Books 36 – 39: 22/04/1943 – 21/08/1944
Book 36
Thursday 22nd April 1943
Up before 6. I got out quick to wash. It was quite warm this morning so I was soon ready for breakfast.
We went off at 8 for our tests. First we had to do another Morse aptitude test, just the same as the first.
Then we had some intelligence tests, in some ways they were easier than the Air crew in another they were harder. My pal was the same as me, knowing nothing about wireless.
We then had to have a colour vision test & while we were waiting I looked at my marks – which we should not do.
I got 99.92 & 86 average of 92.
My vision was o.k. & eventually we got before the bloke in the C.T.T.B.X My pal was lucky, in 3 minutes he was down as W./O. and went to the attestation room but some interfering flight sergeant came up to my bloke & eventually I had to take another test.
It was then 10 to 12 so I only did the first part of the test & then went to lunch.
The test was wicked. It was all about wireless & although I answered most of the questions I had to guess a lot of them
After lunch I finished the test – a maths paper with advanced algebra so I thought I would be thrown out of W.O.
I rang Dads shop & left a message to say I might not be home tonight.
When I saw the CTTB bloke again he seemed surprised about my test & asked me a lot of technical questions & eventually he said, “you know if you fail this you will be out altogether so do you think you will do it if I pass you” so I hastened to assure him I would & he advised me to start studying wireless & maths.
He was the most decent bloke I saw & it is due to him only that I got in the R.A.F.
After seeing him I went to the attestation room & saw my pal there. A Waaf took all my particulars & then although Burridge had been there 4 hours before me our papers came out together & we went off to the Paying officer. We got 3/- subsistence & 4/- advance pay.
My number is 1876276 A.C.H. Redhead
I dashed off to the Intake section & got cleared & got a pass which entitled me to leave at 1600 hours so I left without tea.
I came back via Bedford to St Pancras – far better than Kings X to Cardington.
I eventually got home at 7.45.
Bed at 10.30
Cardington & RAF is bloody awful & all I wish is that I was exempt.
Friday 23rd April 1943
Up at 11.30
Messed about till after tea.
Then I called on Ron but he was out.
I called on Ray to see if he knew what Les was doing.
Les had called to see if I was back on Wednesday evening & Thursday afternoon so it was only polite to call on him but I didn’t want to find him out.
Ray didn’t know what Les was doing so I went to Les’s he was in.
Eventually he & I called for Ray & we came to my place for a bash. I called for Bert as well.
After Les & Ray had gone Bert & I stood talking we saw a bit of flashes in the distance but we eventually went in.
I hadn’t been in 2 minutes before there was an alert at 22.55 till 23.40.
It wasn’t very noisy, however.
Saturday 24th April 1942
Ern & I went to the baths in the morning.
After dinner I went out & bought an RAF VR badgeXI & then I saw Bert.
We played at Pretoria it was really good. We played several Orks right through.
Sunday 25th April 1943
ARW 0032 – 0040 all quiet
Mum & Dad Ern Jean & I went to Laindon. I called on Freddy in the morning he is waiting to go in the army.
We had some fun in the afternoon & in the evening Ern Jean & I went for a walk.
Mum & Jean had the bed & Ern Dad & I slept on a made up bed on the floor.
Monday 26th April 1943
Up at 9. I did more work than I did yesterday.
We left at 8 & caught the 8.36 home.
We saw an accident at the Broadway. A crowd of blokes came from the Coach & Horses & sauntered across the road & one didn’t take any notice of a car & got hit but he wasn’t hurt much.
Tuesday 27th April 1943
Les called to see me in evening & he came up Elccas with me.
I bought a book on Radio & another on maths today.
Wednesday 28th April 1943
Worked at LHWG with Roff.
I had to go to city fire prevention offices & found out that as I was not on active service I still had to Firewatch – which I think is a damned imposition.
We played at Pretoria & it was super.
Thursday 29th April 1943
At LHWG during morning. In office after lunch.
Played at St Marys church in evening it was super. About the best we have ever been.
I went to music.
Friday 30th April 1943
I had to Firewatch although I had tried to evade it but I stopped in my room till it was dark working on my music index & then I went straight to bed.
Saturday 1st May 1943
Home at 7.45.
Ern & I went to the baths.
Ern left about 12 to see Stan & go to the church with his Mum & I went about 1.15.
We got to Upminster Bridge & walked to the church. Stan & Joan had a nice service. We went to the house & I played the piano a bit & got some RAF gen from Stan & one of his pals.
We left about 6 & I got to Pretoria at 7.30 it was a lousy affair, a private do, with all the usual messing about & we were glad to pack up.
Sunday 2nd May 1943
Up at 12.
Bert & I went out in evening & finished up at Elccas.
Monday 3rd May 1943
Les called round in evening & we had a bash.
Tuesday 4th May 1943
I got my Papers.
I have to report at Cardington on the 18th—————-
I told Agar & I shall leave Friday.
Went to Night School.
Richards told me to keep in touch with him.
Went up Elccas.
Johnny is having his medical Friday.
Wednesday 5th May 1943
Bert & I went round Fred’s & had a talk. They will get Jimmy Haggerty in my place.
Home at 10.30
Thursday 6th May 1943
Went to music for last time.
Went round to Ron’s after.
Friday 7th May 1943
Had a good last day. Did a job for West & Agar nearly to B.S. (Balance Sheet) & did some other jobs & after lunch as there was a meeting we went in the board room. Geoff had his medical A.1 & provisional air crew.
I felt rotten when I went round & said goodbye.
West gave me a 2/- tip. He’s a good old boy even though he does talk a lot.
Fred gave me a dancing lesson.
Saturday 8th May 1943
Up late ARW 7.5 am 8.10am all quiet.
Went to Broadway & saw George Formby in “Get Cracking” & “Quiet Please- Murder”.
Went to Pretoria.
As Les is still off we are going up the other end Monday.
Sunday 9th May 1943
Ern Jean Dad Mum & I went to Walters for Beryl’s 2nd Birthday. Mr & Mrs Keyes were there. I gave Beryl 5/-.
She has had £5 given her.
Left at 10.30.
Monday 10th May 1943
Poured with rain all day but Les & I went out.
I called in at Guedalla’s for ½ an hour.
Then Les & I went to the news cinema under Grand Bldgs. & saw several short films.
After our lunch we went around & bought some music & Les bought a mute & music.
Then we came home & finished up at the Odeon & saw “The ghost Breakers” & Rhythm of the Islands”.
Stayed in during evening & indexed some music.
Tuesday 11th May1943
Up dinnertime.
I indexed some music.
Les came round & we got all the boys to come to Elccas.
I went to night school. Richards told me to write to him.
Left school at ¼ to 8.
Bert & I were at Elccas first & all the boys came & we had a super time.
Koch announced I was going up.
Mary & Maisie asked Les & I to go to a wedding on Saturday so we said we’d arrange it on the way home.
Les beat me to Mary by a short head. Anyway we are going.
Wednesday 12th May 1943
Up dinnertime.
I indexed some music.
We played at Pretoria & had a grand time.
We had a jam on In the Mood for a jitterbug that lasted nearly a ¼ of an hour.
Ern came later on & heard us. I felt rather browned off when we finished, but still I can come back after the war.
Mrs Tennant spoke to me in the Interval & said Ivy wants me to write to her. She gave me her address.
Ivy’s boy has just gone overseas so it looks as though I will have to watch my step.
Thursday 13th May 1943
Went to Laindon.
Saw Freddie in evening & he wants me to write to him. He is expecting his papers any day.
Friday 14th May 1943
ARW 0215 to 0303. Planes were about but I was so tired I didn’t get up & a storm came on before the AC.
I saw Les in the morning & got him to come to the Public Hall tonight to see Fred play.
Mum said I could have the boys round tomorrow night.
I bought a record of “Shadrack” by Louis Armstrong for Fred.
Les & I went to the Broadway in the afternoon & saw ”Star Spangled Rhythm” & “City of Silent Men”
I handed the band funds over to Bert. Ron was the only one who didn’t come to the Public Hall.
Les had said he didn’t want to go to the wedding and we had sent a card saying so but Mary & Maisie were at the Public Hall & they persuaded us to come after my party was finished.
Saturday 15th May 1943
Up dinnertime.
I made a list of music I could bash.
ARW 17.42 to 17.51 saw a plane flying but I think it was British.
Doris came over with Beryl.
After tea Les Bert Ron & I had a jam till 11 & then Bert Les & I went up the Broadway & Ray joined us & then Mary & Maisie came along & we went to the wedding. Bert & Ray went at 3.
The people heard I was going in the RAF & one of them slipped some money in my pocket. I found after that there was 14/6.
We didn’t go to sleep after we finished playing but we went in another room with M & M.
Sunday 16th May 1943
Home at 7.45.
Ern Mum Dad & Jean went to Laindon.
I went to sleep in the sun & got burned.
We had an alert at Laindon from 1240 to 1250 but we only got the planes flying as they are all day.
Did a good bit of work.
Home at 10
Bed 11.30.
I was woke up about 2355 by mum saying a bomb had fallen & Bert was yelling for me.
While I was dressing the ARW went at 2358 there was no action during the raid & the AC went at 0012.
Monday 17th May 1943
Ern got in about 12.15. He was in the next road to the bomb which fell in Bath Rd Stratford. He said the plane dropped it because it was caught in the Cedars Light.
He had phoned up about the incident & had given 3J as a reference & he went up to see them.
While he was there we had an alert. 0032. We soon saw action & loads of shrapnel fell near us. Ern came back about 0045 & we heard a bomb drop over the docks way soon after.
There was a long lull & then a fair more guns and the AC went at 0239.
I then went to bed.
When I got up Mum told me they had had another warning from 0345 to 0420. They heard planes & guns in the distance.
I went to the Broadway in the afternoon & saw “Money for Jam” with Abbott & Costello & George Arliss in “Dr Syn”XII & some short films.
Bert & I went round Fred’s & I had a dancing lesson & had a music discussion.
I felt it when I had to say cheerio to Fred & Bert.
Aunt Lily & Maud were at home with Stan’s wedding photos.
ARW 2336 to 2342. We had heard guns before the alert & we heard planes as well during the alert.
Bed about 12.15.
Tuesday 18th May 1943
ARW 0110 to 0201. Got up heard planes guns & bombs.
Went to bed 0215.
ARW at 0225 to 0315. Heavy gunfire.
Stayed in bed.
Up 8.30.
Finished getting ready.
Had dinner & left at 12.30. Mum cried a bit & Dad didn’t say much & I didn’t feel too good. Ern came to the Stn with me as he is not at work because the Dr said yesterday he must get his teeth seen to.
Ern wasn’t too happy at saying cheerio.
Caught 1.30 from St Pancreas to Bedford & caught RAF bus to the camp.
Did some waiting & got my kit etc & handed over ration books identity card etc.
Had some awful muck for tea.
Wednesday 19th May 1943
Writing this on 21st. it will have to be collection of note from now.
Up 10 to 6
Busy all day getting kitted out. Kit weighs nearly as much as me.
Sent parcel home.
Hardest job webbing. Up till 10.15
Had warning in night all stayed in bed in defiance of rules.
Thursday 20th May 1943
Up 10 to 6
Ready by 7.45. full kit weights a ton. In train about 10. Took some kit off in train. Travelling rations were lousy.
Arrived Skegness in time for lunch. Food better than at C
Billeted in empty houses no furniture. I’m in Squad 1. Under the sergeant a good chap. All NCO’s are o.k.
Skegness seems nice place. Planes over all day.
Did plenty of marking arms shoulder high. Had couple of lectures. They instil pride of RAF in you.
After tea we are free but we had so much cleaning etc to do I stayed in. I managed to write a letter home.XIV
Up till after 11 working.
Friday 21st May 1943
Up 10 to 6
Felt bit stiff but we had 3 hrs lectures on Gas – post war planning – security etc. & it wore off.
Had another lecture later Rules boundaries etc.
Plenty of marching.
Started parade drill. It’s not too hard. I think I will learn commands soon.
P.T. we just had talk.
We are to do unarmed combat & modified commando course throwing logs etc about. We finish VC in Full Kit.
Managed to write another letter home.
Stayed in in evening.
Saturday 22nd May 1943
Had vaccination & inoculation see letters.
At cinema saw “By Street “ & some shorts.
Had smashing tea out.
Sunday 23rd May 1943
Wrote home & to MBBs. (The Band)
Arm was very sore.
Went up Naafi in town in afternoon & had a bash.
Tony Scotty & Des came with me.
After tea we went to Naafi I had another bash.
We all felt gay & ragged one & other in the billet.
Got to bed about 11.
Monday 24th May 1943
We all got tousled up by the NCOs today either individually or singly.
We are supposed to be on fatigues see letters
Went to NAAFI for a cake & tea. Back to Billets to clean up & write letters.
During day we had more lectures on Aircraft Rec etc & we had the MOs one & also the Accts section.
Tuesday 25th May 1943
The B-y PTI Sergt made us run around a field today in bare feet. The grass was wet & there were a lot of nettles & I have cut a lump off one of my toes & altogether I feel more browned off than ever before. I got no letter today & that didn’t help any.
I also had a haircut & it feels awful.
All I want to do is leave the RAF & as I know I can’t, the sooner I get a leave the better.
Wednesday 26th May 1943
I got a parcel from home today enclosed were letters from Mum & Ern (see letters)
Had another gas lecture after tea & found what I am doing. I am with Corpl Muir ( a damn fine chap)
Thursday 27th May 1943
Had 2 letters from Dad & Mum & Bert. Bert writes a damn fine letter & I felt quite cheerful after.
We had dental parade. My teeth are fit.
We were also radiographed for T.B. & while at the place had nearly an hours lie down in the sun.
We felt grand – the NCOs were in a good mood & even let us sing as we returned. Then we had P.T. & had a dip in the sea as we did yesterday.
Altogether it was the best day we’ve had.
We had a dummy run for the exercise. But it was a lot of rot.
Spent rest of evening cleaning.
Wednesday 2nd June 1943
I think I will more or less stop this for a while. All my doings are in mum & Dads letters so they can take the place of a diary. Link to Letters.
Tuesday 29th June 1943
I will start diary again now (4th July) I think as I have more time.
First part of today is in letter so I’ll carry on.
The assault course consists of a slope with barbed wire at top when you jump through there is a pit about 12 ft deep to land in. then a tunnel (where you get your rifle banged up) a couple of holes to jump over then a 12 ft wall to scale a little run over some wire & jump a gate another run over trip wires then balance along a log 6 ft above ground then hand over hand along a pole over an imaginary river, more wire fix bayonets & charge the dummies jump a trip wire & that’s the end.
On our way back we had a rest & Halle (Ex F.O. Navigator) gave us a talk about training & raids.
In the tea detail 12 of us were posted & was I glad Tony Scott & I went to the swimming Gala after tea. We picked the winner right away. She was a piece of nice alright.
Wednesday 30th June 1943
We had our usual routine in the morning, after dinner the posted AC2s paraded together & we had an FFI & got rid of our rifles ammo cleaning stuff & dungarees then we packed up our kit.
After tea 6 postees & 6 others went out on the spree & painted Skeg scarlet.
Johnny Pete & Harry got drunk & Derek was half cut. We had to tie Pete in bed & Johnny was sick on the landing. Anyway we got to bed about 12.30 after a memorable night.
Thursday 1st July 1943
Up soon after 4. Breakfast at 5.
We caught the train at 9.45 & left at 9.33.
We arrived at Kings X about 2 & a lorry took us to South Ken. After about 15 mins the lorry took us back to Kings X & we all got very excited about. Eventually we arrived at the Northern Poly in Islington & were received there & given billets etc. (out of the 12 of us Ernie Cliff & Gwyn were posted to Lewisham & the rest to Islington)
I am with Johnny Ed & Chris & Jack in 53 Carleton Rd. the Billet is actually a Club-hostel affair & is the best billet going. The room has furniture & lino & civvy beds. In fact we were even able to put our webbing out of sight because all our kit went into drawers.
I rang Walter at 6 as I didn’t think it was worth going home as M&D might have been at Laindon.
One of the drivers answered & said W & D were out – back at 6.45 so I asked to be rung at 7.
When Walter rang he didn’t know but anyway we had a good talk.
Friday 2nd July 1943
Paraded at 7.40.
Although we are on civy rations we got good food & enough of it.
We messed around all day & various people came to speak to us.
We get a 36 hr pass every week & we filled those in. We also get 2 48 hr & 2 7 days while on the 24 week course.
I would have gone home tonight but we didn’t get our passes or FFI.
Saturday 3rd July 1943
Had FFI & Colour vision test & got our passes. We left at 10.45 & I was home at 11.30.
I met Ern in the Broadway. He had left Romans & is going on a Precision Tool Course & will only be home weekends like me.
There have been some changes round home. Mrs McGarry & baby are dead & the fireman opposite is in hospital.
They have had part of the house redecorated.
Jean came over in the afternoon
Marsden called to do the piano & I found out he knows Hurran & Stokes the Principal of the music trades school & the chief tuner at the Poly. In fact he asked me to give them his regards.
It was good to be home again – I can’t really describe it.
I went up the Public Hall with Bert early evening & I had a bash. Bert Hansey liked me & was disappointed when he heard I would not play all night.
Although the boys are better now, when I play they improve still more.
It was grand to play again I played a quickstep waltz foxtrot tango rumba & conga with the boys. Even old Fred congratulated me.
Sunday 4th July 1943
Went to Laindon & had a good time . Ern & Jean M & D went. Home 8.30
Bert & I went to Elccas about 9.15 & I left at 10. I got to the billet at 11.20. (I had a bash at Elccas)
Monday 5th July 1943
One instructor Mr Jazz certainly lives up to his name & I will have to study plenty at the billet if I am to follow the course.
I spent 3 ½ hrs studying in the evening.
Tuesday 6th July 1943
Had Metalwork in morning & went to maths in afternoon.
Swotting most of evening.
Wednesday 7th July 1943
During our GST period we went to the sports ground & just messed about. Johnny Ed Chris Jack & I went to the Finsbury Park EmpireXV and saw Harry Roy & his Ork.XVI Quite good show.
Thursday 8th July 1943
Dad came to the billet to bring my washing for tomorrows kit inspection.
I got packed up & did some swotting.
Went to baths in morning & I started to learn to swim.
Friday 9th July 1943
Jazz properly fazed us all today & we had to work till nearly 11 & then I didn’t finish my notes.
Kit inspection was a farce. 2 chaps got on a 664B.
I got paid – 18/- for a week.
We went to the Rec room & myself & Howard Jones had a go on the 2 pianos. We are going to try to organise a dance in lunch hour.
Saturday 10th July 1943
I had to bring my books home to get organised & up to date.
I called at Kingsway to get more gen books on my way home but HMSO & Smiths were shut so I was unlucky.
Doris & Beryl came over.
Beryl didn’t know me at first.
Went to Public Hall. Apparently Jimmy got snotty at me playing last week so I didn’t play. Still I am still the MBB pianist & he’s only a deputy.
Ivy was there. I had a couple of waltzes.
Sunday 11th July 1943
Up at 10.
Got my work up to date.
Saw Ron in afternoon. Got some more music to take to the billet.
Ern said he would get my gen books for me. He is starting a course as instrument maker at Edmonton soon.
I had a record jam session.
Went to Elccas & from there went to Billet. Met Ed at Kings X
Got in about 11.
Monday 12th July 1943
Day was easier than last week’s work.
Had a nice quiet evening reading.
We had a gas mask parade in morning.
Tuesday 13th July 1943
I am doing better in metalwork than I did at school.
Did a few notes in evening.
Wednesday 14th July 1943
We started our course on IC engines.XVII Mr Ring is a darn good instructor & he can put it over. A very interesting lesson. We started our first aid course with a lecture on anatomy.
Had a quiet evening & did my notes.
Thursday 15th July 1943
Got my fags & chocs from Naafi.
Friday 16th July 1943
Went for a run to Parliament fields & back during G.S.T.
The CO gave us a lecture on Indian diseases as most of us will be going there in about a years’ time.
Saturday 17th July 1943
Went home.
Ern had all the Gen books I want.
The boys didn’t have a job until last night & when Fred went to Jimmies he was out & he asked me to play. I went to Fred’s at 6.15 & found Jimmy there so I didn’t play.
I wrote some notes instead.
I had to go back as I had no pass
Back at 11.
I took the gram & a dozen records.
Sunday 18th July 1943
Church parade was o.k. finished at 10.15.
I caught the 11.45 to Laindon. Arrived at 1 had a quiet day & got back to billet at 9.30.
Monday 19th July 1943
I rang up the office at lunchtime & had a chat with Pratt.
Wrote notes in evening.
Tuesday 20th July 1943
Bit browned off & had a rotten evening. I wrote a couple of letters.
We had a gas lecture & sniffed several gases including Phosgene mustard lewisite & a couple of others.
Wednesday 21st July 1943
Did some notes in evening.
Thursday 22nd July 1943
During GST we were dismissed & had a walk & bought some apples & plums, the women in the queue insisted we should be served first.
Went to the Gaumont with Ed & John in evening & saw Joan Bennett in “Girl Trouble” & Jack Benny in “The Meanest man in the World” also a Walt Disney “Pluto” film.
Had the Naafi today.
Friday 23rd July 1943
Got paid £1/14/-
Did my notes in evening & had a bath.
Saturday 24th July 1943
We had to go to the sports at Tufnell Park in the afternoon & didn’t get off till 4.40.
Home at 5.40.
I went to Elccas at about 6. Had a grand time at Ellen’s wedding. Ron & Doll were there Ron should have been with the boys but didn’t go. Home 11.30.
Sunday 25th July 1943
Dad gave me a cup of tea at 8 & then Mum & he went to Laindon.
I got up at 12.30.
Messed about till 4. Saw Bert & he & I had a bash for a while. Ern came in with Jean & they went again at 7 & I went up Elccas. Enjoyed myself & went home at 9.30.
Left at 10.30 & got to Billet about 11.50.
Monday 26th July 1943
Mr Harvey who we have got while Jazz is away is damn good & explains very well.
Did some work in evening.
Tuesday 27th July 1943
During GST we went in the gas chambers – only with CAP but it was quite uncomfortable what with the heat & sweat, & we had our tin helmets.
Got up to date with work during tutorial & went home in evening.
Did some reading & went with Bert & Ray round the Black Lion to a job but I only stayed till 8.30 as it was a poor show & only them 2 & an NFS present.
Left home 9.30 at billet at 10.45
We filled in our weekend pass today – 800 sat to 2359 mon but whether or not we get it is a different thing.
Wednesday 28th July 1943
Went to the Odeon with Erik & Johnny & saw “The life & death of Colonel Blimp” quite an excellent film in many ways but the plot was not very good.
Both Johnny & I were out of fags & through talking about it Ed got us to promise to knock off smoking till 800 Sat.
So now I can’t have a fag till Saturday & I can’t let myself down or they will say “no willpower”.
Thursday 29th July 1943
Got knocked down in gym & hurt my wrist again. Made my nose bleed as well later.
I got a free ticket today, together with John Ed Chris & Jack, for the Scala (they’re provided by the London Welfare we get them every 3 days).
Got there at 6.30 & found it closed & Cops outside moving people on. They said 3 of the cast fell ill but seeing the no. of officers & also the fact that the deputy commissioner of police turned up, we think that there is something up.
We went round to the army exhibition in Oxford St. its darned good & we spent 2 ½ enjoyable hours looking round. Back at 10.30
Friday 30th July 1943
Had a couple more nose bleedings & got off PT in morning.
We were able to go home in evening till Monday night, did a little work.
Aunt Lily came over.
Saturday 31st July 1943
Up at 11.30
Messed abut in afternoon.
Played at a party at Elccas in evening with Ron & Jim.
Home 11.45.
We had a colossal storm during evening & Ern & Jean were out in it. & Ern lost his wallet with money identity card other official papers comb nail file scissors etc.
Sunday 1st August 1943
Up at 11.30
Went to Laindon on 3.5 train.
Did some work
Monday 2nd august 1943
We got up at 8.30 and had a good day. I did some more work & Ern Jean & I had a nice day in the town.
Home at 8.30
At Plaistow we met Jeans sister in law. (Her husband is a flight sergeant)
I felt very little like going back but I had to & got back at 11.30.
Tuesday 3rd August 1943
Pryser chewed me up because my buttons weren’t clean enough for him – the xxyxxzzz.
I felt like going home but had some work so did that & then I wrote a letter to Freddy.
Wednesday 4th august 1943
Worked through evening
Thursday 5th August 1943
Same as last night.
Friday 6th August 1943
More work.
Saturday 7th August 1943
Did written exam. I shall be surprised if I don’t get about 90%
Left at 1.30
Home 2.15
Dads brother Harry & his wife Alice called last Tuesday evening.
It must be 10 years since I have seen them
Walter came over to see Ern & took me back to see his garage & gave me 20 fags.
I went with the boys to the Elyssa school of dancing where they are playing.
Fred wants me to form a band for the 21st as he is already booked at the public hall.
Les is in hospital with pneumonia.
Sunday 8th August 1943
Mum Dad Ern & Jean went to Laindon. I got up at 11.45 messed about.
Monday 9th August 1943
Went to the Savoy with Ed & saw Presenting Lily Mars” & “Close Quarters”
Tuesday 10th august 1943
Finished up with over 80% for the exam.
Went home for the evening.
Wednesday 11th august 1943
Went home again
Thursday 12th August 1943
Had haircut.
Worked in evening.
Friday 13th August 1943
Worked in evening.
Saturday 14th August 1943
Went to Laindon Saturday evening after spending the afternoon (under complaint) at the sports.
Sunday 15th August 1943
Messed about all day. Went up Elccas in evening.
Monday 18th August 1983
Firewatching in evening in place of civy. Had an alert which lasted 4 minutes at midnight. Had lovely bed in the orderly room.
Tuesday 17th August 1943
Mum & Dad are at Laindon (Dads on holiday) & I went to Abels house.
Wednesday 18th August 1943
Ed Jack & I went to Savoy & saw Bob Hope in “They got me Covered” & Thursdays Child”
Thursday 19th August 1943
Got my second FS cup.
Played football against the tens & beat them 5-2 in evening.
Friday 20th August 1943
Rutherford (ex Arsenal) picked two teams (he’s taking all the best) & we had another game. He’s side won 11-4 but I think we did well. My feet were bad when we finished.
Went on leave in evening got ration card for first time.
Saturday 21st August 1943
Up 11.30
Saw Ron in afternoon.
Met the trumpet player from the billet who Ed booked for the Public Hall.
We had a damn good time & I’ve got a job for next Sat at Pretoria at £1/10 per man. I want Ron & Jim for it.
Book 37
Sunday 23rd August 1943
Went to Laindon. Went to Elccas in evening. Ron will do it. Jimmy can’t.
Monday 24th August 1943
Went back to Poly
Worked in evening.
Tuesday 25th August 1943
Went home
Went to Elccas.
Thursday 26th August 1943
Got a bottle of hair cream at Naafi.
Worked in evening
Friday 27th August 1943
Had a haircut.
Worked in evening.
Saturday 28th August 1943
Went home.
Played at Pretoria. The drummer Ron got was lousy.
Sunday 29th august 1943
Had to go back for church parade.
The CO is a C____.
He marched back in front of us to the Poly & dismissed us in the road.
Everybody gaped as we “Officers on Parade dismissed”.
Messed about rest of day.
Went up Elccas
Monday 30th August 1943
Had a letter from Fred.
Worked in evening.
Tuesday 31st August 1943
Went home.
Called at Elccas.
Johnny is joining Essa & Kenneth had given me my old Tues- Sunday job back.
Starts next Tuesday.
Wednesday 1st September 1943
Worked in evening.
Thursday 2nd September 1943
Worked in evening
Friday 3rd September 1943
Lost at football today 3-4 after winning last week 14-1.
Worked in evening.
We celebrated beginning of 5th year of war by invading Italy.XVIII
Saturday 4th September 1943
Designed & built a 2 valve amplifier.
Went round Ron’s in evening, had a good time.
Sunday 5th September 1943
Went to Laindon. Jean & I picked about 6lbs of blackberries. I answered Freddy’s letter.
Monday 6th September 1943
Nothing out of ordinary.
Tuesday 7th September 1943
Played at Elccas
Wednesday 8th September 1943
Ordinary day
Thursday 9th September 1943
Had Naafi
Friday 10th September 1943
Ordinary day
Saturday 11th September 1943
Played at Elccas
Sunday 12th September 1943
Monday 13th September 1943
Ordinary day
Tuesday 14th September 1943
Played at Elccas
Wednesday 15th September 1943
Ordinary day
Thursday 16th September 1943
Friday 17th September 1943
Pay Day.
On Firewatch
Saturday 18th September 1943
Went with Bert to his cousins wedding at Rainham. Stayed all night.
Sunday 19th September 1943
Met Dad at Barking & went to Laindon.
Played at Elccas
Monday 20th September 1943
Ordinary day.
Except for 2nd exam. Rather stiff.
Tuesday 21st September 1943
Played at Elccas
Wednesday 22nd September 1943
Thursday 23rd September 1943
Went to Savoy & saw “Dubarry was a Lady” & some short films .
For exam got 30 out of 40 & 48 out of 60. 25 for viva & 52 for practical.
Got pay & ration money. Should have gone on leave tonight but Sunday is Battle of Britain Sunday we have to lose 2 days & go on parade on Sunday.
Saturday 25th September 1943
We built a set today. Ours works very well.
Came home in afternoon.
Bought a mains transformer for 25/-.
Played at Elccas.
Sunday 26th September 1943
Up at 6.
At poly at 7.
We marched about 10 miles in all. The service was a Alexandra Palace grounds. Was glad to get it over.
Home 10 past 2
Played at Elccas in evening.
Monday 27th September 1943
Up at 11.
Met Bert at 12.30 at Ibex House. We had lunch. Went up Charring X Rd & I bought some dots. Looked in Lisle Lt for some wireless parts but didn’t get any.
Went to Daily Express exhibition Path to Victory, finished up at Stoll at “Hi De Hi “ good war time show.
Had supper at Corner house & home at 10.45.
Tuesday 28th September 1943
Up at 11.30
Messed about all afternoon.
Played at Elccas
Wednesday 29th September 1943
Sorted out music & bookcase & desk.
Thursday 30th September 1943
Went to Laindon with Mum & Dad. Saw Freddy who was on leave.
Friday 1st October 1943
Went to the office. Had a good talk. Bacon Martin Miles & Ager were out. Went to Tivoli & saw “Stormy Weather”. Fine film.
Played at Elccas.
Saturday 2nd October 1943
Doris & Beryl called in afternoon.
Played at Elccas.
Sunday 3rd October 1943
Went to Laindon. Came back by early train & played at Elccas.
Finish of my leave.
Monday 4th October 1943
We had a special Naafi today for us coming off leave – only fair too.
Went junking & got some wireless parts.
Thursday 5th October 1943
Went home in evening. Played at Elccas but got up late in morning & late on parade & got put on a charge for it by Jones.
It was funny when I was marched into the CO & the evidence laid by Flight.
I got 2 days cc & spent from 6 to 7.15 painting blackboards with Chris John Cameron & 2 other blokes. We should have stayed till 8 but we sheered off early.
I had to go back to get my kit ready to take back in the morning.
Wednesday 6th October 1943
We had to go on parade in full kit.
Jones inspected us. We all got told off for
- No small kit in valise.
- Dirty water bottle cap. (For which we had to go to the orderly room at 10.15)
- No water in bottles.
- Pack too low or gas mask too low.
- Our gas capes didn’t open
When stay was pulled on order “Gas” we were in an awful mess when he let us go.
We scrounged some Emery & Sandpaper & cleaned out bottle caps like new & when we arrived at the orderly room Jones took us to the CO. It really shook him when we displayed our clean caps. So the CO couldn’t do a thing.
We had to go to Manor Hse for fatigues in evening but we had an easy time. As we left Holloway Rd tube on our way back the ARW sounded but we only heard a few guns.
Thursday 7th October 1943
I went to a dance with the boys but we had a warning & it was closed down. It was quite hot at times.
Friday 8th October 1943
We played football at Tufnell Park. I scored my first goal of the season.
Saturday 9th October 1943
I got some wireless parts.
We played at Pretoria.
Les’s old girl May was there. I took her home – boy can she clinch.
Sunday 10th October 1943
Went to Laindon.
Played at Elccas.
Monday 11th October 1943
Stayed in all evening
Thursday 12th October 1943
We had a first aid lecture from 5.30 to 7 – quite interesting but it didn’t finish till 7.20 & I had to race home & got to Elccas at 8.15.
Mr Levey passed away this morning at 95 yrs. Kinch will not leave at xmas as he was but is going to stand by the club & try to get all the improvements they wanted after the war. We are carrying on except for next Monday and Tuesday.
He is being buried Tuesday next.
Wednesday 13th October 1943
Bought an old chassis & some parts.
Nearly got my books up to date in the evening.
Thursday 14th October 1943
Slack day & messed about in evening.
Friday 15th October 1943
Football in morning. Messed about in evening.
Saturday 16th October 1943
Went home.
Went to Ron’s in evening.
Sunday 17th October 1943
Stayed in all day messed about.
Played at Elccas.
Monday 18th October 1943
I’m class leader this week – rotten job.
I bought a load of wireless parts for the set I want to make.
GennedXIX up in the evening.
Tuesday 19th October 1943
Went home in evening & messed about with set parts as we had no job at Elccas because Mr Levey was buried today.
Wednesday 20th October 1943
Had a scrounge in last period instead of going to baths.
It’s a bit wrong though letting the blokes push off instead of doing as you’re told.
Thursday 21st October 1943
Genned up in evening & revised for set I’m building.
Friday 22nd October 1943
Mucked about all night.
Saturday 23rd October 1943
Finished as class leader – good job too.
Went home
Half built set in evening.
Sunday 24th October 1943
Finished set bar soldering.
Firewatching at Poly all night.
Played snooker most of time.
Didn’t have air raid – first time for over a week
Monday 25th October 1943
Genned in evening.
Tuesday 26th October 1943
Went home & played at Elccas
Wednesday 27th October 1943
Up late & almost late at Poly.
Fogg started our practical viva.
Thursday 28th October 1943
I went over to a chap Bert told me about who had a set to sell.
It’s a smashing set & cost me 15/- but it was a hell of a job to get it to the billet.
Friday 29th October 1943
Pay day
Genned in evening.
Saturday 30th October 1943
Came home.
Spent all afternoon making my set.
Had raid in evening & went round Ron’s later.
Sunday 31st October 1943
Spent more time on set.
Went up Elccas.
Monday 1st November 1943
Ken Cameron asked me if I would take 2 girls out with him this evening. When we got to the Gaumont they didn’t turn up so we went to see one of them & found out that her brother had broke his leg or something & she was staying in with him. Anyway she got her pal from across the road & we had an enjoyable time in the Brick shelter outside her house.
Tuesday 2nd November 1943
Played at Elccas.
Wednesday 3rd November 1943
Genned all evening.
Thursday 4th November 1943
Genned all evening.
Friday 5th November 1943
Had a scrounge in morning & dodged football.
After lunch we had our 3rd exam. Very stiff it was too.
After tea I came home on leave.
Went up Elccas & had a good time.
Saturday 6th November 1943
Up 10.30 after dinner I went to West Ham with Bert saw them play QPR was a fairly good game but West Ham would have won if they had not had bad luck, as it was they drew 1-1.
Went to Pretoria in evening. Played till, the interval.
I’m afraid the band had gone down since I Ron Les & Reg have gone.
May was there again & I took her home had a good time on the step.
Raid started while I was on way home.
Finished 12.17
Sunday 7th November 1943
Up 11
Messed about with set I’ve built, I can’t see why it won’t work.
Played the piano at various times.
Played at Elccas.
Monday 8th November 1943
Met Ed at Aldgate. Got picked up at Moorgate Stn by 2 SPO————— of all the luck. Told Flight.
Ken Cameron arranged to take Jen & Doris to the Gaumont.
We found out after though that we had a first aid lecture in the evening & we couldn’t let them know & had to miss them.
We got to the Gaumont at 7.20 & of course they weren’t there. We went in though & saw “Someone To Remember” & Victory through Air Power”.
Exam marks Radio & teclet 91 Radio practical 71 metalwork 85
Tuesday 9th November 1943
Didn’t hear about the charge.
Went home in evening.
Dad is not too good & has had to see Kyndt. He’s still at work though.
Saw Bert & told him.
Jean came over.
Back at billet at 10.30 as I had arranged on phone for Ron to get someone for Elccas.
Wednesday 10th November 1943
Heard at break the CO is away & Chiefy told us to be at Sth Ken at 1.30.
Went back to billet at 12 tidied up & reported at 1.32. Flight was there.
Went before FC who couldn’t or wouldn’t deal with it a S/L gave us 4 days cc & 1 days pay stopped. I think our excuse knocked it down.
Went to Manor Hse in evening.
Thursday 11th November 1943
Evening at Manor Hse.
Billet at 8.
Friday 12th November 1943
Manor Hse & more spuds.
Back at 8.
Saturday 13th November 1943
Rang dad & told him.
Had a letter from May.
Ed was put on phone duty at Poly finishing at 4.30.
At Manor Hse F/Sgt didn’t seem too nice, & I thought I had had it till about 4 who should come in but Phyllis
- Eddy Turners girl. She’s a corpl. She spoke to a Sgt & he let me go at 6.
- A friend in need is a friend indeed.
Home 7.30.
Russel at 8.
Bert Ron & I had a damn good time.
Home 11.30.
Sunday 14th November 1943
Up at 11.
West Ham are top of League South.
Mucked about all day.
Went to Elccas.
At Billet at 10.30 – first time in 4 months.
Monday 15th November 1943
Wrote to May.
Played billiards & Snooker.
Bed 11.30
Had letter from Les.
Tuesday 16th November 1943
Ken & I took Jean & Doris to Marlborough & saw “World of Plenty”XX & “So proudly we hail”
Billet at 10 to 11
Wednesday 17th November 1943
Ken John Taffey & I went to the Naafi place at Tufnell Park. I played piano & we had a general muck about . back at 11.15.
Thursday 18th November 1943
Stayed in
Had letter from May.
Had warning. Short & nothing happened.
Book 38
Written on Dec 21st
Friday 19th November 1943
Went to cinema with Ken saw “Millions Like Us” & “All by Myself”
Saturday 20th November 1943
Bert bought me an electric soldering iron for my birthday.
Bert Ron & I played at Pretoria.
Sunday 21st November 1943
Mucked about all day.
Monday 22nd November 1943
Nothing doing all day.
Tuesday 23rd November 1943
Came home in evening.
Did metal work exam.
Wednesday 24th November 1943
Slack day.
Thursday 25th November 1943
19 today.
First birthday in R.A.F. Had IC engines exam.
Friday 26th November 1943
Went to Dance with the boys.
Saturday 27th November 1943
Came home. Took May to Odeon & saw “So Proud to Hail” & “World of Plenty”.
Sunday 28th November 1943
Mucked about all day.
Monday 29th November 1943
Bought odds and ends ready for kit inspection on Wednesday.
Went with John & Ken to Naafi. Had good time.
Tuesday 30th November 1943
Came home in evening.
Wednesday 1st December 1943
Stayed in in evening – genning.
10 of us got 100% for engine, Jack got 91% Dell got 94%
Thursday 2nd December 1943
Genned in evening except when Chris Ed & Jack were playing the fool in our room Chris got locked in our wardrobe. Very funny.
Friday 3rd December 1943
Saturday 4th December 1943
Came home
Poiser said we should gen & stopped our passes. I still came home but as I intended I Genned up.
Sunday 5th December 1943
More genning.
Visited Elccas.
Monday 6th December 1943
Went to Gaumont with Ken Cam & Ken Searle. Saw “ Saludos Amigos” & “True to Life”.
Tuesday 7th December1943
Had last metalwork lesson.
Had viva in afternoon. I got on well with Fogg & Cave. But CTTB Officer only gave me 25% – the rat the questions he asked weren’t fair.
Came home.
When I got back jacked kit.
Wednesday 8th December 1943
Took kit down.
Did Tecclee paper in morning. I did well.
Mucked about in ICE period.
After break had kit inspection. Horner poked his nose in the !xxjj.
Took kit home in evening. Jean came over. Ern she & I played cards.
Thursday 9th December 1943
Did radio paper I did well.
Jack Ed, Cam, Chris, John, Tony, Perry, Myself Savile & Whitehouse went out for evening. Had really good time. Flight gave us passes & let us off parade. Went in 4d for a while then got asked to make less noise after an hour in Pied Bull. Then made our way to Finsbury Park Empire saw Norman Long Adelaide Hall Tessie O’Shea & others. Finished up at 11pm at billet, long horse fight in road. One of the rowdiest & most enjoyable evenings I’ve had.
Friday 10th December 1943
Scrounged during morning.
Stayed in in evening.
Had alert, bombs near us. C.O. didn’t want to pay doctors bill and told me to find nearest service doctor.
Saturday 11th December 1943
Got 64 out of 72 for Tecclee Ken got 70. In Radio I got 91 ½ out of 108 – top marks. Shows what I can do .
We clubbed together & gave Fogg 100 fags he was very touched & made us a speech.
Went to ARP HQ on CO’s instruction they could give me no information so CO said he would so I was proved right.
Horner caught us all going at 12.30 & nearly stopped our passes. Wynne gave us lecture on overseas 12.30 to 1.
I wrote to May in week to see her tonight but she didn’t turn up so I went to Ron’s.
Sunday 12th December 1943
Went up Elccas
Monday 13th December 1943
Pryser saw us all in morning. I got 85% final marks – about 5th.
Half go to Sth Ken & rest to Bolton. Cam John Searle Perry Taffy & I go to Sth Ken.
Rang up dad & told him.
We had photos taken at dinnertime.
Had VD lecture after dinner
Had our farewell dance grand time. Finished up with our class & their girls & Fogg in Pied Bull.
Saw CO re ARP rota & told him he’s stiff pig-headed but wouldn’t take bite.
We bought matron a broach as a tribute to her attention to us.
Packed up last of kit.
Tuesday 14th December 1943
Went to Cossons to see how valves were made. Very interesting time. After dinner got pay & papers.
CO lectured us on security & finished up by saying that Sth K needs musicians & musicians. Wynn is down as pianist. I put down to learn alto sax. Taffy wants to learn trumpet.
Finished at 3. Goodbyes were said & we arranged to meet at 3.30 at Sth K Stn next Wednesday.
Went up Elccas.
Wednesday 15th December 1943
Went to Pretoria with boys.
Thursday 16th December 1943
In all day till evening when I saw Ron & arranged to borrow his sax next Mon & Tue.
Friday 12th December 1943
Visited the firm. Met Bert & we went out.
I bought a load of music & we commenced a new library for after the war with 4 S.O’s.
Saturday 18th December 1943
Ron Bert & I played at Russell Rd school. Grand job we did too.
CO sent Drs bill down to me with instructions to pay it.
Sunday 19th December 1943
Went to memorial ground AA site with band. Had a dance.
Monday 20th December 1943
Had 2 raids & bombs during night I didn’t know anything about it.
Went to Ron’s & borrowed sax. I can play all his music. I need practice to improve tone & technique.
Went with Bert & his family & Fred & his wife to dance at War Office. Had good time.
I met Parsons & another bloke from IOC & got Sth Ken gen from them.
I’ll get Xmas pass. Music gets you put of fire pickets. 10 week course. Bags of 6 ST but easy to scrounge.
Tuesday 21st December 1943
Went to Hearty’s. He wouldn’t take my money but wrote a stiff letter to them & gave it to me.
Practiced on sax.
Took Sax to Elccas. Left early. Finished packing kit.
Had alert early in evening, quiet.
Bed 11.30
Wednesday 22nd December 1943
Up 9.30.
Messed about.
Left home 2.30.
Met the boys at Sth Ken Stn. Gave in Hearty’s letter. Got billets etc went to NAAFI concert.
Bed 11.
Thursday 23rd December 1943
Lectured at all day.
Bags of bull.
With army denim (including gaiters) meals quite good.
Went to Band room after decent night saw sergeant Crossman (good bloke) he put me in military band on alto. Gets me out of Squadron duties, church parades & firewatching.
Friday 24th December 1943
Couple more lectures & FFI started course in afternoon bags of secret gen.
Packed up at 5 to 4.
Home at 5.30
Till Monday night.
Went up Elccas & played got 15/-
Bed 1am.
Saturday 25th December 1943
Up late. Jean was coming over but she missed bus & Ern had to fetch her.
Taught Bert a bit of vamping.
Bert & I called on Ron. Bert came in with us.
Bed 4.30am.

Sunday 26th December 1943
Up 11.30.
Jean Mum Dad Ern & I went to Walters. Keyes were there. Home 2.30am.
Monday 27th December 1943
Up 12. Saw Bert.
Jean & Ern left about 9.41. I left at 10.15. At Albert Ct at 11.15.
28th December 1943
More gen. did my second parade with Band this morning.
Taff & I went to Band room & practiced in evening.
Wednesday 29th December 1943
Some bugger lifted £3/10/- from my wallet while we were on GST this afternoon.
Tuesday 30th December 1943
Went to Band rehearsal. 2 Waaf’s were there who wanted to join.
Friday 31st December 1943
I was put down to Firewatch tomorrow & I tried to get off to play with Bert. I even got Sgt Crossman to try but it all failed so I must now do it.
Rang Dad & told him.
Went to dance at Naafi. Met one of the Waaf’s from last night, she’s on my course. Name Eileen. Her pal has been sent to Woolwich. Took her back to her billet. Did all right.
Saturday 1st January 1944
Firewatched at Sculpture galleries. Bally nuisance.
Sunday 2nd January 1944
Home at 9.
Mucked about all day.
Went up Elccas.
Monday 3rd January 1944
Went up Band room. Met Eileen. Took her back. Ok.
Tuesday 4th January 1944
Took Eileen to Ensa show at Naafi.
Got back to billet late after seeing her back.
Wednesday 5th January 1944
Went up Band Room but Len wasn’t there.
Decided to bath.
When undressed I found a rash on my chest & back. MO said it was nothing serious & not to worry.
Thursday 6th January 1944
Took Eileen home (she’s learning the Eb horn, (no joke) o.k.
Friday 7th January 1943
Did some genning at College as we have finished Basic & started Secret.
Took Eileen to Naafi dance. Ok.
Saturday 8th January 1944
Did 2 parades with band instead of one, as usual.
Got my SOP at long last & took kit home.
Sunday 9th January 1944
Up at 6.45.
Played at Church parade & band really sounded good. Went up Elccas at evening.
Monday 10th January 1944
Up 6.30 at Sth Ken at 7.40.
Went to band practice saw Eileen. Ok.
Tuesday 11th January 1944
Up 6.40 at SK at 7.45
Met Eileen & went to Naafi show the “Gestors” – nothing to do with Radar but G Division Police Concert party not bad but I’ve heard many better.
Wednesday 12th January 1944
Up 6.30 S K at 7.35.
Home at 7.25.
Jean came over
Bert came in. we played cards.
Thursday 13th January 1944
Went to band practice. Saw Eileen. Ok. Home 11.30
Friday 14th January 1944
Went to Naafi dance. Cpl Eaglestone had said I could play but nothing came of it.
Eileen turned up & instead of getting home at 11.15 it was 12.20 when I got home.
Saturday 15th January 1944
Up 6.30.
At S K at 7.45.
Very thick fog.
No band parade
Had SST all afternoon but had decent Cpl & mucked about. I found out that he knows Mr Keyes as he worked on the Daily Herald.
He let us go at 4.45 so we were able to change from Denims to Blue & some of the chaps wore shoes.
Cam wore shoes so I took his class leader lanyard & took the squad round to aircraft Rec. He let us off at 5.45 so I was home at 7.
Still foggy.
Went to see Ron at 10 to 9 after a short noisy alert.
He was out. Saw Doll.
Home 9.30 bed 11.
Sunday 16th January 1944
Up at 10.30.
Still rather foggy.
Mum wanted to take Edie & Phyllis’s wedding present over so I went with her.
Arrived at Turners at 3.30. I saw Aunt Liz & the twins. They are lovely kids. I got an invite as I am on 48 next week.
Left 4.45. met Bob on way to bus stop. Caught bus to the George. When after waiting we found no more 40 buses were running due to fog so we caught another one for a short ride then walked across flats to Walters.
He was just putting his car away as the fog was too thick to drive.
I thanked him for the £2 he has given me to make up for my lost £3/101- – it shook me that he should do such a thing.
When we left it was thick & we had to walk home.
Home 7.15.
Went up Elccas for a while.
Monday 17th January 1944
Up 6.30
Band practice in evening.
Saw Eileen
Thursday 18th January 1944
Eileen & I went to Naafi concert.
Wednesday 19th January 1944.
Home 7.30. mucked about.
Thursday 20th January 1944
Band practice.
Saw Eileen
Friday 21st January 1944
We scrounged last 2 period & left at 4.30. home 5.30.
Called at Elccas & collected a musicians badge from Jim.
Ron told me that Essex have a Sax for £12/10/-
Mum has got me a Printator which I have wanted for some time for notes & cets.
Had an alert from about 9 to 10.30. worst for some time. Heavy AA & some stuff dropped.
Bed 12.
Saturday 22nd January 1943
Warning about 4 something lasted nearly 2 hrs. about the same as one before.
Stayed up.
At 9 I went to the Essex stores to see Sax. They were shut.
Then dashed to Ibex House to see Bert & collect some artificial flowers, a woman at the war office makes, for mum.
Then went to Essex Stores again. The sax was lovely & they only wanted £4/10/-for it. No good to me.
When mum & I were ready to leave, Les called. He’s on a long weekend from Yatesbury. I shall see him tomorrow.
Went to garage. Walter took us to Turners.
Went to lunch. Saw wedding. Had the breakfast at back of Barking Town Hall. Some of Phyllis’s lot from Manor Hse came & some of Eds pals. Piano was lousy.
Home 6.15. Saw Bert. He & I went to Pretoria about 7. I took some old dots of mine out of library.
Not bad but not good.
May turned up.
She seemed a bit embarrassed at first but we got quite friendly again. Iris’s ex – bloke Arthur is after her. She doesn’t seem to want him.
I could have taken her home but if she couldn’t turn up on a date well – her. I must say I wouldn’t have minded seeing her home.
I might ask her why she didn’t turn up if I see her again.
I couldn’t go for her in a big way thought because I got bored with em after a bit, I was slightly bored with May & I am bored with Eileen as well.
Sunday 23rd January 1944
Up 12.
Les called. We had a bash.
Went to Elccas in evening.
Monday 24th January 1944
Worked at RCA in evening.
Tuesday 25th January 1944
Worked at RCA saw Eileen.
Wednesday 26th January 1944
Worked at RCA
Thursday 27th January 1944
Had a gas rehearsal today. Damn silly.
Went to band practice. saw Eileen.
Friday 28th January 1944
Did a job for Eaglestone at a Wren Petty Officers party at Chelsea.
Finished at 12 & had to sleep at Albert Ct.
3 piece band. Get paid next week I hope.
Started IFF today.
Saturday 29th January 1944
Home at 7.30
Stayed in
Had raid. Fairly heavy.
Bed 11.30
Sunday 30th January 1944
Up 12.30
Saw Bert
Monday 31st January 1944
Genned in evening.
Saw Eileen.
Tuesday 1st February 1944
Had G Trade Test.
Passed AC1
A good show.
Wednesday 2nd February 1944
Home early.
Thursday 3rd February 1944
Went to Band practice. Saw Eileen.
Friday 4th February 1944
Went to Naafi Dance with Eileen.
Saturday 5th February 1944
Played with Ron & Jim at Beckton Road AA site.
Sunday 6th February 1944
Up 12.
Went to Elccas in evening.
Monday 7th February 1944
Went to rehearsal but hardly anyone turned up so Eileen & I went to Hyde Park. OK
Thursday 8th February 1944
Genned in evening. Saw Eileen.
Went to Western Galena & worked on kites IFF, smashing.
Wednesday 9th February 1944
Went to Naafi show of music & ballet. Jolly good.
Started last piece of gear.
Thursday 10th February 1944
Went to Band practice.
Friday 11th February 1944
Took Eileen to pictures saw “Secret Enemy” & “Lassie Come Home.. Good show.
Saturday 12th February 1944
Went up Elccas in evening.
Sunday 13th February 1944
Up 7. Played at church parade.
Monday 14th February 1944
Eileen & I went for walk in evening.
Tuesday 15th February 1944
Went to Naafi show with Eileen
Wednesday 16th February 1944
Home early.
Thursday 17th February 1944
Went to Band practice. Saw Eileen.
Friday 18th February 1944
Went to Naafi dance with Eileen.
Saturday 19th February 1944
During raid we had in early morning 0035 -0147 a bomb dropped on corner of Prince Consort Rd near Albert Court.
Ken Cameron Ken Searle Myself & Eileen went to party at 36 site. Had good time. Slept at 53 Carleton .
Sunday 20th February 1944
Home 10.30
Went up Elccas for a while.
ARW 21.37 – 22.35 fairly quiet.(I have missed many raids from notes)
Monday 21st February 1944
ARW 0335 – 0400
Fairly noisy at times.
Was going to work at RCA but raids have made them cancel all evening work so stayed at Albert Ct till 8 working with Ken & John.
But got me some sparks & “Paper Doll” “Kill Me” & “The Dreamer”
Tuesday 22nd February 1944
ARW 0300-0340. Quiet.
Went to pictures with Eileen saw ”San Demetrio London” & another film.
Called at Elccas & got a musicians badge for Johnny off Jim.
ARW 23.55 – 0120. Noisy at times.
Wednesday 23rd February 1944
Home early did some genning.
2206-2315 raid noisy at times. UXB dropped near Albert Ct entrance. Half of building out of use. UXB in St Marys Rd.
Thursday 24th February 1944
Home early to work on radio theory.
ARW 0847-0859. All quiet.
“2140-2250 noisy once , quiet rest of time.
Friday 25th February 1944
Went to cinema with Eileen saw “Jane Eyre” & “Never a Dull Moment”.
In trade tests passed Basic easily – I think.
On ASV I couldn’t find a very hard fault & I may not have got 60%.
G Visual I boobed, I don’t think I got one right but it doesn’t count much. Is all round I may still have a chance of obtaining my 1 of 1. Do well Monday.
Saturday 26th February 1944
2 periods revision.
2 on G Trainer.
Home early & went to Bert’s 21st birthday party.
Indoors at 2.
Sunday 22nd February 1944
Up 1500 hrs.
Doris called with Beryl. I had a bath. Sewed on one pair of sparks to best blue. Did some genning.
Monday 28th February 1944
Did theory paper dead easy.
Bought Bert a certificate for his birthday.
Home at 5.30
Tuesday 29th February 1944
Passed as AC2.
I’m very disappointed.
I think I should have passed though. I deserved 80% on Basic & it was a brutish fault I had on ASV.
Still I can now have a crack at LAC on my station – the sooner the better.
Took Eileen to see “This is the Army”.
Wednesday 1st March 1944
Passing out parade. Didn’t get posting till 5.30. I’m going to Hartford Bridge Surrey. (In Hampshire)
Johnny & Ken Searle go to Bicester. Ken Cam Tabby & Jeff go to Blandford. Tiffy is 7 miles from home at Abercanon Valley. Swensen Cpl Wyebeham & Stanhope are with me.
Went to Pretoria. Arranged to play on Saturday.
Thursday 2nd March 1944
Up late. Looked up ABC. I shall catch 12.54 train on Wednesday next. Mucked about with wireless in evening.
Friday 3rd March 1944
Went up Elccas with Bert in evening.
Saturday 4th March 1944
Played at Pretoria. Made quite a change.
Sunday 5th March 19434
Started to pack my kit.
Went up Elccas.
Monday 6th March 1944
Went up office.
Met Bert & had lunch.
Booked at Piccadilly to see “Panama Hattie”
Went down Charing X Rd went in news theatre in Leicester Sq. Saw show.
Home by 10 & went round Ron’s till 12.30
Tuesday 7th March 1944
Mucked about
Went up Elccas for a little while.
Didn’t feel too well & was sick all night.
Wednesday 8th March 1944
Went to St Marys Naafi & was kept in. Was left in bed & isolated till Saturday when lab report came back & showed I had not got dysentery.
Got up every day till Thursday when I came out very monotonous life although nurses were O.K.
Thursday 16th March 1944
Home 4.30.
Doris & Beryl were there. Ron called.
He has been queer this week.
Jean called.
Bert & I went to nurses dance at hospital had good time home 12.30
Friday 17th March 1944
Left home 11.40
Arrived at Fleet 2pm. Got lorry to Hartford Bridge.
3122SE has moved to Lasham about 3 months ago.
Mucked about all day.
Saturday 18th March 1944
Got to guardroom at 8.30.
Transport was eventually arranged & I got to LashamXXI before 12.
At SHQ I got an arrival chit & then went to 107 Squadron Orderly room. After dinner I started to wander around getting signatures on my arrival chit. When I got to the Disup Office Cpl Rose told me where I could find a bed & after I had got bedding & kit up there I took things easy.
Wrote letter home.
I found Radar Mech who left Sth Ken about 2 or3 weeks before me. He was the first R/M here.
Sven Ron & Stanhope are at Cranwell on a course for a week.
Bed early after having supper at Naafi.
Sunday 19th March 1944
Went sick. MO didn’t examine me but Sgt took down some details about the hospital etc.
Got a couple more signatures on arrival form & went over to Section did a bit of work there.
I’m in TAF2 & it looks like we are in 2nd front. We are getting a 2nd kit bag & blankets fork knife tin plate etc.
We have dinner from field kitchen when working. On 1st April we go under canvas.
After tea I had supper at Naafi & then cleaned boots etc & wrote a couple of letters.
Monday 20th March 1944
Went to cinema saw “Love on Suntee“ newsreel & a damn funny cartoom & “Above Suspicion”
Got wellingtons. Took afternoon off to give in arrival chit
Tuesday 21st March 1944
Got paid £2/18/-
Had inoc in afternoon & got haircut.
Went to Naafi
Wrote 2 letters.
Wednesday 22nd March 1944
Had letter from home. Went to Cinema saw Newsreel & “Air Force”. Quite good.
Day off on Sunday.
Made out pass.
Thursday 23rd March 1944
I have put into advance party for going under canvas.
Saturday before the main party on 2nd April.
Had to go to meeting about it.
I am now more settled in section & I’m getting on with DJ s, etc.
Saw Cpl Rose. He thinks I can still have my pass.
Didn’t go out but wrote letter.
Friday 24th March 1944
2 letters one from home 1 from Ron & Doll.
Went to Naafi.
Packed kit.
Saturday 25th March 1944
Got Kit & blankets to Piccadilly by 8.30.
Lorries took us near to the section where we are having site.
All meals at field kitchen this is better than the mess.
We got up tents filled paillasses built bog & generally got through some work but it wasn’t too bad.
I got nails for hooks, wire for towel line tin for ashtray. We scrounged petrol tins got candles bought cakes from Naafi got tea from field kitchen in water bottles.
It’s amazing how you can organise things when pushed.
All days off are cancelled till April 4th but if we work & finish early we will all have a day off. I found how I could get to Post on Monday.
No letter I wonder why Bert hasn’t written. Bed by 8.30. must write home tomorrow.
Sunday 26th March 1944
Wrote home.
More work on tents.
Wrote to Ron & Doll in bed.
Monday 27th March 1944
Had good weather so far. Took down more tents than we put up today. In evening we had lorry to pictures saw “North of the Border” “West of the Rockies” & Bette Davies & Leslie Howard in “Gt Love I’m after” good laugh.
Had lorry back
Bed by 10.30
Tuesday 28th March 1944
If ever anything makes a bloke red it’s the service. They are taking our paillasse & blankets away after a time & the officers are getting light camp bed tarpaulins. Wooden floors washstands etc in their tents.
We were putting up a marque for the officers mess they want ante rooms hot plates etc & we get F – all. It makes you feel mad – to put it mildly.
Went to bed early.
Wednesday 29th March 1944
Put up more tents. went down to Naafi on lorry.
Thursday 30th March 1944
Put up more tents in morning.
During lunch break I called at Section. Chiefy told me he had put me down for GH course at Swanton Morley as he thought I would be fed up with tent life. How right he is. I tried to scrounge a day off before I go but he said he didn’t know when I would have to go.
Did some digging after dinner. About 5 Sgt Pratt came round for me in the van as I was wanted.
When I saw Chiefy he told me I was to go tomorrow.
Johnny Harris is going with me. Got our route form & warrants.
I got organised in a hurry & put all kit I didn’t need blankets & Paillasse in section & put the stuff I needed on the lorry & went down to 4 site.
I scrounged a bed made myself presentable & went to Naafi.
Monday 31st March 1944
Missed breakfast.
Caught 8 bus. Train from Alton to Waterloo. Rang dad.
John went to see his girl I went to office. Train from Liverpool St to Kings Lynn.
Kings Lynn & Dereham. What a journey. Had tea in Dereham caught bus to camp. Got bed & blankets.
While in mess a Cpl saw us & told us to see him in morning.
Very nice camp. Barrack blocks central heating wireless food superb.
Saturday 1st April 1944
Mucked around all day went to Dereham with John. Hitchhiked down went to Market theatre & saw “They got be Covered” & “Call of the Canyon”. Bus back crammed to suffocation.
Sunday 2nd April 1944
Clocks put on an hour. As we weren’t required at Section till 10.30 we decided to go to bed again after breakfast but no one woke till 8.30. still we made up with dinner & tea.
Started course.
Very informal
Had bath & went to Naafi in evening.
Monday 3rd April 1944
Did half of course. Went to Naafi.
After I had worked on course till 9.
Tuesday 4th April 1944
Finished course today.
Joe is getting us pass from AD Thur till 0800 Sat & AD Thurs means 0800 hrs – 2 day pass. Very nice.
Went to bed early.
Wednesday 5th April 1944
Private study all day. Test in evening. Arranged early breakfast sandwiches, blankets & transport. Got passes
Bed 10.30
Thursday 6th April 1944
Up 0500hrs.
Breakfast 0530
Caught lorry 0600
Arrived in London 1200
John will book me a bed at YMCA for tomorrow as no tubes run in time for me to get to Waterloo Sat. had talk with Mum & Dad told them about RAF & overseas.
Saw Bert.
We went round Ron’s stayed till 0030 hrs Ern was asleep in chair when I got home so I didn’t wake him.
Rang Walter & Doris.
Book 39
Friday 7th April 1944
Ern had to go to work today so I didn’t see him after all.
Saw Bert twice during day.
Left at 10.45.
Got to YMCA & went to bed.
At 12 we had an SP raid
Saturday 8th April 1944
Up at 4.30.
Got to Larkham in time for breakfast. Saw Ron Iven & Stanpopa. Mucked about all day.
Wrote letter home.
Sunday 9th April 1944
Had to go sick because pain in my leg which I have had since Friday afternoon was worse.
I was given a chit for 3 days radiant heat treatment. It’s very nice. Had 2nd Typhus jab. Rotten sort of day for work.
We never get enough to eat these days at the field kitchen & when Ted Ern & I went to camp we raided the Naafi.
There we saw “The Gen” & “Watch on the Rhine” jolly good film.
We have been lucky. The Radar section was divided into groups & 1 group went on a site. We are on K & I & also we are in the mobile & come in other K & I. We have a tent to ourselves. The rest are on DI etc & sleep one in a tent amongst 7 different chaps.
Monday 10th April 1944
Went to SSQ in morning. Worst bank holiday I have ever had. Even had to go back to Section late to clear away some stuff.
Ted went to Naafi & brought us back some cakes. Wrote home & to Fred.
Tuesday 11th April 1944
Went to SSQ in morning. Worked till late.
Went to Naafi & brought back cakes.
Wednesday 12th April 1944
Harwood & I were put on fatigues & worked all day clearing up empty site. What an imposition.
Stayed in tent all evening.
Thursday 13th April 1944
Went back to section but were sent back on fatigues. We are on till next Tuesday. Peeled spuds.
Friday 14th April 1944
Went sick with sore arm. Got a bike.
Got 5/16/- on pay parade sent £4 home.
Spent afternoon in Sgts mess & drilling in preparation for guard of honour next Tuesday.
Stayed in tent.
Saturday 15th April 1944
Spent part of morning doing up Sgts mess after dance, & what a b. mess.
About 10.30 we were recalled to Section. Busy all day there then. Off guard of honour as well.
Frosty Ted & I went to Alton.
Stayed in pub & had few drinks. County beer certainly has more guts than London beer.
I had no lights. Coming back I was nearly mown down by a H.G. coming in the opposite way with no lights. He missed me by a miracle & hit a Cpl who was behind me dead head on. The front wheels were in a mess luckily they weren’t hurt bad.
Back 11.45
Sunday 16th April 1944
We started another course today. A bloke came & lectured us, when his finished some more chaps will arrive with stuff & demonstrate. Nod off till finished.
Wrote letters in evening.
Monday 17th April 1944
All day on plugs.
We had a bean feast round fire with cheese chips & bread from cook house & soup oxo & chocolate supplied by Frosty & Ken.
Found that Monty knows Jean Bessie & Martin from NFS days.
Tuesday 18th April 1944
Busy all day on plugs.
Ernie Marshall & I went to Naafi & had bash on piano. I started on my store of necessities which is soap fags & matches.
When I get home I’ll see mum about some more stuff – grub candles etc.
Wednesday 19th April 1944
Busy on plugs.
In evening we built a new fire & it is a beauty. I dropped a can of mud and it came up and hit me in the eye. Monty laughed loudest & then laughed the other side of his face when Ted dropped the tin & smothered him in mud.
Pete couldn’t wait for us & built a fire in 2 ticks & had hot water in 5 minutes.
It took us 4 hours to find what was wrong with our fire & all it needed was a hole in the top as the pukka chimney didn’t provide enough draught.
Thursday 20th April 1944
Had to go sick with sore throat & cough.
Starting installing plugs in kites – what a job.
Got parcel from home & got my one ready.
Wrote letters.
Fire worked better tonight.
My nose bled while at treatment in evening & again later on.
Friday 21st April 1944
Nose bled several times in afternoon I had to be taken to hospital in section van it was so bad but when I got there it had stopped & the ME couldn’t find where it was actually bleeding from, although he nearly drove a hole through to the back of my neck with various instruments.
Wrote to Wal & Doris in evening.
Turned cookhouse supper of bread & cheese into welsh rarebit on toast.
Saturday 22nd April 1944
Felt bad all day & when I went for treatment the orderly found my temp was 100.6 & sent me to SSQ. I went straight there & the first thing they said was “have you got your small Kit” they had already arranged for me to go straight in so I had to cycle back to tent & get it. Pete drove me back to SSQ. Total number of nose bleedings at time of going in – 17.
Had a welcome hot bath.
Sunday 23rd April 1944
Felt bit better. Wrote letters, read & listened to wireless & dozed occasionally. It’s not bad here . we can smoke but I find I don’t want to smoke too much.
Monday 24th April 1944
Had 2 nose bleeds during night & 1 this morning.
Cold & throat much better but I think they are going to treat me for the Epistaxis (hope that is spelt right).XXII
Spent day much like yesterday.
Tuesday 25th April 1944
Read dozed wrote letters.
Wednesday 26th April 1944
As yesterday.
Ernie Marshall called in.
Thursday 27th April 1944
As yesterday.
Friday 28th April 1944
Up till afternoon. Read book.
Saturday 29th April 1944
Up. Expected to leave soon. I’m to be sent to nose specialist.
Wrote letters.
Sunday 30th April 1944
Put in pass for Friday.
Bags of work.
Went to cinema & saw “Now Voyager” with Bette Davis.
Monday 1st May 1944
Got paid.
Busy at section.
Went to Naafi left others working till 8.30. got bags of stuff for others.
Tuesday 2nd May 1944
Working till 8.30.
Wednesday 3rd May 1944
Working till 8, its getting beyond a joke this.
Saw Alexanders Rag Time Band at Camp Cinema.
Thursday 4th May 1944
Cycled to Alton & missed 12.54 by 2 minutes.
Home at 4.
Went round Ron’s with Bert.
Saw Ern.
Friday 5th May 1944
Up 12 had lovely sleep in lovely bed.
Bought bags of fags & 2 camp tobacco pipe cleaners & other odds & ends.
Called at Elccas.
Back at camp at 11.50.
Saturday 6th May 1944
Felt cheesed.
Went to New Inn with boys had a bash & a sing song.
Sunday 7th May 1944
Fairly busy. Finished at 5.
John Ted Monty Ernie & I cycled to Bentley found a smashing pub & started a dance there. Had fine time.
Back 11.15.
Monday 8th May 1944
Felt still more cheesed off. Stayed in all night, wrote letter home, mended trousers.
Tuesday 9th May 1944
Fairly busy.
Got rations at Naafi & mucked about all evening.
Wednesday 10th May 1944
Dull day nothing doing.
Thursday 11th May 1944
As yesterday except we shifted our tent into woods.
Friday 12th May 1944
Got paid. Stayed in all evening.
Saturday 13th May 1944
Caught 12.54 home.
Don & Beryl called.
Had bath.
Went to Johns with Bert had good time.
Bed 4 AM.
Sunday 14th May 1944
Got home 11.30.
Left music at Johns.
Dad got home from Laindon about 7.30. Left at 8.
Wrongly directed at Waterloo but eventually got right train. Had warning at Alton.
2 down.
Couldn’t find my bike for half an hour, it had been tucked away in a shed.
Bed 12.45
Monday 15th May 1944
Had haircut.
Wrote letter
Stayed in.
Tuesday 16th May 1944
Poured with rain.
Stayed in & read.
Wednesday 17th May 1944
As yesterday.
Thursday 18th May 1944
Started new work scheme 2 permanent day, 4 on day 4 on nights switching every 6 days. Good in some ways – nearly 3 days off. Worse in others.
Wrote home.
Friday 19th May 1944
I’m getting on well with ring I’m making. I’ve cut out eagle from hat button & it’s nearly ready to fix to ring.
Messed about all evening.
Saturday 20th May 1944
Messed about in evening.
Sunday 21st May 1944
As yesterday
Monday 22nd May 1944
As yesterday
Tuesday 23rd May 1944
Nice to be off till 4.
Evening work isn’t bad didn’t do much.
Bed 12.45
Wednesday 24th May 1944
Up 2
Caught 8.10 bus & was home by 11.40.
Messed around all day.
Jean called in evening.
Had a bath.
Thursday 25th May 1944
Went to Laindon.
Had quiet day.
Left home 8.15.
No liberty bus at Alton had to walk part of way but got a lift.
Sunday 26th May 1944
Got paid.
Lazed all day.
Saturday 27th May 1944
In workshop all evening.
Sunday 28th May 1944
Last day of night work.
Monday 29th May 1944
Langham came gave us a pep talk. Seems a nice bloke.
Tired & lazed all day.
Pedal came of bike.
Tuesday 30th May 1944
Went to Naafi in evening & played piano.
Wednesday 31st May 1944
Repaired bike.
Nose bled.
Thursday 1st June 1944
Stayed in tent
Friday 2nd June 1944
Bill Mac & I went to cinema & saw “Coney Island”
Ted has been posted lucky devil.
Saturday 3rd June 1944
Big flap on – all kites painted with black & white stripes thought Invasion had begun. Night shift in bed at 4am.
Sunday 4th June 1944
As Ted’s going tomorrow we went to New Inn & celebrated, left at 10 to 10 when they sold out.
Came back singing & found a dog had adopted us so we made it a bed for the night.
Had 4 course supper.
Hot soup
Breakfast Jam & bread
Bread & cheese
Toasted marshmallows.
Damn good.
Monday 5th June 1944
Up early
Went home on pay.
Home at 3.
Saw Bert
Called on Ron.
Bed 12.30
Tuesday 6th June 1944
Up 8 heard news.
Invasion begun.
Got back 10.15 not any different to a usual day.
Bed 12.45
Wednesday 7th June 1944
Up 11.45
Wrote home & tidied tent.
Thursday 8th June 1944
Lased all day. Dads birthday.
Friday 9th June 1944
Got paid.
Last of nights.
Saturday 10 June 1944
Wrote home re birthdays.
Sunday 11th June 1944
Mums Birthday.
We went to New Inn but they were sold out. Played piano a bit. Ben Dempsey was there & he played, he’s good.
He played “Some Changes Made” & “She had to go & lose it at the Astor” damn good.
Had supper of hot soup meat spread bread & biscuits.
Monday 12th June 1944
Went to Naafi wrote letter.
Tuesday 13th June 1944
Stayed in tent.
Wednesday 14th June 1944
Went to camp dance.
Station band jolly good.
Bed 12.50
Thursday 15th June 1944
Stayed in all evening.
Friday 16th June 1944
Monty is posted to Hornchurch the lucky sod. Ernie & I are to take over the IFF stand – it’s a shift. Genned up.
Saturday 17th June 1944
Started nights again.
Took it easy during the day.
Sunday 18th June 1944
Went for walk with Bill & Angus.
Monday 19th June 1944
Got ready to go home
Tuesday 20th June 1944
Went home. Home 3.10. had couple of alerts but no flying bombs.
Doris & Beryl came.
Had a bath.
Jean came
Saw Bert
Went to Elccas & saw Ron.
Wednesday 21st June 1944
Some raids during nights heard no bombs till 8 this morning, heard one go up.
Raid on while going to Waterloo, had to go from Charing X to Waterloo by train.
They’ve had 3 bombs near Lasham.
Thursday 22nd June 1944
Found mould on some of my kit had to clean it.
Wrote home.
Friday 23rd June 1944
Got paid £5/10/- (Credits I suppose) Band has gone to Uxbridge & a couple of us saw Sgt Stanley (WT) about forming another.
Saturday 24th June 1944
Went to Basingstoke with Max Bill Angus Frosty & Bill (the other one). Frosty & Bill weren’t puffing. Max & Bill to a show & Angus & I to see Bob Hope Bing & Dorothy Lamour in “Road to Zanzibar” good film.
Sunday 25th June 1944
Went with Bill Angus & Max to the Camp Theatre to see the Squadronaires – boy what a band S/C R Murhead W/C K Horne Joan Winter & Norman Dawn & Gene Crawley.
It was a super super show 2 ½ hrs & I would have gone on for hours listening to the Squadronaires.
Monday 26th June 1944
Stayed in tent all night.
Tuesday 27th June 1944
Played in Naafi dinnertime.
Wednesday 28th June 1944
Stayed in tent.
Thursday 29th June 1944
Sgt Stanley has organised a meeting for tomorrow night.
Friday 30th June 1944
We have drums Piano Base & trumpet there instruments for above & also alto & Clarinet.
I had to ask Dalby for time off to go & Stan said Dalby had asked him if it was on the level – what a cur. I arranged to bring some Pls back to make up sets of dots.
Saturday 1st July 1944
Home 3.15
Ern & Jean were there. Erns on holiday. He was at Jeans last night & a FB fell near. The doors & windows are off Jeans place.
Saw Bert. Had a bath & washed my feet because wearing rubber boots all the time has made my feet – tender. Saw my first FB one or two close enough for me. Had about 10 alerts while I was home. Jean stayed the night.
Sunday 2nd July 1944
Mum & Dad went to Laindon back at camp at 2.35.
Monday 3rd July 1944
Heard FB explode early this morning.
Stayed in bed till 1 because of rain.
Tuesday 4th July 1944
Lazed all day.
Wednesday 5th July 1944
Started days.
Bill lent me a book called “A maid & a million men” I think it’s a really good book & I shall have to try to obtain a copy for myself.
Thursday 6th July 1944
We reorganised the section and shifted all the vans & tents what a job.
Bill lent me another book “The Tiger of Cloud River” not bad.
Mac & I wandered round the woods & found some strawberries & cherry’s & some apples & filberts that will be ready in a few weeks.
Friday 7th July 1944
Got paid £2/18/-
Angus is a funny chap in some ways. He makes me want to laugh when he speaks of his old man as “Our Father”.
I’m getting really interested again in radio with all the repairs of other blokes efforts going on. A chap asked me for a circuit today & I’ve been racking my brains for one.
Wrote home.
Saturday 8th July 1944
Read during evening.
Sunday 9th July 1944
Mucked around during evening.
Monday 10th July 1944
Told to move my gear into other van. Worked late doing so.
Tuesday 11th July 1944
Up at 11.15.
Angus & I went to Basingstoke to find times of trains.
Finished my gear in other van.
Wednesday 12th July 1944
Erik has moved in as well – bloody luck – I’d like to get rid of him but I don’t like too.
Thursday 13th July 1944
Booked out at 12 – pass began at 4. Home 3.15. Jean came saw some FBs.
Went to Ron’s with Bert. They are in a mess from the FBs.
Bed 12.30
Friday 14th July 1944
Had haircut.
Got wireless set, that I made, to go. Tried to finish it in Bert’s workshop, found the .0005 con went U/s.
Bed 12.
Saturday 15th July 1944
Back at camp at 12.20
Wrote home
Sunday 16th July 1944
Finished nights.
Monday 17th July 1944
Stayed in tent to read.
Tuesday 18th July 1944
Erik has not moved in my van after all. Good show.
Stayed in and read.
Wednesday 19th July 1944
Went to cinema & saw Betty Grable in “Sweet Rosie & Grades” the more I see of her the more I wish I was Harry James.
417 lads have got there move so we have another band.
Thursday 20th July 1944
Letter from home a FB hit Russell school & I guess the old home is in a bit of a mess. Still thank god everyone is safe
Wrote home
Frosty’s set speaker is U/s we fixed up HCD sets on it & had them by our beds, very good it was too.
Friday 21st July 1944
We put carbon talc on the nest & killed a lot of wasps.
Saturday 22nd July 1944
Dug out wasps nest. Bill Hill mounted the queen & wasps in various stages of development. What a hobby.
Sunday 23rd July 1944
Started nights again up 10.
Monday 24th July 1944
Nothing of interest.
Tuesday 25th July 1944
Up at 11.
Left at 12.
Home 3.20
Sunday morning an FB fell on corner of Lens garage & together with the other one on Russel school we got 2 rooms u/s. Mum & Dads bedroom has got the wall pushed in, my bedroom ceiling was lifted and the ceiling is cracked all round from the top of the stairs daylight can be seen. The kitchen ceiling is bulging & of course several windows are gone.
The Sunday bomb injured Mr Gardner who was in a bus & Mr Foley in Southern Rd was blown to bits. Mrs Sealey found the body – or what was left. & slate fell off the roof Sunday evening & hit Mrs Reddin, Mum had to see to it for her.
Mum was in the garden when the Russel one fell it could only have been about 50 ft up & she said she couldn’t move when she saw it.
Walter had a bit of luck Friday last.
Dad noticed a car parked in Samson St before & after his lunch so he had a second look & found it was Walters. So he stayed there. By chance one of Mums cousins passed by so he sent her for mum. Mum stayed there while Dad phoned & soon Walter turned up with the driver of the stolen car & a CID man, he was at the station. When dad phoned.
All they got away with was a 30/- had a 2/11 map & a Key..
It must have been Walters lucky day.
They CID man congratulated Dad on his work & observation.
Went to Elccas
Several FBs over in night.
Wednesday 26th July 1944
Tried to get some Radio parts but failed so couldn’t get set going.
Went to Walters place.
Went to Public Hall with Bert. We played all second half Fred was playing & Ron came & played as well. Altogether very enjoyable.
Many more FB’s at night. Mum got me to sleep downstairs.
Doris said Mr Keyes knows that 92% are being brought down. A use for the balloons at last.
Thursday 27th July 1944
Back at camp at 12.40
More changes made. All tools in stores except for individual kits. All Poles going & more RAF bods coming to R&I . Myself Hill & Ernie posted to 305 squadron.
Friday 20th July 1944
Wrote home.
Saturday 29th July 1944
Leave at last.
We are getting 4 days leave a piece all to be completed in the next 6 weeks we all lose 2.44 so we don’t gain much really, but we all get travelling time so we get 4 clear days.
A lot of bods have been brought to R&I from the flights so we have had to reorganise the tents , Ogden & Bill Moyes have come into our tents. I am posted to 305 SqdXXIII with Bill Hill & Ernie. I am now on permanent days.
I have been put on doing some odd jobs but I’m keeping up to date.
Sunday 30th July 1944
I’ve had several nose bleedings the last few days & had to go to SSQ 3 times so I went sick & the MO is sending me to Aldershot to have the veins cauterised electronically. We had quite a chat about it. Bill & I went to the cinema & saw “Thank your Lucky Stars” jolly good film.
Monday 31st July 1944
Dolby the z—- put me on painting the roof of the stores van & while doing it I worked up a blister which eventually broke & I got paint in it, I cleaned it as well as I could & then went to SSQ as a safety precaution.
In the evening I had a wash down & washed some bloody handkerchiefs – subsequent to my attacks of nosebleedings.
Tuesday 1st August 1944
At last something has happened I wanted – we can wear collars & ties with battledress. There is a rumour that we will soon be having 2 sets of battledress – one for walking out.
I mind particularly – no buttons to clean.
Went to Naafi in evening.
Wrote home.
Wednesday 2nd August 1944
Did more painting on vans.
In evening Frosty & I went to New Inn for a couple of pints, mucked around with wireless, sat in van for a while.
Thursday 3rd August 1944
Did more painting. While camouflaging the back of the van. I got Angus to draw the outline of a woman – sideways – & painted it. It’s fairly legible. I wanted Angus to do some stencils for others but he didn’t bother. I got Ken Harwood to think up some names for the vans but there were no suitable names forthcoming except things like “Fircombe Hell” & “ Veedec Villa” prefer E.T. Packets. which are hardly the thing.
I saw Smith about he TTB & told him that this morning when Sgt – AC1 Wynn came he said all our chaps were AC1. & getting there LAC’s in a couple of weeks so he said he would make it a good paper & we could get our LACs from it. Good show & I sincerely hope I succeed.
Wynn is still full of wind.
Stayed in tent & read all evening. Had supper of fried spam, hot chocolate & cake.
Friday 4th August 1944
Worked in hanger to help out Max.
Ernie, Hill & I had to go to 305 pay parade so we now get all morning off for pay parade.
In the evening I was taught an abject lesson in how to carry on through life – look after No1. & no-one else. Ernie Frosty & I started a friendly (I thought) game of pontoon. I soon started a lucky streak & had all Ernie’s money & most of Frosty’s. Ernie then wanted to bail out but I said, “ you’ll make it up.” He then began to make a bit up. He then got the bank & soon lost to Frosty without altering his position much
Frosty then began a winning streak & got some money back. Ernie began to panic. Then I won bank & started to pull in the dough again I encouraged Ernie.
Then eventually Ernie won.
I had decided to let the boys have their money back if I won more than a couple of bob because Frosty is going on leave & is short & Ernie needs the money anyway.
However I decided to let Ernie win his money back. I gambled badly deliberately to let him win. Unfortunately he had a winning streak & first Frosty went down over a pound – on paper & then I began to go down heavily. I saw Ernie was getting unsteady so I started double or quits which was the only way to clear myself. I was up eventually to £5/16/4 & Frosty had climbed down to a couple of bob. The next hand I recovered £5 & Frosty got back his dough.
Then Ernie did a dirty trick – He refused to hold the bank. Frosty took it & played fair to me & after a good bit more playing he & I were almost equal then I got the bank again naturally I expected Ernie to do for me what I did for him boy oh no he plays careful & keeps my IOU’s. Frosty helps me & when we end I own him 1/2d & Ernie gets 16/5 off me – & he demands it. He has also won a couple of bob of Frosty.
I though “OK if you want it you can have it” so I paid up resolving that Ernie has had any favours from me in future.
I definitely cannot afford nearly a quid because I am already behind in my savings schedule & I hope soon to buy a Sax off Ron so I came to the only decision possible – a cut down in smoking & sell what I bought at Naafi today (18/- worth) at 2/4 for 20.
I had the luck of Ernie coming to me for some so I made him pay 2/8 for 20. He had 40 so I made a bit back. The full details of what I thought are enclosed:-
(Piece of blue writing paper in diary with stamp insignia of the Royal Canadian Air Force dated 17/7)
6/6 per week
26/- per month
Month = 28 days
Fags 15 per day = 1/11/2 per day
18/- in 16 days
Therefore no smoking for 16 days but
1/8 made on fags E.M. = 15/8 in 14 days =15/9
Therefore no smoking for 14 days. But I desire to knock down smoking so I say no smoking for 14 days definitely & after that I will try to keep it up for a month. Then I have 80 fags which cost 0/0d at 10 per day when I start that = a save of 6/- so if I don’t smoke for 2 weeks & allowing loss at pontoon I make profit of 3/- but to make it worthwhile I must knock off a month & I make 10/4. Fags sold at over 1/6d per 20 =s all profit.
Anyway it has tought me a lesson never to spare any thought to the chap who is on the losing streak.
Still although I say that now I know I shan’t keep to it.
Anyway if I succeed in cutting down smoking. In the long run I gain so what am I grumbling at & anyway Ernie said we should play some more. If we do & I make up to a pound that’s ok by me.
My leave is from 23rd to 27th got pass signed from 1600 on 6th to 12.00 on 8th
Saturday 5th August 1944
I felt I needed a smoke in the morning but didn’t have one.
I had little desire to smoke in the afternoon. In the evening I wanted to smoke & also I had indigestion so I had one & got rid of the indigestion.
In the evening I cleaned my buttons & shoes & prepared to go on pass.
Sunday 6th August 1944
Didn’t have so much desire for a fag today & I didn’t smoke till I was on the train to Laindon.
I was informed I had to go to SSQ tomorrow at 2. So I went down & saw them & explained I was going on pass. So they gave me my papers. Changed into best blue dinner time. Then went to the orderly room & fixed up a warrant & route form so that I could go to Aldershot coming back from pass.
Left orderly room at 3.45 & booked out at 4.
Got lift on the RAF Regt lorry into Basingstoke & caught a train in 5 minutes & was home by 20 to 7.
I found a note saying they were all at Laindon & Dad was returning to see me.
I had a bath & then Dad came home so he & I caught the 8.41 from East Ham back to Laindon. Another FB fell on the garage & there are lots of u/s buses on the bombed sites.
Another fell near Cage Rd School.
We have part of the kitchen ceiling down as well now.
Mum Dad Ern Jean & Beryl were there.
Monday 7th August 1944
Up late. Heard several FBs during the night.
Doris came down.
Had a nice easy time all day.
Home about 8.40
Went to Elccas played a while Fred gave me a dollar. At 11.20 a warning went & the hall was cleared. I think I will be having another niece or nephew in a few months’ time.
Tuesday 8th August 1944
Up at 8. Caught 11.27 train.
Had lunch in Aldershot went to the hospital. They did the same thing as was done once before, cauterised my nose with chromic acid. Then they stuffed 2 wads of cotton wool with ointment up my nose. I did feel a sight.
At Alton I got a lift in a jeep to R& L Hanger – 10 minutes all the way.
Back at 4
Wrote home.
Wednesday 9th august 1944
Went to SSQ removed plugs. Told to come back if it bled again – it did but I didn’t go back.
Wrote home.
Went to Naafi to find out what tombola was – just a simple gamble. I lost 2/-
Thursday 11th august 1944
Frosty returned from leave & he Max & I went to the New Inn for a pint.
Saturday 12th August 1944
Had a letter from home.
Sgt Stanley wants us to rehearse tomorrow night.
Mucked around all evening.
Sunday 13th Augus1944
More nosebleedings
Had rehearsal in evening. Drums Piano Sax Trumpet. Wasn’t too bad but the Trumpet is very weak.
Monday 14th August 1944
Went on Polish flight for day as several Poles are ill or on leave. Did 5 DIS & had rest of day free. I used the time to sort out the PSI music. Made up 10 sets comprising 18 tunes.
Had another rehearsal the trumpet is definitely poor. We could do with another, also we need a tenor sax.
Tuesday 15th August 1944
Put in leave application. Keeping up with fag rationing.
Slightly less nosebleedings. Washed some handkerchiefs. We had clothing parade I got a new hat with plastic buttons & badge & 2 prs of socks.
Put plastic badge on buttons on working hat & brass on new hat.
Wednesday 16th August 1944
Nothing of interest.
Thursday 17th August 1944
To celebrate the 2000th sortie since D day there are no Ops tonight but a dance is on from 8 to 1 am women are coming from Basingstoke & Waaf’s from other camps. All free bar beer.
613 & 107 stand down is from 1700 to 1000 but 305 is from 1000 to 1000 so Ernie & I finished the inspection & pushed off to Basingstoke at 12.
We had to walk nearly 2 miles before getting a lift. We went to the Players & saw Frank Sinatra in “Higher & Higher” & “Slow Boat to China”.
Then had a walk round back at 8.15. then went to the dance till 11.
As I expected the hall was half empty about 10. Some old bags were almost asking to be raped. Spectacles like that always disgust me.
Frosty came in drunk about 12. He provided us with a laugh at his antics though.
Pay parade was held today.
Had letter from home with news that Bert has been killed in Italy. Poor chap. I don’t know how Mrs Keyes & Doris will take it. Bert & Doris were inseparable when younger.
Friday 18th August 1944
Nothing of interest. Stayed in tent had kit inspection.
Saturday 19th August 1944
Did odd jobs in van in evening.
Sunday 20th August 1944
Prepared to go on leave.
Monday 21st August 1944
Got all ready by 6.15 & collected pass. Caught bus at 7.1 from New Inn. 7.24 from Basingstoke first stop Waterloo. Home at 9.45. Held up at Waterloo because flood gates on tube were closed although AC went as we pulled in.
Alert about 11 (Dad has complete record) I slept downstairs. Ern is going to make me some tools.
X: Central Trade Test Board, a body which oversaw trade tests of all airmen.
A civilian volunteer on being accepted for aircrew training took an oath of allegiance (‘attestation’) and was then inducted in to the RAFVR. Normally he returned to his civilian job for several months until he was called up for aircrew training. During this waiting period he could wear a silver RAFVR lapel badge to indicate his status.
XII: Wikipedia
Doctor Syn is a 1937 British black-and-white historical dramatic adventure film, directed by Roy William Neill for Gainsborough Pictures. It stars George Arliss (in his last feature film), Margaret Lockwood, Graham Moffatt and Ronald Shiner.[1] The film is based on the Doctor Syn novels of Russell Thorndike, set in 18th century Kent. The character of Syn and the events at the film’s climax were both softened considerably in comparison to Thorndike’s original story.
XIII: From Stand by Your Bed! By David Findlay Clark
Within a day all servicemen underwent a medical with the unit medical team. David Findlay Clark discusses this as being more about looking for signs of venereal disease (VD) in an inspection called Free From Infection (FFI)
XIV: This is the first of many letters home, which he re-wrote in notebooks. Also found amongst his records were the letters he received from family and friends. The letters give a fuller description of his time in the RAF, and also a wonderful insight into how civilians were feeling back home.
XV: Islington Gazette PUBLISHED: 09:40 11 October 2017
One of Islington’s forgotten gems, the Finsbury Park Empire, has been commemorated with a memorial plaque. The Gazette pulls back the curtain to look at the history of the music hall and variety theatre.
Most people will have walked along St Thomas’s Road in Finsbury Park without realising there once stood one of London’s most famous variety halls and theatres.
A plaque commemorating the Finsbury Park Empire was installed this week after the public voted it one of three historic sites they wanted to see honoured.
The 2000-seat theatre, designed by top theatre architect Frank Matcham, opened in 1910 at a cost of £45,000 and played host to many stage and screen greats including Laurel and Hardy, Max Miller, Tony Hancock and even Harry Houdini.
“It was really the main north London palladium,” said Islington Local History Centre archivist Julie Melrose. “It was the Moss Empires’ main theatre outside the West End. There was very much a need for entertainment venues in the area at the time and they realised that.
XVI: Wikipedia
Harry Roy (12 January 1900 – 1 February 1971) was a British dance band leader and clarinet player from the 1920s to the 1960s. He performed several songs with suggestive lyrics including “My Girl’s Pussy” (1931), and “She Had to Go and Lose It at the Astor”
XVII: Internal combustion engine
XVIII: Wikipedia
September 3, 1943 (Friday)
· The Italian mainland was invaded by the Allies for the first time during World War II, as the British commanding General, Sir Bernard Montgomery, sent the first British and Canadian troops across the Messina Strait, from Sicily to the southern tip of Italy. The British Eighth Army, 5th Division, and the Canadian 1st Division began Operation Baytown at 0430 GMT and encountered little resistance after going ashore at Reggio di Calabria.
· At the same time, General Giuseppe Castellano, acting with the authorization of the Italian government, secretly met with Allied officials at the village of Cassibile in Sicily to sign the Armistice of Cassibile, Italy’s unconditional surrender, to “come into force at a moment most favourable to the Allies”. U.S. Army General Walter Bedell Smith signed on behalf of the Allies.
· The Nazi German SS began the arrest thousands of Jews in Belgium, with two days of raids on the cities of Brussels and Antwerp. The first of ten deportations by railroad would begin on September 20.
· A children’s home was bombed in Wales, and all the children there were killed in the ensuing explosion, including the head mistress it was a big tragedy. The attack was carried out by a squadron of Heinkel.
XIX: studied
XX: Wikipedia
World of Plenty is a 1943 British documentary film directed by Paul Rotha for the Ministries of Food and Agriculture. It discusses problems with, and possible improvements to, global food distribution.
An opening narration explaining that the film’s purpose is to examine the “world strategy of food”, in terms of its production, distribution and consumption. The film is then divided into three parts: “Food – As It Was”, “Food – As It Is” and “Food – As It Might Be”.
XXI: From Wikipedia
Lasham Airfield The airfield was constructed in 1942. Initial operations (from November that year) were by 38 Wing, Army Co-operation Command.
Maps of the area before and after the airfield was constructed are displayed in the main corridor of the clubhouse of Lasham Gliding Society on the North side of the airfield off Avenue Road. Also displayed are photographs and other details of aircraft and personnel of the squadrons that flew from Lasham.
In mid-1943, the airfield was transferred to RAF Fighter Command. Squadrons equipped with Hawker Hurricanes, Hawker Typhoons and Spitfires operated from Lasham. Later in 1943, it became a base for the bombers of No. 2 Group RAF, part of the 2nd Tactical Air Force. The squadrons of 2 Group used the de Havilland Mosquito and North American B-25 Mitchell.
XXII: Epistaxis is defined as bleeding from the nostril, nasal cavity, or nasopharynx. Nosebleeds are due to the bursting of a blood vessel within the nose. This may be spontaneous or caused by trauma. Nosebleeds are rarely life threatening and usually stop on their own.
XXIII: No. 305 Polish Bomber Squadron “Ziemia Wielkopolska” (“Land of Greater Poland”) was a Polish World War II bomber unit. It fought alongside the Royal Air Force under their operational Command and operated from airbases in the United Kingdom.
The last of the Polish bomber squadrons under Royal Air Force command, 305 Squadron was formed at RAF Bramcote, Warwickshire on 29 August 1940. It was initially equipped with the somewhat obsolete Fairey Battle aircraft but was reequipped in November 1940 with twin-engine Vickers Wellington heavy bombers. The unit began operational flying in April 1941. Its first mission was bombing of petrol and fuel storage tanks at Rotterdam in the night from 25 to 26 April 1941. Between June 1941 and August 1943 the Squadron was based at RAF Ingham.
In August 1943, the Squadron was moved to RAF Swanton Morley and thereafter ceased its affiliation with RAF Bomber Command; instead, it was absorbed into the freshly formed Second Tactical Air Force, a specialized arm of the RAF that was centered on tactical air strikes on vital enemy targets (such as bridges, supply trains, etc.) in the European Continent.
During this period, 305 Squadron was transferred to No. 2 Group RAF and converted briefly to North American Mitchell medium bombers before adopting the De Havilland Mosquito FB.VI, the aircraft that the Squadron operated for the remainder of the European campaign. Through 1944, the 305 was stationed at RAF Lasham in England and then briefly at RAF Hartford Bridge before moving to the Epinoy airfield in France in November 1944. During the Normandy Landings, the squadron destroyed 13,000,000 litres of the German fuel stored near Nancy, France. The squadron performed its last mission exactly four years after their first, in the night of 25 to 26 April 1945. After the hostilities ended, the Squadron continued to operate in Germany as part of the occupation forces and, after a brief return to England, was finally disbanded formally on 6 January 1947 at RAF Faldingworth, having already given up its aircraft on 25 November 1946.
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