 4th august 1947

Up 8

Messed around all morning & studied.

After dinner came home & pressed suit I got ready for Band job.

At Walters again for tea. 

Home 11.35.

At London Bridge all day.

Studied in evening.

Wednesday 6th August 1947

Went up YMCA in evening after working.

Thursday 7th August 1947

Got my shoes repaired. At London bridge all day. Worked in evening.

Friday 8th August 1947

Worked all evening.

Saturday 9th august 1947

Bought shorts & paid for rambling.

Went to see practice match at West Ham. Result 3;2

Went to Maisie’s wedding with Bert got on very well with wench named Eileen – ex Wren now in an accounts office.

Sunday 10th August 1947

Saw Eileen home. Home at 7.20 cleaned up & went out on ramble. 

Went to Ongar (12 miles) met 2 sisters Doris & Vera (Vera bang on) Doris works Pimms Hall Vera New Broad St.

Home early as I felt tired.

Monday 11th august 1947

Studied in evening & went to Y Cons.

Tuesday 12th August 1947

Went to City Cons in lunch hour.

Studies in evening. 

Did test & sent it off.

Wednesday 13th August 1947

Studied in evening & went to YM

Met Vera again she’s lovely. Hope to see her Sunday.

Thursday 14th August 1947

Up YM to see about Sunday ramble.  Played snooker .


Friday 15th August 1947

Studied in evening. 

Olive came with David. Ern & Jean here.

Saturday 16th August 1947

Went to football.

Played at Heathway.

Sunday 17th August 1947

Up 8. Saw Kenneth in train, he is on catering board. At Baker St at 9.45.

Vera there.

Did 14 miles around Walford. Very hot day. Saw Vera to Leyton & arranged to take her out Friday evening.

What a girl.

Monday 18th August 1947

Got seats for show & rang Vera.

Studied in evening instead of going to YC’s. 

Tuesday 19th August 1947

At Allan’s with George so couldn’t go to City YCs – hope Vera didn’t go there.

Studies in evening.

Wednesday 20th August 1947

Studied all evening.

Thursday 21st August 1947

Studied all evening.

Friday 22nd August 1947

Took Vera to see “Woman’s Eye View” bang on.  Went to Rainbow room for supper.

Took V home

Home at 12.

Saturday 23rd August 1947

Went to office. Home 12.30

Went to Dentist. Played at Heathway. Home 11.30

Sunday 24th August 1947

Went to ramble to Broxbourne. Not very good. Home 10.

Monday 25th August 1947

Studied all evening.

Tuesday 26th August 1947


Wednesday 27th August 1947

Went to FR Allen’s with George Lewis.

Studied & went to YMCA dance. Saw Vera – all very cold.

Thursday 28th August 1947


Friday 29th August 1947

Studied in evening.

Saturday 30th August 1947

Went to football w Ham beat Notts F 2.1

Went to Ladies night at YMCA not very good.

Sunday 31st August 1947

Went on ramble to Ongar to pick blackberries. Got a couple of pounds of berries. Home 9.30.

Monday 1st September 1947

Studied all day. Sent in paper from office. 

Went to YCs saw the prospective candidate not very impressed.

Tuesday 2nd September 1947

Went to City YC’s & did another Lynch test paper.

Good going.

Frank turned up with Tenor dots.

Wednesday 3rd September 1947

Went to YMCA.  All up with Vera – very cold.

Had haircut.

Thursday 4th September 1947

Bob Dyer & his wife took me to lunch & I took them round city.

Dorothy is just the type for Bob – very practical & pushful – contrast to Bob.

Card at home say Ray Abbott getting married Saturday.

Studied. Wal & Olive left David at home while they went out.

Friday 5th September 1947

Not much study.

Called on Ron & Fred Clements.

Saturday 6th September 1947

Went up office & took books – therefore I had a job come along – if I hadn’t taken books I would have sat idle all morning.

Played at Heathway with Ron.

W Ham lost  – the clots.

Sunday 7th September 1947

On Ramble to Sevenoaks for blackberries. Not bad.

Home 9.

Monday 8th September 1947

Went to YC meeting. Studied most of day.

Tuesday 9th September 1947

Studied most of day went to lecture.

To city Y Cons.

Wednesday 10th September 1947

Studied most of day.

Went to YMCA 

Thursday 11th September 1947

Reg called.

Wal & Olive left David here.

Friday 12th September 1947

Studied most of day.

Went to lecture.

Studied in evening.

Saturday 13th September 1947

Reg called.

Wal & Olive left David here.

Friday 12th September 1-47

Studied most of day.

Went to lecture.

Studied in evening.

Saturday 13th September 1947

Ordered suit.

Went to Dentist – refilled.

Went to football beat Southampton 2.0

Played at dance.

Sunday 14th September 1947

Went to David’s Christening.

Party at Walters home 12.30

Monday 15th September 1947

Saw the flypast 4,21,& 107 in it.IX

Went to Y Cons canvassing very interesting. 

Went to KHPA dance at Public Hall.

Not very good.

Saw Ernie Chitty Aub Lawson & Bill Mathews. Helped Bert home with kit. Home 12.

Tuesday 16th September 1947

Went to lecture.

Wednesday 17th September 1947

Went to AGM at YMCA. Dead loss

Thursday 18th September 1947

Went to open air YCon meeting. Studied all evening.

Friday 19th September 1947

Bought some music went to lecture. Studied.

Saturday 20th September 1947

Saw W Ham reserves beat QPR Reserves 4.1

Played at Halbury in evening.

Sunday 21st September 1947

Stayed in all day studied & messed around.

Monday 22nd September 1947

Went to Y Cons in evening.

Tuesday 23rd September 1947

Went to City & Co. 

Went to lecture.

Went up YMCA

Wednesday 24th September 1947

Went up Allen’s in Strand.

Went out to YMCA & Herbert.

Thursday 25th September 1947

Got some music.


Wal & Olive brought David here.

Friday 26th September 1947

Went to lecture.


Saturday 27th September 1947

Went to Dentist. Saw W.Ham beat Coventry 1.0

Went with Bert to a dance got cheesed, walked out went to YM met Vera.

Sunday 28th September 1947

Bert & I sorted our dots.

Studied & messed around. Went up Trafalgar Squ to a mass meeting demanding a General Election – good fun.

Monday 29th September 1947

Went to YCs had a chat etc.

Tuesday 30th September 1947

Went to City YCs . Bang on speech on Germany by Bernard Braine.

Studied in evening.

Wednesday 1st October 1947

In evening we played at YMCA – not bad.

Jeff Pratt back at work.

Thursday 2nd October 1947

Played at Fred’s Band rehearsal – dead loss band.

Went to lecture at institute very good, went with Jeff.

Friday 3rd October 1947

Went to lecture.

 Did test in evening. Got some handkerchiefs as a present for Ern.

Fred Gilly, Fred Clem Bert all called.

Saturday 4th October 1947

Ern is 32 today.

Called on Ray

Went to dentist – another filling.

Went to football W Ham beat Chesterfield 4 0.

Went to Franks house & practiced with him & Ray.

Sunday 5th October 1947

Up 8.30

Went out all day with Bill to Tring in Herts. Had a good ramble. Home 10.30.

Monday 6th October 1947

Went to YC’s in evening.

Tuesday 7th October 1947

Went to City YC’s. did some study in office.

Studied all evening.

Wednesday 8th October 1947

Lunch with Bert.

Fred, Rey, Frank & Bert called in evening.

Went to Y Con dance at Town Hall. Saw Mrs Sheppard.  Met Eileen – took her home.

Not very good.

Thursday 9th October 1947

Went to Freds rehearsal – dead loss.

Went to Students Say lecture.

Friday 10th October 1947

Went to Students Say Lecture & G.L Lecture.

Les Ackley called 

Saturday 11 October 1947

Went to Dentist.

In afternoon went to YC meeting at Grosvenor Square.

In evening went up YMCA and to Herbert’s.

Sunday 12th October 1947

Up 10

Had rehearsal at Franks.

After dinner went round Ron’s. Went up YMCA in evening. 

Monday 13th October 1947

Went up YC’s in evening. & studied.

Tuesday 14th October 1947

Went to City Y.C’s.

Spent evening studying

Wednesday 15th October 1947

Bert, Ron, Ray Les, Frank & I played at YMCA big success.

Thursday 16th October 1947

Went to General Aircraft. Home 5.30.

Wal & Olive brought David over.


Friday 17th October 1947

Usual sort of day.

Studies in evening.

Saturday 18th October 1947

Went to Dentist.

Saw W Ham & Birmingham draw 0-0. Good match.

Played at Westrick with Ron & some oaf walked off with my hat & left me his thing. Means I must start wearing my black homburg for the office. 

Sunday 19th October 1947

Had bash at Franks. Pretty good.

Studies from 3 till 11 Jean came.

Monday 20th October 1947

In evening had bash at Franks. Bang on.

Went to YC’s – & lost my biro by lending it to Maisie.

Tuesday 21st October 1947

Rotten day – things kept going wrong.

Went up YC’s but no Biro.


Wednesday 22nd October 1947

Played at YMCA very good.

Thursday 23rd October 1947

David over home.


Friday 24th October 1947

Home late as I went to FC & S Sec lectures. Studies.

Read “Flotsam” by E M Remarque. Very good

Lousy day at office. 

Saturday 25th October 1947

Went to Dentist.

Saw Reserves Beat Leyton 9-0 1st team won at WBA 2.1.

Played at RC Club at Holland Park in evening. Whizzo with the old whisky etc. smashing there. Home 1.15.

Sunday 26th October 1947

Up 1.30


Went to YMCA in evening. Listened to Records, talked to Doris.

Wal & Olive & Jean all came.

Monday 27th October 1947

Up 8.40 mad dash but in office at 9.30.

Went to YC’s. Studied.

Tuesday 28th October 1947

Did test paper. Went to lecture.

Wednesday 29th October 1947

Played at YMCA. Pretty grim – Frank messed about too much.

Thursday 30th October 1947


David at home went to lecture.

Friday 31st October 1947

Went to S Say lectures.


Saturday 1st November 1947

Up 10.

Bought hat. Went to dentist. Saw Ern in afternoon & bought pair of shoes.

Saw W Ham beat Barnsley 2-1.

Voted for the first time.

After mucking about at YMCA etc eventually went to Broadway & saw “They Got Me Covered” & “The Long Night” quite good. 

First time for months I have been to cinema.

Went round to Town Hall to see results after. We lost 15-1.

Met Marsden there & left with him at 1.45.

Sunday 2nd November 1947

Home 2.10 Bed 2.30

Up 1.15.


Went to YMCA for music & heard lecture on India after. Wal & Olive at home. Bills bike repair finished so let him have it.

Monday 3rd November 1947

Studied all evening.

Tuesday 4th November 1947

Studied all evening.

Wednesday 5th November 1947

Bit foggy. Good few bonfire & fireworks but not like pre-war.


Went up YMCA at 9. 

Thursday 6th November 1947

Went to lecture. David at home. Studied.

Friday 7th November 1947

Went to lecture. Studied.

Saturday 8th November 1947

Went up office.

Called at dentist & got teeth finished.

Home 1.15.

Went to football reserves beat Plymouth 2-0 & 1st team drew at Argyle 1-1.

In evening Wal & Olive called & left David.

I went up Club, saw Ern, went to Drill Hall E Ham with him & met Charlie there. Made date for Friday with a dame – Thelma, who works in E Ham Public Library – 6.45 at Town Hall Gates.

I also found 10/- — a good evening.

Home 12.

Sunday 9th November 1947

Up 10.15

Messed around reading etc most of day.


M & D went out with W & O back late.

Monday 10th November 1947


Went up YC’s for half an hour & studied in evening.

Tuesday 11th November 1947

Got a record of Hoagy Carmichael play “The Music Master”.

Studied in evening and did test.

Wednesday 12th November 1947

Played at YMCA in evening for Juniors – not very good.

Thursday 13th November 1947

Not much work.


Went to YC’s social at Stratford – not very good.

Friday 14th November 1947

Saw Thelma, went to Odeon & saw “Fame is the Spur” – very good & “The Crimson King”.

Not very good evening on the whole.

Saturday 15th November 1947

Morning off.

Moss of the tailors called here & I am to see him in evening.

Went to football. Draw with Luton 0.0 dead loss game.

In evening went to see Moss & couldn’t find his house.

Tried to fix my radio but no luck.

A wasted evening – what a dead loss.

Bed 12.30

Up 8. Went to lecture School at the Palace Hotel Southend. 

Very good day. Good lectures etc. home 7.00 pm studied.

Monday 17th November 1947

Studied & went to YC’s. Eileen was there. Home late. 

Saw Moss he lives at 90 Lansdale.

Tuesday 18th November 1947

Studied in evening. Got suit. Fits fine. Went to City YC’s.

Wednesday 19th November 1947

Up early. Went to GACs. Not bad day. Free lunch ok. Studies & went up YMCA with Bert.

Thursday 20th November 1947

Studied in evening. David left here all evening.

Friday 21st November 1947

Studied in evening.

Saturday 22nd November 1947

Went up office. Home 1.

Went to football reserves beat Birmingham 1.0. pretty good game.

Collected the radio I loaned Bert & got it going.

Played at Holbrook school. Lousy evening.

Sunday 23rd November 1947

Up 11.30.

Fixed Tuning Indicator in my radio – after much sweat & toil.

Went up YMCA met Vera & Doris. Went to cinema there with them & saw “Waterloo Rd”. very good.

Colin offered them a lift & I went too. Tried to date Vera but can only see her Wednesday at Club.

Home 11.

Monday 24th November 1947

Up 8.10. left home 8.25. couldn’t get a season so travelled without one till the evening when I got a new season.

At GAL again.

Tuesday 25th November

23 today.

Mum gave me an umbrella & Ern the money for a tie. No cards. Good thing too.

Wednesday 26th November 1947

Went up YMCA in evening with Bert. Saw Vera.

Thursday 27th November 1947

Bought a couple of ties at Feltham.

Studied in evening.

David at home.

Friday 28th November 1947

Didn’t feel very good in morning. Felt better at lunch & worse after. At 3 I packed up & came home. Everything went wrong. Missed a train at Feltham & ½ hour wait decided to go via Charing X instead of Bank & train broke down.

Had to go to bed instead of running dance at Herbert’s for the YC’s.

Sick later on. Felt really grim.

Saturday 29th November 1947

Dr Kyndt came – Flu & Tonsillitis.  Medicine & gargle.

Read etc all day.

Sunday 30th November 1947

Sat up after lunch. Rigged up radio.

Reg & Frank called to report that they had fixed up ok for last night.

Ern & Jean are engaged.

Wedding probably very soon.

Monday 1st December 1947

Read. Listened to radio & studied all day.

Tuesday 2nd December 1947

As yesterday & I got up in evening.

Wednesday 3rd December 1947

Up 10. Went to Doctor & rang office.

To see Dr & ring office again on Saturday.

Went up YM with Bert. I think I have had it with Vera.

Thursday 4th December 1947

Up 11.

Messed about with radios etc.

In evening went to RAFA & called on Ron.

Friday 5th December 1947

Worked on radio & read etc. studied in evening.

Saturday 6th December 1947

Went to Doctor & he signed me off. In evening went to YMCA. Tried the old time dance. Had quite a good time. Got my 3 draws up.

Sunday 7th December 1947

Up 11.15.

Worked on radio.

Went out at 4 to band job with Bert & Ron. Got 35/- each home 11.15.

Had a bath.

Monday 8th December 1947

Went up office to go to GAL tomorrow. Went to YCs Eileen was there. Took her home.

Tuesday 9th December 1947


Studied in evening.

Wednesday 10th December 1947

In office all day.

Went up YM in evening. Eileen came. I ignored Vera for a change. 

Took Eileen home & arranged for Eric & Charlie to come up the YCs on Monday.

Les called in evening.

Thursday 11th December 1947

Got 10/- for my 3 draws.

Still at GAL.

Studied & did radio.

David here all evening.

Friday 12th December 1947


Messed with radio all evening.

Saturday 13th December 1947

Bought radio stuff.

W Ham beat Fulham 3.0.

Stephens & Wade (new CF & OK) very good.

Played at Westrick with Les in evening.

Sunday 14th December 1947

Up 11.15. messed around with radio.

Studies for an hour.

Went up YMCA.

Saw “Henry V” on film very good. 

Monday 15th December 1947


Went up YCs. Took Eileen home.

Book 47

Tuesday 16th December 1947


Bert gave me a record for Xmas. He told me Doris had a still born last Friday. Grim for Ron.

Wednesday 17th December 1947


Went up club in evening.

Thursday 17th December 1947

To GAL finished at 11.30.

Came back to town. 

Lunch at Tottenham Court Rd.

Went to Mining trust.

Studied, David here.

Friday 19th December 1947

At Mining Trust.

Did some Xmas shopping. 

Saw Bert in Evening.


Saturday 20th December 1947

Went up office.

Saw W Ham & Bradford draw 0 0.

Played at Holbrook with Bert Ron & Les.

Sunday 21st December 1947

Up late.

Messed around all day.

Jean came. I asked her to get gift for Ern from me.

Went up YMCA to Carol Service.

Monday 22nd December 1947

At M.T.

Played at YMCA in evening. Row with Frank

Tuesday 23rd December 1947

At M.T.

Spent 2 hours trying to get gift for David. No luck.

Jean came with Ern’s present for me. 


Saw Bill he lent me some books.

Wednesday 24th December 1947

In office. Left at 12.

Mum got me presents for David.

Played at Venesta’s in afternoon. Went out with Bert in evening.

Home. 1.30.

Thursday 25th December 1947

Up 9.

Left at 11.15.

At Walters at 11.45.

Nice quiet day. Bed 3.30am.

Friday 26th December 1947

As yesterday – but quieter.

Left at 11.15. home 11.30.

Plenty of good grub.

Saturday 27th December 1947

Up at 10.

Went to Walters to get medicine which he forgot. Travelled on the new line. (probably the extension of the Central Line to the East)

Home 1.10.

Went to football Sheff W won by 4 to 1.

Stayed in in evening.

Sunday 28th December 1947

Wal & Olive & Jean came to see us. Quite good evening.

Monday 29th December 1947

At M.T.

Got book called “British Electric Trains”. Very very interesting. Studied.

Tuesday 30th December 1947

At M.T.

Went to City YC’s

Wednesday 31st December 1947

At Albus on GAL Audit.

Played at St Agnus in evening.

Thursday 1st January 1948

At GAL on Cash check.X

Studied in evening.

Friday 2nd January 1948

At M.T.


Saturday 3rd January 1948

Bought radio parts. Built amp for Bill.

Played at Ilford in evening.

Sunday 4th January 1948

Up late.

Saw Bert.

Called on Ron.

Went to YMCA

Monday 5th January 1948

Went to Browns for dots.(Music)


Tuesday 6th January 1948

Went up Browns again.

Got a book on Executorship from HFL & Co. it seems a good buy. Studied. Went to H& C Lecture.

Wednesday 7th January 1948

Went to GAL with George.

Studied in evening. Did Pools.

Thursday 8th January 1948

David here. Didn’t do much studying.

Friday 9th January 1948

Studied in evening.

Saturday 10th January 1948

Did radio jobs.

Went up YMCA.

Wal & Olive David & Jean came.

Monday 12th January 1948

In office.

Studied in evening.

Tuesday 13th January 1948

Went to HFL lecture.

Studied in evening.

Wednesday 14th January 1948

Played at YMCA. – I think, for the last time.

Thursday 15th January 1948

Mum & Dad went to Walters to look after David while W & O went out. They are staying all night.

I messed around with records etc at home.

Ern wasn’t well & went to bed early.

Jean came.

Ron called with Bert.

Friday 16th January 1948

Mum ill when I came home from work.

Saturday 17th January 1948

Mum in bed so stayed home to help do shopping etc. 

Played over at Stratford.

Sunday 18th January 1948

Mum & Ern in bed ill. Jean came over.

Went to YMCA.

Monday 19th January 1948

Bought Self timer for camera.

At Adelaide House.

Tuesday 20th January 1948

Mum a bit better. Ern still out from work & going for Xray test for lungs on Friday.

Played at Victory House Leicester Square with Band.

Lind Joyce of ITMA sang with us.XI

Wednesday 21st January 1948

Bought music of “Greensleeves”

Went up YMCA.

Thursday 22nd January 1948

Mum better except for her ear. Olive & David are also queer.

Went to RAFA – walked out in disgust & called on Ron.

Friday 23rd January 1948

Bought music of Waltz from “Blithe Spirit”

Got “Chartered Students Telephone”.

Ern told not to worry after his Xray.

Saturday 24th January 1948

Worked on radio.

Went up YM in evening played records – after having to collect them & saw “The Young Mrs Barrington” very very good.

5th Divi on 1d points

Sunday 25th January 1948

Worked on radio & messed about.

Good programme at YMCA

Valse Triste

Shepherds Hey

Nocturne Eb mg op9 no2 Chopin

Carnival of Animals

Miserere “Il Trovatori”  Verdi

Peer Gynt Suite No 1

Then saw “Destiny rides again” in Cinema.

Monday 26th January 1948


Got haircut.


Thursday 27th January 1948

At GAL  Studied.

Wednesday 28th January 1948


Went to YMCA. Nattered & danced with V.

Got divi – 7/- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday 29th January 1948

In office at M.T.

Studied. Les called.

Friday 30th January 1948

Played at 7 Keys hotel. Whiz job.

Ealey offered me “La Boheme” on 6 12 for £1/1/-

Took the offer.

Saturday 31st January 1948

V supposed to ring me & didn’t.

Went to YM read & then Bill played some records – then went with Margaret to Herbert’s & saw her home. – necking from 11.15 to 12.15

Whizzo – whew.

Olive & David came over.

Sunday 1st February 1948

Up late.

Messed around, laying lino repairing Bert’s drum etc.

Went up YMCA.

Ern & Jean are getting spliced & I have at last persuaded M & Dad to go to Walters so next time he mentions it we should be all set to live in a decent place at last.

Monday 2nd February 1948


Got Ern a lelefold clothes airer – what a job to get it home.

Mucked around all night.

Tuesday 3rd February 1948

Went up YMCA to hiking society meeting.

Messed around.

Wednesday 4th February 1948

Went to YM dance.

Thursday 5th February 1948

Did pools. Went to Young Cons meeting. I am vice-chairman & on one committee for the area.

Friday 6th February 1948


Saturday 6th February 1948

Worked on radio etc.

Played at Balaam St.

Sunday 8th February 1948

Messed around all day found my old deed box & cleared it up. Went to YMCA.

Monday 9th February 1948

Studied a while.

Aunt Till came. Worked on deed box.

Tuesday 10th February 1948

Went to GAL.

Finished deed box. Studied.

Wednesday 11th February 1948

Went to YMCA

Thursday 12th February 1948

David here for evening. Studied a while.

Rotten day at work.

Friday 13th February 1948

Another rotten day at work. But managed to do some study.

Studied at home in evening.

Saturday 14th February 1948

Went to office.

Worked on radio. 

Played at Balaam St. 

Sunday 15th February 1948

Messed around all day – did an orchestration.

Called at Walters to measure my room.

Went up club & finished at Herbert’s.

Monday 16th February 1948

At M.T. all day.

Studied. & lazed about.

Tuesday 17th February 1948

At Allen’s on GAL

Studied a while.

Wednesday 18th February 1948

Went to YM dance in evening.

Thursday 19th February 1948

Got 22/- for 3 X’s on pools.

Friday 20th February 1948

At M.T.

Saturday 21st February 1948

Bags of snow.

Played at Balaam St.

Sunday 22nd February 1948

Bags of snow again.

Messed around all day. 

Went up YM

Saw “Blithe Spirit”

Monday 23rd February 1948

At M.T.


Tuesday 24th February 1948

At M.T.


Wednesday 25th February 1948

At M.T. did overtime till 9.

Went to YMCA

Thursday 26th February 1948

Got 5/-for 2 X’s & 1 cancelled from pools.

At M.T.

Worked till 9.

Friday 27th February 1948

At M.T. worked till 9. Got 2/2/- & 7/6 exes.

Saturday 28th February 1948

Got Radio back – lined up.

Went to football Newcastle won 2.0

Played at Westrick

Sunday 29th February 1948

Went to Wals & helped move stuff. Had lunch there. Left at 2.30 messed around packed up at home.

Went to YMCA & called at Herbert’s with the mob.

Monday 1st March 1948

At M.T.

Home early – studied.

Tuesday 2nd March 1948

At M.T. did overtime till 9.

Jean came. Ern got me a printing set.

Went to YMCA

Thursday 4th March 1948

Moved to Wanstead.

What a day. Anyway I am nearly straight. 

Got Jeans stuff to 27 Edinburgh Rd.

Friday 5th March 1948

At M.T. 

Bought some books.

Had lunch with Bert & Betty.

Saturday 6th March 1948

Went to YM dance in evening.

Fitted up curtains in my bedroom.

Sunday 7th March 1948

Went to YMCA

Called on Ern & Jean

Monday 8th March 1948

At M.T.


Tuesday 9th March 1948

At M.T.

Went to City YCs.


Wednesday 10th March 1948

At M.T.

Went to YM dance & rehearsal.

Thursday 11th March 1948

At M.T.


Friday 12th March 1948

Overtime this evening.

went to YM for rehearsal.

Saturday 13th March 1948

Went to office.

Played at Holbrook.

Sunday 14th March 1948

Went to YM in evening. Worked on radio.

Ern called over with Jean.

Monday 15th March 1948

Worked overtime.

Tuesday 16th March 1948


Wednesday 17th March 1948

Played at St Anne’s

Thursday 18th March 1948

Ern got married.

Had afternoon off – & lost overtime.

Went back to Plaistow & then to supper at Toni’s.

Called at Y Cons then the YMCA for rehearsal.

Friday 19th March

YMCA show band good

Saturday 20th March 1948

Played at Forest Gate.

Went to Party at Les’s home finished at 4am.

Stopped by cops.

Home 4.45.

Sunday 21st March 1948

Up 11. Worked on radios.

Monday 22nd March 1948


Tuesday 23rd March 1948


Wednesday 24th March 1948

Went to YMCA

Thursday 25th March 1948


Friday 26th March 1948

Studied, & messed around all day.

Saturday 27th March 1948

Played at Forest Gate

Sunday 28th March 1948

Studied all evening & messed around during day.

Walter brought Beryl over.

Monday 29th March 1948

Studied all day

Tuesday 30th March 1948


Wednesday 31st March 1948

Studied all evening – poured with rain.

Thursday 1st April 1948


Friday 2nd April 1948

Overtime at M.T.

Saturday 3rd April 1948

Played at London Hospital

Sunday 4th April 1948

Played at Chadwell Heath

Monday 5th April 1948


Tuesday 6th April 1948


Wednesday 7th April 1948

Called on Ern.

Went to YMCA

Thursday 8th April 1948

Went to Bill Barham to hear some records

Friday 9th April 1948

Went to Woodford Young Cons. Studied.

Saturday 10th April 1948

Went to office.

Played at Forest Gate.

Worked on radio.

Sunday 11th April 1948

Went on Ramble to Cobham – 29 of us. Good time.

Beryl went home.

Monday 12th April 1948


Tuesday 13th April 1948


Wednesday 14th April 1948

Went to YMCA

Thursday 15th April 1948


Friday 16th April 1948


Saturday 17th April 1948

Went to Forest Gate Odeon to see “The Best Years of Our Lives” – fair.

Sunday 18th April 1948

Went Rambling to Abridge 7 of us. Not bad.

Monday 19th April 1948


Tuesday 20th April 1948


Les called about the band

Wednesday 21st April 1948

Bought a drill.

Went to YMCA

Thursday 22nd April 1948


Friday 23rd April 1948


Saturday 24th April 1948

Saw W Ham beat Leeds 2.1 on last home match.

Mucked around all evening.

Sunday 25th April 1948

Went rambling to Knockholt 27 of us.

Monday 26th April 1948


Tuesday 27th April 1948


Went to City YCs

Wednesday 28th April 1948

Went to YMCA

Thursday 29th April 1948

Went to YMCA

Thursday 29th April 1948

Went to AGM of students Assoc. usual lot of bilge from speakers about “duties & privilege of CA’s”

Lord Greene was quite good – not one note to refer to.

Friday 30th April 1948


Saturday 1st May 1948

Stayed in till evening.  Went to YM listened to records & then went to a dance with Bill Barham.

Sunday 2nd May 1948

Went rambling round Essex finishing up at Pitsea only 5 of us – jolly good day.

Monday 3rd May 1948


Tuesday 4th May 1948


Wednesday 5th May 1948

Went to YM asked Doreen out – no luck.

Thursday 6th May 1948


Friday 7th May 1948

Beryl 7 today.


Saturday 8th May 1948

Went to office.

Messed around all evening

Sunday 9th May 1948

Ramble to Amersham

Monday 10th May 1948

New stamps out today went to Head PO to get some.


Tuesday 11th May 1948

studied for short while then called on Les – got soaked on way, in storm

Wednesday 12th May 1948

Went to YM.

Arranged to see Doreen Friday.

Thursday 13th May 1948

Little studying – Ern & Jean called – & talked.

Friday 14th May 1948

Took Doreen out to Odeon & saw “Snowbound” & “Beauty for Sale”.

Nice time.

Met Bill at Connie’s house on way back.

D lent me her bike & Bill came home with me to borrow a pair of shorts. 

Seeing D tomorrow at 7.

Saturday 15th May 1948

Didn’t go to office.

Went to Ds at 7.

Sunday 16th May 1948

Went rambling saw D home.

Monday 17th May 1948

Went up West with D. 

Saw “Spring in Park Lane” had supper at Rainbow Rooms.

Tuesday 18th May 1948

Saw D at City YS.


Wednesday 19th May 1948

Saw D at YMCA dance.

Thursday 20th May 1948


Friday 21st May 1948


Saturday 22nd May 1948

Bill & Connie & D & I went to Valentines Park on boats & putting green.

Played at Holland Park in evening.

Sunday 23rd May 1948

D & I went out at 4 had tea at Marble Arch & saw an exhibition.

Started to rain so came home & played records. Les called.

Monday 24th May 1948


Tuesday 25th May 1948

Bought 9 records off Solhold good ones too.

Saw D at YC’s.


Wednesday 26th May 1948

D & I went to Odeon & saw a matter of Life & death. Wizard,

Thursday 27th May 1948


Friday 28th May 1948

Got my bonus 10.00

Tax   2.11.0

Net   7.  9. 0



Got tickets for 2nd test at Lords 28th & 29th June.

Saturday 29th May 1948

Went with D to Brixton to her friend & then to Brixton YC dance. OK

Sunday 30th May 1948

D & I & Bill & Con went boating at Reading.  Good day out.

Monday 31st May 1948


Tuesday 1st June 1948


Saw D at YCs 

Wednesday 2nd June 1948

Went to Odeon with D saw “Miranda” excellent & “Society Smuggler”.

Thursday 3rd June 1948


Friday 4th June 1948


Saturday 5th June 1948

In office.

D & I went to Ilford to see Essex V Surrey.

D won, on My Lover in Derby – good sign I hope.

Tea at Ilford & then to YMCA & saw “12th Night” very good.

Called on Ern

He has got me 3 white utility shirts & 31 120 film.

Sunday 6th June 1948

Went to Ds for tea & had a walk after. Very nice evening.

Wal & Olive flew to Isle of Mann today.

Monday 7th June 1948

No study – Sybil came in from next door & we couldn’t lose her.

Tuesday 8th June 1948

Dads birthday.

63 today.

Got him some cigars.

Saw D at YC’s 


Wednesday 9th June 1948

Got some scent for mums birthday on Friday.

Went to YMCA with Doreen

Thursday 10th June 1948


Friday 11th June 1948

Booked to see “Caribbean Rhapsody”


Saturday 12th June 1948

Doreen Bill & Connie came over for a musical evening.

Sunday 13th June 1948

Up 7.30 met Doreen at Stratford & we went to Margate by coach with Bristow & Co. Jolly good day.

Monday 14th June 1948


Tuesday 15th June 1948


Went to City YC’s 

Went to F C lecture

Wednesday 16th June 1948

D & I saw Caribbean Rhapsody – marvellous show.XII


Book 48

Sunday 1st August 1948

Everyone went out, I studied

Monday 2nd August 1948


Went to prom concert with Bill & got soaked while queuing.

Tuesday 3rd August 1948


Brought record La Mattinata

In office

Wednesday 4th August 1948


Lunched  at Hounslow Whizzo


Thursday 5th August 1948



Friday 6th August 1948

As yesterday

Saturday 7th August 1948

Bill & I met girls at Paddington.


Bill Doreen & I went to Prom

Sunday 8th August 1948

Doreen & I went to Erns for tea (I had lunch there as all here went out)

Very nice evening

Monday 9th August 1948

At Murry Trust now.

Beryl come over yesterday


Tuesday 10th August 1948

Got another 18 records on the cheap


Wednesday 11th August 1948

Went to Odeon with D saw “West Point Widow several shorts & “So Evil My Love”

Thursday 12th August 1948


Friday 13th August 1948

Bought a dressing gown 50/- & 3 ½ coupons what a snip

Saturday 14th August 1948

Football stats no luck on pools

D & I went to dance

Got my new suit

Sunday 15th August 1948

Studied a bit

Called on D & we went out for a ride, met her aunts & went with them to Police Club at Chigwell to see cricket etc. 

Monday 16th August 1948


Tuesday 17th August 1948

Saw D at lunch


Packed to go away

Wednesday 18th August 1948

Met Bill at 8.15 at Stratford, 8.35 to Clacton

Arrived at camp at 1. Bit rough but grubs o.k.

Messed around & went for walk. 

Played rummy till

Thursday 19th August 1948

Up 10.30

Went to Clacton on pier etc.

Went to cinema & saw “Forever Amber” not bad

Walked back to camp.

Friday 20th August 1948

Up 10.30 went over St Osyth’s 

Bus to Colchester, looked round town, went to castle museum & looked all over it. Very nice.

Met rest for tea & all went to Clacton to pier show. Very good.

Cards till 2

Saturday 21st August 1948

Up 10.30  went to Clacton

Bought presents on pier etc

Rained so bad had drink & supper & went back to camp

English soccer stats no luck on pools 

Rummy till 2

Sunday 22nd August 1948

Up 10.30 Left at 3.30

Cheap, good but rough holiday.

Caught 3.50. Home 6.20

Cleared up

D called at 7.30

Ern & Jean called

Monday 23rd August 1948


Tuesday 24th August 1948

Went to Y Co


Wednesday 25th August 1948

Went to YMCA in evening

Thursday 26th August 1948


Friday 27th August 1948

Played at Grove Park Hospital

Saturday 28th August 1948

Went to Promenade concert with Doreen & Bill. Very good seat indeed

Sunday 29th August 1948

Went on ramble to Epping

Monday 30th August 1948


Tuesday 31st August 1948

Went to Y Co.


Wednesday 1st September 1948

Went to prom concert

Thursday 2nd September 1948


Friday 3rd September 1948


Saturday 4th September 1948

Went up to see “Hamlet”  Very good

Home very late

Sunday 5th September 1948

Went out to Hainault for blackberries

D called at 3. We got all the berries we wanted

Saw a forest fire. Walked 8 miles – quite a full day.

Monday 6th September 1948

Studied  did pools

Tuesday 7th September 1948


Wednesday 8th September 1948

Went to YMCA

Arranged to go to dance on Friday 

with Peggy & Ted & Ann.

Thursday 9th September 1948

Studied till 3 am

Friday 10th September 1948

Went to dance at Caster Hall – whizzo

Left at 11.45

Home at D’s at 1.20

Home at 2.

Saturday 11th September 1948

In office

Went out with Doreen & Pam & met Bill at the Science Museum then went to Prom

Home 11.40

Sunday 12th September 1948

D called at 12.30. We were going cycling but decided to walk – Good job too.

Got to Ongar & walked – then it rained. Got about a dozen berries

Home here at 6.

Tea with m&d & Ern & Jean, played cards etc.

Home 11.45

Monday 13th September 1948


Tuesday 14th September 1948


Wednesday 15th September 1948


Thursday 16th September 1945

Went to Prom concert with D 

Had tea in West End

D bought seats for 2nd Oct.

Saw Bill Home late

Friday 17th September 1948


Saturday 18th September 1948

Called on Ern to try & get present for D

Called on tailors

Called on D for tea

Went to premier saw “The Red Shoes”

Sunday 19th September 1948

D & I went to Upminster to meet the ramblers but couldn’t find them. Picked a few blackberries.

Home her at 9

Listed my records.

Monday 20th September 1948

On Holiday

Studied all day 

Ern & Jean called.

Tuesday 21st September 1948

D called at 9.10.

Met Bob Dyer & Dorothy at Trafalgar square at 10, had coffee

Went to National Gallery. Walked to Westminster

Had lunch

Went to Kew Gardens

Back to Charring x on River Bus

Went to see “Starlight Roof” – not as good as I hoped

Wednesday 22nd September 1948


D & I went to Odeon & saw “London Belongs to Me”

Thursday 23rd September 1948

Studied all day. Did a test

Friday 24th September 1948

Studied all day. 

Went to East Ham Pal with D.

Saw Ern & Jean

Saturday 25th September 1948

After lunch called on D & went to Southend to Doris & Alf for weekend.

Nattered & played piano

Bed 11

Sunday 26th September 1948

Up at 8

All went for walk

After lunch D & I walked to Leigh

Went on pier

After tea talked & played piano

Home 11.45

Monday 27th September 1948

In evening sorted out some music for Doris.

Tuesday 28th September 1948

Bought necklace for D’s birthday


Wednesday 29 September 1948

Went to Odeon, saw “Glory of Sport” about Olympics

Thursday 30th September 1948


Friday 1st October 1948


Saturday 2nd October 1948

D 22 today

Went over at 4 took presents from M & D & myself

After tea all family went to St Martins Theatre to see 

“Sugar & Spice” excellent show thoroughly enjoyed it.

Home at 1 am.

Sunday 3rd October 1948

D & Pam called over at 12 – was I scruffy

At 3 went down to Hornchurch to D’s aunt. We had a walk & got lost

Played monopoly after tea. Home 11.30

Monday 4th October 1948

Up 7.15. Left 10 to 8

Caught 9.10 with plenty of time (at Pad 9.45)

Home 7.20


Tuesday 5th October 1948

Left 8.15 missed trains

Through slow tube arrived at 12.

Studied in evening

Wednesday 6th October 1948

Went to YMCA

Thursday 7th October 1948


Friday 8th October 1948


Saturday 9th October 1948

Doreen came to tea

Went to cinema  – Forever Amber

Sunday 10th October 1948

Went to YMCA music circle

Called on Ern & Jean

Asked D to Marry me – O.K.

Missed bus, nearly missed train too home 12.20

Monday 11th October 1948

Finished at Sullens


Tuesday 12th October 1948


Walter in bed – bronchitis

Wednesday 13th October 1948

D & I had a walk & supper & talked things over 

She is very cautions

Thursday 14th October 1948


Friday 15th October 1948


Saturday 16th October 1948

Called on D for tea

She has a cold 

Stayed in all evening

David can now walk

Walters birthday

Sunday 17th October 1948

Got 3 draws up made 15/6 on that

Called on D at 6. Went to YMCA

Called on Ern & Jean

Took D home early

Saw her Pop about us – o.k.

Monday 18th October 1948

Went to cinema with D saw “The Weaker Sex” V. good

Tuesday 19th October 1948

Went to High Wycombe with Land


Wednesday 20th October 1948


Thursday 21st October 1948

Went with D & YMCA crowd to dance at Holborn very good indeed.

Home at 1

Friday 22nd October 1948


Saturday 23rd October 1948

Went to cinema & saw “Life with Father” an excellent film

Sunday 24th October 1948

Doreen came to tea & we played Monopoly all evening with Mum & Dad

Monday 25th October 1948

Ern & Jean called


At City Road (J B Ltd)

Tuesday 26th October 1948

At City Rd. Called in office at 5 to get RSM books

Went to lecture at Powers Samas. Very good. Left at 7.35

Met D at East Ham at 8.15

Rang Mum

Had a sandwich

Went to show at Palace – not bad

Wednesday 27th October 1948


At RSM very foggy

Walter had a smash, car is finished & he is badly bruised & cut a bit

Thursday 28th October 1948

At RSM Ltd


Friday 29th October 1948

Went with D to dance where Les & Len Winfield were playing.

Bert & Doris there

Saturday 30th October 1948

Dad not too good – staying in bedroom

Mum & I went to Leyton (new house) in morning. No one in.

Called on D in afternoon, she came to tea

Mum & I called over Ramsey Rd in evening & saw Mrs Cornwell.

Came back to Seagry & played cards etc

Sunday 31st October 1948

Dad still upstairs

Went to D’s for tea, left for club at 6.

Gave my record programme

I played

La Boheme  – Tony Hand

          Lovely Maid Moony

          Masetta Waltz 

Ballet Capelin

La Boutique 

Gregs Norwegian Dances (No2)

Rhapsody on Theme of Pegamine (Rachmanioff)

Honky Tonk Train Blues


La Mattinata

Prince 9 Act 3 (Polobtr March)

Fantaisie Impromptu in C Minor Chopin

Etude in E Mag

Valse in E Maj Moszkowski

Called in & saw Ern & Jean at 27.

Monday 1st November 1948


Tuesday 2nd November 1948

At Ealing


Wednesday 3rd November 1948

Went to YMCA in evening

Thursday 4th November 1948


Friday 5th November 1948


Ern & Jean called 

Saturday 6th November 1948

Went to D’s for tea – she likes ring

Went up West looked in shop & saw lights in Trafalgar Square

Sunday 7th November 1948

After lunch went with D to her aunts at Thornton Heath

Home 11.40

Monday 8th November 1948

At Surbiton


Tuesday 9th November 1948

As yesterday

Wednesday 10th November 1948

Went to YMCA

Called on Ern

Thursday 11th November 1948


Friday 12th November 1948

Ern & Jean called


Saturday 13th November 1948

D & I went to Upton Park W Ham drew Saints 1.1

Went to 50-50 dance at Royal Hotel Russell Square.

All coats messed up in cloakroom and through that didn’t get homes till 2am.

Sunday 14th November 1948

Had bath

Messed around

D called at 4.

Went to Hornchurch

Home 11

Monday 15th November 1948

At the brickworks


Tuesday 16th November 1948

Called on doctor Kyndt got optical form & some medicine

Bought new RS&P


Wednesday 17th November 1948

D & I went to cinema saw “The Winslow Boy”

Thursday 18th November 1948


Friday 19th November 1948

Got a scarf for Ern for Xmas


Saturday 20th November 1948

Played at Elccas with Bert & Ron

Sunday 21st November 1948

Went to see D

Monday 22nd November 1948


Tuesday 23rd November 1948


Wednesday 24th November 1948


Thursday 25th November 1948

24 today

Silver cig case from D

D came over

Saw Bert at lunch time

Friday 26th November 1948

Went to lecture


Saturday 27th November 1948

Getting ready to move 

Packing up stuff all day

D called

Sunday 28th November 1948

D came over

Packed up all day

Monday 29th November 1948

Packing all day

Tuesday 30th November 1948

Moved & what a job

Dad taken very bad & in bed early.

Up till 1

Ern & Jean helped & Doreen

Wednesday 1st December 1948

Worked all evening

Ern & Jean here

Thursday 2nd December 1948

E & J here

Worked till 1

Friday 3rd December 1948

Worked all evening till 1

Saturday 4th December 1948

D & I called at Segrey Rd Saw David

Played with boys at Whitechapel

Home 11.30

Bed 12.15

Sunday 5th December 1948

Up 11

Working till 6

D came over

Bed 12.30

Monday 6th December 1948

Up 8.10

Very tired

D called

Bed 11.30

Tuesday 7th December 1948

Ern & Jean called

Paid for engagement ring

Did test

Wednesday 8th December 1948

D & I went to dinner at Elccas 

Bert Ron & I played

Thursday 9th December 1948


Friday 10th December 1948

Bought some xmas gifts


Saturday 11th December 1948

Went to D’s in afternoon, went shopping with her & Pam to Stratford

D & I went to her grandmother’s place.

Sunday 12th December 1948

D called over

I studied

Monday 13th December 1948


Got some gifts

Tuesday 14th December 1948


Bought some gifts

Wednesday 15th December 1948

Went to YMCA with D

Thursday 16th December 1948


Friday 17th December 1948


Saturday 18th December 1948

Called at D in evening & we went To the cinema saw “Here comes the Haggetts”

Sunday 19th December 1948

D & I went to see Walter & Olive & David 

Had tea & stayed till 10.15

Monday 20th December 1948

Studied hard

Tuesday 21st December 1948

Played at Whitechapel

Wednesday 22nd December 1948

Played at YMCA

D came

Thursday 23rd December 1948


Friday 24th December 1948

Didn’t feel well. Office closed at 1.

Called on D & bought home cake

Played at Chadwell Heath.

D came

Home late

Got the ring & gave to D

Saturday 25th December 1948

Xmas Day

Very quiet but enjoyable


Sunday 26th December 1948

Called at D Aunt at Romford

Not bad

Monday 27th December 1948

Boxing Day

D & I came home for lunch.

Ern & J called. J mother in hospital

Took her home at 11.

Tuesday 28th December 1948

Up 12.

Studied hard

Wednesday 29th December 1948

Studied hard

Thursday 30th December 1948


Friday 31st December 1948

Played at Chadwell Heath

D came

Car home

Saturday 1st January 1949

D & I went to Peoples Palace to see “Song of Norway”. Beautiful show

Bus strike no trouble

In morning Ron & I got a cab from Woodford to Tuffs Mill Hill

Sunday 2nd January 1949

Ern & Dad & Mum & I went to Ds for our celebration.

Very nice except Dad taken bad at 9.30

D & I came back in car & then went back

Home 12.40

Jeans mother died

Monday 3rd January 1949

Studied & did test

Tuesday 4th January 1949


At Mr Miler

Wednesday 5th January 1949

At Victoria

Went to cinema with D & saw “It’s Hard to be Good”

Thursday 6th January 1949

At Victoria


Friday 7th January 1949


Saturday 8th January 1949

Up at 8.30 had haircut

Met D at Upton Park at 11.15. Went to Southend

Had lunch went on pier, walked round shops got some flowers.

At Doris’ at 5 

Had tea, talked, played piano

Bed 11.45

Very cold all night

Sunday 9th January 1949

Won £6-0-0 on pools  (tried Odds)

Went for long walk

Left at 8.15 home 11.30

Monday 10th January 1949

At High Wycombe


Tuesday 11th January 1949


Wednesday 12th January 1949

Went to W & O’s with D

Thursday 13th January 1949


Friday 14th January 1949


Saturday 15th January 1949

Morning off

Did odd jobs round home.

Went to dance at Empire at Northumberland Avenue.

Sunday 16th January 1949

Up 9

Called on D

Went to Walters, took David to Ramsay 

Back at Seagry at 1.

Splitting head till after tea

David fine

Home 11.30

Monday 17th January 1949


Tuesday 18th January 1949

At Fenchurch St this week


Wednesday 19th January 1949

Went to cinema saw “Portrait From Life”

Very good

Thursday 20th January1949


Friday 21st January1949


Saturday 22nd January 1949

Went shopping with D

Went to see shops in West End & got tickets for “Kid from Stratford”

Sunday 23rd January 1949

Won 1/7/6 on pools

D came over


Monday 24th January 1949


Went to optician

Saw Bert for lunch

Tuesday 25th January 1949


Wednesday 26th January 1949

Went to Broadway 2 films “Look Before you Love” & a Gangster film

Thursday 27th January 1949


Friday 28th January 1949

Foggy – dad not so good

Played at Stepney Green with the boys.

Saturday 29th January 1949

At office

Went shopping with D. Bought stuff to make a rug

Went to Peoples Palace to see “Barret’s of Wimpole St”

Sunday 30th January 1949

Called on Ern

Bad head again

Went to cemetery with D to put Flowers on her granddads grave

Tea here, worked on rug

Monday 31st January 1949


Finished last test but 2 – should have finished course today.

At Southall this week.

Jean has walked out from Ern

Tuesday 1st February 1949

Messed around all night

Wednesday 2nd February 1949

Called on D Worked on rug

Thursday 3rd February 1949


Friday 4th February 1949 

Called on Ern got tin of cream at Malya

Saturday 5th February 1949

Went shopping with Doreen. Bought 2 clip rugs.

Called on Ern

Won 3/3/6 on pools

Sunday 6th February 1949

Called on Ern & helped him.

Doreen came over to tea.

Worked on Rug.  Doreen not very well.

Monday 7th February 1949

Played at Elccas

Called on Doreen

Tuesday 8th February 1949


Wednesday 9th February 1949

Called on Doreen

Did rug

Thursday 10th February 1949


Ern called over

Friday 11th February 1949


Saturday 12th February 1949

Played at East Ham

D came  Did rug

Sunday 13th February 1949

Played at East Ham till 7.

D came over did rug

Monday 14th February 1949

Still at Malya

Bought a biro minor


Tuesday 15th February 1949


Bought toy for David


Wednesday 16th February 1949

Went to YMCA with D

Thursday 17th February 1945

Malya still


Friday 18th February 1949

Finished at Malya

Got cream, chocolate, marzipan & nuts – Whizzo


Saturday 19th February 1949

Went shopping with D for present for Pam

Went to Stratford & Ilford – eventually bought a clock.

Went to cinema in evening saw “Warning to Wantons

Sunday 20th February 1949

Went to Erns in morning

D came over

Monday 21st February 1949

Went to see Arthur Askey in “Kid from Stratford” with D & family

Tuesday 22nd February 1949


Wednesday 23rd February 1949

Went to club late 

Bought gold chain for D

Thursday 24th February 1949


Friday 25th February 1949


Saturday 26th February 1949

Played at Elccas

D came

Dropped my pen & broke it

Sunday 27th February 1949

Went to Erns

D came over in evening

So did Ern

Monday 28th February 1949


Tuesday 1st March 1949

Had haircut


Wednesday 2nd March 1949

D came over did pools etc

Thursday 3rd March 1949

Studied  Lecture

Friday 4th March 1949



Saturday 5th March 1949

Off today

Played at Hospital

D’s for tea, did rug etc

Sunday 6th March 1949

Played records at YMCA

Back home at 9

Monday 7th March 1949


Tuesday 8th March 1949


Wednesday 9th March 1949

Got exam entry form 

Hope to get 5 weeks off

D came over – did pools

Thursday 10th March 1949

Only getting 3 weeks for study


Friday 11th March 1949

Bought 10 records off Sully

Working at Ilford today


Saturday 12th March 1949

Took D & Pam to East Ham Palace

Collected my pen – done free instead of paying 18/11d – said wasn’t welded properly

Sunday 13th March 1949

D came over so did Ern

Played monopoly etc.

Monday 14th March 1949

Afternoon off to go to Ideal Home Exhibition – nothing outstanding

Got some odds & ends including toy for David

Tuesday 15th March 1949


Wednesday 16th March 1949

D came over

Did pools.  Studied

Thursday 17th March 1949

What a time with radios – all gone u/s & only 1 now gives a peep –

Have to buy a new one

Ern came 

Did ½ hr study

Friday 18th March 1949


Saturday 19th March 1949

Got my old radio going – nice to have a radio again.

D & I went to East Ham Central Hall to hear a Chopin  recital by Poushnoff.

Very nice indeed.

Sunday 20th March 1949

Went to Hornchurch with D & her people as Norman joins Navy tomorrow.

Monday 21st March 1949


Tuesday 22nd March 1949


Wednesday 23rd March 1949

D came over did pools & studied

Thursday 24th March 1949


Friday 25th March 1949


Saturday 26th March 1949

Mr S won a pen & pencil in the comp and gave me £2 so I put it to the Joint A/c

D & I went to Ilford & bought stuff for our “Musical rug”

I played with band in afternoon. Met Mr McKinnon the old “Head” had a chat for a while.

D came home & when I got back we worked on the rug.

Sunday 27th March 1949

Went to D’s her Hornchurch people came.

I finished the treble clef on the rug – looks good.

Monday 28th March 1949


Bought Easter egg for David

Tuesday 29th March 1949


Wednesday 30th March 1949

D came over, did some rug

Thursday 31st March 1949


Friday 1st April 1949


Saturday 2nd April 1949

D & I went to Odeon saw Bob Hope “The Paleface”

Sunday 3rd April 1949

D came over 

Did rug

Monday 4th April 1949


Tuesday 5th April 1949


Wednesday 6th April 1949

Working at Leyton with Tibbs

D came did rug


Thursday 7th April 1949

Got my exam course, hell of a lot to do


Friday 8th April 1949


Saturday 9th April 1949

D & I went to cinema saw “History of Mr Polly”

Sunday 10th April 1949

D & I called on Seagry Rd for an hour or two.

David is fine.

Monday 11th April 1949


Tuesday 12th April 1949


Working at Stadler’s

Wednesday 13th April 1949

D came over did some rug & pools

Thursday 14th April 1949


Friday 15th April 1949

Good Friday, Up early

Studied all morning

To D’s in afternoon.

After much fiddling eventually decided to go to Sheering to her aunts.

Much trouble with Green Line eventually after going by train & bus to Wake Arms we got Green Line to Sawbridgeworth & walked to Hatfield Heath for tea then walked to Sheering.

Stayed an hour or 2 took photos etc. Walked to Harlow & bus back 

Saturday 16th April 1949

Studied in morning

D came to tea

We went to Ilford to putting green & to fair

Back at 10

Went to D’s & left at 11.45

Sunday 17th April 1949

Went to Hornchurch with D & her folks – 

Norman on leave

Monday 18th April 1949

D & I went on picnic to Epping Forest.

Very nice day.

Big fire near us

Tuesday 19th April 1949

Work again – studied

Wednesday 20th April 1949

D came over did pools

Thursday 21st April 1949

Did test etc

Friday 22nd April 1949

Did test

Asked LEF for more time off

Saturday 23rd April 1949

At office

Called on optician re new lens

D & I went up West to see lights etc

Sunday 24th April 1949

No sweet rationing, bought some for mum & Doreen.

Parachutist were in Flats & Mum Dad & I went over – got some snaps

D called before we got back.

Stayed in all day.

After that I did some work.

Monday 25th April 1949

Busy day

Finished at office

Did test

Tuesday 26th April 1949

Did 2 tests

8 hrs work

Phoned D.

Wednesday 27th April 1949

D came over 

Did pools

Thursday 28th April 1949

D called & we had walk

Rang Seagry –  Jacqueline born yesterday at 7.30am

Friday 29th April 1949

D & I went to Seagry

  • An enormous child

Saturday 30th April 1949

To D for Tea

Went to cinema saw Bad Lord Byron

Sunday 1st May 1949

Called on Ern

Met D & went to Seagry

Walter in Hosp on 2nd June.

Took David out met Mum & Dad, went to Park

At 166 for tea.  Ern came

Took David back at 8.

Home 9.30.

Monday 2nd May 1949

Lecture started, very good


D came over & we had walk

Tuesday 3rd May 1949


Wednesday 4th May 1949


D came over 7 stayed in

Thursday 5th May 1949

Went to Seagry

Friday 6th May 1949

At lecture


Saturday 7th May 1949

Did little work


Tried to get D’s mower working

D & I went to 50-50 dance at Holborn – not bad

Stayed at D’s place

Sunday 8th May 1949

Up early – cut lawn

D Pam & I came home & the 3 of us delivered pamphlets for Doris ready for next Thursday.

D came to tea.

Monday 9th May 1949



Walk with D

Bought speedway annual

Tuesday 10th May 1949


Wednesday 11th May 1949


Went to Ds as it was her ma’s birthday.

Tried to get mower working.

Book 49

Thursday 12th May 1949

At lecture

D came & went for walk

Friday 13th May 1949

Lectures finished

D & I went to see Mr Harper, had very nice chat & arranged to go to MF’s place at

Hackney next Wednesday evening

Took D home

Saturday 14th May 1949

D & I had a trip up west for the evening

Sunday 15th May 1949

D came over

Monday 16th May 1949

Stayed in studying – except for our walk & we found a place to book seats to Yarmouth for our holiday

Tuesday 17th May 1949

As yesterday but while out , paid for our seats

Wednesday 18th May 1949

Studied, phoned D.

Called on Mr H at 7.15 & we went to HF’s – very interesting indeed, saw how their books & counters are made up & how they allot numbers etc.

Home 10.

Thursday 19th May 1949

Studied & had walk with D. 

Ern came over 

Started digging in garden

Friday 20th May 1949


Saturday 21st May 1949

Studied.  To D’s for tea. D & I went to cinema – I misjudged time & we could have seen it twice, still “Cardboard Cavalier was worth seeing

Sunday 22nd May 1949

Ern came & we started the cementing.

Stayed in

D came

Monday 23rd May 1949

Last mad rush at studying.

Rang D

Tuesday 24th May 1949

Didn’t sleep well

Nearly late –

Still I did (I hope) V good.

Papers on Auditing & Ltd Companies.

Rang D


Wednesday 25th May 1949

2 sticky papers Partnership & Tax  & Costing but I think I did a good T& C paper.

Rang D

Studied hard

Thursday 26th May 1949

Executorship first & nearly boobed badly.

GCK in afternoon – nearly fainted but finished ok. 

Felt half dead when I got home.  D was there but I got over it & D and I had a very long walk

Back at 10.15

Took D home.

Friday 27th May 1949

Went to work

D & I went for walk

Saturday 28th May 1949

In office

D came over

Ern & I were cementing D took photos of us

Sunday 29th May 1949

Cementing again

Felt nearly dead, but its good exercise

D came over

Monday 30th May 1949

At Stadler’s

D & I went to Odeon saw “Fools Rush In” – what a scream

Ern fixed D’s mower o.k.

Tuesday 31st May 1949

D Ern & I went to speedway.  WH beat B’ham 51 – 33

D likes it.

Wednesday 1st June 1949

D came over – we did rug

Thursday 2nd June 1949

Got photos – very good

Went to Ds & we had a walk. Got haircut.

Finished at Stadlers – found £21 petty cash short.

Told Bill

Friday 3rd June 1949

Stayed in & straightened out my exam papers etc.

Saturday 4th June 1949

Felt rotten when I woke.

Went to Ds & we went to Ilford to get presents  for Mum & Dad. Got tidy & scarf for mum & bot of Rum for Dad.

Felt worse when I got home for dinner.

Went to Ds & we went up West. Couldn’t get in anywhere for a show.

Had tea & went to St James park. Felt a bit better & told D.

She took me home eventually, because I felt rotten again, but against my will.

Sunday 5th June 1949

Stayed in bed.  D came

I got delirious & Doc came at about 10 or 11 pm.

Got flu badly.

Sick twice

Monday 6th June 1949

D came brought a birthday card for dad.

Tuesday 7th June 1949

Doc came can get up tomorrow.

Wednesday 8th June 1949

Dad 64 today.

Got up in afternoon 

D brought his present round

Thursday 9th June 1949

Got up again today

D came.  Rose brought Beryl round to see us as she is over for a while.

Friday 10th June 1949

Up again went for walk in afternoon

Brought some tools & records.

Saturday 11th June 1949

Mum 62 today

D came over with mums presents.

After lunch D & I went to Ilford & sat in park for a while.

Got some strawberries on way back.

I bought a sports jacket in Dunn’s

Got some ice cream to have with strawberries –  A nice tea.

D stayed over here for evening.

Sunday 12th June 1949

Went to Ds for tea

D & I went to Ilford park in evening.

Monday 13th June 1949

Went to Docs.

Bought some tools & called in Woodmansee’s for a suit but didn’t see any good cloth. Bought tie.

Called on Ern 

Went to Ds for evening 

Tuesday 14th June 1949

Had walk round called on Ern

Rang Olive.  She asked me & Dad to christening. Told mum of this

Met D at 5.20. Went to Odeon to see “Passport to Pimlico” – Wizard film & “Million Dollar Weekend”

Wednesday 15th June 1949

Went for walk

Called on Ern

D came over & we did rug

I had all my clothes out for airing & brush in afternoon.

Thursday 16th June 1949

Called on Ern while out 

Bought socks & ties. Got sand & cement in, Ern came over & we started laying path in garden

D came over

Friday 17th June 1949

Got more sand in

Mum rang Olive

Called on D in evening

Went to Ilford park & played on golf course

Saturday 18th June 1949

Went to Doctors & signed off

D & I went to Greenwich Observatory, looked at museum & had tea. By river to Charring X.

Walked to Bank. Home early

Sunday 19th June 1949

D came over

Ern & I laid path in garden

Monday 20th June 1949

Back at work

Paid HFL for final course

Saw D

Tuesday 21st June 1949

D & I went to speedway

W Ham won

Wednesday 22nd June 1949

Went to D’s place

Thursday 23rd June 1949

D came over home

Friday 24th June 1949

D & I went to Cinema to see “Every Girl Should be Married” what a scream

Saturday 25th June 1949

D & I went to V & A museum to see the Transport Poster Art Show – very good too.

Home early & we started to make Dorothy bag for Doreen

Sunday 26th June 1945

Jacqueline christened

D & I met at 3.15. Fair do.

Home at 2am

Monday 27th June 1949

D came over

Tuesday 28th June 1949

D came over

Wednesday 29th June 1949

D & I went to films saw “June Bride”

Thursday 30th June 1949

D & I went to see Jeans agency & the **’’**

Has debunked – with several thousand quid

Tried other places unsuccessfully.

Friday 1st July 1949

M & Dad went out in evening – I felt queer – met D as arranged & came back home

She left early

Saturday 2nd July 1949

Awful night. Sick in morning didn’t eat all day. 

D was here

Sunday 3rd July 1949

D came over Ern called

Went to D’s for tea

Monday 4th July 1949

Still trying to book seats for Yarmouth

Took D to lunch

Called on D in evening

Queer when I got home

Tuesday 5th July 1949

Couldn’t go to work

Eventually got to Doctor – gave me medicine to tighten me up – do I need it

Wednesday 6th July 1949

Back at work – much better

D came over

Thursday 7th July 1949

Got my glasses back

In evening sorted out holiday 

Friday 8th July 1949

Got money from bank.

Had last try for coach seats 

Got haircut

Packed stuff

D came at 9

Bought tickets

Stayed at Ridley Rd

Bed 11

Saturday 9th July 1949

Up at 6.15

D Pam & I caught 6.57 train.

Signals failed & all trains messed up. – we were lucky though, got empty carriage & all got seats.

Mr & Mrs S coming on soon after us.

Arrived about 12.30

Had good dinner out. Nice digs.  Food good

Had look round in afternoon 

After tea D & I went round old town, over ferry & round Gorleston

Back 10.45

Sunday 10th July 1949

Up 6.45 got papers & had walk with D

Beach in morning, afternoon played golf etc with all.

Evening D & I went to Caister along the front to see the sea wall being built to stop coast erosion.

Monday 11th July 1949

On beach

Went on Broads boat trip in afternoon

D & I had walk in evening & went rowing.

Sent box of fish home

Tuesday 12th July 1949

On beach am & pm & went on boat to Scoby Island

All went to speedway in evening

Funniest thing ever – all fell off in one heat

Wednesday 13th July 1949

On beach am & pm

D & I went dancing on Pier

Thursday 14th July 1949

Beach am & pm

All went out on Landau trip in evening after finding we couldn’t get to California by bus

Friday 15th July 1949


D Pam & I went to Lowestoft by bus 

Very nice trip saw markets etc

In afternoon went rowing with Pam & D & in evening D & I walked to far South of Yarmouth

Saturday 16th July 1949

Got up early, thus doing it every day of holiday

All out together for morning buying fish & taking cases to station.  Had last look at front & caught 4.25 at L St at 8.30.

Home with D at 9

Took her home at 10.

Mum & dad liked the fish

Sunday 17th July 1949

Up 10 

Bathed & read & lazed around

D came over

Monday 18th July 1949

Ern came over & we put door glass back

Tuesday 19th July 1949

D came over, I worked on door glass, 

cleaning & puttying

Wednesday 20th July 1949

Dad & mum went to Southend

D came I worked on glass in door

Wrote David’s card with lots of 2’s 

on it – 2 David etc, etc.

Thursday 21st July 1949

Studied – first time for ages.

D came over for a while

Friday 22nd July 1949


Saturday 23rd July 1949

D & I went shopping in afternoon & called in Ashford & Davis about her ring.

Bought gifts for David

Tea with D & Pamela

Stayed in all evening.

Sunday 24th July 1949

D came to tea

Mum & Dad & D & I went to Ilford

D & I went rowing.

Walked back from Green Man

Monday 25th July 1949

Met D at 5.30.  Had tea & went to Albert Hall. Rotten seats but good programme.

David 2 today.

Tuesday 26th July 1949

Met D & went to Proms, better seat.  

Programme not so good

Wednesday 27th July 1949

Collected holiday snaps – not bad

Met D – she was not too good & was late – & went to Seagry

Gave David his toytoise, & telephone (from mum & dad) & clucky hen & rock. He was pleased. 

Helped Walter draft new will.

Thursday 28th July 1949

At office till 6.30

Home 7.10

Met Mum on corner of road – I wondered why, when I got in, I found out the reason – a letter from the institute. I opened it very rapidly & then my nerve left me & I was scared to look – but I did – and saw that word “Passed”. I felt quite queer but then I look further and saw “6th Order of Merit” & my legs turned to jelly & I fell in a chair. I could have cried – and very nearly did.

I dashed to the phone – had to wait – got very impatient – dialled – & then instead of playing up to Doreen & pulling her leg I gasped out the news. Uproar at Ridley Rd.

I rang Seagry but had to leave a message.

D came round later.

Friday 29th July 1949

Jenkins has passed his prelim. 

Uproar in the office

Bill – extremely pleased

Salkeld – dumbfounded

FMA – absolutely astonished

Tibble – awestruck

My triumph has made up for FMA’s remark sometime in 1943 that I thought more of ‘playing in bands than I did of accountancy’.

D and I had lunch together as we have done every day since our holiday while Joyce is away.

After 5.30 Bill & Tibble & Miss White & D & I went to the Dive to celebrate.

Home with D (both squiffy) at 7.15.

At D’s at 8.

Stayed till 10.15

I’m very pleased that HFL& Co will pay 3 guineas for my honours place.

Saturday 30th July 1949

Felt dopy when I woke.  Up 9.

Bathed & dressed & ready at 11.30

D came at 11.45 – feels like me.  Had dinner & left at 1.15

At Southend at 3

Bought slippers for Linda. Linda is a much nicer child now than last January

All of us went to Southend in evening & D & I stayed later.

Sunday 31st July 1949

Up at 8.15

Went for walk before dinner 

Lazy afternoon

Early tea & to Southend

Went over replica of “Golden Hind”

Back early & talked & I played piano

Bed 12

Monday 1st August 1949

Up at 8.15

Went to Southend for a while & went down pier.

Back at 2

Had to leave at 2.45 to get 3 pm train.

What a rush.  At Romford at 4.

What a shock for us _ Mum & Dad were there.  Mr & Mrs S had called round last night & fixed 

it up. Still it was a very nice surprise & I am very pleased that they were asked.

A very nice evening to celebrate D’s Nans & Grandads Golden Wedding.

We came home by car as it rained & we were too late to get a 687 at The Alice

Tuesday 2nd August 1949

At Mrs Molar with Cruse

Home late

D came round

Wireless broke & I wasted all night trying to fix it.

Ern came over

Wednesday 3rd August 1949

Went to Institute to see results  492 passed out of 1088 i.e. 45.2% better than usual

20 honours men

D came again

M & Dad were at Mrs Tuffs

Still couldn’t fix radio.

Thursday 4th August 1949

Saw Bert

Fixed up another radio & spent evening clearing up odd things.

Friday 5th August 1949

Jeff & I had a drink in the evening after work on my success

Home at 7.45

Ern came

Saturday 6th August 1949

At office

Tried to repair radio -no success, took it in to shop.

D came over we went shopping 

Tea with D & stayed at her place.

Sunday 7th August 1949

D came over

Monday 8th August 1949

In office all day


Tuesday 9th August 1949

At Paddington at Hatts Sheetmetal Works – what a din


Wednesday 10th August 1949

At Hatts

Called on D & we went to Ilford Park – she wasn’t too well & on way home she nearly collapsed.

Gave her whisky etc & she felt better before I left.

Thursday 11th August 1949

At Hatts till lunch

Called at Bush House to make Searches for Ern & myself

Called on D

Doctor gave her overhaul – nervous debility medicine & rest required

I felt lousy

Friday 12th August 1949

Felt terrible

Left office at 5

Went to Docs – sent home to bed

Rang D

Rose & Beryl called

Saturday 13th August 1949

D called

Radio not ready

Went to D’s for tea felt rotten

Sunday 14th August 1949

Ern called

Mum Dad & I went to D’s for tea

Felt bit better

Monday 15th August 1949

Felt very weak

Rang D & stayed at home

Tuesday 19th August 1949

Went to Docs for tonic

Rang D in evening

Wednesday 17th August 1949

Met D & went to Ilford to play round of golf

Our rugs came from Readicut – they are lovely

Took one to D.

Thursday 18th August 1949

Went back to work


Friday 19th August 1949


Saturday 20th August 1949

Cleared up odd jobs at home for first part of afternoon

Went to D’s for tea, stayed in till late then we went for walk

Sunday 21st August 1949

D has next week off

We went for walk from Buckhurst Hill to Chigwell

Tea at home & worked on new rugs & “odds & ends” rug

Monday 22nd August 1949

Mum finished off our “odds & ends” rug

D came over

Rose brought Beryl round

Tuesday 23rd August 1949


Wednesday 24th August 1949

D came & we had walk. She was queer yesterday & today.

Went to dentist – 2 fillings done

Thursday 25th August 1949

Did pools – studied

Friday 26th August 1949

Studied & D came over re her dads PAYE. Took her home.

Saturday 27th August 1949

D went to Docs – she must stay home next week

I went to tax office re G Martin & Co’s PAYE – great firm

To D’s at 2.30

Tea at West End

Evening at open Air Theatre Regents Park seeing Faust – very good indeed.

Home 12.30

Sunday 28th August 1949

D & I went to Ilford on golf course

Monday 29th August 1949

D called round in evening

Tuesday 30th August 1949

Olive rang to say David’s picture in Stn last Friday – Photographed while in town last Thursday.

Pathe publications coming down this afternoon

I rang D to tell her

Bill Land & I went to Stadler’s. I got blouse for D

D came over & I gave her her blouse – very pleased.

Rose brought Beryl over

Wednesday 31st August 1949

Went to Stan officer for papers

Went to Dentist – he finished me off.

Went to Seagry with D

Brought press photos to show mum.

Thursday 1st September 1949

D & I took Press photos back to Seagry


Friday 2nd September 1949

Went to Stadler’s


Saturday 3rd September 1949

On holiday

D & I went to Ilford on Golf course

She beat me for first time

Had tea out & saw “Sky Dragon” & “Private Angels” at Cinema

Home at D at 10.45

Sunday 4th September 1949

D came over

Monday 5th September 1949

Up very late 

Saw D at 1. Went to Ilford on Golf course

Tea out, home at D’s early

Tuesday 6th September 1949

Up early (Comparatively)

Met D at 10

Went to Stratford & got ring – charged £1

Lunched Corner Hse At Tottenham Ct Rd. Saw Boughey there.

Bus to Strand -On-the-Green at Kew & then walked to Richmond

Pleasant tea – home by train

Home 10.30

Wednesday 7th September 1949

Up 7.30

Mum Dad & I met D Pam & her Mum at 8.20.

Nice day at Clacton marred only by D losing her camera

I even won a cake stand on game of chance

Thursday 8th September 1949

Did pools in morning

D came over

D I Mum & Dad met Ern at Bakers Arms & all went to Southend by coach

On Pier most of time

Home 12.15am

Friday 9th September 1949

D & I went to London Hospital for Cert for her granddad

Home 1

At D’s at 2

Went to Ilford shopping & then got on bus to Chigwell & had a walk – with all the shopping.

At D’s at 8.30

D cooked supper

Left at 10.45

Saturday 10th September 1949

Met D at 1

Went to Doris & Alf’s at Southend for Linda’s 2nd Birthday

Quite nice

Bed 12.30

Sunday 11th September 1949

D & I almost quarrelled – but made it up

Went walking with Doris & Alf

Left at 7

At D’s at 9.30

Home 10.30

Saw Ern

Monday 12th September 1949

Work again

D at work too

Plenty of it

Saw Ern


Tuesday 13th September 1949

Studied again

Rang D 


Wednesday 14th September 1949

Called on Seagry Rd to see David


Thursday 15th September 1949

Studied – rang D

At Stadler’s

Friday 16th September 1949

At Stadler’s

Studied lecture

Rang D

Saturday 17th September 1949

Morning off 

D came over we went for walk around Wanstead Park etc had tea out

Home at 6

D went home, I played with Bert & Ron, not very good evening

Got clarinet back

Ordered photos of David from Paper in morning

Sunday 18th September 1949

D came to dinner

We put photos in album.

£ devalued – what lies Cripps told on radio

Monday 19th September 1949


D called

Tuesday 20th September 1949

Saw Bert while at lunch

Studied     lecture

Wednesday 21st September 1949

D called in evening & I studied

Thursday 22nd September 1949

Studied a while

Rang D in evening & found that her firm would not allow tax on her sickness benefit.

Had long talk

D called

Walked home with her having agreed not to take any action things are now square again.

Friday 23rd September 1949


Studied in evening

Saturday 24th September 1949

At office

Went shopping with D in afternoon after calling at 

W Ham library to see the local history exhibition –  very very interesting indeed

Sunday 25th September 1949

D came over & we went to Epping on first day of new tube extension

Had a drink & got blackberries

Monday 26th September 1949

Working at Dartford on transport

Home 6


Rang D

Tuesday 27th September 1949

At Dartford – firm will not be nationalised – goodo

Rang D  studied

Wednesday 28th September 1949


Very busy buying things lunchtime – foods from HF Lynch & Co, music, Photo albums, sweets, B’day Cards (for D & Ern)  But could not find gift for D

D came over

Friday 30th September 1949

Went up St Pauls area to look for D’s gift. No luck but got diaries & photo album.

Rang D studied

Posted D’s card

Saturday 1st October 1949

Didn’t go to office

Looked for D’s gift: getting desperate when I called  on Ern – he saved me – suggested leather goods & I remembered D needed a purse

Got one – he suggested a coin should be fixed & got me a silver link to fix it.

Got also a St Christopher key ring

Mounted the 6d

Looks good

D & I went to Epping for Blackberries – got lots

Home 7.15

Sunday 2nd October 1949

D 23 today

Called over at 3

Gave her her purse, sweets & photo album

Joyce & her Geoff came over

Home 11.30  saw Ern

Monday 3rd October 1949


Rang D

Tuesday 4th October 1949

Erns birthday

Called on Scottish Life Ass Co & arranged agency.

Rang D



Ern called

Wednesday 5th October 1949

At 11am I went to the Institute to collect my Certificate. 

About 20 of us went into the council chamber, heard a speech & got my cert from Sir Russell Kettle the President.

At 5.30 Bill & I went to see Mac on his opening night at his pub

Met D at Trafalgar Square at 7.15

We went to the Savoy Theatre & saw “Young Wives Tale” what a scream

Home 12

Thursday 6th October 1949

Went to a lecture


Friday 7th October 1949


Saturday 8th October 1949

D & I went to Radio Olympia

Not too bad a show

Home at 8

Did some of D’s rug

Sunday 9th October 1949

Spent morning painting and doing odd jobs

D came over

Monday 10th October 1949


Tuesday 11th October 1949

Studied & went to lecture

Wednesday 12th October 1949

Went to lecture

D called

We went to Seagry

W&O out. Saw David

Had a walk

Come home

Ern was here

Thursday 13th October 1949

At lecture by Bank of England Chief just back from USA


Friday 14th October 1949

Went to lecture


Saturday 15th October 1949

At office

In afternoon D & I went shopping for sheets etc before prices go up. Got 4 sheets & 4 pillow covers & odds & ends.

Home 5

Went out to cinema but didn’t wait to queue so came home & did rug

Home 11.30 saw Ern

D gave him pair of socks

Sunday 16th October 1949

Up late

D & I & Pam went to Seagry to see some clothes they had there 

(models that were shop-soiled)

Eventually D’s people came over on way to Romford

Pam & her mum had coats

D got shoes

Home 7

Monday 17th October 1949

Working at The Oval


Tuesday 18th October 1949

At Oval

Went to lecture


Wednesday 19th October 1949

At Oval

Went to Students Society AGM & heard Sir Cohen Speak

D & I went to Seagry

Thursday 20th October 1949

At oval


Friday 21st October 1949

In office


Saturday 22nd October 1949

D & I went shopping in afternoon & bought tablecloth material

Met mum

She had a cup of tea with us.

D & I went to Odeon & saw “Joan of Arc”

Sunday 23rd October 1949

D came over

Cut up tablecloth material

Monday 24th October 1949


Tuesday 25th October 1949

At Stadler’s. Got D some lace for her dress


Wednesday 26th October 1949

Ern had bottom cut out

Went to D’s & had evening round the fire

Thursday 27th October 1949

D called over

Did pools


Rang Seagry

Friday 28th October 1949


Saturday 29th October 1949

Met D at Stratford at 9.15 & went to Oxford St.

Got lots of gifts etc

Home 4.30

D’s friend Della & her daughter Sandra got home from New Zealand

Stayed in all evening

Sunday 30th October 1949

Up late

Did odd jobs

D came had a walk

Evening at home

Dictated notes for my answer for the Students Say meeting

Monday 31st October 1949

Studied in evening

Tuesday 1st November 1949


Day in office for a change

Wednesday 2nd November 1949

D came over

Ern called

Thursday 3rd November 1949

Finished at Stadler’s back to office after lunch

Got “Harry Lime Theme” record of music from “The Third Man”


Friday 4th November 1949

Had to go to Bush House while up West & saw shop selling cati 

seeds – got some planted them during the evening. Rang D


Saturday 5th November 1949

In office 

D came over & we went to W Ham football.

Nearly didn’t get in  – had to get out of first place & give “backhander” to get into stand.

Very disappointed with W Ham who lost to Spurs 1-0

D came to tea & stayed all evening.

Ern called – gave him a record of Third Man music 

Home (after seeing D home) at 12.

Bed 12.45

Sunday 6th November 1949

Went with D over to Seagry to take record for Olive & toy for David

Left 5.30

Tea at D’s

Worked on rug during evening

Monday 7th November 1949

In office – very busy as always these days

Studied in evening

Tuesday 8th November 1949


Doc came to Dad – He’s not too bad

Wednesday 9th November 1949

D came over

Ern called

At Stadler’s in morning

Thursday 10th November 1949


Friday 11th November 1949

Doc called again Dad back to where he was

Saturday 12th November 1949

D & I took David & Sandra to Gamage’s

What a morning

Home 3.30

Got xmas cards from Boardman’s

D & I went with Pam to Pictures saw “The Hasty Heart”

Sunday 13th November 1949

D came over

Monday 14th November 1949


Tuesday 15th November 1949


Wednesday 16th November 1949

D came over

Thursday 17th November 1949

One of my Cacti is through at last

Took part in Student Say lecture

Friday 18th November 1949


The new rug came

Saturday 19th November 1949

At office

Went shopping with D – went to Ilford

Tea with D

Went to cinema with D and saw “Mother Knows Best” Stupid film

Sunday 20th November 1949

Up 11

Called at Seagry, then on to D’s

We went to Joyce’s for tea

Home late

Aunt Liz called

Monday 21st November 1949

At Rainham

Home at 6.15 after calling on Ern. He came over later


Tuesday 22nd November 1949

At Rainham

Home 5.45


Wednesday 23rd November 1949

At Hitchin. Left home at 7.30 am

Home 7.15 pm

D was here we went to cinema saw “You can’t sleep Here”

Thursday 24th November 1949

At Rainham. Back to office 

Went to lecture – studied

Ern called gave me clippers & an autograph album signed by Sam CostaXVIII

Friday 25th November 1949

25 today

5 cards M& D, D, Ern, Bert, Mr & Mrs S

D came over

Gloves from Mum & Dad

Socks from Mr & Mrs S & Pam

D was wild – the ring is not ready for me.

Saturday 26th November 1949

Up at 11.15

Called over to D & we went shopping around E Ham. Called on Ern.

Tea with D

Wanted to go to Ballet at Peoples Palace but full up so went to her  Grandads place.

Home late

Bought hot water bottle for mum & dad

Sunday 27th November 1949

Got 3 x’s up

D came over. Ern here for tea

Busy evening

Gave M&D the bottle

Monday 28th November 1949

In office.  Studied in evening

Tuesday 29th November 1949

In office.  Studied

Wednesday 30th November 1949

D & I went to the cinema & saw “In the Good Old Summertime”

Thursday 1st December 1949


Friday 2nd December 1949


Saturday 3rd December 1949

Went over to Ds & went to her bazaar. Later we went shopping 

& D forgot her key so we had to meet Pam & all go to my place. 

We played monopoly.

Sunday 4th December 1949

D called over for tea

Monday 5th December 1949


Tuesday 6th December 1949

D & I had lunch together & went to St Pauls & got some gifts including a bread knife for mum.

Gave it to her in evening


Wednesday 7th December 1949

Met D at Wanstead

Went to see “The 3rd Man” Very good

Thursday 8th December 1949


Friday 9th December 1949

Got a lovely boil coming up


Saturday 10th December 1949

Took shoes to repairer

D came over for tea

Sunday 11th December 1949

Up at 9

Met D at Forest Gate

Went to Doris & Alf’s at Southend. Quite a nice day but my boil was aggravating

Dad got the cone out when I got home

Monday 12th December 1949

Stayed home & had my face bathed

Did rug, read etc

Phoned office & D.

D called in evening

Tuesday 13 December 1949

At home still. Phoned D

Wednesday 14th December 1949

Went to office

D & I went to cinema to see “William goes to Town”

Thursday 15th December 1949

Got some gifts for Ern & Dad 


Friday 16th December 1949


Saturday 17th December 1949

D & I got last of our gifts

Did up Xmas parcels

Sunday 18th November 1949

Up at 12.45

Did odd jobs

Went to Ds

Monday 19th December 1949

Bought extra xmas cards


Tuesday 20th December 1949

Studied in evening

Wednesday 21st December 1949

D & I went to Seagry in evening with presents.

David & Jacquie were kept up till about 9.30. David 

was thrilled with his things and even the baby seemed pleased.

Thursday 22nd December 1949

Called at Stadler’s & home early

Did pools


Ern came over with gifts – hankies for D studs etc for me & a clock for us.

Friday 23rd December 1949

In office.  Nearly all had invites to client’s “do’s” except me. 

I couldn’t get away till 3.

Did shopping for fruit etc. Home 4, then went up East Ham for more stuff.

Rang D later she was not too good. Joyce had got tight & had to be taken home.

Went over to Ds she eventually felt better.  Fixed up decoration lights for D

Left about 10.45.

Saturday 24th December 1949

No work

Got set fixed up for Pamela. Bought some music.  Bathed

D came over about 4.30 still not quite well.

We went out for some lemons etc

Left here fairly early after a quiet evening.

Took Pam’s set over

Home 11.00 with Mr S who brought the cat over, Ern was here

Sunday 25th December 1949

Christmas Day

Up 10

Left here at 11.40 at Ds at 12.

D Pam & I went down by bus to Romford.

Quite a nice day.  Bed at 3.

Had a ride round in car with D, Joan & Norman in evening

Monday 26th December 1949

Up at 10

Went for car ride

D & I came up home about 5. Home at 6.10. had tea here 

with Mum & Dad & Ern 

Left again at 7.25 at Romford at 8.15

Played games etc – very good evening 

Bed at .30

Tuesday 27th December 1949

Up at 10.30

Left about 12 something

Home at Ds at 1.5

At Ramsay Rd at 2 – we had to walk all the way.

Felt very full up after dinner & had to take things very quietly for a while – D too.

Took the cat back with us, he was quite good – as he has been all the holiday.

Home 11

Left 11.15

Missed the bus – as is usual these days

Ern was still home D had left her glasses

Wednesday 28th December 1949

D came over at 8.50 for her glasses

Didn’t like work

Ern called in evening.

Did pools – didn’t fancy studying & did very little

Bed at 12

Thursday 29th December 1949

Home early Ern came over

Mum Ern D & I went up to see Tree in Trafalgar Sq.

Met Winnie (Erns shop assistant at Mile End)

Very nice evening

Dinner at Corner House

Took D home

Home at 12

Dad had been queer

Bed 12.30

Friday 30th December 1949

Up late

Dad stayed in bed

Studied hard in evening

Saturday 31st December 1949

At office

Home at 12.45

Dad a bit better & got up

Called on D

Fired up Pam’s Xtal set

Went shopping with D

Had tea with her family

They went to panto

D & I to West Ham Baths dance.

Della was coming but her ma was a bit upset so she stayed.

Tommy Wretham was in the band – but didn’t speak to him.

Dances went on till 12.

Back at Ds at about 12.45

Had a drink & home about 1.20

Dad still about the same

I: Wikipedia
Bedelia is a 1946 British drama film directed by Lance Comfort and starring Margaret Lockwood, Ian Hunter and Barry K. Barnes.[3] It is an adaptation of the novel Bedelia by Vera Caspary with events moved from the United States to England and Monaco.

 II: British Forces Network (BFN) broadcasting

IV: Wikipedia
Invented as the Second World War was about to begin in 1938, the biro takes its name from its creator Ladislao José Biro. Biro, also known as László József Bíró, was born on 29 September 1899 in Budapest in what was then Austria-Hungary.29 Sep 2016.
This new design was licensed by the British, who produced ballpoint pens for RAF aircrew as the Biro. Ballpoint pens were found to be more versatile than fountain pens, especially at high altitudes, where fountain pens were prone to ink-leakage.

V: Family legend has it that mum and dad met at the YMCA Rambling Association.

VI: Wikipedia
The Kursaal is a Grade II listed building in Southend-on-Sea, Essex, England, which opened in 1901 as part of one of the world’s first purpose-built amusement parks. The venue is noted for the main building with distinctive dome, designed by Campbell Sherrin, which has featured on a Royal Mail special edition stamp.

VII: Hope Agar

VIII: Odsal Boomerangs were a motorcycle speedway team based at Odsal in Bradford from 1945 to 1949. The team later become the Odsal Tudors

IX: Battle of Britain Anniversary flypast.

X: The majority of the current bank holidays were specified in the 1971 Act: however New Year’s Day and May Day were not introduced throughout the whole of the UK until 1974 and 1978 respectively.

XI: Wikipedia
It’s That Man Again (or, commonly, ITMA) was a BBC radio comedy programme which ran from 1939 to 1949. It was written by Ted Kavanagh and starred Tommy Handley in comic situations often related to current war news. It featured popular characters such as Colonel Chinstrap and Mrs. Mopp and generated certain catchphrases that long outlived the series. ITMA was credited with sustaining wartime morale.

The Katherine Dunham Dance group first appearance in London was at the Prince of Wales Theatre in June 1948, in Caribbean Rhapsody, which was already a success in the United States, and with which she was to tour Europe. It was the first time Europe had seen black dance as an art form, and also the first time that the special elements of American modern dance appeared outside America.

VXIII: Wikipedia
Samuel Gabriel ‘Sam’ Costa (17 June 1910 – 23 September 1981) was a popular singer and dancer of the British dance band era and a voice actor on the show Much Binding in the Marsh