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Don's WW2 Diaries

Active Service Belgium: 5th August 1945 to 31st October 1945

Leave from 16.07.45 to 31.7.45.  On return to France found 305 Squadron had left posted to Melsbroek outside Brussels 140 Wing  


Dear Don,

I have received No1 today, and now await your new address.

We were pleased to hear you got back ok.

The last few days have been very strange and we have been thinking about you all the time.

Mum & I went to Laindon on Thursday to have a clean-up.

We went again yesterday (Sunday) and I am pleased to say we had a very comfortable journey and came back by the empty train at 7.20 the weather was very good.

It is a bit dull and cloudy today.

I have received the following music

Chappells }The More I see You

} I wish I Knew

Noel Gay } The Torrie on his Bonnet

} After a While

Lawrence }Sweetheart of all My Dreams

Wright } You Crossed Your Fingers

This completes the issue for Lawrence Wright and I have sent today another subscription.

Tuesday Evg 7/8/45

Dear Don

It was a great relief to receive No 2 and to know you are settled.

You have evidently covered some ground since we last saw you. We were pleased to know you had a good crossing in spite of it being a bit rough and that you enjoyed it.

So you have lost Ernie, but it is nice to know you are with all your pals.

We hope the weather will be good to you especially while you are in tents and we trust the food will be to your liking.

By the way the doings you got from the FO Woodgarage Rd came in very useful and Huxtable treated mum very fair.

I will give Bert your message.

I bet you had a decent job packing all your odds & ends and I expect you were not sorry when you arrived at your destination.

It is a good job the lorry was late, I should be afraid to think what might have happened had you missed it.

Evidently your bed must have been very comfortable or else you were exceptionally tired..

However both Mum & I wish you well and trust you will be happy and comfortable in your new surroundings.

I must hurry and finish this so as I can get it posted 

No doubt it will seem a long time since you have heard from us.

So will conclude to say cheerio all our love from Mum & Dad.


Dear Don,

I have received no 3 and it is nice to know you have had a quiet time and trust it has given you time to sort yourself out.

We both hope you have got settled in your new surroundings and that you are well and happy.

I have seen Bert he has heard from you and asked me to tell you he will be writing in a couple of days, he says some important news in reference to the band.

Ern has signed off today and will be starting work Monday.

Nothing has been done about the bungalow yet.

Well Don what do you think of the news, I think it is as good as over and must certainly bring demobilisation nearer let us hope for the best but time is young yet.

We all had a day at Laindon on Thursday an old pal of mine came to see us, Mr Duck and his wife, we had a very hot journey home.

It looks like being fine for tomorrow.

Mr & Mrs Turner (Uncle Bob) came yesterday with the twins, they are getting quite big boys now they properly enjoyed themselves with Ern & Jean.

Eddie Taser is in India he went a few months ago.

Have you had any news from Freddie Wells?

How are you off for Cigarettes, shall we order some to be sent out to you.

Shall be sending the papers off on Monday evening.

I did not send last week’s as there were no Everybody’s etc and I thought the newspapers would be a bit stale.

We must now get back into our usual routine.

Will now conclude with all kind thoughts & love from Mum & Dad.


Dear Don,

I have received today letters no 4 & 5 and we are pleased to know you have got settled.

I am afraid to think of the possibilities of the atomic bomb but if it shortens the war and saves the lads lives it will have achieved something.

I expect we will hear soon of the finish and then we can look forward to other things, and I sincerely hope I shall be right when I said you would be out sooner than you thought.

Ern will be letting you know soon and as he told you he will be getting proof of the dates etc.

I am glad you altered your mind in not going to Brussels and no doubt it saved you from getting wet.

You are evidently a terror for work and study and I hope the time you have put at it will repay you in the near future.

Ern is pleased to know the watch is going ok.

We got up early yesterday knowing in anticipation of going to Laindon but it came on to rain and looked very dull when it was too late to go it cleared up and was quite nice for the rest of the day.  It was a great disappointment but we will try and go down during the week.

My next job is the papers to pack up, so will say Cheerio.

All our love Mum & Dad.


Dear Don,

At last it has come. We were disturbed in our slumbers at mid-night, by the hooters & bells etc.

Now to look forward to better things, early demobilisation, things to eat and drink, and something to wear.

I hope you will be wrong in your judgement about getting out and I trust I shall lie right when I said it would be sooner than what you thought.

We hope you enjoy your time off. No doubt it will be better than during all the excitement.

I think things will be a little less noisy than VE day this morning it is raining, so I expect it will damp some of those feelings.

It is a question of lining up this morning I question if many will get any bread for a couple of days, and Mum tells me there are no potatoes to be had.

We hope to go to Laindon tomorrow (Thursday) if the weather is kind enough it’s a good job there is some veg down there. Anyway I don’t think we will go hungry during the two days, so I suppose we must be thankful for small mercies.

Shall let you know as soon as I can about the party etc.

Ern has written and is now awaiting a reply.

I have received this morning 

From Sun }Who’s to Blame

}Maria Mia

I expect there will be a delay in receiving this as the V day business will put things behind.

The Rinso* will be sent by parcel post, and Mum will give me instructions how to use it, which I will enclose.

I am sorry to hear you will have to do your own washing, but perhaps you will soon be lucky in finding someone to do it for you.

Let’s hope your weather has improved it is not very nice dancing about in the mud.

We both hope things are going well with you and that the time will soon come, when you return home for good.

Cheerio & all the best All our Love Mum & Dad.


Dear Don,

Was pleased to receive No 7 and trust you are getting on well with the EVT papers.

Also we hope you had a good time at Brussels and was in time for the fete.

I will see about getting the paper and let you have it at the earliest.

I think your information list Friday was correct and they awaited the time to announce it to suit themselves.

We did not go to Laindon after all on Thursday, the weather was a bit unsettled and then there was a party in the street for the children, bonfire fireworks etc.  The trains were uncertain, so we hope to go on Sunday.

The enclosed is Rinso*, but in an Oxydol box.  This stuff is very scarce, but we hope you will make full use of it.  

Mum says a little of it goes a long way if you sprinkle it in the water and will swish it round till you get a nice lather.

Have enclosed the books to assist in the packing.

Will close with all our love from Mum & Dad

*From Wikipedia, the free encyclopaedia

Rinso is a brand name of laundry soap and detergent marketed by Unilever. The brand was created by Robert S Hudson and originally branded Hudson’s Soap, which was sold to Lever Brothers of Port Sunlight, England, in 1908.


Dear Don

I have to reply to two letters no 8 received Saturday & no 9 received today Monday.

I might mention No9 was in a very ragged state and am pleased to say the contents were intact.

Bert brought over some foolscap paper which he asked me to put in your music case.

I have received from JD& H }Good Night my Wonderful One Good Night

} Can’t you read Between the Lines.

As regards No 3 I hope by now you have received this as Practical Wireless was sent in it.

It was very fortunate for Tony you were able to come to his rescue in Brussels and it is nice to know you were able to get around and do such a lot in a short space of time.

I see the Belgians are getting a rush on to get back to normal and it would be nice to have that spirit over here, God knows how long it will be before we get things to eat and drink and some new clothes etc but I suppose we will have to wait till everyone else is looked after, before we start on our own.

The chief thing we want is to get a move on with the demobilisation especially yours.

The Radio is going alright, we have a changeover now and again Ern has not been able to get the wood yet.

I expect you have received my letter telling you Ern started work.  After two days he had the VJ holiday.

We think the photos are very nice and will give Walter his when he calls which I think will be tomorrow and the others I will save for you, as you wish.

When we see Bert again we will be able to show him his rival, I like the musicians rendezvous Charring Cross Rd a nice memento.

It is very interesting your trip to Bruges.  Your description makes one feel they would like to go there.

It was a pity you came in contact with a ticket inspector other than the decent type, I doubt if anything like that would happen here, it made the day quite expensive for you, but I suppose it was worth it.

We hope you enjoyed your tram ride, I suppose it is a question of hang on the best you can.

It is also pleasant to know you are away from the garlic odour of the French trains.

We are pleased to hear you have heard from Ernie and I hope you will be as lucky as him in respect of leave.

I will convey his regards to Ern & Bert and please remember us when you write to him.

I suppose you have not heard from Freddie Wells we have not seen anybody yet where we might be able to find out about him.

Rose called to see Mum this evening, she tells us Arnold is in Belgium he has been shifted about a lot. Rose is quite happy about him and would rather him stop there than go out further.

As regards the graph paper is as you will see printed one side only they are in sheets 22×30 so we have cut them in half and rolled them in your newspapers, we also have one spare sheet but should you want more Wilson & Whitworth have plenty in stock, I hope you will receive it safely and in good condition.

I trust you have received Rinso, and made good use of it, No6 letter was in the parcel I mention this as I expect the parcel will take a little longer to reach you.

While I am writing this Mum is listening to “Radar” she is quite thrilled about it, it is certainly the thing that won the war, being one of the great scientific achievements.

I think I will now close and conclude with best wishes from us all & love from Mum & Dad.


Dear Don,

No 10 arrived.  Am glad to know you have got no3.

I expect you will wonder why you have got this registered but I thought it would be best.

You will notice that the date which I turned up in my diary was correct, and sincerely hope this will mean a lot to you.

I am having a couple of days off  but the weather is rotten, we were going to Laindon today but the weather is not good enough so we are going up the other end to see what we can find.

We were sorry to hear you lost your lay in last Sunday.

I hope you have received the packet of papers containing the graph paper.

Mum was wondering if you are still under canvas, but I have told her that I expect you will be in huts or billets as soon as the weather changes.

I don’t think I have much else to say this time, so will finish in wishing you all the best.  Cheerio, all our love Mum & Dad.


Dear Don,

I have received no 11 and I hope the weather will soon improve so there will be no further delay in getting your mail.

Owing to the unsettled weather we did not go to Laindon on Thursday, we had a day up the other end instead.

We went into the Japanese exhibition in Oxford St it was very interesting but should have been better had we been able to stop longer and studies things, but there was too many people and we had to hurry along.

It made a change but as regards shopping it is very difficult to get anything, Mum has been trying to get a pair of shoes since Easter! but there don’t appear to be anything in any of the shops, anyway not the sort she likes.

We are still looking forward to better times, let’s hope they come soon.

We hope to go to Laindon tomorrow (Sunday) if it is fine.

I have not heard anything from the optician yet, I think perhaps it would be better to call and see when they will be ready.

We trust you are keeping well and that the weather will soon be to your liking, so as you can get around.

Cheerio and all our love Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

I have received today no 12.  I suppose I shall soon have to put the new initials instead of BLA but I shall wait till your confirm this.

We have had some nice weather the last couple of days and I hope it has improved for you.  It is not very nice for you to go out when there are storms about, and it was a good job you had the shelter of the lorry.

We had a nice day at Laindon yesterday, it was very hot . Walter came down in the afternoon.

Saw Bert last night and we showed him his rival and he was amused at the Charring Cross Rd one.  He was telling us about a girl at the dance who has promised him some coupons for his pumps.  I told him I would let you know and told him to prepare for a bashing when you come home.

I am pleased you had a good afternoon not bad going two cinemas and tea.

It was nice to read the end of your letter and we trust you will be right in thinking your next leave will be by the end of October.  It will be much nicer than having to wait as we did for your first leave.

I hope you have received my registered letter containing the information, which I hope will be useful and beneficial to you.

What ho! Medals & chevrons.  

What we wish most is for you to get out as early as you can.

There is no music to expect this time and as I cannot think of anything else this time, I will close and get your papers ready for post.

All kind thoughts & love from Mum & Dad.


Dear Don,

I am in receipt of No 13 and pleased to hear you got parcel, although it took long enough and I expect you soon got busy.

It is nice to know you can get most of your stuff washed, and I think it a pity you cannot get it all done.

It is a great shame there is so much messing about with this demobilisation business but I feel sure in course of time alterations will be made to speed up things so we must hope for the best.

I cannot understand why some of the army chaps complain when with a little foresight could see that it was helping them but unfortunately it makes others suffer.

I can’t see you signing anything that will delay your chance of getting out but it is quite possible a lot will in various branches of the services and that in itself will speed the time for others to get out.

I am having a couple of days off expecting to go out but the workmen are here again, this time putting a new roof on, it meant chasing about after them.

It was a good job I was home as it gave mum a chance to line up for necessities and I was here to let Arthur repair a couple of sash cords.

We will look forward to next week we may have better luck when I have another couple of days off.

I hope you are getting your mail more regular now and that the weather suits you.

It is a bit dull her today but I am hoping the rain will keep off till the roof is finished.

Here’s wishing you all the best.

Cheerio all our love Mum & Dad


Dear Don

I have received today No 14 and also one for Ern.

I am glad the mail has speeded up also that you receive the graph paper & registered letter.

It will be interesting to learn how you will benefit by the information I should like to know it will count as service and I hope things will turn out well for you.

We will be looking forward to seeing you again in October, but we hope it will not be delayed by going back in the workshop.

We thank you for Erns regards and trust your combined knowledge will be of mutual interest to each other.  I am glad he is enjoying life in Germany.

I will keep my eyes open for the notebooks you require 7 x 10 how many do you require?  I have got some 6 ¼ x 4 are these any use to you?

I thought you would notice the wrapping, I smiled at mum when I packed it, I told her I thought you would be interested, he had that bill in the window, Walter told us what a wonderful meeting it was and that they call on him to make a speech.

As you say it all goes to further business, badges on cars and stationery.

I see you find plenty to do what with the wireless & E.V.T. and I sincerely hope the benefits you hope to derive will be worth it.  

We have been wondering how the food situation is, and also the sleeping business are you still in tents, I hope you will be in better quarters before the cold weather starts.  How are you off for cigarettes do you get allowed sufficient.

There is no music to report, I have not received anything since Aug 19th.  I suppose I shall be getting two or three together.

Have you had any news of Freddie Wills, we still have not been able to see anyone who would be able to let us know. We hope things are alright with him.

I think that is all this time, so will say Cheerio and conclude with love from Mum & Dad.


Dear Don,

I have received today no 15 & 16. It seems that the post is all upside down again.

I do hope you have received no 7 this was written on Aug 20th and I have no doubt that is the one which acknowledges the Photo etc anyway it is a pity if it has gone astray.

Walter has had his and I have saved the others for you.

Shall let Walter have his letter at the earliest.

We hope you were able to get a day off today for the celebrations in Brussels, mum told me she heard about it on the Radio.

I see you did not waste your time through getting info late after your night duty.  

We certainly enjoyed our day at Laindon on Sunday and also again yesterday, it turned out very nice after a wet Saturday night.  

Walter came down in the afternoon in his “Junior”* and he was able to take the potatoes and a lovely marrow that we had grown, as we could not have managed to get so many home at one go.  Also we gathered some blackberries, they will be in abundance about a weeks’ time when we hope to get some to save for you.

You will now have to go all out to get ready for Civy Street and both mum  & I wish you all the best  to get the qualifications which will enable you to re-join Hope Agar in a way that will be satisfactory to yourself and in the hope of a brilliant future. With plenty of swotting to do the time will soon pass, and I hope I will be right in assuming you will be back to the life that you want, sooner than what you thought.

I was wondering if it was in the letter (no7) that is missing whether I mentioned about the change to BAOR I said I would still put BLA till I heard from you to change.

I almost forget to mention when mum was trimming yesterday she found a bunch of grapes on the vine, it is surprising how that has come along this year.

I will now close with all kind thoughts and love.

From Mum & Dad.

*Singer Junior car

In 1926, Singer introduced the 848cc Singer Junior at the London Car Show. The Junior was a very popular car, with Singer selling many thousands of units in various forms, with production after 1927 never dropping below 6000 units per year. …


Dear Don,

I have received no 17 today and see at last you have received no 7.  That means you had quite a lot together.

Although delayed I am glad you have got them all.

There was about 40 sheets of foolscap.

As regards Freddie Wells I hope the day will soon be here when you will know all about him and that he will be quite alright.

I do not know what part of Belgium Arnold is in but perhaps we can get his address when his mother comes again.

I suppose it does take considerable time to let the ones whom it concerns most, the change from B.L.A. but I shall continue to put that till I hear from you to alter it.

The weather is still dull here, but I hope it has improved for you.

We are hoping to go to Laindon tomorrow (Thursday) so we are looking forward to a fine day.

I have seen Walter and have given him your letter so I expect you will be hearing from him when he is not too busy.

I have no doubt you are very busy getting on with your EVT papers, and I hope there will be no delay in getting your papers.

It don’t seem as if you enjoyed yourself on the Piano with the station band and I quite understand why you will have a previous engagement another time.

It must have been very difficult for you and I quite agree it must have been hard work.

I hope you had an enjoyable time at Brussels, if it was at the tail end and it would have been nice if you had been there in time to see your pals on parade.

You had good reasons not to envy the chap who had to spend all day getting ready and I trust your luck will continue in getting off those turn outs.  I expect the “Battle of Britain” Sunday is one of your Red Letter days, entered in your Diary.

Just one piece of music to expect this time

Sun }I Walked in

}I don’t care who knows it

They seem rather slow, but I expect I shall receive several together.

Well I think this is all this time so will say cheerio and wish you all the best.

Love from Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

I have received No18 today and must say I am sorry about the Cigarettes.

I wrote you early August about them, and again later but you did not say anything and we thought you were getting what you required.

We don’t like to think you are short or think you have been neglected, but I hope you will receive a supply in about three weeks.

I expect it will be Players as they do not send 333’s.

I will get you some unlined paper and will also see about the notebooks 7 x 10 that you want if I am not able no doubt mum will try and get it.

I have been into Wilsons about your glasses and he says I should be hearing from him about Sept 20th .  As regards your sunglasses there is no hope, he told me he had a letter from the B.O.T saying they are all for the Services.

He smiled when I asked what he thought you were in.

He evidently remembered you because he spoke of the clips.

I might mention Bert is now an uncle.

I don’t think there will be any fear of you being put in the slow classes and we both wish you the success you deserve.

I have noticed that your chaps got the biggest cheer, perhaps your chum who spent the day polishing up thought it was worth it.

One more piece of music.

Victoria }June Comes Round Every Year

}Last of this World

I think I ought to let you know the result of the M.M. 1945 Dance Band Poll results.

   Squads 1   Geraldo 2     Sky Rockets 3

This was in last week’s MM and I thought it might interest you.

I think this is all at present so will say cheerio & conclude with love

From Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

I have received no 19 and am sorry to hear the post is delayed again. I was thinking if I put BACR perhaps it will make a difference. Mum suggested I should do this, also the cigarettes will be addressed the same.

We are preparing a small parcel for you which I hope to dispatch tomorrow.

This will include some soap flakes and mum says use it the same as Rinso also a piece of sunlight.  Also I will put the papers in to help packing etc writing pads and the exercise book and sundry other articles.

Ern will be writing to you to explain about the screwdriver etc.

I see they expect you to go  back a few years for knowledge and I hope you will be successful in your quest when you visit Charring Cross Rd. 

Perhaps you will find some information in the library when you are home on leave.

We hope you eventually sorted the mosquitoes and you have not had any more stings.

The weather is not all it should be but we had a fair day yesterday at Laindon it was quite sunny in the afternoon and we picked a fair supply of blackberries in the hopes of making jam etc if we can get the sugar to spare.

We are both looking forward to your leave and in the meantime mum hopes you will soon have better accommodation other than tents.

Well Don we have packed the parcel and it will be sent of tomorrow (Tuesday) morning.  We hope you receive it alright and in quick time and everything will be ok.

All kind thoughts & love from Mum & Dad.


Dear Don,

We were pleased to receive no 20 and I hope you are now getting your mail more regularly.

Mum has dealt with the blackberries today, so they will be ready for use any time.

No doubt you have missed the pleasure of picking with us but it has saved you the trouble of picking the splinters etc out of your hands but of course it’s worth it.

I hope the cigarette shortage will be over by the time you get home it has been very difficult to get any for the last couple of weeks.

Ern is now rolling his own.

Anyway I hope your supply will arrive by the time they were promised and in the meantime you receive the parcel.

It will please us to know when the date of your leave is and we await to hear the actual date.

There seems to be plenty of spirit in the speeches on demobilisation at the T.U.C. Counsel I feel some action will be taken to speed things up.

Do you get a chance to listen in?

There was a play on the wireless last evening in it was a flashback about the VE holiday of last May evidently a lot of people thought that there was to be another holiday, the BBC had to make a special announcement at 11am & 11.50 to say it was all a great misunderstanding.

The weather seems to have broken up we have not had much summer this year and I did think we would have had a fine September.

It won’t be long before we have the dark evenings with us and we shall certainly notice it when we have G.M.T. early next month.

I think this is all for the present so will conclude with wishing you all the best and hope your leave time will soon roll round.

Cheerio & love from Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

Have received no 21 and was pleased to hear from you again and to learn you are in the first group, and we both hope the instruction will be right and that you will come through alright.

It will then give you more confidence for the further six months.

We all wish you luck I have now got up to No 2 in the new list of music.

Cinephonic }Old Man Sunshine

} Just a little Kiss Like This.

Also I have sent a further subscription to Victoria.

What do you think of the cigarette business, there is a probability you will be able to get sufficient from the NAAFI at the reduced rate, but of course that remains to be seen, it is a bit of luck I got that order away when I did and I sincerely hope you will get them alright.

Have you heard any more about the Chevrons & medals since you got the certificate from the C.D.?

I have not had any time off this week but I have got a few more days to come which I am spreading out over a period to suit myself. I have been so very busy but I hope it will ease down soon.

The coupon business does not seem to have eased the situation very much, it is strange to me we have done so much the time the coupons have got to last 24 from Sep to April.

Will conclude with all kind thoughts and love from Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

Replying to No 22 I regret it is too late, the notebook was dispatched in the parcel which I hope by this time you have received.

We hope being back in the workshop will not delay your leave any length of time.

I think it will be best to keep the glasses till you get home but of course I shall still have to wait to hear from Wilson.

I think I had better sent to Lawrence Wright I have not heard from them but it appears I have had all the numbers the last I received was on August 2nd.

No 4 of the new series of music arrived today from 

Chappells } Sigh no More

}Never Again

We had a fine view of the planes today while I was home to dinner 25 fighter squadron led by Bader, they came from North Weal and flew all round Barking West Ham and the City etc, no doubt you have heard this was to celebrate the defeat of the Luftwaffe 5 years ago.

We are hoping for a fine day tomorrow to go to Laindon.

I think this is all this time except our wishes for “Good Luck” in all your undertakings.

Cheerio & Love from Mum & Dad.


Dear Don,

I was pleased to receive no16 and that means the parcel cannot be far off.

I shall explain to Bert when I see him, about the letters round about the 5th.

We are glad to know the mosquitoes have packed up and ceased to make a free meal of you and I hope it is the finish of them.

Ern & I are going to Laindon tomorrow (Wednesday) to bring back the furniture and we are hoping for a better day than you & I had when we took it.

You will be pleased to know the Bungalow will be kept in the family and Walter is looking forward with some good ideas for improvements in course of time.

There will be plenty of your stuff which I shall put together so as you will be able to sort it out at your leisure.

I took the precaution of asking Walter to bring back the records in his Junior last Sunday so I can say they are all safe.

We had a nice day on Sunday although we were busy packing etc but it did not stop us from doing a bit of blackberrying.

I am pleased to say we had a comfortable journey both ways and the train was not too crowded.

It will seem strange when we go next Sunday it will be empty, but we have left sufficient things for our use for mealtimes so it won’t be so bad.

I don’t hear much about your playing etc, I expect you have got quite enough to do getting ready for Feb.

We are still looking forward to seeing you soon and still hope that things are going well with you.

I shall be pleased to hear you have received the parcel and that the cigarettes will not long be delayed.

Cheerio and all our love from Mum & Dad.


Dear Don,

I have received No 24 and hope that the anticipation of the blackberries will soon be realization.

Well Don Ern & I went down to Laindon yesterday to bring the stuff back and I am pleased to say we were very very lucky and everything turned out well.

It had been raining hard all Tuesday night and I had not much sleep wondering if we were going to get up the hill.

Visions of the turn out we had before worried me.

We started away about 10 o/c and got back about 2.45.

Since then Mum, Ern & myself have been very busy adjusting things and we can see you having a nice sort out when you come home.

I am pleased to say there was nothing broken and the records have been returned to their rightful place.

I think I mentioned in one of my letters about the cigarettes and I expect they will be much easier for you to get in the Naafi.

Anyway, we will have to try and see you don’t go short when you are home.

Everywhere you go at present is the one cry! No Cigarettes.

I feel since you will get the supply we sent as Fergusson told me he thought they would be sent off on Monday Sept 11th

You have evidently had better weather than we have had, we had plenty of rain this morning, but it is trying to clear up now.

I suppose you are getting darker evenings now with your time we have got our turn to come in a couple of weeks’ time.

I see you had a change from your usual work, but perhaps it made a bit of difference to you and made you fresher to get back to your wireless by being able to make up for lost time.

I expect Ern will be looking forward to the labour saving design you are sending.

I must now close to get on with some more work.

Cheerio & all the best love from Mum & Dad.


Dear Don,

I have received no 25.  You seem to have had quite a run on duties and fall in for the chaps that are on leave, but I hope it does not put you behind with your own work.

As regards your four days off perhaps it is a pity you will be unable to get on with your own work on the other hand it may be to your advantage with the extra study with E.V.T.

We are sorry to hear you have not got a better place than an attic and we will be pleased when the mosquitoes cease to trouble you.

I expect it pleases you to have your own pal back and hope you had a good time when you went out together.

I have not seen Bert lately, he seems to have eluded me, but as soon as I do see him I shall explain about the fire! and find out if he wrote to you about that time.

Ern has asked me to tell you he will be writing shortly.

I was hoping to hear that you had received parcel but I told mum I expect we will hear in the next letter.

There is no music to report this time, Chappells have sent for another subscription, which I have sent.

There seems no improvement in the weather but we hope it does not stop us from going to Laindon tomorrow.

It seems that the summer or what we had of it has completely broken up, but we still look forward to a few more fine Sundays, before we have to finally stop going before the dark weather comes.

Well Don I think that is all at present except to say how we are looking forward to seeing you again shortly.

In the meantime, our thoughts are with you and trust you are keeping well.

All the best &cheerio

Love from Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

Have received no 26 but still no news of you having received parcel. Both mum & I do so hope it has not gone astray.

I suppose you got a certain amount of pleasure winning at cards, perhaps it is as well there were no stakes and it prevents anyone being upset at the end of the game.

Have you seen Ernie since your trip to Brussels, did he get lost or forgot the appointment?

We hope you enjoyed the film, also your sleep on the train.  It was a fortunate to be called by the time you got to the drome.

Why was it, had you been putting in too many hours or were you extra tired.

We had a fair day at Laindon yesterday and could not grumble at the weather.

It has been a beast today, cloudy, rain & high winds not at all a day to suit mum for her washing.

I don’t think there is much more to add and my next job will be the papers.

Cheerio & all the best love from Mum & Dad.

Dear Don

Have just received no 27 and we are more than pleased to k now you have received parcel.

Roll on 23rd  Dad


Dear Don,

Have received no 28 today and have spoken to Ern about the dial. He hopes to get it on Saturday and I will post it straight away.

As you say Lawrence Wrights took quite a time to reach out as a matter of fact the last sub I sent them was April 1944.  Quite different to Chappells I only received 5(+10) copies for the last sub. I suppose this is correct being only for six months.

No5 of the new series from Feldman arrived yesterday

} I don’t Care if I never Dream Again

}From till Two

I suppose you are now finished with the various duties and back at normal . I hope you made the best of it on your days off.

We are glad you received the parcel and I hope you will get the cigarettes early next week.

Mum hopes the doings did not get too stale, as it seemed a long time reaching you.

I suppose the recent hold up will delay your leave a day or two, but no doubt there will be time to let us know.

I still have not seen Bert, have you heard from him since the fire business, as perhaps you have written to him.

See you liked the new Itma show.  Mum & I did not think it was so good.

Will now say cheerio with the usual kind thoughts. Love from Mum & Dad.


Dear Don,

Replying to No 29 I am sorry to hear of the holdup of the mail and hope the weather will soon be more settled so as you receive them more regularly. 

Let us hope it will not make you leave later and also you will not lose any by being held up.

Ern will be getting the dial tomorrow if he can and I shall get it to you at the earliest.

I quite appreciate you would rather have a new one, in case the one you have glued breaks at an important moment.

We were going to Laindon yesterday but the wireless news of the weather put us off so mum & I thought we would have a trip up the other end.

We had lunch at Oxford Circus, then went to Selfridges.  There was not much we could get and as it was so stuffy there we went and sat in Hyde Park for a couple of hours, it came over dull and was very windy and dusty and we got home about 5 both tired out.

No hope the weather will allow us to go to Laindon on Sunday.

Well Don I hope things are going well with you and that you are making progress with the E.V.T. studies and obtain your desire next February.

With all kind thoughts and best wishes, will now say Cheerio, love from Mum & Dad.


Dear Don,

I have received no 39 and both Mum & I are more than pleased to know you have shifted out of the tent.

We hope you will be happy and comfortable in your new surroundings.

We are looking forward to seeing you again and we understand the delays in the crossing will put you back a day or two.

I am sending the Dial herewith, & Ern says there will be quite a lot to discuss about the letter you sent him, but I think he is looking forward to the talk when he sees you.

You know he is a not one for much letter writing.

Mum & I went to Laindon yesterday, it was quite a nice day and we got a few more blackberries I think that is the finish for this season.

Mrs Tanner and the twins came to see mum today, she tell us they hope to get back to Plaistow.

I think I told you they have got to move as the owner wants the house for his son, so they have found a place but it has got to be done up.

Will now get busy with the papers.

Cheerio, all our love from Mum & Dad.


Dear Don,

Replying to No 31 I hope by now you have received papers, I always do them up on Monday evening and Mum catches the 9.30 post from the General, on Tuesday morning.

I sent the Dial with No26 and I trust you have received it safely.

We are glad you have found out what detained Ernie when he was to have met you and also glad to know you enjoyed the film.

Mum saw Fred today and he wishes to be remembered to you.

Bert came in tonight he said he will be writing you, he also told me he is very busy on the demobbing business, it is a pity he is not on the R.A.F. if it were possible to expedite your release.

This is the first time I have seen him for a few weeks, he tells me he has been going up the other end and he says how he wishes you were with him, on these occasions.

We will be very pleased when we hear you have received the cigarettes you ought to have got them by now.

We hope you are making good progress with the EVT papers.

Will close with our usual kind thoughts and best wishes Cheerio Love from Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

Have received No32 and pleased to hear you have got the papers etc.

It is funny you should mention Bert, after my discussing him in my last letter.

I found the book you required and have dispatched it to you per parcel post.

As it was so heavy, I thought this the best method I hope you receive it alright and I good time.

This being Thursday afternoon it gave me a good chance of packing and posting it.

I did not have this morning off, I was too busy, otherwise we might have gone to Laindon, I am rather glad as the weather is not too good. Misty & damp, but we are hoping for better weather Sunday.

It will seem rather strange next week, getting dark so early especially after not returning to normal time for the last few years, but I expect we will get used to it.

I think that’s all this time Cheerio & all our love Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

Today I have received 33 & 34. Both Mum & I are pleased to know you have received cigarettes and after the shortage there has been we hope you are able to get sufficient for your requirements.

I am afraid it is beyond me to express any opinion of the demobilisation business and I know you can tell how I feel about it.

I have faith in you that you will not think too loud or express anything that might lead you in trouble and I do certainly think some other method will be tried in the near future, especially as the authorities must know the temper of the hundred who want to get settled in Civil life.

I do think there should be some kind of voting for those who wish to keep in the service but I am afraid that number would be too small to suit them so everybody has to suffer.

I see you are going to Germany. Both Mum & I hope you will be fixed up in comfortable quarters and we both trust that the weather will not be too bad this coming winter.

I shall feel glad when I hear you have got the dial and also I should like to hear you have received the book before you get on the move.

We are looking forward to your leave as much as you are especially as it means a change and that you can forget the things that upset you for the time being.

I trust you are making good progress with your evening occupation and the results in course of time will be to your satisfaction.

Bert has been queer and had to be home few days. He is much better and wants to get back to work. He had to forgo an engagement last Saturday 

Mum  & I went to Laindon yesterday, it was a very nice day but getting dark early it made it seem so late coming home.

Well Don, I think this is all so will say cheerio, keep cheerful and hope for the best.  All our love, Mum & Dad.


Dear Don,

I have received No 35 and I hope you have now received 26, with which the Dial has been sent.

Your best wishes have been conveyed to Ern for the 4th.

I am sorry I did not make myself clear about the Fred, but you were right in guessing Fred Gillam.

We can quite understand how you feel and we know how much better it would be if you had your liberty and was back in Landon to go where you liked.

I sincerely hope the picture of life in Germany you have painted will be altogether different when you get there and that you will find ways & means of making the time pass pleasantly.

We are all looking forward to seeing you soon.

Albert Ovens & Joyce came to see us yesterday, he has been recalled a day earlier from his leave and he thinks it may be for demobbing.

During his leave he & Joyce are having a full time trying to find a flat getting home together & also finding a job.  The prices for different things are very frightening and the gratuities are not made of elastic.

I have received from Lawrence Wright  } I could Never Tell

} Goodnight Till Tomorrow

Also a piano copy “Dearest of All”.  I have enclosed their letter as I think it will interest you. 

Bert is now back at work. Ern is finished at Barkingside and is hoping to get something local.

I think this is about all this time, so will say cheerio and conclude with all kind thought & love from Mum & Dad.


Dear Don,

I have received no 36 and I shall be pleased when I hear you have received no 26 containing the dial.

I do so hope it has not gone astray, I sent it letter post thinking you would get it quickly.  I expect the book would take a day or two longer being sent by parcel post.

We both hope the move will not be delayed too long but just long enough to make it convenient for your leave.

You will be pleased to know I have got your glasses I received a card this morning saying they were ready.

I hope the EVT papers are not too trying for you and are not causing you any undue worry and that success will be yours at the end.

We both hope you are keeping well and are looking forward to seeing you again 

All our love, Mum & Dad.

P.S. I had to send the enclosed, I thought it very funny Dad

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Dear Don,

I was pleased to receive 37 and to learn you have received dial.

I see you are having a go at anything that comes along, and I like the criticism, but of course if it is too much brain fog give it the go by.  I have no doubt you will concentrate on the things that will be the most beneficial later on.

I suppose after the talk etc with Johnnie, which no doubt made a break, it made you fresher to proceed with the EVT studies.

After the enclosed in No 31 the first page of the N.O.W. Oct 14 will amuse you.

Mum & I had a quiet day at home yesterday but will probably be going to Laindon next Sunday weather permitting.

You will be pleased to know mum has been lucky enough to get you some shorts with elastic.

We hope to be soon hearing the date you will be home, in the meantime all the best.

Cheerio & love from Mum & Dad.


Dear Don,

We were very pleased to receive No 38 and to learn it will not be long before we see you again.

It is nice to know you have received the book, and that you have fixed the dial without any mishap.

I suppose if you lose an hour coming over, you will gain an hour going back.

I expect you know by now I have got your glasses.

Ern has not got fixed up yet but I suppose something will turn up for him in due course.

I like your suggestion how to deal with the dockers but I don’t think it will be long before it fizzles out.

One good thing would be to reduce the income tax and let a man have the best part of his earnings.

My idea this is the cause of half the trouble, apart from what is left in your pay packet, everything you buy is taxed. Cigarettes a drink, pictures or a show and apart from grumbling we all have to put up with it. So why worry.

Now a different strain.  I have received from Chappells }You Came Along

}All At Once

We must be on the alert when you arrive home, as you won’t be able to use your key.

We have had new locks fitted and I have got a set of keys made for you.

Most of the neighbours have fitted new locks after some light fingered gentry paid an afternoon visit a few doors away and got away with a nice haul.

We are glad you will not have the bother of too much packing & unpacking before our leave.

Now to count the days before we see you.

Cheerio and all our love, Mum & Dad.


Dear Don,

I have received No39 and I think this must be my last till we see you again. The next lot of papers I will save till you get home.

I cannot understand about Practical Wireless, the last one I sent was Aug 11th.

On one occasion Bert told me that would be his contribution to you, he having ordered it in the City, and naturally I thought he would have sent it to you.

I am sorry to hear that is not so, and as it is so near to your home coming, I think I will leave it to you to discuss it with him and I hope it will be possible to have the others so as you can follow up the article you are interested in.

I am sorry to hear about not being able to finish your wireless, and I trust it will be safe in your absence.

It is a pity about the cigarette business and it must be distasteful to smoke other brands than what you fancy.

I will see that I have some players for you when you get home. I really thought it would have been better, and that you would have a plentiful supply of the popular brands.

I hope you are not studying too hard, so that it worries you all these subjects you speak about makes me think you will become a diplomat.

However, I hope you will gain sufficient knowledge to improve your position in life when at last you are free to use your own initiative.

I have reached No8 in the new series of music 

F.D&H } And There You Are

} No Can Do

According to the way you receive my letters I should say you will get this about Tuesday or Wednesday, so any further news etc will be discussed with you personally.

Both Mum & I are looking forward to seeing you again, and I will remind you about the key.  You can rest assured you will not be kept waiting for the door to be opened.

I now conclude with our usual kind thoughts.

All the best, cheerio love from Mum & Dad.


Have just received No 40.

I will advise you if I receive parcel by Monday.  Dad.

Leave 31.10.45 to 14.11.45 when posted to Y99 Gutersloh Germany