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Don's WW2 Diaries

BAFO Germany: 14th November 1945 to 2nd May 1947

Leave 31.10.45 to 14.11.45 when posted to B.A.F.O.  British Air Forces of Occupation in Germany Y99 Gutersloh


Dear Don,

We were both pleased to receive your first letter.  It has seemed a long time since last Tuesday, quite different to the time you were home, it all went so quick.

You will now have to make up the sleep you have lost.

We are glad to know you have got fixed up in a fine billet.  Mum has been wondering all the time if you would get comfortable quarters.  Especially as it has turned so cold. We do so hope you will continue to be comfortable.

Mum went back with the valve on Wednesday and Scott got her one which she went for on Saturday. Ern has tested it and says it is alright. Scott told mum that someone must have swizzled him, I think that is the word he used.

I sent a sub to SAA and have received from them

}Will you Love Me Tomorrow

}Bim Bam Boom

I expect you will soon get used to your new surroundings when you get time to look around and we hope to hear that the food etc is to your liking.

We hope you met your chum whom you went to and that you found your kit all intact.

I think that is about all this time. I will get it posted straight away so as to make as little delay as possible, at the same time I will post the papers.

So will say cheerio and wish you all the best 

All our love from Mum & Dad.


Dear Don,

The enclosed to wish you all the best for the 25th and to let you know we will be thinking of you next Sunday.

Let us hope service life will be just a dream by the time your next anniversary comes round and that we will be able to celebrate without any thoughts of the rationing.

Cheerio & All our love, Mum & Dad.


Dear Don,

We have received no 2 today we thought it was never coming, I expect the fog etc held it up.

We are more than pleased to hear you are settled and we hope you will be happy and comfortable in your new surroundings.

Mum is pleased to hear about the plates, especially as it has settled the washing up problem.

It is nice to be able to go to the Malcolm club but a great pity if you have to walk the three miles, so I have no doubt it will suit you better when you get the Camp Cinema going.

I am glad you have not missed much EVT and that you will soon catch up to the rest, without too much swotting.

I guess you are quite right about the German marksmen and their British counterparts, but I suppose the game will continue over here till there is some business methods used.

Well Don don’t work too hard when your pals go on leave, does that mean you will be on your own?

The weather has not been too good, but mum & I managed to have a day out yesterday, we went by underground and cheated the buses, it is a good job we did with the crowds at the bus stops it made a bit of a change and we got home early.

During the evening Albert & Joyce came. He was sorry he was unable to see you while you were home and he send his regards to you.

Now for the musical side.  I have received from

Chappells }} Symphony

} That’s For Me

} Sweet Virginia

}Every Time

Victoria }Just a Blue Serge Suit

}I’d Rather be Me

I think this is all this time, hoping you have received card and good wishes.

Cheerio & all our love, Mum & Dad.


Dear Don,

I hope by the time you receive this the post will be normal again.

I am sorry to hear of the delay.

Today I have received two letters by the same post no 3 & 4

Mum has been to Smiths to enquire about the books you require and I am hoping to get all your require, they have asked mum to call on Thursday afternoon so you can rest assured whatever I get it will be posted off immediately.

I am glad to know the place is now heated and I hope it will be possible to get the hot water at the time you want it.

It has been very awkward here owing to the gas strike, especially today for the washing, there has not been sufficient pressure to keep the copper boiling, it is bad for the mornings, the primer has come back into use for getting the first kettle boiled.

It is also putting us back at the shops not being able to get the work pressed, but I am looking forward to an early settlement.

My idea is that the heavy taxation is the cause of all the trouble when a man can take home what he earns without the big dip for income tax, he will be far happier, but God knows when that will be.

Mum will be far happier, but God knows when that will be.

Mum is very pleased to hear about the laundry as you can guess, it upsets her terribly to see the things you had to wear, we both hope it will continue, so as to save you the worry etc of doing your own washing.

You know by now I have received “Symphony” and shall be sending it along to you. Also “it’s been a long long time” when it comes.

I have gone on with the numbering where you left off.

I am sorry to hear about the promotion business, and I sincerely hope that your luck will change in that direction and get what you are entitled to.

It seems a great pity that you should be penalized for the laziness of the blighters at 138.

If I am unable to get the books by Thursday I will post off the Pyjama coats & music so as not to keep you waiting too long.

It is nice to hear about the supper business, and I trust with the company you have a pleasant time.  I admit it is rather quick after your tea, but perhaps they don’t believe in a big supper too near bedtime.

Another thing that must please you, is that you don’t have to far to go to post your letters.

We both hope you spent your birthday pleasantly, our thought were with you.

My next job will be packing your papers so as I am able to post them, with this letter tonight, so will conclude with our best wishes Cheerio and all our love, Mum & Dad.


Dear Don,

I have received no 5 and we were pleased to hear from you.

I am hoping to get the books you require tomorrow and they will be sent off at the earliest.

I expect you find plenty to do now your two pals are missing but don’t work too hard.

How does the weather suit you it has been very cold the last few days and is not at all nice.

It is unfortunate you should have lost your promotion through the unlucky posting but perhaps things will turn out alright but I can guess how you feel about it.

We hope the food and general surroundings are to your liking and will continue to be.

There is no music to expect this time.

Here’s hoping there will be no more delays in the post, so that you will get your mail regularly.

Will now close with our best wishes.


All our Love Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

Have received no 6 today and we were pleased to hear your card arrived at the proper time.

We know it was not a nice way to spend your 21st  and this special celebration must be a deferred pleasure, and we hope when that time comes it will be possible to get the right sort of things to make it a success.

We also hope you will derive a certain amount of pleasure in the production of a Camp Concert which will probably lead to other things.

I am very sorry to say I have been unlucky today as regards the books you require but am hoping to be more fortunate tomorrow when Miss Perry (Smiths) will be in a position to let us know if she has been lucky in getting them. I will let you know as soon as I can.

By the same post Erns letter arrived.

Mum hopes to get a few things together so as we can get your parcel off early next week.

I do so hope we will be able to get the books you want. So as you will be able to have them with the least possible delay.


All our Love Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

I have received no 7. You ask me what it like up the other end , well I must say there is plenty you can waste money on but very little of the things you require at fair value, but we must hope for things to get better.

As regards the books you want, please don’t think you are being neglected, we have had a note from Smiths saying they are being reprinted but there is not much satisfaction in that, not knowing when that will be.

Mum has been all over the place trying to get them. Duncombe’s of Stratford are trying to get them, and she is going there next Wednesday 5th to see if there is any luck.

I had been holding up the pyjamas and music but have decided to send them off. I will pack them today ready for posting in the morning.

As regards “Practical Wireless” shall I mention the matter to Bert or did he tell you he was unable to get any more.

I hope you will receive the parcel safe and in good time and I hope you will get more chaps to come forward and that you will soon get a good band together and that you will have a successful concert party.

We hope things are going well with you and that everything is with you to keep you happy I your new surroundings.

The weather has not been too bad all the week, but today it is awful dull & wet.

How are you fixed for cigarettes, do you get sufficient for your requirements.

I think that is all at present, so will say


All our Love Mum & Dad

Dec 4/45

Dear Don

I am in receipt of two letters 8 & 9.

In the first place mum & I wish your venture every success.

You must be quite a busy man these days.

Mum wishes it were possible for her to be there without you knowing to see the antics you will be getting up to.

We hope it will lead to other things, and that it will get you out of any irksome duties.

I know you will not let it interfere with your EVT studies.

I expect you did have a surprise when you saw Terry Parker. It seems so strange that after all this time, you should be brought near each other.

I trust if things are tightened up next week, it will make no difference to you and that you will escape the parades.

I am hoping mum will be lucky tomorrow as regards your books, they will be sent off immediately we get them.

Your parcel was sent off yesterday morning, and we will be glad when we know you have received it.

Mum hopes the Collene P. is alright, that was the nearest approach to the xmas sort.

We will be glad when the time comes to have the real thing and make believe only a thing of the past.

I sent all the music I have received up to date but the one you require has not turned up yet.

It seems a long long time in coming.

Shall I send it with the papers when it comes?

This week’s papers I packed in the parcel.

Lawrence Wright have sent today }I’d do it all over again

}Soon it will be Sunday

Also }My Yiddish Momma


I think this is all this time; so will say Cheerio.

All or love and best wishes

From Mum & Dad


I have just noticed the change in address

6021 SE

I hope this will not delay other letters & the parcel.


Dear Don,

I was pleased to receive No 10.

I have just remembered I made the date different in my No 8 letter – that only meant the date.

Mum has been able to get my usual paper to write on so no more lined, except if it is urgent.

We are both more than sorry we have been unable to get the books you require, as they are out of print, but we will still try.

What’s the idea getting up for breakfast on Sunday morning it is certainly a change for you, and I hope it was worth it.

I expect all this extra work producing etc has got a lot to do with it. I hope things are going well in that direction.

I see you have turned carpenter, I dare say you can make plenty of improvements to make yourselves comfortable.

Mum was unable to get you a nail file when she was out yesterday, but we hope to get one fairly soon.

I have today received from Feldman’s } The Wish That I wish tonight

} I’ll be your Sweetheart

Walter called today he has got a nasty cold which is very prevalent just now.  He is doctoring himself up and getting to bed early.

Things are getting well under way at Wanstead, he has got the phone on and they have nearly got the lights ready.

He will have a very busy Christmas he tells me.

We had some visitors this afternoon, the Turners and the twins. They had been to see a flat that has been found them in Beckton Rd . (much to Aunt Liz’s disgust) but Uncle Bob being handy I expect he will soon make it look alright.

They have been obliged to leave Ilford as the owner wants the house for his son, who has just been demobbed.

Will now say Cheerio, hoping you are keeping fit. 

All our Love Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

In reply to No 11. I am pleased to say we have been lucky in getting Practical Wireless, and I expect I will be able to get it each month.

I am afraid it is now impossible to get the back numbers.

Ern thinks it will be possible to get “Outline of English Grammar” during next week.

There is one or two things we would like to know – 

How are you fixed for cigarettes and mum was wondering how the Photos turned out.

How did things turn out for the duty mechanic last Tuesday I hope you were up in time and that you were not overworked.

Rose came to see mum yesterday, she said Arnold returned to Germany Nov 5. She was not sure of the address, otherwise I should have sent it to you.

He was coming to see us during the time he was home but on his way he met one of his chums, so he didn’t reach us.

Rose told us Arnold has grown so tall, that she is wondering if you would recognise him.

It has turned very cold the last couple of days and mum is hoping you are able to keep yourself warm and comfortable.

We trust all your arrangements as regards the show are proceeding smoothly and that everything is going to your liking.

I will post off the Practical Wireless with the papers so early as I can.


All our Love Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

We have been wondering why we have not heard from you, the last few days.

We hope things are well with you I have told mum I expect you are very busy preparing for your show.

I hope you will receive the packet of papers alright which has the Practical Wireless.  I got them posted early on Monday.

I expect the post will be a bit upside down next week they tell us to post by the 18th so you can understand we don’t want them to start delays this week.

It only wants another two weeks for Christmas personally I shall be glad when it is all over, we hope you will have a good time and make the best of it.

I hope by the time the next one comes round it can be a time of the real good cheer plenty to eat and drink, things more settled and we are all happier in mind.

This one we will be quiet with our memories and our thoughts will be with you.

I think I will now conclude but both mum &  I thought we must write so as it would not be too long without a letter.


All our Love Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

As you will notice today is the 13th.  After a few days of worry and suspense we received No 13 at 12o/c, no 12 & 14 came at 4.30.

 I know you can imagine how mum has been feeling, but to hear from you has acted as a tonic to her.

She says the 13th is her lucky day.  I am sorry I enclosed the “Practical Wireless” in with the papers this shall not happen again.

As you know I have tried and also mum to get the back numbers but I am afraid it will not be possible, I only hope I can get then each month in the future.

We are pleased to hear the band is going ahead and I guess you will have plenty to do to get ready in time, and we wish you every success.

It is nice to know you are getting enough cigarettes to carry on with, as a matter of fact Ern has got you some State Express 555’s, I will be posting these to you together with the dictionary and file, by registered post on Saturday, in the meantime, I want to see Bert about the music you want.

As it seems impossible to buy a file I am sending you my one.

I see you had quite a time for your guard duties and am glad you got up in time. I am sorry to hear about your roommate and hope he will soon be out of hospital.

I am glad you got one over the corporal, and I think they should see that the Karmo business did not interfere with the studies.

I am sorry to hear the dump guard did not please you.  Perhaps they mustn’t make it too comfortable for you, but as you say is it worth it, but I suppose business methods would not do.

I think it is out of all reason to have to push around as you say and then to hear of the long journeys which must be a sheer waste.

I am afraid I must not express myself in words, as I read on but you know my sentiments.

I am more than glad to hear the weather was not too bad for your nights excursion, I should have liked to have been there to see the hunt, and to have known your thoughts when you found out what it was, anyway I hope you have made up for the sleep you lost.

I hope you will soon recognise the lid and that you will be in a position to give the dirty blighter a good dressing down.

I expect you know where else you would like eyes, but perhaps it will find its way back, after it had been used for a certain purpose.

Both mum & I are pleased to see you are creeping up the group numbers and perhaps after all I shall be right in saying you will got out sooner than what you think, but I hope you will come out when it suits you.

I will send your book up at the end of the year, and when I receive remittance will do as you suggest.

It must have been a surprise to you to hear from Les and to learn what he is going in for. I wonder if he will like it.

I expect your quarters look much better after the great Spring clean and I hope you will profit if any of your kit needs changing.

No14 tells us you have received parcel that news pleases us to know you received it in quick time.

How we would like to have sent a variety of the things that cheer, but we must live in hopes for better times to return soon and that we can enjoy things together and forget the times we have been through.

There won’t be much music to send, but what there is will be sent off early.

In concluding, I must say todays letters will enable us to have a better nights rest, than the last two nights.

Cheerio and may all “Good Luck” be with you.

Kind thoughts and Love from Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

Have received No 15 today. Now for some not very good news.

Bert has been unable to get “It’s been a long long Time”, he has found out it is published by Bradbury Wood but is still trying.  Also mum has enquired in all the stores and British Home, hope to have the ordinary song part soon.

It is with regret I have to tell you we have been unable to get the books you require, as they are out of print, but we will still follow it up and hope to be lucky in the near future.

Today mum has posted per registered letter post the Cigs from Ern, dictionary, file & music, and I hope you receive them in a few days.

Now that the Exam is getting near I hope the absence of the books, will not prevent you from obtaining your full marks.

Mum met your uncle Will and he tells her Stan has been on leave and returned last Thursday to Germany, it seems that they are all coming over to you so it will be funny if you come across any of your cousins.

As time is getting close and the post may be delayed we take this opportunity of wishing you all the best and sincerely trust you will be happy this Xmas as far as circumstances will permit and that everything in the show will go off well  to repay you for the time and labour you have put in, and when you come home early in the New Year for your leave, we hope to try and make a belated Xmas party.

With those thoughts in mind, mum & I can now spend a quiet time and look forward to making up when you return to the fold.


Love from Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

Just a hurried note.

Am sending song in the hope you will receive it in good time.

Bert dropped it in the letter box so I must see him, to pay and thank him.

All the best


All our Love Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

I have received no 16, and now await the list of music you want sent.

The time is now getting short, but I hope you will receive it by the time you want it.

Ern has sent off the song and I can tell you, we had some fun during the evening it was being got ready.

It is a pity things have been left to only a few of you, a little more quick help would have made all the difference.

Many thanks for card received and we hope your wish will be granted so as we can have a good time as in the old way, without the difficulty of obtaining the things one requires to make this permissible for Xmas 1946.

But to bring things nearer, we hope to make up for this Xmas when you come home in February.

Cheerio All kind thoughts and Love from Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

Have received No17, and I hope the papers have turned up and also your other mail has not been unduly delayed.

What I can see of it you have had a very busy time running about etc but Mum & I will be pleased to hear that everything went well with you over Xmas, and that the show was a great success and that you received your reward in the shape of a prize and something that will suit you in place of the wallop.

I have asked Ern to get the hinges you require and will post them directly I receive them.

Mum has seen that tin foil stuff in the stores, they sell it by the roll, but she has got something similar and has made just a few chains to brighten the kitchen up.

We will both be glad when it is all over, so as we can look forward to seeing you again.

Walter has asked for your address so I expect you will soon be hearing from him.

Cheerio, kind thoughts & Love from Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

I have received no 18 and I hope you enjoyed “Just William” without any interruptions.

We hope you got all your required at the Ensa N2 for your show and that now everything is going smoothly.

We are pleased to hear you have the confidence for Sax playing, and no doubt you will be able to have a change from the Piano.

Now the time is getting near we are thinking about you and the show and trust your efforts will be rewarded. 

I have received from Chappells  }it’s a Grand Night for Singing

} Love Steals your Heart

I hope you have got the others.

Mum & I are looking forward to a few days rest, after a trying period, what with her lining up here & there and the extra worry at the shop this time of the year. I shall be having Xmas day Wednesday Thursday, going in on Friday morning, so will make the best of it.

Get this over, and we will know it will not be long to look forward to your next leave and we hope better times ahead.

With our best wishes we will say Cheerio and all our love from Mum & Dad.

Trust the enclosed are what you want regret unable to get screws.


Dear Don

I have received No19 today Sunday.

I am pleased to hear you got the papers with the P.W. and I shall send that separate next time.

We will have another tour round to see if the books you require are now in print.

Mum found the Sax sling in your music stool after I had looked in the cabinet and the music case which was empty.

It made me feel hot, thought I was going to be unlucky but all’s well that ends well and I hope you receive it quickly enough to be of use.

I thought of your football in time to send in this letter the papers will go off tomorrow.

We are both pleased to hear the rehearsal went off well and we feel sure the “World Premier of Mossy Express” will be a great success it is a pity it is not broadcast so as we would be able to join in the fun.

Jean has been to tea today and she is very interested in your show and joins in with us in wishing success to your efforts.

Cheerio and all our love from Mum & Dad.


Dear Don,

I have received no20 and both mum & I hope the band was ok and that you had sufficient rehearsals to make the show a success.

We will be anxious for the letter telling us how things went.

We certainly hope you enjoyed yourself in the circumstances.

We had a fairly quiet day. Ern & Jean went to her sisters at Dagenham, and we are expecting them back to tea this afternoon.

Walter has had a very busy time but he was able to come to dinner with Olive, it gave him a chance of having a good rest.

We ran over to the Garage in the evening to see things were going alright then they were able to stay all night.  They left soon after 8 0/clock this morning, and they may be seeing us again during the day.

We were up very early for boxing day so after a clear up I hope it will give mum a chance of having a rest, my first thoughts were to drop you a line and get it posted early.

I have seen Bert and thanked & paid him for getting the song.

All I hope is that you have received all the mail to date and that you got the song and the Sax sling in good time.

Will now say Cheerio with kind thoughts and love from Mum & Dad.


Dear Don,

Should there be any delay in the mail blame the post. After no 19 which I wrote early on Boxing day, I found it would not go out till 7am next morning.

We are looking forward to receiving no21 but I expect your busy time combined with the recent gales have delayed matters.

You will no doubt be pleased to hear Doris presented Leslie with a daughter (Valerie) on Boxing day (a nice Xmas box).

The news came to us in a very novel way. This will be saved for your perusal in due course.

The weather has changed to wet and cold. Not a nice day to start week or for Mum, who had a very busy day.

We are anxiously waiting to hear how things went with you over the holidays.

When you get this week’s Stratford Express you will see that your late headmaster has retired.

The news in the paper today has cheered mum a bit, it says RAF double demob rate 140000 to be out in three months.

This ought to bring things a bit nearer for you.

Will close with the best of “Good Wishes” for 1946.

Cheerio, all our love from Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

We are still looking forward to hearing from you but thought I would drop you a line enclosing the F Ball results & Scores.

We hope you are well and keeping free from colds and I sincerely hope we will both start the New Year a little different to last when we were both queer at the same time and I trust the weather will help matters.

As I told you in my last letter we are both longing to hear the results of your Xmas festivities.

Mum is going to have another tour round to see if she can get the books for you.

I do so hope we will be lucky but if not I will pray that it will not make any difference in obtaining the fall marks for your examination.

It will soon be here now and then it will not be so long before you have your leave. 

I think that is all this time.

Cheerio, all our love from Mum & Dad

Monday Morning 31st

Dear Don

We have just received no21 dated 22nd and must say we were very pleased to hear from you, although we know it is not your fault. Love from Mum.


Dear Don,

A PS from Mum we received 21 this morning.

22,23,24 arrived dinner time. Am pleased to hear your received music and also the band is licked into shape.

I expect you are glad that the show is over, but I feel sure it was worth all your efforts.

What would Mum & I have given to have seen you. I bet you looked a sketch in your get up I hope the Photos will turn out all right.

We are glad you received requested parcel in good time also No15 with the music.

The Officers must have been good sports to put the work in to get the stage ready.

I think the reception you got, made you feel it was worth it and we are more than glad to know it turned out well. You evidently had an appreciative audience.

You should have had one or two lessons from the girls in the art of using rouge, but I expect you will be more proficient on the next occasion.

I liked the title of the finale and thanks were due to the compare for the able way he carried out his duties. I expect it pleased the officers to be thanked for the part they took in it.

I hope you will find another decent chap to act a compere for future shows.

You were wise in locking the door to prevent any rags and I hope you got a decent nights rest.

I am glad to hear you had a better Xmas than last and let’s hope Xmas 1946 will be the best one you have ever had, when you will be able to spend it just as you wish.

Now I have got to 24, I expect you were properly tired after the excitement and turkey supper on Boxing night.

The menu looked good and trust you felt comfortable after getting through that lot.

We were very pleased to hear you got the prize for the original scent, it must have been real good according to your description of it, but I suppose you were pleased to know the others got the 3rd prize as a consolation.

The dead body, and the aces I recon you looked a grand lot of boys.

The show must have been extra good for the C.O. to want you to have 2 more performances in town.

When this comes off, keep the wallop out of each of the Irishmen, and I hope the chap with a cracked rib and the comedian with the cold will have completely recovered.

Well Don, I expect by now you have received our letter telling you how we spent Xmas and the next thing is to look forward to seeing you again.

We hope you have had sufficient rest to make up all you have lost, during all the excitement, and now the time has come to settle down for the EVT Business and that you will receive your just reward, when the examination comes off.

I have given Ern your letter so I expect he will be writing you.

The weather the last couple of days has been rough, cold, foggy etc, I trust it has been better with you.

Mum & I will not stay up till midnight after a busy washing day and myself busy with stocktaking, bed will be the best idea!

So will now say

Cheerio, all the “Very Best” for 1946 love from Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

I have received three letters from you 25,26,27.

Mum has seen Miss Perry (Smiths) about the books but cannot get any definite time for the delivery. It may be a question of days or months.

I see you have had some better weather and we thought of you being on guard, and we were certainly very glad when we heard from you, that it was not too bad.

It has been exceptionally cold the last few days and to make things awkward both at home and at the shop, there is a reduction in the pressure of gas.

The High ups should have anticipated this sort of thing and released the men for their job. The gas company say they require 600 more men before they can bring more pressure back, it is not a question of not enough coal.

I am glad to know the failing of the lights, are of not long duration.

Let us hope the shows will not interfere with you E.V.T.

I expect I will not be quite the same with one of your stars missing.

I see you have heard from Bert, I think he will be as pleased as we will be, when you get home for good.

I can understand you’re feeling about the increased pay and what it will mean, when it is worked out.

It will be like my Income tax, when we get the 1/- off next April and no post war credit, I shall be about £26 out on the year, but I am afraid I will not let that worry me as I feel I won’t be able to work another winter all I hope is to be able to get through this, I feel I want to stop till some of the others come back.

We are looking forward to you being out, before this extra? pay affects you, but please don’t get unduly worried about the money for your articles, you will find it will turn out alright.

There is no music to report.

I think that is all so will say 

Cheerio, all our love and best wishes from Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

Was pleased to receive no28. As regards you thinking you will be out in about a years’ time. I still have hopes it will be sooner, a lot can happen in the next few months.

I hope you have had a change in the weather the same as we have had. It is not so cold now, and I trust the snow shovelling will not be one of your distasteful duties.

I expect the band rehearsals are more to your liking and I trust the new show will be a success.

I have got Practical Wireless for February and will be sending it with my next letter.

As today is Sunday, I cannot get it weighted & also I did not want to keep you waiting too long without a letter.

Have enclosed football results.

Uncle Bob came this morning and has asked us to go round for an hour this evening.

I have received the note for £5- I think you said you wanted me to keep it for you. Unless of course you would like me to bank it for you.

I have sent your book up.

There has been no music sent so I expect later on to get several together.

I shall now close so as I am able to catch the 5o/c post.

We will say Cheerio, all our love from Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

Herewith Practical Wireless and reply to no29.

I expect you have received my letter explaining about the books.

I hope the revisions of the EVT subjects will refresh your memory and that the test exam will prove you haven’t forgotten anything.

We are now looking forward to you coming home on leave, and we hope you will have a pretty good idea of the results of the examination, both mum & I wish you the best of luck and trust you will be grateful in the shortest space of time.

I think I can follow your explanation although it does seem a bit complicated. 

I am pleased to hear we can look forward to Radio Luxemburg, it will make a change from the Ordinary Sunday Programme.

I hope you are enjoying the spring like weather and I trust it will continue, so as to shorten up the cold weather period.

Will now say, Cheerio, love and kind thoughts from Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

I have received no’s 30 & 31 and I hope your appreciation & criticism of a well-known author was a first class answer to the question.

Also I should imagine the band rehearsal is more to your liking, than a parade.

Mum & I thank Ernie Marshall for his greetings and we reciprocate them.

I think the paper business is the longest you have been kept, the news must be a bit stale! But I suppose the articles are interesting.

It pleases us to know you are getting up for breakfast especially now it is worth it.

I trust the pad etc will be to your liking.

I suppose you are trying to get Walters set ready by the time you come home on leave.

We hope you are keeping fit and that your weather is to your liking.

It has been a beast of a day here. Rain & very windy after a fair spell of decent weather, I suppose we must not complain anything expect fog & snow.

Cheerio for now, all our love from Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

I have received today no32 and I hope by now the post has caught up.

The first piece of music for this year arrived today from 

Feldman }Rose of Santa Luzira

}Now We’ve Seen it Through

Now perhaps there will be a steady flow.

It was unfortunate to cancel the half day after having the little realisation and I hope you were able to make up for lost time for your E.V.T.

When you have your leave will you be entitled to the extra 3 days for Xmas. It will be very nice if you get it.

I would have posted this tonight but I thought I would leave it till Sunday morning. So as I am able to enclose the football results.

I hope by this time you have received P.Wireless, also the pad, envelopes & darning wool.

Will now say 

Cheerio for now, all our love from Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

Was pleased to receive no 33. It has now turned very cold, quite a change after what we have had, let us hope it is not going to last long.

I hope it is a case of, it pays to advertise and that you will get the deserved effect in more support for the band.

I will put the fiver away, and while on the subject you’re a/c has been increased by 37/2 I received the book back today.

As regards opening an account with the Westminster it is quite simple.

It is a question of being introduced by a customer and the amount of deposit.  We will have a chat about it when you come home.

You will find the P.O. offer facilities similar without any additional cost to you.

I am glad to hear you have been able to look at your service documents and I hope you can see it in your heart to forgive Smithy, especially if things turn out as you wish.

Both Mum & I are certainly pleased to hear that there will be signs of preparation and hope you get there before the little Hitlers.

Here’s wishing you the best of luck when you see the Boss.

I have been sent a proxy paper (Service Register), it would probably had to be used if poor old Will Thorpe had not resigned at the General Election.

Mum went to the Church last Thursday morning, it was a very impressive service with all the local celebrities there. You will find the account in the Stratford Express when you receive it.

Also mum has marked off in the club news about Leslie.

I think that is about all and my next job will be to pack the papers so as they can go off in the morning.

Cheerio and all the best love from Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

Today I have received no 34 and glad to hear you have received Practical Wireless.

Bert has been queer with the “Flu”, mum heard he had started to answer your letter so now you will know the reason of the delay.

I hope you have made up for lost time with your E.V.T.

Now as regards the bet I do so hope you will win it, not so much for the amount, but to show your strong will and I have no doubt by the end of a fortnight you will see the difference in health and pocket.

Perhaps in course of time you will be able to explain this to Ern.  I have given up hope of trying to convince him it is just a sheer waste of money that might be useful in the future.

I don’t know where I should be had I continued to drink the same amount as I did before the price went up.

Well enough of this preaching, how are things with you.  How is the band etc and what about the new show.

I suppose you are looking forward to the exam, the time will soon come round. Both Mum & I will be thinking about you and wishing you luck.

We are longing to hear if you are on the way to promotion it will certainly be nice for you especially the increase of pay.

I hope I have not kept you waiting too long for a letter. I was going to write last night but somehow I thought I would hear from you this morning and then reply to it this afternoon and post it straight away.

I hope the weather is not too cold for you it is very cold here but it is dry and Mum & I will be glad when it gets a bit warmer.

Cheerio & all the best, all our love from Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

I have received today no 35.

I omitted to tell you in my last letter that Mum saw Miss Elson who made enquiries about you and wishes to be remembered when we wrote you.

Today I have received from Noel Gay }Let’s Keep it That Way

}I Shall Never Forgive You

I have carefully read your letter and quite appreciate all the difficulties you have to surmount and I do sincerely hope it will come out alright, and that you will get the promotion you are entitled to.

I admire your stand and perhaps the resignation from the band might help to straighten things out but on no account show any resentment or let the Sgt think you are upset in any way.

Sticking to E.V.T. and the anticipation of successful results will certainly repay you in the end.  Keep cheerful and I am confident you will have a laugh in course of time.

It is with great regret we learn you will not be home as early as we thought, but we hope the time will pass pleasantly for you, which will make the time seem shorter.

Mum hopes to get a small parcel for you during the next few days.

I am very pleased you find this no smoking business is going to be a walkover; and I can see them paying up next Friday, but don’t go starting to make up for lost time: what!

Walter was pleased when we told him we expected you home in a few weeks. So now we shall have to tell him how things are with you and that he will have to wait a bit longer for his wireless.

We have had a slight fall of snow this evening and if we are to have any more, let us have it quickly and get it over in the hopes it will be a bit warmer.

I hope you will be free from snow so as you will be spared the broom & shovel.

Will now say Cheerio and wish you all the best.

All our love from Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

Herewith I send football results, and also the list of music received yesterday.

Chappells }It Might as Well be Spring


FD&H }Too Bad

}That Feeling in the Moonlight

}I’ll Fill Your market basket

}Eleven Sixty PM

It is terribly cold and foggy today, they told us on the wireless last night was the coldest night this year.

Mum & I do so hope you are able to keep yourself warm and comfortable, seeing the pictures of the snow in Berlin does not tend to cheer her.

Mum is preparing a small parcel for you and I hope to pack it tomorrow, ready for posting Tuesday morning.

I will enclose this week’s papers with it.

Also there is a tablet of snowfire in case your hands get chapped, and a bottle of calamine lotion packed with an old towel which might help you to piece out with the substitutes you are now using.

I saw Ron Lewin yesterday. He tells me that Bert has got to stop in bed till Tuesday.

Not being able to go to football yesterday this upset him more than anything.

Will conclude with best wishes and Love from

Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

I am pleased to have received No36.

Your parcel was dispatched this morning and I hope your receive it alright and in good time.

From enquiries made today I am pleased to say Bert is much better and was able to get up today.

I am more than pleased with the result of stand you took; and that the resignation was only for an hour.

I sincerely hope the flights will be of short duration but sufficient to finish the one or two jobs you have to do then all things will work out, how you want them to.

We will keep our eyes open and should we be able to get the spare collars we will get a couple for you.  I have not seen or heard anything about them, up to the present and shall like to hear the story when you get home.

Well Don, it is getting near to Friday and I hope you will have surprised your pals with your will power. I shall be anxious to hear the result.

It is getting near to 9.30 and I hope both you and I will be able to listen to “Just William”.

Will now say Cheerio, all our love from Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

I have today received no’s 37 & 38.

I expect you have received my letter explaining about the proxy form.

As regards a by-election I do not think at present that would make any difference as you know the constituency has always been a labour stronghold.

I do think when a leader is away for a considerable period a deputy should be appointed.

I expect a good many members are receiving letters from members of the forces on the demob question and I am still of an opinion that things will be speeded up.

I expect you have read the article in Everybody’s on the writing to M.P’s.

Well Don the exam will soon be here, I am sorry to hear you are not exactly looking forward to it but I feel sure everything will be alright, I expect you have got a bit fed up with so much swotting.

I am glad to hear there was not too much snow. It is just a little better over here but still very cold.

So you were able to see a really good show on your not to forget outing, anyway it must have been a break from working hard and putting all the hours in E.V.T.

We have noted your remarks re Radio Luxemburg and will try and find it to see what it is like.

I saw Bert this afternoon and he tells me he is much better as a matter of fact he came in on Wednesday afternoon to have a chat with Mum and the conversation being about you she wondered if your ear’s were burning.

I hope the bet materialised and I feel sure you will tell me you won.

Cheerio and all the best, all our love from Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

I hope by now you have received parcel and that things are going well with you.

The time is drawing near for the exam by the way what date is it please let us know we will be thinking about and we wish you every success.

How did the bet go, I suppose your cigarette bill in the future will be halved.

I saw Bert on Friday evening he is much better, and he tells me the doctor says he must have another week at home.

The weather has turned a bit warmer and we hope it is not too cold where you are and also you are keeping free from colds etc.

It seems so long since we last saw you and we are looking forward to receiving the letter telling us when you will be home on leave.

I have enclosed football results and will now say Cheerio and conclude with all our love from Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

I have today received no39&40 and we are pleased to know you are in warm quarters during the cold spell.

I expect you do not get much time to spare, what with the E.V.T. etc. but I guess you want to finish Walters wireless by the time you come home.

I shall be pleased to put your further remittance in its renumeration resting place.

As regards your statement of pay. I hope it will be straightened out, so as you are not put in debt.

Did you get the music you had on order?

I am pleased to hear the entertainments meeting was successful and that you will get the players you require.

I expect you are now looking forward to the Rhythm Club, it’s no wonder you don’t get much spare time but as long as it keeps you happy that is the chief thing and will no doubt make the time seem shorter. For the time you are to remain in the service.

By the same post I am sending the papers.

Will now say Cheerio for now, all our love from Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

I have received today letters no’s 41&42.

I expect the gale has held the flight up.

Bert has been in this afternoon for a chat, he seems very fed up and I think the only cure for him will be for you to get your ticket.

I am pleased you won the bet. I guessed you would do that alright.

I trust the test exam today will go ok, and I hope you will have a good idea of your chances later on.

I hope after the exam the waiting period will pass pleasantly for you, it seems a long time to wait for the results, so the only thing is I hope for the best.

We are pleased to hear about the band, you must have had a good time and we hope the late hour did not make you over tired.

We wish you all the best for Part II and it is best to take the subjects that will be useful later on and at the same time save the extra work that the further mathematics mean.

I will keep my eye open for Brylcreem and hope to get some by the time you come home.

I am pleased to report further deliveries of music the last couple of days.

Victoria }If I had a Dozen Hearts

}Doctor Lawyer Indian Chief

}Love me 

}Love Letters

FD&H }Want you to Know I love you

}Loves Melody

Chappells }Everybody Kew But Me

}I can begin to tell you

I think that is all so will say Cheerio for now, all our love from Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

I will start off by advising you of another piece of music 

Cinephonic }Cruising Down the River

}The Waltz That ran Away

In Jan 19th issue of the Stratford Express. I have no doubt you saw there was a piece missing.  I am enclosing that piece herewith and the rest of the story you will read on the first page of this weeks which you will receive in due course (the case being dismissed).

The reason I cut this out was that you should not be unduly alarmed.

Walter has explained to us that it is the outcome of ‘trying to help a chap to make a start, with the result other than anticipated.

As I did not receive a letter from you yesterday, I expect the gale has held the mail up again.

I expect by now you have received parcel.

I hope things are going well with you and the band and the various engagements are remunerative.

I expect you are now looking forward to the exam.  Here’s wishing you every success and may all your studying and swotting receive it’s just reward.

Will now say Cheerio and conclude with love from Mum & Dad

Ps Mum suggested I should cut it from this weeks to save time.


Dear Don,

No 43 arrived today, also £4 and glad to learn you received parcel o.k.

Our thoughts will be with you on the 12th & 13th and all our wishes for your success.

May you feel that you are well on the way, after seeing the result of the test of the 3rd.

I hope the guard duty at that unearthly hour was not too irksome, I think the 5 hr shift was a good idea to enable you to get on with the work, I don’t suppose you could have concentrated had you been jumping up every couple of hours.

I think the strike will have some effect in speeding up but of course it must no appear so. I do not know if you heard Mr Attlee speak, he seemed very severe in his attitude, as regards discipline.

I hope you get the matter straightened out with the PO. And I trust they will be able to inform you where the odd £3 gets to.

I quite agree with your other remarks and will leave it at that. It would not do to express myself here and I know you will understand.

I have heard some choice remarks and stories from the various services, I have served who have returned during the last few months.

I sincerely hope you will soon be back in Civvy Street and in course of time your position will be worth the sacrifices of the past few years.

We are still looking forward to the letter giving us the date when you will have your leave.

There is no music to report on this occasion.

The papers are being dispatched by the same post as usual.

Will now say Cheerio, all the best for the 12th & 13th love from Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

I have received no44, it came very quickly in spite of not being written, the night of the party.

Anyway I am glad to hear you had a good time and I hope our roommate did not have a hangover the next morning.

I was pleased to hear the result of your test exam, also that you don’t think there is anything to party about. So now I expect to see you get more than 80%.  The best of luck to you.

I expect you will be thankful when the bloke comes back and that you will be relieved of the worry about the instruments and music.

Ern has told mum you wanted pipe etc, so she has made up a small parcel which will be dispatched with this letter.

Will now say Cheerio all our love from Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

Was pleased to receive No45 and trust everything is going well with you.

I see you are still keeping busy with other courses, and should you get the extra time off to go to the lessons I hope it will mean that you will be better employed deriving extra knowledge that will be useful later on.

Chappells have sent for a further subscription which I have sent yesterday.

The last sub I sent them was 21/9/45. I thought they were a bit sudden but find they had sent six numbers against five the previous occasion.

I have received today from “Sun”}Here Comes Heaven again

) Chico Chico

I suppose you are now looking forward to the 12th & 13th and I hope with confidence.

I will conclude this short letter with all best wishes and love

From Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

Just a short note enclosing the football scores.

We hope things are going well with you and that you are looking forward to the exam with confidence.

I hope you are having better weather than what we have been having.

What with the gales and floods then the gloomy news on the wireless of the food shortages it doesn’t make a very bright looking future but personally I think that something will turn up to cheer things up a bit.

I think the speech of Ben SmithI is another way of asking the colonies to do something.

It seems strange that only a little while ago the same man was telling us that things might be better sooner than we thought.

Well I can only hope this is the worst of our times and that things will soon alter to give us a more hopeful outlook.

We are still looking forward to seeing you and hope your leave will not be delayed too long.

Cheerio, all our love Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

Quite a large mail arrived today 46,47,&48.

Mrs Neaves came over this afternoon to tell mum that Bert had received a letter from you and will answer it as soon as he is able. As you know he has been on the sick list for some time and had to return to bed Friday evening.

I might mention the flu is very prevalent just now, well I know it with a depleted staff.

Mum & I think the photos are very good.

I see three of your chaps have been posted to Italy. I suppose that does not mean you may have to go.

It would certainly be nice to have 28 days leave, but not if it means you being demobilised later than what you should be.

If everything turns out as you expect you should have a very nice band in less than no time and I have no doubt you are now awaiting the results of the appeal in the Wing Magazine.

It is a pleasure to hear you are getting quite a professional at chess and a tournament will certainly cause a certain amount of interest for you all.

I thought it would get you wondering when you saw a piece of the Express missing but these sort of things do not worry Walter much, as a matter of fact he did not know that it was being heard until someone pointed it out to him.

He has heard nothing further since the result.

I am pleased to hear you have got a chance to take it easy so as to be fresh for the exam.  Our thought will be with you Tuesday & Wednesday.

So you have been having some bad weather, I hope there will be no ill effects from getting wet and also I hope there will soon be a change so as not to delay leaves.

Mum will certainly try and get you some dried milk.

I hope it was only an isolated case not having the heat on is unfortunate when you are unable to dry your clothes.

My next job is the papers.

The best of luck to you 

Cheerio, all our love from Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

I was pleased to receive no49 and I am afraid I am a little behind in answering it.

I was going to write last night when Walter & Olive came and it got too late, so I thought I would leave it till this afternoon and post it straight away.

I sincerely hope there has been a change in the weather for you and that the floods have all cleared away and that you have got the boiler house in going order. It must have been incredible for you to get your shaving water etc ready.

I hope our thoughts & wishes for Tuesday & Wednesday have materialized and the result in due course will be pleased to us all.

The Photos have been ruined and Olive hopes you will still have the negatives as she would like the one of you in the Garden also one of Mum & I together.

It is a pity the bad weather has put the leaves back but we are still looking forward to the time when we will see you again.

Bert is getting up today for a little while.

Well Don I think that is all at present.

With all kind thought and love from

Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

I have received No50 and am glad to hear you have got over the worst part of the exam, it is nice to know a couple of the questions were gifts. It is a pleasure to deal with things that you know something about.

Now we must look forward to the result when I hope it will be all your desire.

It is a great pity that the organisation was not too good and =what with being in the cold all that time I expect you were very glad when it was all over.

We will have to try and keep in mind “Roughly Speaking” and should the chance come we will have to see it.

I must tell Walter about it you must be getting quite a professional chess player.

I suppose it makes a break and keeps your mind alert for other study.

I hope you are having good weather, it is just like a spring day here and I should like it to keep like it for a time, especially after the rough weather we have had.

I am enclosing the football scores and will now catch the 1.15 post.

We hope you are keeping fit & well.

Cheerio, all our love Mum & Dad

Dear Don

Have received No51 and was pleased to hear you received parcel.

The mathematic exam must have been very stiff, according to the paper you sent, but who knows you might come off much better than you anticipate.

I am pleased to hear you have got the heat on again.

I expect Walter will be pleased when I tell him about his wireless.

I suppose you will now be busy on another show, all these different things, EVT, Chess, Band, it makes me wonder what you do in your spare time.

We are still looking forward to the letter which will announce the date of your leave, it seems such a long time since you were last home.

How we are looking forward to the time when you will be finished with it altogether.

Here’s hoping it will be sooner than what we think.

Cheerio & all the Best love from Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

I am pleased to have received No52.

I am sorry to hear about the snap in the set but hope you have overcome them without a lot of trouble.

I suppose you will now be very busy in preparation for the new show.

I hope the new pianist will be up to your standard by the time the show is ready and that you will be able to have your new love, the tenor Sax.

I hope you have got Practical Wireless No45 letter is enclosed. I would not risk this with the papers and I suppose you get it quicker by letter.

The papers have all been upside down while Miss Perry is queer, one MM is missing and I have been after them to get it for me, I am still hoping.

I received 2 stamp books for the same month and when I took it back I explained all about the MM it & also about the bills. I don’t like to pay for stuff I don’t have especially when you have to pay 2- per week for delivery.

Well I suppose things will be as we want them some day.

We must keep hoping.  Will close with our best wishes and love from

Mum & Dad

On leave from 23.2.46 to 8.3.46


Dear Don,

Herewith I send the football results, and at the same time hope you had a very pleasant journey back, and without being effected by the crossing.

I expect by now you have settled down and we hope you are feeling fit.

Mum had a surprise visit from Aunt Rose a couple of hours after you left on Friday.

She tells mum Arnold left Hamburg the same morning as your left, he came all the way by boat and did not arrive at Hull, till Monday and arrived home Tuesday afternoon a day and half later than you.

He returned last night and does not expect to be back at Hamburg till Tuesday.

Mum saw him yesterday morning, he tells her he is working in an office 8-5.

Please don’t forget to save the cutting from Stratford Express re Walter.

I don’t think I can add any more except to say we will welcome our first letter to let us know you got back alright.

In the meantime we wish you the best of luck and conclude with love from Mum & Dad.


Dear Don,

We were both pleased to receive letter no 1 to learn you arrived safe and had a nice crossing.

I was pleased to know you were up for breakfast and trust the tiredness from the travelling soon wore off and that you have now comfortably settled own.

It is nice to know things are not so bad as you thought they would be, and that the new W.O. will be all you expect him to be.

I suppose you will now be busy going ahead with the band etc and the time now will pass pleasantly while you are getting ready for the show.

How’s the weather where you are? It has been very cold the last few days, and I hope it will soon turn warmer.

Mum hopes the cake turned out alright and in good condition when you were able to tackle it.

I think that is all except top wish you all the best so will conclude with all our love from Mum & Dad.


Dear Don,

I was pleased to receive No2 and I see you have not lost much time in starting EVT again.

Now you have found out about satisfying the examiner in maths and now we must look forward to hearing you have passed in Maths.  So that you will be ok.

It is nice to know things are going your way and I am pleased to hear its suits you to be back in the workshop and I hope things will continue the way you want them.

I expect you are pleased to see the music and instruments arriving and I feel it will not be long before you master the sax.

The first lot of music to arrive since you returned have come from Ena:-

Somebody’s Walking in my Home

A Hubba-Nubba-Habba

Wait & See

On the Atchison Topeka and Santa Fe

I think that is all but shall wait till the morning for the football.

Cheerio & Love

From Mum & Dad.


Dear Don,

Was pleased to receive no3, as regards Arnold I think he is stationed at Hamburg but when his mother comes round again mum will find out his address and we will let you know.

I am pleased to hear you are getting on OK with the Sax.

If some of the remarks you and your pals have sent to the editor get published I should imagine there will be some very interesting reading in the Wing Mag in the near future.

Roll on Group 17.  Mum will be getting the things you require and they will be sent at the earliest.

I have got the papers ready including news review and I hope you get them in good time.

I was unable to find the memorandum book the music is entered in do you remember where you put it. If not I will enter them as usual on an envelope date and number then so as they can be entered later.

I think that is all at present so will conclude with the usual kind thoughts & love from 

Mum & Dad.


Dear Don,

Have received No4 and was very pleased to hear you are getting on OK with the tenor.

I hope you will fix on an appropriate name for your band, something original that will stand out.

I am pleased to let you know Mum got the parcel off to you this morning, she was more than sorry not to be able to include a cake but she hopes to in the near future.

I trust you will find everything in order.  I have sent some brown paper & string etc and now hope you will receive it, with as little delay as possible.  

Now for the music just received 

Feldman} I want to sing a song

} When there someone to say Good Night to

Victoria } Some Sunday Morning

} Masquerade in Mexico

I am having tomorrow morning off and Mum & I hope to go to Laindon, it will be the first time this year, so as you can guess we will find plenty to do.

We are glad to know you have got a nice little job for the next fortnight but don’t get working too hard. Also I hope your memory will be refreshed how you have started going to the Bookkeeping classes.

Will now say Cheerio and wish you the best of luck in all your undertakings.

All our love,

From Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

No 5 to hand.  Am pleased with the change in the weather and trust it will continue so.

Mum & I had a very strenuous day on Thursday, and we got home just before 8 o/c completely tired out, as you can guess, there was plenty of clearing up on the ground to do.

The weather was kind till we got home and then the rain came. Friday was an awful day, poured best part of the day, we were still tired, so we had an early night.

It has been quite nice today, but it doesn’t sound very promising according to the wireless.

It must have been quite a change for you to have cycled about the surrounding country and I hope you had a very enjoyable time.

I expect you were tired after the hard going on the bike, and I trust you enjoyed your tea also that you were able to find your way back in time.

As regards writing for the Wing Mag it may be that you did not waste time, no doubt the remarks have been passed by the high ups and that might do just as much good, they must have found out how some of the chaps feel about things.

Let’s hope the battle between the war technical officers, will go on long enough to convince them what a farce it is and that the blokes will come into their own.

We are both pleased to know in spite of the cut in rations you are just as well off as ever you were, and I trust it will bring to their notice the waste that went on.

Now to report more music.

J Duff } Waiting for the Train to Come In

} I’m always Chasing Rainbows

} The Charm of You

} I fall in Love Too Easily

I think that’s the lot except to wait till the morning for the football results.

Cheerio & all the best. Love from Mum & Dad

Dear Don

Have received No6 today, and I hope you get your wish for the spring like weather to continue.

I hope you have received papers. Containing the News Review.

I am packing the second one with this weeks’ papers.

I shall look forward to hear the estimate for the six months. When you find out what they intend to do.

It will evidently be to your advantage by joining the Radio Club, and also it will be nice to look forward to seeing your collection of snaps.

I am glad to hear you have got the extra time for the interesting things you have got to do.

I will show Ern your letter and hope to send the measurements you require and will let you have them at the earliest.

Also, he will see about the wood you are getting.

You will be pleased to know the gold ball you drove into the rough last July has been found when we were cleaning the from last Thursday.

I will now draw to a close as it is getting late. So will conclude with Love and all best wishes from 

Mum & Dad.


Dear Don,

I have today received no’s 7 & 8. I am sorry you have not had No4 but perhaps it has turned up by now.

Thanks for photo. I must say it has a very wintery effect, has it been snowing?

I am glad the change in the weather done some good in the way of cancelling parades.

I should have liked to have been with you at the party, I feel sure the champagne would have done me more good than Eric but still I hope he soon lost his hangover.

I suppose the cookhouse bloke now knows what meat balls are, I can imagine what leg pulling goes on.

That was a good joke about the Sergeant’s, and if it is true I should say the first bloke won.

However we will leave it at that.

We shall look forward to receiving the snaps.

We are hoping to continue the good work at Laindon tomorrow and are looking forward to a bit of sunshine.

I can quite understand how anxious you are to get the results of the exam, and I hope it will not be long delayed I will let you know immediately I receive it.

I am still waiting for Ern to give me the measurements you require. I will remind him again if I am up when he gets home.

There is no music to report this time.

I expect you will soon be hearing from Bert. He asked me the other night if your address will still the same.

I think that’s the lot this time, so will say cheerio.

All our love from Mum & Dad.


Dear Don,

I have received no 9 and no 10 containing the photos.

You do not say if you have received no4, so I suppose that has gone astray.

The first thing is to give you the measurement you require which is 2 15/16”.

The second is the music 

Noel Gay } I was much Better Off in the Army

} The Songsmith’s Serenade

} Ashley de la Zouch

} Promises

We were pleased to hear you have received parcel so quickly and that everything was ok.

I have managed to get a bottle of Brylcreem and will keep it for you. I am glad you were able to get some decent hair cream for your use.

I think they are a nice lot of snaps and will keep them with the others.

We had a nice day at Laindon yesterday, and you will be pleased to know mum found out that Freddy Wells is safe and sound.

He evidently came home from Italy on leave, just before last Xmas.  Mrs Page told mum he stayed with his parents for a few days and then went up North for the rest of his leave as he is now courting, so I suppose all his letters go in one direction.

Well Don I suppose I will say Cheerio and conclude with love from Mum & Dad.


Dear Don,

I herewith enclose the football results.

I hope you are enjoying the good weather we have been having the last few days and should like to see it continue.

I suppose no 4 has not turned up yet.

I think it was this letter I asked you where you put the memo book that the music is entered in as I have been unable to find it since you returned from leave.

It does not matter much as I am entering them on the envelope, I keep the new numbers in and they can be backed up on some future occasion.

What do you think of the new order on Church Parades?

We both hope things are going well with you and that you are keeping fit also that the speeding up will suit you and that you will get out by your expected time.

Cheerio, all our love from Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

I have received letter s No’s 11 & 12.  I hope the weather will continue as it is so as you derive the benefit of your early morning exercises.

Bert came in to show us some photos and he told us he is getting up earlier in the morning, what is it? A complaint, as have you realised you were missing the best part of the day. I have no doubt by now others are joining you.

I have asked Ern to call at Seager’s to try and get “The Principles of Business”.

If I am able to obtain this do you wish me to send it to you or keep it for you.

I am pleased to hear you have received No 4.

I have been unable to find the memo book but shall keep a record on the envelope.

I trust the air is clearer with the W.O. and I hope he will guess what you all think of him with the least possible trouble.

How did the party go, I hope you all had a good time and kept sober?

We are saving the golf ball, it does not seem much the worst for wear.

I see you have answered my question. I am glad you had a nice time and I think the cardinal game should be very interesting, we will have to try it some time when you are with us.

I am glad you heard the demob programme and I am still hoping things will turn the way you want them to.

Rose came yesterday afternoon with Arnolds address which is as follows:

14990022 Pt Hutchinson. A.

26 Billet

609 L/R Mil Gov Det


Aunt Lilie came last night so there was plenty to discuss after not seeing her for so long.

Uncle Bob has just come he tells us Eddie is home and demobbed.

I better finish now as I wanted to get this posted tonight together with the papers.

Please forgive me for being a few hours late.

Cheerio, all the best all our love from Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

I was pleased to receive no 13 and I will tell Walter about the wireless the next time I see him.

Evidently you have got a big job in front of you and I should imagine it will be a Saper set when it is finished.

You will not have much spare time with all the jobs you are getting on with.

I have asked Ern to see about the pipe for your pal and as regards the book Seager’s will be able to let Ern know in a day or two if they will be able to obtain it.

I think a piece of black Silesia will be the ideal thing for your speakers and I will let you have it soon.

As regards your P.S. as I have said before I can now see you will be out by the time to suit yourself, and I sincerely trust everything will work out that way.

We are having another trip to Laindon today, we certainly must take advantage of the good weather.

Will now say Cheerio, and conclude with our usual good wishes & love from Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

I have today received No 14 and are sending links which I hope is the pair you want.

I was unable to get the Silesia so have sent a piece of linen which I expect will answer your purpose for your speaker.

It will be a nice change for you to play the organ and I feel sure you will make a success of it.

I am pleased to hear you are keeping up your early morning exercises, I expect you will soon have a crowd with you.

Has the dog decided he had enough for one morning or is he now a regular?

I have seen Walter and told him about the set.

Mum was wondering if you have seen Terry Parker as he is not demobbed yet.

Now the demobbing business is getting under way, no doubt you will have to speed up with the Cabinet making and Radio building so as you will be ready if you finish up earlier than what you expect.

Ern has got a pipe it is not a briar I think its beech wood. Cost is 3/6 but worth 5/-

I am sending this during next week in a parcel mum is hoping to get ready.

I regret to say Seager’s have told Ern that The Principles of Business is out of print but mum is trying further.

I think that is all at present so will say cheerio.

All our love from Mum & Dad.


Dear Don,

Was pleased to receive no 15 and I hope you have received no 13 containing the links & the linen for your speakers.

I have received from 

Chappells }Paris in My Heart

} It’s only a Paper Moon

I have spoken to Ern about the sunglasses and shall ask again at Wilsons so will hope for the best.

I am glad you enjoyed the Camps dramatic Society’s first venture.  Will this be something else for you to go in for. 

Now you are getting the chaps back from 138 I hope you will be able to have your review ready by the time you would like it.

I suppose by now you have thought as a good name for the band.

Mum went to Duncomb’s for your book and they are going to let her know on Monday if they are able to obtain it.

Enclosed are the football results and in conclusion we hope everything is going well with you.

All our love from Mum & Dad.


Dear Don,

I have today received No16 and regret after mums visit to Duncomb’s she has been unable to get the Book.

There has been a change in the weather here, it is quite cold & cloudy a great difference to the weather we have been enjoying in the past few days.

I hope you enjoyed your first Symphony concert, and I shall not be surprised if you want to go again.

Let’s hope you felt much better after a nights rest, I can imagine it was not very comfortable getting roasted in the cockpit.

Mum is now getting a parcel together and this will be posted in the morning.

This week’s papers will be packed with it.

I hope the Pipe will be to your pals liking – also I shall be pleased if you receive it as quick as the last one.  Here’s hoping for the best.

You will no doubt remember the little lady in Clive Rd (Hetty).

Mum met her on Saturday, and she made enquiries about you, and wished to be remembered when we wrote.

Will now say Cheerio.  All our love from Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

In reply to No17 I expect you know that the pipe was included in the parcel which I trust you will receive with the least possible delay.

I suppose you are getting well away with the wireless sets.

I should imagine you went to the Symphony concert as a critic, your description of it shows the keen interest you had. It is a pity you missed ”Finlandia”, I trust the other part made up for it, I hope the next one you go to you will be able to reach there I time for the beginning.

It was very interesting to hear Daltons Budget Speech last night, it all sounded very nice, but I am afraid there is very little to benefit us at present.

One thing, it won’t be so expensive to die.

I see the post war credits will be paid out in the autumn, to men over 65 & women over 60. Myself being just turned 60, I suppose it will mean a year or two to wait. My saving will be about the amount of P.W. credit we do not get, so it brings it to the same thing.

Anyway we must just hope for the best.

I hope things are going well with you and you are getting well ahead in all your undertakings.

I hope soon to receive the result of the exam.

Cheerio, all our love, Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

Have received No’s 18 & 19.  I am glad you have received the links, and that the linen will do fine.

I hope the fault did not take up too much of your time and that it has now been put right.

You are evidently going to have a busy time with the band this weekend, and I trust everything goes off alright.

I will let you have the saccharin tablets & bottle as soon as I can, it is a pity I did not know earlier then I could have sent them in the parcel.

I heard on the wireless the V stamps will be out on June 11th and they will be 2 ½ & 3 d, I will get some for you and also put a couple on your letter & papers.

I notice you got no14 quick now I hope you get this one as quick, especially as your pal’s leave is 12th which is the day I received your request for P.O.

I have not taken the counter foil off in case he wants to send it away. However, I hope you get it alright.  I have made a note of the number etc.

I think that is about all, so will get it posted at once.

Cheerio all our love Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

Just a short note enclosing football scores.

We are going to Laindon today and have run it a bit close.

I expect it’s to do with this extra hour business, it usually upsets me the first few days.

Cheerio all our love Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

Today I have received no 20.  I am more than sorry to have to tell you I have still been unable to procure the book you want.

I have made enquiries at Foyles and they say the same as the others it is out of print and do not give any hope of they will be reprinted.

I even asked them if they had a copy in their second hand dept and also I have tried to find second hand book stalls but I can assure you I will not give up hope.

I am pleased to hear there has been a new system for the delivery of mail I usually receive your letters in 3 days.

I am glad the weather is not too bad we had a nice day at Laindon yesterday and I am pleased to say we had a comfortable journey both ways. We hope to go again on Friday.

I am pleased to hear you have got the radio alright it is amazing and I trust you did not waste much time before you found the faults.

You must have given a good show with the band to be booked up again and I hope you and Reg had the major part of the money. Hears wishing you success in your further ventures.

I have packed the papers ready for posting but have sent “Practical Wireless” enclosed with this.

Will now say Cheerio and our best wishes for a Happy Easter. Love from Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

I have received No 21 and I hope that you have received parcel by now.

I have no doubt when the dance was cancelled, you did not waste any time having work to do on the radio.

I am glad to hear the guard duty was spent the way you certainly desired and that you enjoyed the Abbott & Costello film. 

Now it is getting near to the holiday the weather has changed it has been quite cool today and finished up with rain this evening.

Walter has been here this evening while I was writing this, so you must excuse this short letter as it is getting late so will say cheerio & conclude with love from Mum and Dad.


Dear Don,

We have today received No’s 22 & 23.

No 23 came about 12 o/c.  Mum began to think 22 had gone astray and began wondering if you had received parcel but about 4o/c 22 arrived and put us at ease.

Anyway we are glad to know you received the parcel alright and will tell Ern about the pipe.

We are glad to hear you are having good weather, it has been very nice the last few days and I hope it will continue.

We went to Laindon on Friday we had a busy time on the ground and came home completely tired out, we feel like a couple of crocks today, aching all over, so we will have a rest and probably go again on Monday if the weather holds out.

Well Don, I hope you are in for an easy time when the V parade comes round. We will be like you, not worry about it.

I think it would be better if it was left till the rationing is over and things in general get a bit normal then we would have something to celebrate but I suppose it will suite the mentality of some who will stand for hours waving flags etc and then have a fight to get something to eat and drink so we will leave it to them.

I suppose the time will soon come round for the next exam, so I expect you will get more keen to work the end, so cheer up and go out for it.

I shall be pleased when I get the result of the Feb exam, I was hoping I should soon be able to let you know.

I am pleased to hear you received GCO also we hope the new demob news will bring you home before your next birthday.

I hope you had decent things and profited by the competition in the two Naafi canteens.

Also, it is nice to know you have got the radio fixed up and I hope you have now finished the cabinet it is a pity you forgot your tools.

Now for the details of music that have arrived 

April 18

Sun } Oh what it seemed to be

} I miss Your kiss

(I do not know if the Sun have made a mistake, but they have sent the whole orchestration)

FD& H } Seems like old Times

}Please let this be Love

April 20

Laurence }Sweet Dreams to you

Wright } Goodbye to Winter

Cinephonic } Why can’t we be Friends

} Thought you’re in Love with Somebody Else

} I don’t know

} All My Life

Well Don, I think that’s the lot except to wait fill the morning to enclose the football results.  

We hope you have had a good time over the Easter.

Cheerio all our love from Mum & Dad.


Dear Don,

We had a day at Laindon today and upon our return this evening we found letters 24 & 25 waiting for us.

I have packed the papers up for you and got the letter ready for the Premier Radio Co awaiting the PO’s which mum will get in the morning, so it will be sent with as little delay as possible.

I have noted the change in not putting 6021 SE.

We are still watching out for the book you want and trust we shall be lucky in getting it for you.

I am pleased you were interested in the poetry and trust you will enjoy the attendees.

I trust you are now well forward with things after the 4 days off.

I think that is all at present, although we are tired out I felt I must write to you before I went to bed.

Cheerio and all our love from Mum & Dad.


Dear Don,

Today I have received no 26 and shall now await the parcel of the radio cabinet in due course.

I got the money away to the premier early yesterday and I am sending you the counterfoils.

I am pleased to hear you made the best of the holiday and I trust you will soon be up to date with the E.V.T.

I wonder if the others  succeeded in getting London, it must have been nice to hear something interesting apart from the usual stuff on the air.

We have had another change in the weather it is quite chilly and cloudy. I don’t know if we will be going to Laindon tomorrow the weather forecast on the radio is not very promising.

There is no music to report this time and I am still without the result of the exam let us hope I shall soon be able to let you know.

Will now say cheerio & conclude with all our love

Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

I have received No 27 and have noted you want the 6021 SE put back.

I hope it will not make any difference to the letters I have sent and that you will get them alright.

One lot of music this time

Feldman } Let Bygones be Bygones

} Maybe it’s all for the Best

Let’s hope the new C.O. will meet with your approval it was very unfortunate to have to waste 2 hours clearing up when you could have done something more useful.

I hope he will not worry you too much and if you do leave things about so as they are handy for use, I trust this will be permitted.

We did not go to Laindon yesterday the weather was not good enough but we hope we will be able to go on Sunday.

Ern & Jean, Walter & Olive have just arrived, so I will not stop to write more, so will conclude and say Cheerio.

All our Love Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

Just a short note enclosing football results.

We are just off to Laindon.

I received £4.50 yesterday, which I will put to you’re a/c.

It doesn’t look very promising, but we will hope it will turn out alright later.

Cheerio all our love

Mum & Dad.


Dear Don,

I have received no 28 and I shall be pleased to hear when you have got the transformer.

I shall also let you know the date I receive the cabinet.

What did you think of the Wizard of Oz. Did it come as a change or did you remember it?  Mum & I haven’t seen it.

I hope you will save the Wing Mag, I trust it will be worth keeping as a memento.

I am still looking forward to receiving the result of the exam.

I am very pleased to hear things are going well with the band, and trust you have a good time at the farewell party, also the Naafi official opening, and that it will be remunerative to you.

I hope you enjoyed your symphony concert.

I spoke to Ern about the letter. He has asked me to tell you as soon as they are taking repairs again, he will send it up & the other stuff is on its way.

We had a day at Laindon yesterday, it was very dull till after dinner, but it turned out nice in the afternoon but we were only able to do some weeding, the grass being too damp to cut & we caught an early train home.

I think that is all and my next job will be the papers 

Cheerio & all the best,

all our love

Mum & Dad.

P.S. Machine parts 9d each.


Dear Don,

I have received No 29. I shall let you know as soon as I received the briefcase. I hope you have got a bargain, it will no doubt be very useful to you later on.

I am glad you enjoyed yourself at the opera it will be nice when things are more settled over here, so as I can see one or too.  I have always promised myself that pleasure.

So you are on guard again I trust you will see to it that the band takes priority.

I expect you will arrange that alright.

I am pleased to hear that the weather is good, but you must try and steal a march on the mosquitoes and I trust the muslin will prevent the events of last year, but still keep your camomile lotion handy.

Mum in her travels, watching out for The Principle of Business has come across Advanced Accounts Edited by R.N. Carter F.C.A. and published by Pittman.

It is too heavy to send so we will keep it till you come home on leave.

Ern sent a small parcel off yesterday and mum enclosed the saccharin tablets you wanted. I hope you will get it in good time.

I have received from Noel Gay

} When Alice Blue Gown Met Little Boy Blue

} You Shouldn’t’ve have said

I think that’s the lot at present so will say Cheerio all our love

Mum & Dad.


Dear Don,

In reply to your no 30 I was more than pleased to hear you got the transformers in so quick a time.

Also, it is very nice to know that you did not lose much sleep through the guard duties.  I expect soon to hear that you have lost that job owing to band duties etc.

There is no doubt that the William Drakeford mentioned in Harry Greenwall’s book was the same man I was in business with just before the 1914-18 war.  He joined the firm I was with in 1911 and formerly was with McDougal’s and Timewells of Sackville St W. 

The last time I saw him was in the early 1920’s.  I could have joined him again in 1918 but I was just getting established in my present job, so I would not risk it.

It is a pity the farewell party developed into a riot and I trust that sort of thing does not happen again, and I hope you will see to it that the Charge will cover any damage caused.

I suppose you will be unable to replace the music if any of it gets damaged. I know it does not improve the lack of it. I trust the band officers will put things right.

We did not go to Laindon on Thursday as the weather was not good enough but hope to go on Sunday. I expect the grass will be nice & long after the rain we have had.

Mum & I went to the East Ham Palace Thursday evening it was a fair show with Hal Monty.  It made a bit of a change as it is a long time since we have been anywhere.

We hope you are keeping fit and may all the luck attend you.

Cheerio all our love

Mum & Dad.


Dear Don,

I have received no31 today.

The Brief Case arrived this morning, in good condition.

It does not seem too bad at all and I shall be very pleased when you are able to use it, for your professional duties.

We are very pleased to hear you will shortly be getting your increase, but I think you would rather be coming out instead.

The influx of the new trainers must be pleasing for it must mean it is getting nearer to the time for demobbing.

I was very sorry to learn about the over sleeping, especially after the early morning business of running etc and I trust this fall from grace is the only one black spot.

However, I am real pleased to know that nothing came of it.

You must be keeping your band up to standard what with the trombonist and then the other two in a couple of weeks.

Well Don, I think that is all this time, and will now wait for the football scores in the morning to be posted before we leave for Laindon.

Cheerio all our love

Mum & Dad.


Dear Don,

Letter no 32 received this morning (very smart)

I shall certainly look forward to the Wing Mags and hope I shall have the pleasure of reading some of your articles.

Now Ernie is back I hope the next few weeks will pass quickly and pleasantly for you and that your leave will not be delayed too long.

I should not worry too much about promotion, if you were promoted it might make a big difference in your work and perhaps that might not suit you.  However, I hope everything turns out the way you want it to.

I have not heard yet how long the new conscripts have got to serve, but perhaps what you have heard, may be official.

We went to Laindon yesterday but was not able to do much work owing to the wind and rain.  Mum put the beans in and also lime washed the bottom of the fruit trees. It was a pity to have to watch the blossom being blown off.

I am glad to say we had a comfortable journey there & back. I think it was a bit too cold for the Southender’s although I heard someone say that Southend was packed according to the 10 o/c news. When we were waiting on Laindon Station.

I notice you are getting quite a regular for the Symphony concerts, it certainly makes a change for you.

How are you getting on with the new C.O. do you have to keep your room tidy or are you able to leave your parts about as before.

I think that is all, so will pack papers.

Cheerio all our love

Mum & Dad.


Dear Don,

No 33 to hand this morning and a little later the Wood Parcel arrived.

We are glad to hear you received the parcel and will let Ern know.

It is very nice to know you had a good days outing and I hope you will have a nice collection of snaps. It will be something to remember later on and with all the others you will have quite a full album.

Walter brought Beryl over on Tuesday evg., he had taken her to the zoo to celebrate her birthday.

He called again last night on his way to take her home to Orpington, to show us the pram that has been reupholstered & sprayed, it certainly was a very nice job and she was very pleased with it.

I notice you say you had some decent meals at the Y.M.C.A. does that mean your usual living is not all that it should be.

The weather you have been having is about the same here.

Yesterday was a wet and dull day, today there is some sunshine, but it is not too warm.

I hope you have not had any more riotous scenes in your band engagements.

Will now say Cheerio all the best & love from

Mum & Dad.


Dear Don,

No 34 to hand and will now look forward to the third parcel coming.

I am pleased with the success of the rehearsal and hope you will soon be all together again so as you will be able to have the band to your liking.

I don’t think I will make a note of the film “At Dead of Night”, I think mum & I would rather go to a variety show.

I hope you are getting up to date with your E.V.T. and I suppose you are looking forward to the next exam.

I shall be very pleased when I get the result of Feb exam, it seems as if it will never come.

I see there is no football to send this week, so the papers will be sent off as usual tomorrow.

The weather has been very changeable this week, but it has turned out very nice today after pouring of rain during the night.

I hope everything is going well with you and you are keeping fit.

Will now say Cheerio and conclude with love from

Mum & Dad.


Dear Don,

Was pleased to receive no 35.

If what you hear about the tents is true, I can imagine what it is going to be like for you, with all the stuff about you and I think you are wise in getting as much as you can away.

I do hope it is not going to be too awkward for you and I sincerely hope something will be done that will not make your E.V.T. studying too difficult. Let us hope it will not be so bad as the present outlook shows.

One piece of music to report 

Feldman’s } In the Land of Beginning Again

} The cocoanut Song

I will go into the matter of the sunglasses and will let you know a little later and also, I will find some brown paper & string and will post to you together with the dried milk.

I expect these room inspections are getting on your nerves with all that cleaning up business for nothing.

Do you think of having your portrait painted if your pals turns out alright?

I expect you can tell my last couple of letters were written in bed, but I am pleased to say the Doctor has told me I can now sit in a chair.

I have had my old complaint back Bronchitis and Congestion and no doubt I was foolish to keep at work so long.

The right lung is now clear, but mum has to continue to poultice the left. The doctor is calling again next Monday to see how I am progressing.

Mum is not too good, and the extra work and up & down stairs does not tend to improve matters.

I hope we can have a bit of a change later on before I got back to work that is, if I do go back.

I am sending “Practical Wireless” separate as you would wish, and the other papers have been posted off to you.

I think that is all and I do hope things will go well with you and that we can look forward to your leave in the near future.

Cheerio & all our love

Mum & Dad.


Dear Don,

I am afraid I am a little behind in answering no 36. Anyway, it’s not too late.

I bet you were pleased when you found the parcel overweight and I guess it won’t happen again.

I will have to see about the Octal valve bases you require and hope to let you have the various things you require shortly.

I shall be glad when I can get out, I shall probably get some idea when the Doctor comes on Monday.

I have received from F.D&H

} Love is a Merry Go Round

} I’m glad I waited for You

} May Love

} Well you Marry Me

Also, a reminder for a renewal sub.

No 37 just arrived and will now look forward to the parcel.

We are more than glad to hear you will be staying where you are instead of going in tents.

Thanks for chocolate.  I expect they thought it part of the wood till you mentioned it in your letter.

I think that’s all, and as mum is just going up the road it will be posted without further delay.

Cheerio all our love

Mum & Dad.


Dear Don,

The over-spec’s, I had to get these on chance size, so make sure they clip on right, if you have to bend clip s use two pairs of small pliers holding one side of clip with one pair to take strain from lens.  Should your own frames be too thick, (try to judge this before altering over-spec’s) I think it would be better to return them, giving me diagram of your spec’s & actual thickness of frames. Arthur Haffkin the optician in Poplar sent away for them after I gave him as full a description as I could from memory, so I’m hoping I’m not far out.  The cost was 10/-.

The 3 OCTAL bases were 1/- each.

It’s just occurred to me if over-specs are not quite right for you, they may do for one of your pals, so save you the bother of returning them, but Haffkin knows the position so he would take them back for another pair.

I’m sorry but up till now I’ve been unable to make cabinet, I think the wood will be alright thought.

I’ve made several moulded leaden soldiers, they turned out very successful, but as I’m short of spare time I’ve had to lay off for a while, I also done a bit of market work on a Sunday which proved very profitable but it really needs a couple of us to make & sell stuff, also wireless parts & even sets.  When you come home next time, we can go into it further.

I think dad has already mentioned to you about your pipe, which is now being repaired, this is the first time for about 3 months since we have been able to accept repairs, this maybe because we had genuine briars in at 9/- & 14/- (French make!) & they wanted to encourage sales.

Cheerio for now,



Dear Don,

I was pleased to receive your no 38 and also, I am able to tell you I am going along alright.

The Doctor came today and will be coming again next week when I hope he will tell me he will be finished calling and that I can soon look forward to taking mum out, after the worrying time I have given her.

We must see what can be done about a holiday in the near future.

We are both glad to learn things are not so bad with you and it will please us to know you will not be going in tents.

I will tell Walter you have got his wireless done, when I see him.

I suppose with so much to do you would not feel comfortable sitting to have your portrait done, and I have no doubt that attitude would reflect on the finished article.

It is nice to hear you can derive benefit from the lectures and the economic course you are taking must make it interesting.

I have received £4.10.0 which will be put to your credit.

Also on Saturday morning I received a parcel and I must say it was not in a very nice condition so I thought it would be as well to let you know what was in it then you will know if anything is missing.

Contents, 3 toothpastes, 3 films, 2 combs, 2 jars hair cream, 4 khaki, 1 white handkerchief, 1 transformer.

With this letter mum is posting a parcel to you. So as you will know what to expect I am sending the following:- coffee, 2 H milk, 1 soap, Pot paste, saccharin, brown paper & String and the ordinary weekly papers.

(Cake Paper, sunglasses & 3 Octal basis) Ern has enclosed a letter about these.

I hope there will be sufficient brown paper and string for your requirements at present.

Mum is very sorry she was unable to send the usual Cake but hopes to make it up later on, we both know you will understand. So will now conclude with our usual kind thoughts.

Cheerio all our love

Mum & Dad.


Dear Don,

I have today received no39 & 40 both together, and from Chappells

} Put the Blame on Mame

} Amado Mio

Although it is nice to have the extra pay, I expect you are thinking of all the important part, getting out in six months.

I only hope for our own sake it will not be deferred longer than that.

I shall put the Photo of the leave boat with the others.

I am pleased to let you know I am going on alright and hope to be getting out by the end of this month.

Now that Grange has started the outings, it will be a nice change to have a trip to Brighton, Margate, or Southend. It will suit us very well as they will be calling at the Broadway to pick up.

It will certainly make a break till things get more settled.

I am glad to know you derive a certain amount of pleasure from the Symphony concerts.

It pleases both Mum & I to know you avoid the aftermath of the demob parties and I don’t suppose the others feel too clever when they come to their senses.

I am sorry to hear this so called victory business is giving you extra work, what I can see of it, it seems to be upsetting the demob plans for a few weeks, by putting things behind, but I am pleased you will be able to keep up your EVT plans by seeing that the time is not wasted.

Well Don, I hope you will soon get the parcel and that you will find all you want in it, and I can assure you it has been no bother.

I shall be looking forward to the next parcel that is coming and will let you know as soon as it arrives.

We thank you for the chocolate which was very nice, and it is nice to know the parcel had not been tampered with. I only hope we got all the things you sent that was in the parcel, we received in such a bad condition.

I should imagine by your description that Walter will be very pleased with the set you have made him.

I am getting this posted straight away and I am sorry there has been any delay in receiving my letters.

We both thank you, for your kind enquiries a to our health.

Cheerio & all the best, all our love,  Mum & Dad.


Dear Don,

I am pleased to reply to No 53 & enclose football scores.

I am glad you still have the negatives and shall let Olive know when we see her again.

What I can see of it your time must be well occupied, I don’t expect you have much time to yourself.

It is a great pity so many gales etc are putting the leaves back, it seem you will be getting less leave than what you thought, but surely it cannot be delayed long now.

Mum & I are still hoping it will be soon.

You will notice the victory celebrations are fixed for another important day June 8th.

I don’t know what we are going to celebrate with, unless it is to give thanks for the shortage of everything and the difficulty of obtaining the necessary things.

I think things are getting worse, instead of better but I suppose we must still hope and not get morbid and trust the better times are not too far distant.

Here’s wishing you all the best and trust you are keeping fit & well.

All our Love

Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

I have this morning received no41. I am sorry to hear the mail is not keeping up to date.

The last time I heard from you I got two letters at the same time.

However, I trust I shall soon learn you have received parcel and also that you will know I am going along alright.

I hope the dance goes off tonight ok, and that you will be satisfied with the result. I have no doubt it will please you more to be on the piano.

I thought I would have heard from you yesterday, hence the delay in this letter, but no time will be lost as it will be posted at the earliest.

Yesterday I received from 

Victoria } Coax me a Little Bit

} Straight Love

} If I had a wishing Ring

} Tomorrow is forever

I think that is all 

Cheerio all our love

Mum & Dad.


Dear Don,

I have received no 42 today.

The parcel I received was in an ordinary cardboard container and I hope there was nothing missing.

I thank you for the knife (very observant & thoughtful of you) and also the handkerchiefs which are useful.

I have just received another parcel, I must say in a better condition than the last.

I presume this is the parcel you found overnight.

I have checked things off and notices there is one bottle hair cream instead of two, one pack of cards is missing, also four packets of sweets instead of five, 5 choc instead of 8. And in addition not mentioned, 1 tin 4 sq. so I suppose these are the things you had to take out.

Both mum & I thank you for the sweets, and she is very pleased with the purse.

The duster & cloths will be very handy.

Will now look forward to receiving the next parcel, I expect the cupboard will be looking a bit bare, but it is just as well to get the things away, that you do not require for your use.

I have enclosed some more labels.

By the same post there was a letter for Ern.

I notice our remarks about the remittances, the others are now producing their 2 ½ % I am very pleased to hear the rehearsal went off alright and I trust your confidence was not misplaced at the dance.

I hope you are having better weather than we have, it has been very changeable and finished up with a happy downpour of rain last night.

It does not look very promising today and as you know it is not nice for mum to have a wet Monday.

The doctor has just been but has decided I must stay indoors another week, owing to the changeable weather, I am pleased to say I am feeling much better.

I shall look forward to next Monday when I hope he will say I can get out.

We shall be in June then, when I hope we will get the weather we want.

My next job will be the papers so will finish this and get it posted.

I expect in the next couple of weeks you will know the date of your leave, I can tell you both mum& I are looking forward to it.

In the meantime, we wish you all the best.

Cheerio all our love

Mum & Dad.


Dear Don,

I have received no 43 and I hope by now you have received parcel.

I was pleased to hear about the rehearsals and I trust the progress will continue and that you will soon be on BFN.

Mum was glancing through the Wings and spotted your name so we were able to read the subject of your combined letter.

I think we have had enough of this changeable weather and shall be very glad when the summer starts.

I like the thought of you sitting at a desk instead of running round aircraft, and I hope it will be sooner than you anticipate. Let us hope that you will soon be filling up your release papers.

The music you sent home and the mags etc I am keeping separate so as you can arrange them at your leisure, when you get home in the 4 sg for your own use?

I hear Stan Sewell was demobbed yesterday but between ourselves, I don’t think it will make much difference only from a financial point of view, him having had so much time at home.  It’s a pity you were not so lucky.

Well Don, I suppose I must say Cheerio and conclude with all our love

Mum & Dad.


Dear Don,

No 44 received and pleased to hear you have received parcel. Ern will be pleased about the sunglasses and I will give him your note.

I hope you found everything intact, and that the brown paper and string will be sufficient for your present requirements. I shall have to buy some more when I can get out.

I read with pleasure of the success of the dances and wish you all the best in your future undertakings.

I am with you in hoping that the result of the exam will soon be through it seems an extraordinary long time, I promise you I will write off immediately I receive it.

Although the weather was a bit better mum went down to Laindon this afternoon, she brought back some flowers & eggs which as you can guess come in very handy.

I don’t know what it will be like by the time I can get down, but she tells me the lawn is in a nice state, so it will be best not to think about it till I get down there.

Jean came home with Ern this evening and when I gave him your note he explained to her what was required, and she hopes to get them tomorrow.

I shall post them off as soon as I get them.

Ern is very busy these times for the past fortnight he is at a branch near Mark Lane station, I think he is going to Gt Portland St next week.

There is no music to report this time, I have heard from Cinephonic that another sub is due.

I will get this away tomorrow.

That must be the lot this time.

Cheerio all our love

Mum & Dad.


Dear Don,

No 45 to hand today and I must say we could do with some of the weather you are having except the storms.

It has opened out a bit better today, and I think if it keeps like it, the doctor will say I can get out when he comes on Monday.

I have had just about enough of it.

I have often thought when at work how nice it would be to have a good rest, but I find in due course the inactivity gets you down so you can tell how anxious I am getting to get out and about again.

I shall not be in such a hurry to get back this time (that is if I do go back) I think it is about time mum & I had a bit of a change what with the worrying times and the food problems a day here & there will do us both good.

Your mental feast of home cooking has its tragic side, and we can only look forward to the time when rationing is a thing of the past to the joys of getting what you like and fancy.

The doctor told me to eat what I fancied then in an afterthought said eat what you can get hold of.

I hope you were able to fit up the dance for the SA Canteen and that you will have your other piano session.

Herewith are the Badges etc you want (5/- the lot). I am glad there was no delay so will be posted at once.

Cheerio all our love

Mum & Dad.


Dear Don,

I have just received no46 and hasten to answer it so as you get it before your leave starts.

We are more than pleased to hear you are coming home and I hope when the doctor calls on Monday he will says I am able to go out.

I am pleased there was nothing missing from the last parcel.

I hope the other coming along will be alright.

As this will be my last letter I hope you receive it before you leave and also you get 40, 41 with the badges in.

I note your remark about your letter and will keep it for you also please bring the good weather home with you.

I see you have had a busy time, though the V parade was probably work you could have done without.

I hope the cabinet was ready for you on Friday, it will no doubt please Walter. 

It must have been very amusing to watch the Alsatian having a shower bath. I think that’s the lot,

Cheerio and all our love till we see you again.

Mum & Dad.



Dear Don,

Both mum & I hope you had a pleasant and comfortable journey back and that you have settled down for the last? Lap.

Our thoughts have been with you since you left, and we shall be anxious to hear from you.

The weather has been none too good the last few days and I have been unable to get out.

It has opened out nice today, so I chanced a haircut the first since I was taken queer.  I don’t think there is anything else to report this time so will say Cheerio all our love

Mum & Dad.


Dear Don,

We were pleased to receive your first letter and glad to hear you had a decent journey back.

Both mum & I hope the tent business will be a wash out.

Have enclosed P.O. as requested. 

I noticed you have soon started on the E.V.T. How I wish the result of your last exam would soon come along, so as I could let you know.

I hope the transformers will arrive alright.

You can let us know when you get definite news about leaves etc.

I will be seeing Walter and get him to write in good time when he knows the date etc.

It will certainly be very nice if your next leave is the one and I have no doubt at the back of your mind you hope it is.

Mum or I will try and get the soles you want and will post them off at the earliest.

Yesterday started the summer it was a glorious day, so we took advantage and went to Laindon. Mum put in a fine amount of work and my little bit but we had to leave early so as we could catch the empty train at 6.43.

The trains were packed going down and I am afraid to think what the return journey was like for a good many.

Ern stayed at home busy as usual and his assistant (Jean) came in the afternoon they were still at it when we got home about ½ past 7.

According to the wireless, they don’t give much hope of the fine weather lasting they forecast rain and storms from this afternoon.

You will notice the stamps on this letter and paper tell me if you get them in a good condition, if not we will save a couple for next time.

Well Don I think that is all. We trust you are well and happy also mum hopes that the soap has made an improvement and will be pleased to know.

Cheerio all our love

Mum & Dad.


Dear Don,

We were pleased to receive letter no 2

This new leave scheme seems to make things more clear so I suppose it will make you more happy if you next leave is only 12 days.

Thank you in advance for the slippers and I hope both pencils will arrive ok in due course.

I see they were soon after you for guard again and they are evidently getting keen with the so called kit inspections and it will make the souvenir hunters a little less enthusiastic.

We are both glad you are not worrying about the tent business, but the others are unlucky if it is to be three months.

I have today received from Feldman’s

} As Long as I Live

} going home

This ends the sub so I will have to get another away.

I saw Bernard Blake today. He wished me to remember him to you.

He hopes to be out in about a fortnight.

I hope soon to be able to get the suspenders etc, so as not to keep you waiting too long.

The weather has been very changeable this week, so will look forward to the next moon for a change.

I went to the doctor yesterday, he prescribes rest & fresh air and the usual poultice every night. I am getting a bit fed up with the inactivity but still I suppose times will change.

Cheerio all our love, Mum & Dad.


Dear Don,

In reply to No3 we all send congratulations on the result of the exam, a copy of which I enclose.

Our weather is still changeable, and I am pleased it was not raining while you were on guard.

I expect when you received this it will make you more anxious to settle down to E.V.T.

I see you have lost your pal (Eric) and I hope you are comfortable now you have got a clock

I hope you had an enjoyable time in the canteen on the piano.

Walter called yesterday morning and invited mum & I to dinner last night, this is the first time we have been to the house, and I must say it is very nice. I think he would be more than pleased if we went to live there. However, mum has promised to give Olive a hand as there will be quite a lot to do before they are married.

The suspenders were the best I could get, and I hope they will suit you.

I hope you get this in double quick time, so I will lose no time in getting it posted.

Well Don we hope you are keeping well and happy and I can assure you the result has been a splendid tonic to mum & I

Cheerio and all the best love from

Mum & Dad.

p.s. to save delay, I am sending the rubbers by the next post.



Dear Don,

I have received no 4 pretty quick going and I hope you get my letters at the same speed.

We had a terribly wet night on Thursday and it did not look too good first thing yesterday morning but it brightened up so mum & I went to Laindon, it turned out very nice, and we just got home before it started to rain again.

It don’t seem too bad this morning and I am hoping there will be a change with the new moon today.

I am sorry to hear the weather spoilt your cricket and I hope you will soon have some good games.

I have received from “Sun”

} It Couldn’t Be True

} Loop de Loo

I hope the clock keeps good time and that you get up in good time in the morning for breakfast.

I don’t think I have much more to say this time, so will get the parcel packed and post them per letter post, so as to save a s little delay as possible.

Cheerio all our love Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

Have today received No5. It is strange you should receive No2 & 3 together having been posted two days after each other.

The weather has indeed changed it has been quite hot today, but we have been promised some thunderstorms according to the wireless.

Mum & I are pleased to hear your face is O.K.; and trust it will continue so.

I will let Walter have the parcel when I receive it and explain to him about the scissors.

I see you have got another badge for your collection, I am glad you like it, is it for any special event?

Ray Redding has finished work and will be joining the R.A.F. in about 8 days’ time.

We are hoping to go to Laindon on Wednesday. Aunt Liz will probably be going with us, also a prospective buyer will be coming to view it.

I hope by now you have received no4, this is the letter I wanted to travel the quickest.

My next job the papers, so will say cheerio.

All our love Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

I received No6 when we got home from Laindon last night and no7 came this morning.

Please excuse my lapse in numbering the letters, I think the most important part was to get the special letter away. I suppose Dyer was as pleased as you were.

I will sent another 3d stamp on the next lot of papers which I hope you will receive in good condition.

We had a glorious day at Laindon yesterday. It made a change for Aunt Liz.  The party that came to view it and who will eventually have it. Was enraptured with it, I will discuss it more fully with you the next time you come home but will let you have more details in course of time, as you know these things take a considerable time to settle.

The repetition of the atom bomb proceedings was a wash out, and I don’t think we will get much information about it, only a few details they like to tell us.

We had a nice storm during the night plenty of lightening etc and when we got up it was pouring of rain, but it has now turned quite bright.

I wish you luck when you play cricket for the section.

I will do my best to get the pencils you require and let you have them, I know how annoying it must be to waste time sharpening them.

The first parcel to arrive was the transformer, I am pleased to say it was in good condition.

The second parcel contained the slippers with which I am very pleased.

I am pleased you received the suspenders etc.

Now for the new arrival of music.

Noel Gay } Bless You

} Love Flies Out the Window

} My Little Pet Lamb

} in Bed Early

FD&H } Sweet as a Rose

} Paris is Paris Again

} Slowly

} Let it Be Soon

Well Don, I suppose you will now look forward to your next exam with confidence and you know our thoughts & wishes will be with you.

I think that is all so I must hurry to get it posted.

Cheerio all our love Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

We are getting a small parcel together so as it can be posted in the morning.  2 milk, 1 coffee, 2 saccharin, Milk of Magnesia tablets, and the pencils etc.

I got Ern to get them for me and I trust they will be useful to you. They are utility and do not appear to be much good, Ern found the two polished ones (pre-war) and asked me to enclose them.

I hope you will receive the parcel in good time, I have enclosed the papers with it also Practical Wireless.

I met Fred Gillham on Friday he asked me how you were and said he will be writing you. He was pleased to hear the result of the exam.

When I saw Dr Kyndt last Tuesday he asked me if I would like to see a specialist, as this was in my mind, I thought here is my chance, so he gave me a letter to attend Victoria Park Hospital on Thursday. Mum came with me and Walter took us and called for us later.

I must say I was treated very well. I was x-rayed and thoroughly examined. The specialist told me there was nothing to worry about and said he would communicate with my doctor and also promised that the doctor would give me something to do me good so now I am anxious for next Tuesday.

I did not mention the matter in my last letter as I did not want to worry you and I thought it best to wait till I had something definite to tell you.

I received from Chappells yesterday

} Aren’t You Glad You’re you.

} Tampico

I had expected to hear from you yesterday but must now wait till tomorrow. So thought I would write otherwise it seems a long time between the letters.

We hope things are going well with you

Cheerio all our love Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

I received no8 this morning and will advise you the dates I receive your parcels.

I have just finished packing your parcel and it will be posted the same time as this letter.

In addition to what I wrote about yesterday I have enclosed packing materials etc and mum hopes the sundry comforts will be alright.

You will also find 2 fly papers enclosed we are using them at home, they are no trouble just hang them up and in cause of time you will see the uncanny effect it has and we both hope it will save your from being disturbed by the pests.

We have tried to get some more Cold Tar, but Breezes are still without it but have promised to save some should it come in.

I will see Ern about the shoes and will send them in the next parcel.

It is nice to know you are having decent weather and it is a pity they cannot adopt the style of dress to suit the weather I know it must be frightfully hot to be dressed up in the thick stuff.

I note you remark re remittance at the end of the month which will be placed to you credit in the P.O.

I have enclosed a few more labels.

Bert came home yesterday.  We saw him in the garden, he was pleased to have heard the good news, I expect his mother wrote and told him of the exam.

He tells me he is having today off.

Well Don, I think that is all this time so will conclude with our best wishes.

Cheerio all our love Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

I have received No9 and shall now look out for the other four parcels.

I am pleased to hear it is a bit cooler for you. It has been very nice the last few days and we hope to go to Laindon tomorrow.

I hope you are looking forward to the next exam with confidence the time will soon come round for it then you will have time to look round and have relief from the studying.

I am glad you got the tobacco away in time. I spoke to Ern about the various brands and he gave me a long detailed list with the current prices.

4 Sq. Green 2/8 Red 3/- yellow (if any Blue 3/-)

Players med Navy Cut Capstain Medium 

X almost the same x 2/10

Players Gold Leaf.  Flake or Rubbed

 2/10 this is milder

Will Cut Golden Bard is2/9 sells well.

Prices are for 1 oz.

He has got some more pencils which I will send with the shoes.  He told me to tell you they are similar to the red utility one sent in the parcel, he says the wax ones are actually dearer, but he thinks they are too soft.

I went to the doctors this morning but the report from the specialist had not come through, so it means waiting another week.

Mum & I hope your group will not long be deferred after 46 in September. I can see you out before your birthday.

I shall look forward to the Wing Mags and will keep the books and papers tied up for you.

I have been round to the shop today to have a chat and made one or two other calls so made myself tired, so it won’t be long before I get to bed.

Cheerio & all the best.  All our love Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

I was pleased to receive no10 and note your remarks about the slippers.

The weather still continues fine. It was quite hot when we went to Laindon yesterday.

While I was there, I saw the solicitor, and I don’t think this job will take as long as the last and I think it will be finally settled in the City.

I am pleased to hear you are filling your time in and what I can see of it you will be adding to your laurels. Professional dart player and dramatic actor.

Anyway, it should fill the time in for you before your next exam.

We shall be pleased when you get some definite news about the demobbing, so as you can get some idea when you will be out. In the meantime, don’t over work yourself.

Will now conclude with our best wishes and love

From Mum & Dad.


Dear Don,

I have received No11 also parcel containing Soap, sweets, envelopes and sundry books.

Next came Walters parcel and this morning the registered parcel with 2 tins tobacco.

This will keep you up  to date with the number of parcels you have sent.

I shall be pleased to hear you have received the parcel we sent last Monday.

Ern said he will be getting the shoes ready so I hope to post them in a day or two.

I have received from Chappells

} Cynthia’s in Love

} Do you Love Me

I expect you have heard from Fred by now, he said he would be writing he told me our letter came while he was on holiday.

I see the weather is keeping nice for you the last couple of days it has been too hot to go out and it won’t be too good for Mum today if there is much lining up to do.

The meat strike has made it very difficult for the butcher this weekend.

I expect when the bread rationing starts it will mean big queues at the bakers what with cutting out the BU’s etc.  I don’t think it will please the people at all.

You are wise in getting the socks it will certainly save the coupons later on.

I hope you had something tasty in the Naafi for supper.

When you have read the Stratford Express which I am sending on Monday will you cut out and send back to me the piece I have marked. I should like to keep it £50 for 50 years’ service for a man in Mr H’s position, it certainly makes you think.  Mrs Hazell is Alice Staff that was, I expect you will remember her.

If it is a pound a year for services rendered £31 will be a fabulous sum when I pack up but of course I shall have to wait and see what’s going to happen.

Ray Reddin went off on Wednesday morning to Lancashire, his mother has had a card to say she is settling down.

I think that’s about all I can say this time so will get it in the post straight away.

We hope things are going well with you and that you are getting ready for the next exam and we hope the result will be the same as before.

Cheerio all our love Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

In my previous letter, I regret I omitted to express our appreciation for the soap etc.  I must say it will be very useful.

Walter came on Saturday and I gave him the parcel.

When we saw them yesterday Olive mentioned that the slippers fit her so when the others come along, I expect the matter will adjust itself.

After dinner we went to Chesham, we had a very enjoyable and interesting drive and got home about 8.30.

We had hoped to go to Margate with them by boat on Wednesday, but the bookings prevented this and we hope to be lucky at a later date.

I tried to book by coach this morning, but they told me they are all booked up till Aug 9th.

Ern has finished the shoes, so I will be packing them up with the pencils and will also send this week’s papers with them.

You will find the defence medal papers and Ern will be writing you to explain matters.

I have just received No12 I see Walters slippers business has explained itself.

As you say, I feel sure Dr Kyndt will have heard by the time I see him tomorrow.

I am pleased to hear of our success at cricket and I hope you kept yourself cool in spite of the scorching weather.

I would have thought Ern had replied to your letter but will tell him about it tonight. So I expect he will discuss the braces in his reply.

I hope you had your room nice and tidy for the inspection.

I expect by now you have received the parcel and I hope the one I am sending off (shoes etc) will arrive in good time.

I might mention Ern is holiday making this week. Jean came this morning and they have gone out together.

It is very dull this morning, but I hope for mum’s sake it will keep fine you can guess what a wet Monday means for her.

I think we will try and go up the other end on Wednesday and to Laindon on Thursday. I think everything will be settled in a few weeks as regards the bungalow. I will now close with our best wishes. Cheerio all our love Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

I have received No13 and pleased to hear you received parcel alright and trust the flies have ceased worrying you.

Should you want any further supplies of brown paper you can let me know.

I hope you will soon get the parcel containing the shoes.

I am still hoping you will be demobbed before your birthday so they can be as quick as they like after 45 in September.

I am sorry you have not got the same distinction as Eric but perhaps it will be as well in the long run. The time will soon go in spending most of it on E.V.T. and we will all hope for the best in a months’ time.

It is nice to know you will have other interests after the exam in the way of concert parties etc and I hope you will get some fun and pleasure out of it.

The months training of the commercial course in bookkeeping etc will no doubt keep you fresh but I will trust you not to overwork yourself.

I have reminded Ern to write to you and also when I see Walter, I shall ask him if he has acknowledged the parcel you sent him.

Mum & I went up the other end today, it was dull when we started but it turned out very fine except for a shower, just as we were going for some tea.

After looking at the shops etc we had some lunch and then went to the ‘Daily Express” exhibition at Dorland Hall.  Fifty years of film.  It was very interesting and in one part of it was the earliest picture theatre with the tip up P Seats and a Chaplin film, together with the lady pianist which reminded us of our youthful days quite different to the Odeon’s of today.

If it should turn out fine in the morning, we will be going to Laindon.

Dr Kyndt had the letter from the specialist when I went to see him on Tuesday and the different medicine together with the tablets seem to be doing me good.

We had quite a long chat, but he cannot say how long it will be before I am fit.

Perhaps a few weeks or maybe months but still I feel sure there is nothing to worry about, so I will decide in the next few weeks if I shall return.

There would not be much sense in spending another winter there in the cold and draughts I think I have had enough of that.

I hear Ern & Jean also Bert went to the speedway last night, I expect you would have liked to be with them but still the time must soon come when you will be able to spend your spare time in your own way.

I think that’s the lot, so will say Cheerio all our love Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

No 14 to hand.  Also parcel containing slippers for mum for which she thanks you very much.

I am rather surprised to hear you have not heard from Fred after what he said to me some time ago, but I suppose it is just a habit people get in.

Mum has been wondering how things are with you as regards face etc and how you are fixed for Wrights, she has been unable to get any more at present, but has obtained some primrose, should you require some.

I hope the guard duty was not too bad, I expect you won’t be sorry to lose it when the other chaps come back or I suppose it won’t be so frequent.

The weather has been none too good but we were able to go to Laindon yesterday.

It is dull this morning but I think it will brighten up.

You seem to be making a study of the figures per groups and I hope there are sufficient chaps in so as it does not defer your demob.  Mum told me that Ray Reddin has asked for his own trade (Electrician) but it means signing for two years. I think that has upset them but in my view if he gets the money it would be a guaranteed job for that period.

Another parcel has just arrived slippers for Ern.  This has been opened and examined by customs so I expect Ern will be writing you.

Well Don, I think that is all this time so will conclude with our usual Cheerio all our love Mum & Dad.

Mum has just seen Mrs Donovan, who tells her Len has returned East after 28 days leave and hopes to be demobbed Jan or Feb.


Dear Don,

I have received no 15 and I hope you will find the shoes to your liking, I think Ern made a fine job of them.

The weather you are having seems to be the same as ours, and I think Ern has made the most of it by getting out.

As regards the tobacco Ern sells Murrays & Bulwark.  Not the other brands.

He says Murrays mellow (with a pineapple on it) is good but the bulwark is a strong tobacco.

I see you intend having a good clear out and shall advise you as the parcels arrive.

As regards Brylcreem I shouldn’t worry too much as Ern can get it and I use the Valet, but I have got an ever-ready razor which will take the blades you have.

I am glad you are well up with E.V.T. and am pleased to hear the last few tests have been good and no doubt the revision will help you at the final which we all wish you luck.

It is nice to know you did not lose much sleep by having the first shift for Guard.

I have just received two more parcels

  1. Stationary, Books, Wings etc & music.
  2. Books (all your homework)?

I think you will have enough writing pads to last you some considerable time. I hope they have not cost you too much, as I think by the time you have used them, there will be more on the market and cheaper.

There is no music to report this time. I have had a card from “Sun” for further Sub.

Will now say Cheerio all our love Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

I hope you don’t think I have kept you waiting for a letter too long.

I was going to write yesterday, but now hearing from you, I waited till this morning, and then received two letters no’s 16 & 17.

I am pleased to say there was nothing to pay on Ern’s slippers.

Mum will get the Dye for you and forward it with the soap and we hope the face will keep ok.  No doubt, as you say, it will be quite alright after you have been home for a while.

The weather has been fairly good, and today has opened up nice and it looks like being hot, so Mum & I are going to Laindon.

I don’t suppose it will be many more times we will go, as it looks like being settled in the next fortnight. I saw the solicitor on Monday.

I hope you will make the best of the next few weeks with view to the exam and then you can send the other parcels at your leisure.

We will look forward to seeing the crazy photos.

I see you have had a move, we hope you are very comfortable in your new surroundings, it is at least something to be nearer the mess.  

I should imagine you are getting used to shifting your stuff about, and I expect you will be glad when you have sent the most of it home.

Well Don, we hope you are keeping fit & well and that your number for demobbing will not be delayed too long.

Will now say Cheerio all our love from Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

I have received No 18. And will pass on the form to Ern.

I am glad you have received parcel alright and that you are pleased with the shoes.

The parcel for Walter has arrived and I will give it him when he calls. I don’t know if you have heard from him, but I will tell him to acknowledge them.

I have received from F.D&H. } the Whistling Hobs

} I’m a Big Girl Now

Now Mum & I wished you the best of luck for the 15th & 16th August and trust you will benefit through the nice quiet time you will be having by being on your own, although I expect you will miss your pal.

Mum has been able to get the dye for you, and I will pack it with the soap & papers and send it off next Monday. I think this will be the safest way.

Please read the instructions carefully and mum says use a stick and try and keep your hands out of the dye and we hope you are able to make a satisfactory job of it.  This is the best dye & recommended.

The weather is still keeping good, and we had a nice quiet day at Laindon on Wednesday.

Cheerio all our love Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

When Walter came, I gave him the parcel and I asked him if he had written to you.  When I found he had not acknowledged the last parcel I told him you would be expecting to hear from him, so I gave him an addressed envelope so I hope now he will find time.

By the way nothing has been mentioned about the money you told me about and I suppose you do not want me to mention the matter to Walter.

Although I do not feel too bad, there does not seem any chance of Dr Kyndt signing me off just yet, so I thought I would send my resignation in, this has been accepted, so was finished up this week, with two weeks holiday pay.

I think they might have spread it out, having the three weeks together cost £9.30 tax whereas weekly for three weeks would have been about 35/- but I shall go in to the matter later on and I think I shall be able to get some back.

I am not expecting anything else but am hoping to hear something in due course when the directors have another board meeting having promised me they will bring the matter of my resignation up but that may take some time.

We had a terrible storm on Friday evening and some of the local shops & houses were flooded out.  Mum just managed to miss it and we were having tea when it was at its worst.

I have just received No19 so shall be on the lookout for Jeans slippers and also your remittance which will find its resting place as usual.

We hope you enjoyed your cricket, it seems you made a good show.

I have not had the cutting form the Stratford Express about the 50 years’ service. I hope you have still got it.

I think that’s the lot this time.

Hope everything is going well with you.

Cheerio all our love Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

I have received no 20. Thanks for cutting its worth saving. I shall probably learn my value in due course when my case is brought before the directors.

I have not heard about the films yet, as a matter of fact mum mentioned the matter to Walter last Friday so I expect I shall be able to let you know a little later on.

I am pleased to hear the stamp on the papers was ok.

When we receive The Wing, we will at once look for page 17.

I see you have had some warm weather it has not been too bad here it has not stopped us from going out.

Yesterday afternoon we went to Woolwich to look at the shops etc which as you know meant a sea voyage, which was very nice while it lasted.

The Turners came last night, (they are on holiday) and we have made arrangements to go to Laindon tomorrow (Thursday) together.

I am expecting to hear from the solicitor any day now, so I expect soon that the last visit to Laindon will be to bring the remainder of the things back.

I should imagine Bert has been very lax, he asked me to tell you he will be writing you a little later.

Have you heard from Fred Gillam yet?  I have not seen him since I told you in one my previous letters.

I hope you are getting well away with the swotting and that you will be ready for Aug 15 & 16.

Here’s wishing you every success.  

Will now say Cheerio and conclude with all our love Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

I was pleased to receive no 21 and also to tell you the parcel for Ern has arrived.

I see your new moving job has caused you  a lot of work, I don’t think it would have suited me in the precarious position you had to lie in, and I trust you got everything fixed up alright.

Your letter has no mention you are going to take it easy. It seems to me you find more to do what with being quarter master, postman & foreman.

We had a nice day at Laindon yesterday with the Turners and during the afternoon we had visitors in the persons of Mr & Mrs Springhall, the chap I bought the bungalow from, actually they came to see Crockett’s, but they were out at the time but it gave them pleasure to have a look round and also to bring back memories.

They have given us an invitation to their place at Southend.

It seemed very strange they should come about the last time we would be there, as I have had a letter from the solicitor for an appointment for Aug 12th to settle matters.

We hope to have a quiet week end it will not be much good joining the crowds over the holiday but we hope to have a day at Brighton with the Turners during next week.

We hop everything is going well with you and that you are getting prepared for a fortnights time and we wish you all the best.

Will now say Cheerio and all our love Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

I have received no 22 and shall leave it to you, to mention the matter to Walter.

I have not been to the shop since I sent my resignation in, although I might have an excuse if I should take the balance of the panel money, but I think I will wait a little while longer.

I have got the form for the return of tax and shall be going to the tax office in a week or two, I think I shall get about £30 back payable by monthly instalments. So, it will be something to look forward to.

I expect by now you have received the parcel so will soon be hearing what sort of a job you have made of dyeing.

As regards the storm, the one as bad as last Friday happened on June 18th, 1930 the day the shop opened in Barking Rd, also they were flooded out at the Ascot Races. Anyway, we don’t want that to happen too often.

I suppose the New Sterling Vouchers will be interesting and I expect your will have a collection of the plastic discs.

I am sorry you should have clicked again so soon for guard duties and I hope the promise of missing them till after the exam will materialize. I only hope the concert parties etc will relieve you of the guard duties.

I have spoken again to Ern about the forms.

I only hope some that speak of demobbing 53 next March will be wrong and that it will turn out the same as we thought so as you are home and finished with it all, some considerable time before Xmas.

I saw Bert on Friday evening he told me he was getting a letter written to send you.

Eddie Turner & Phyllis with the baby came to see us yesterday afternoon.  He is now settled in a job as engineer at Whitfield’s.

I think that’s all this time.

Cheerio and all the best love from Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

I have received No 23. Also Wing mag, and after looking at page 17 both mum and I thought it a very good joke. It would have been more appropriate had it been April 1st.

Today is Bank holiday I see you are having a good day studying. Mum is getting on with her usual Monday seaside homework, so my best job is to write to you and get the papers away.

I hope you will be able to pull up with the geography so as you will gain sufficient knowledge by the time you require it, for the exam. I am sure the revising will bring it all back to you and I hope you will get the system fixed up so as it will give you the time you require for studying.

It is unfortunate these guard duties keep cropping up when you least want them.

Yesterday afternoon mum & I went to Walters, they both expressed regret not writing to you and hope to in a few days. They have both been very busy and will still be so what we can see of it.

They have got a big job in front of them getting the house straight in addition to the work at the garage.

Everybody have been pleased with the slippers you have sent but Walter is the only unlucky one, I am sorry to say his slippers are too small for him.  It is a great pity after the trouble you have gone to but I suppose it is one of those things that cannot be avoided, I told him I would be writing and would let you know.

Ray Redding has been lucky in the short time he has been in the RAF to get four days leave over the Bank Holiday, he is stationed at Yatesbury Wilts.

There is no music to report this time none since July 26th I expect several will come together when they start again.

I forgot to mention it before but did your coloured pencils turn out alright?

According to the papers we are doing a wise thing, in not going out over the holidays, but we hope to go out on Wednesday with the Turners, and I expect we shall be paying our final visit to Laindon on Friday, except to bring the things back during the next week, after the settlement on Aug 12th.

Well Don, I don’t think I have much more to say but will wish you all the luck and trust the next ten days will be worth the time you have put in and that the final result will be as before.

Cheerio all our love from Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

I have received No24 and was pleased to hear you received parcel.

I am sorry not to have answered at once, but I know you will understand.

On Tuesday, which was doctors day, I went out with Uncle Bob to London Bridge Station then to Victoria to try to book up for Brighton, but what with the crowds and the messing about we gave it up and finally decided to go to Thorpe Bay on Wednesday.

We were indeed lucky the four of us caught a train from Plaistow at 8.30 & was down there by 9.45. the weather was just right, and we had a glorious day and cheated the Southend crowds and got home about 8.30.

This morning it started raining and looks like keeping on so will have a rest today and hope for fine weather tomorrow (Friday) and then spend a day at Laindon.  This will be the last time except to bring the remainder of the things back.

Your letter was certainly interesting, and I guess how you felt with your unpleasant duties.  It is indeed a tragedy, but it still makes you wonder what might have happened had it been the other way round. (Editor’s note – with regard to requisitioning houses for married quarters)

You are quite right in thinking the blokes are mad and the majority that go over will be sorry then went and will be anxious to get away again quicker than they went so will all the messing about be worth it.

I hope these experiences you had will soon be forgotten and that your mind will be taken up with the exam etc.

All our thoughts are with you for next week.

Cheerio and the best of luck.

All our love Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

I have received No25 and pleased to hear you made the best of the holiday.

It is nice to know you are getting the extra time for the exam and I hope it will be to your advantage.

Although I read Everybody’s through, I cannot recall the photo but no doubt you were interested.

Now Monty has turned advertising agent, I hope it will be filling the gaps so as it will bring your release nearer.  Mum is quite indignant in learning that up to group 49 in the R.A.F. will be released by December.

We both hope it will be a little different to that and I can assure you we are still hoping.

We are sorry to hear about the ants and hope there has been no reoccurrence.

We had a nice day at Laindon yesterday with the Turners.

There was the usual cheerio’s to the neighbours all of them have invited us down whenever we care to go.

The weather kept fine till we got to Laindon Station when the rain came down and continued for the rest of the evening.

We managed to get a taxi from Plaistow so we can consider ourselves very lucky as the usual dog crowd was not in evidence.

It is not very bright today, but I think it will clear up after the early morning rain.

Well Don I think that is all for this time so will say cheerio and you can guess our thoughts are with you for next week.

All our love 

From Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

In reply to your No26. We have certainly heard the new demob news and I expect you have received my letter to say how we feel about it.

It must have come as a shock to a good many and I suppose a good many like yourself will try and find a way out.

Find out all you can so as you will be prepared to approach H.A.& Co when you come home on leave and I can assure you mum joins me in hoping something will come of it so as you can get out by the time your first expected.

We can only hope for the best as you say moaning won’t help and showing resentment doesn’t improve matters.

The weather has not been too good it was very windy on Saturday, it was fair yesterday but not good enough to go out.

It is dull & raining this morning and I hope it will clear up before dinner as I have an appointment with the solicitor in Gracechurch St at 2.30 for the final settlement.

I hope you are well prepared for Thursday & Friday and here’s wishing you all your wish yourself.

Any further courses you may take will certainly make the time go quicker and I will leave it to you to deal with matters as they stand now and not overwork yourself.

Will now close with our usual kind thoughts and love from Mum & Dad.


Dear Don,

I have received No27. You seem to be getting the mail in fair time. I am glad to hear you eventually got Practical Wireless.

I will go into the matter of Walters slippers and will let you know in due course.

I was pleased to hear the pencils were alright.

Len Wren who has just been demobilized saw mum and the topic was your group No and the chances of your release. He says take no notice of the talk on the wireless as no doubt it will all be revised.

That remains to be seen but I hope there is something in it.

Anyway, I know you will find out all you can about Class B and I hope with the aid of H.A. & Co things will turn out to your advantage.

After reading the papers I am sure we done right in going to Thorpe Bay instead of Brighton.  The rushing about and the waits would not suit me or mum.

We have made no arrangements for going out this week as we are waiting to hear about the lorry to bring things back from Laindon and as you are well aware, we do not want wet weather for the job.

As I told you we went to the City on Monday to settle matters.

Today (Tuesday)it was too rough for me to go out this morning as it seemed a bit better after dinner.  I went over Stratford to the income Tax office and I look like getting the whole of the tax back in monthly instalments (1946-7)

Then I went to East Ham Labour exchange with my unemployment card for this I got a receipt but no chance of any refund.

Walter and Olive have gone to Margate by boat today, it was not very promising this morning, but it has turned out better during the day.

Mum & I have got booked up for Margate by coach on the 21st.

I feel very pleased about you not being tricked by the Naafi, I consider it a very dirty sharp practice trick and I hope the enlightenment has put an end to it without causing you any trouble.

I have just seen Bert, he says he has got bags of writing to do and you will be hearing from him a little later.  I expect he is just off to the speedway.

No doubt you have heard about the gas strike, it is causing great inconvenience to everybody, plenty of cafes are closed and we have got to have a fire for cooking. Tonight’s news makes things a bit brighter.

Well Don, I think that’s the lot all the best for Thursday & Friday.  Cheerio all our love Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

Today I have received No 28 yesterday the warrant for £10 came which has been placed to you’re a/c.

Enclosed is the DM Form duly signed.

If I see Bert, I will tell him you will write after the exam.

I saw Walter yesterday and am now waiting to hear about the lorry for the return of the furniture from Laindon.

I expect the paragraph you saw in the “Express” interested you, perhaps the same promises will be for you if you should go on tour later but I suppose this sort of work has been held up in view of the exam.

Both mum & I hope the Monty business will be to your advantage, let us hope something will turn up, so as your demobilisation will not be too long delayed.

Our thoughts are with you today & tomorrow and I feel confident there will be only one result.

Cheerio all our love from Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

I have received No29. I see you are the last one to start the exam, so here’s hoping you will be the first one to hear the result.

I expect you are glad the last two days have gone and I am glad you were able to tackle it with confidence.

Let’s hope now you will get more time to yourself and be able to take things a bit easier.

The weather is not being too kind at present and I shall be glad when it changes.

I was able to go out with mum yesterday afternoon to do some shopping and just managed to cheat the rain which came and has continued till dinner time today.

The boat trip Walter & Olive had was a bit rough and they were unable to land at Margate, but they tell me they enjoyed it very much and could not stop eating.

We may be going with them in about a fortnights time. So I hope it will be nice weather for mums sake.

Mum is just going to do a bit more shopping so I will finish so as she can post it.  Cheerio all our love Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

I have received No 31.  I rather think this should be No 30.  As 29 was written on the 14th & 31 on the 16th.  I mention this as I hope no 30 has not gone astray.

I expect you are glad the exam is over, and I hope the subjects were not too difficult and I hope the result will not take the time of the previous exam.

As you say it is nice to feel the time is your own and you must take it a bit easy.  I expect you will find plenty to do in clearing the accumulated junk, but it will save you the trouble of bringing it home yourself.

I trust the tour of service will mean you being posted near home in due course, it will certainly be a step nearer to being demobbed. Then perhaps the turn of events will not be so black, as they now look.

Both Mum & I are trying to hope you will be out this year.

I see the BAOR wishes have arrived, I wonder how soon it will be when some will wish they were back in England again.

The weather is still not too good, rain this morning but I think it will brighten over and as you can guess we are looking forward to a fine day on Wednesday.

I don’t hear much about the band etc but perhaps you have been too busy getting ready for the exam. So now I suppose you will be looking forward to a bash.

We both hope you are keeping well and that the face is not to bad and also the insects etc are ceasing to trouble you.

Will now say Cheerio and conclude with all kind thoughts and love from Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

I have received No32 and a few hours later up rolled No30.

I see you are starting on the band and the concert parties it was strange I should mention this in my last letter.

It is nice to know we can look forward to seeing you again in October, and it would please us if you got a posting in England (near home of course) by that time and be able to stay here till you are demobilised.

I hope you get a good selection of the books you require it is certainly a great advantage joining the book club.

It pleased us very much to know you were well at home with the geography and it would have been nice to know the economies were just as easy.  Anyway, I shall have no doubt of the result.

I am glad the DM form arrived alright & I will pass your thanks to Ern.

I had not heard about the Dortmund Tattoo but I hope you will have an enjoyable time there.

We will be anxious to receive the Wing to see the quizzes.

The new leave route will have its advantages in shortening up of a tiring journey and I trust it will mean an enjoyable trip.

The weather is still very dull, but I hope it will brighten up by tomorrow when mum & I go to Margate by coach.

I have not been too good and when I saw the doctor this morning he blamed the weather and told me to get out when the sunshine appeared.

I suppose being critical you thought the band rehearsal wasn’t too good but I am sure you will all be quite alright by the time of the show.

Well Don make the best of your time and don’t work too hard.

I think that is about all this time and I hope you get this quick enough to save you worrying about No30. I am glad I got it and the enclosures will be saved with the others.

Cheerio all our love Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

Today I have received no 33 enclosing photo & negative and note your remarks of parcel of soap.

I trust you got your instruments in good working order, and that getting lost did not delay you to any extent but it must have been certainly better in a wagon than walking and as you said it made a break.

After a 4-week gap I have received from “Sun”

} Surrender

} My Fickle Eye

Perhaps now it will start another run of music coming along.

I trust the new E.V.T. course will be interesting to you if only to give you the opportunity to get away from the section and also to make the time pass more pleasantly.

I suppose our local Post Office took a long time to dispose of the 2 ½ stamps that’s why I am still using them.

We had a very good day at Margate yesterday it was a bit chilly when we started but had not got far out when the sun shone brilliantly and kept like it all day.

We arrived at 12.15 had lunch, and then had a few hours rest on the seats, you took the photos some years back. (Happy memories).

The air made me exceptionally tired, so we did not do much walking about. We left at 5.30 and reached home 8.35.

The seats were packed and there was plenty of amusements.

I am going to see Walter this afternoon to see if he has fixed up the motor for the removal of the things from Laindon, as you know we have got to wait for the weather and mum & I will feel more pleased when this is done.

Our next trip to Laindon will be in another 4 weeks Sept 21st when we attend the Wedding of Alice Crockett. The wedding will be at Billericay, there will be about 100 guest and busses will meet us at Laindon Station to convey us to the church and return to the reception at Laindon.

We hope to have a few more outing while the fine weather lasts and hope when you are on leave the weather will still be nice. It is quite probable we will have a fine Sep & Oct as we have had the last year or two. So as to build myself up for the winter.  Anyway, we will hope for the best.

Well Don we hope everything will go well for you, that will make you cheerful & happy and be able to look forward to brighter times and trust there will be a great alteration in the demob news in your favour.

Cheerio all our love Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

Today I have received No34. Yesterday the Wing came it is very interesting especially when we learn of the articles you subscribe to it.  I should not be surprised if you are not assistant editor in the near future.

As I told you the music has made a start again

From F,D&H I have received

Kiss Me Hello

Baby’s Going to Broadway.

I hope the parcels you have sent off will arrive ok and I thank you for the razor blades, also the chocolate etc and shall remember to save the blue box.

The towel will certainly be useful.

I am glad you have sufficient time for reading and the rate you are going I suppose you intend to go through the whole library, I think reading is much preferable to work.

Will being an instructor mean a stripe.  Anyway, I hope it will be to your advantage.

I hope you enjoyed yourself at the cinema.

I don’t think there is much else to say this time except that we wish you well, so will conclude by saying Cheerio, all our love Mum & Dad.


Dear Don,

I was pleased to receive No35 and to hear you got some good seats for the Tattoo.

I trust you had an enjoyable time.

The weather is still unsettled yesterday (Sunday) it was quite nice till teatime, then we had storms very near but not local but bad enough to turn the wireless off, for an hour or two.

It has opened out fair today and I should like it to keep fine from now on as arrangements have been made to bring the things back from Laindon on Thursday.

I am sorry to hear the inactivity of being billet orderly made you tired and no doubt you felt better after a bit of radio work and I hope you got your set to go better.

Only another 7 weeks before your leave, it seems a long time since we have seen you but it’s something to look forward to and by that time you may learn more about your demobbing and possible posting nearer home.  Anyway, each week brings it nearer the end.

How both Mum & I are looking forward to the time when you have finished with it and nicely settled in your job.

I see the football starts in earnest next Saturday, that means there will be a heat wave, it usually turns out that way.

I think I will try my luck at the points just a little speculation I may be lucky?, being one of those chaps that understands the game so little.  So, if you like you can send me a line and I will use it as a stock one each week.  This is the one I am using this week with slight variations (Vernon’s) 12221×22111222.

This means I will send 6 lines in each week (the same) and hope for the best.

Do you want me to send you the results off on Sunday the same as I did last season?

I have received my tax a/c’s for the past 2 ½ years it is pretty complicated, but I am hoping to get back about £31 and later on two more P.W. Credits, making four in all.  This will probably be paid about 1949 according to what I have read in the papers.

I think that’s about all this time, so will conclude with saying Cheerio, and all the best and trust the next seven weeks will pass pleasantly for you

All or Love Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

We were delighted to receive no 36 and to learn you will be coming to Manston about Sept 5th and I hope to arrange a trip to Margate during the week commencing Sept 9th but will let you know later.

As regards the trains from Margate or Birchington you will find a good service.

I have looked up the A.B.C. and just jotted a few down.

Margate Ldn Bridge Chatx Vic

9.0 12.0   12.7

10.0 12.42

11.0 1.23

And several intermediate and eight through the day.

I should not like to think the driving course will put your leave back. I expect with a little practice you will soon be ok.

I see you had an exciting journey to and from the Tattoo plenty of excitement but I am glad you were free from serious trouble.

I am glad you had a nice seat and although parts of the show was a bit tame I shall be pleased to read about it in the Wing.

I expect you felt very fit after a good blow out and a rest.

The trip to England will certainly make a break and at the same time bring your leave nearer, and it is nice to know you are pleased about it.

I shall not be surprised if Bert does not get a day off to come down to Margate.

I expect you will let me know more in your next letter about times etc and you must let me have your new address as soon as you arrive.

It has certainly bucked both Mum & I to know we shall be seeing you sooner than we thought.

We are praying for a fine day for the Laindon Business tomorrow and I will let you know later how we got on.

Will now say Cheerio.  All or Love Mum & Dead

Have enclosed paper which I copied from the A.B.C.


Dear Don,

Mum received her parcel yesterday, she is very pleased with it & thanks you for it.

Today I have received No37 & 38 and soon after the letters came, we had another parcel from you containing the hair cream, playing cards etc.

We are pleased to hear you will be over and shall try and arrange a trip to Margate. I will see if Walter can spare the time for a trip, as this will be the only way we can see you, as the coaches leave Margate for home at 5.30.

I will find out what I can & let you know later.

I sincerely hope we will have a nice Autumn and make up for the rough weather we have had.

I hope there will be no delay in getting my letters through going to Wahn.

I see you are leaving on the 9th or 10th so perhaps you will be able to get a pass a day or two after you arrive.

I shall pass the news on to Bert.

I am pleased to say the weather permitted us to get the things back from Laindon yesterday and I have been this afternoon to settle matters and hand the keys over. So now that’s all settled mum & I have a freer mind.

The big bed has been fitted up and is now ready for your arrival. So Ern & yourself will be able to have your rooms to keep your stuff in and you can both sort it out at your leisure.

I shall send the papers off as usual this week but will save next weeks for you.

I think that’s about all this time so I must finish in time to catch the 7 o/c post otherwise it will not go out till the morning.

Cheerio & all our love from Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

I am in receipt of no’s 39 & 40.  Also parcel received on Saturday. I am replying at once, trusting you receive it before you leave for England.

I trust you have a pleasant time during your weeks stay with your pal.

Now I will wait to hear from you so as I can make definite arrangements and I can tell you both Mum & I are looking forward to seeing you soon.

Cheerio & all our love Mum & Dad



Dear Don,

We were very pleased to receive your letter and to learn you arrived safe it seemed so long since you went back.

I am pleased you are settled down and hope you will make the best of it till the end of the month, when no doubt you will let me know when I am to revert to 140 Wing.

I will get this away at the earliest so as not to keep you waiting too long for a letter.

We have had some better weather since you left but I am pleased to say it cleared up to give us an enjoyable half day at Southend on Thursday.

We did not think it was going to be too good for the Wedding on Saturday, but it turned out splendid and mum & I had an enjoyable time.

It is very dull this morning, but we have been promised some better weather.

Walters wedding has been fixed for Oct 12th and both Walter & Olive hope it will be possible for you to attend.

I have received from

Feldman } One More Tomorrow

} On Sunshine Day

I hope by now you have received all your mail my last letter was No 41 dated Sept 2nd and the papers which were posted on the 17th.

I will get this week’s papers off during the day.

I think that’s about all except to hope the time will pass pleasantly for you and that your leave will not be deferred and that we can look forward to seeing you about the 10th.

Cheerio & all our love from Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

I have received No 2 and hope you had a pleasant weekend at Gutersloh.

I trust it will not be long before you get back there.

The name of Walters Rd is SEAGRY.

We hope the leave position will remain ok.

I have received from Lawrence Wright the Enclosed so thought I would send it to you. I think that’s the lot this time.

Cheerio & all our love Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

I have received No3 and am glad the trip made a change.

I expect you are getting used to moving about and no doubt you will like it better when you are able to settle down.

As I don’t suppose you will receive this before Sat, I have addressed it 140 Wing and I hope none of your mail gets lost.

Both Mum & I hope your name will be on the new leave list, and that it will mean you being home by Oct 10th.

I hope by now you have received letters No1 & 2 and also the papers.

I don’t think I have much to say this time there is no music to report.

So will say Cheerio and all the best, all our love from Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

Was pleased to receive No 4 and hope you are now settled at Gutersloh.

When you get to Warendorf I hope the surroundings and conditions will be to your liking and not so bad as you have heard and that the change will not delay your mail.

I will inform Bert of the 140 Wing Address.

We saw Walter on Thursday and the Wedding is fixed for the 12th at 12.15.

The reception will be at Wanstead school of music (near his garage) from 2 to 10. Any more details I can advise you in due course.

Walter sincerely hopes you will be able to attend.

You seem to be unfortunate as regards lorry breakdowns, but I am glad the return trip was uneventful, and you were back in good time.  I expect it was a bit quieter with some of the entertainments being reduced.

It is a pity you did not get the chance to speak to the Archbishop of York as no doubt you could have put it in a nice way as to what you thought of being over there.

I hope some of the others spoke your thoughts.

I hope you will be soon settled down, and have something pleasant to do, that will help to past the time away without being in too noisy a place.

I have to report the music that has arrived from FD&H

} One Night in Old Seville

} In the Moon Mist

} How did I Know

} Love

Terry Parker had a chat with mum & I and he enquired after you and we told him why you were over here just recently .

Well Don here’s hoping there will be no change in the leave and that we shall be seeing you on the original date.

Cheerio, all our love from Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

Was pleased to receive No 5 this morning and to hear you received my letter.

We both hope you will have the luck to be home in time for Walters wedding and we must trust to the Sergeants kindness of heart and we are looking forward to a letter to say this has been made possible.

I mentioned in my last letter that the reception was to be held at the Wanstead school of Music, but it is School of Dancing.

I have no doubt you were absolutely fed up with the six hours in the lavy and I quite appreciate how you felt.

That was a neat trick played on the German Square head for his tiring activities and I hope it caught the right one.

I am glad for your sake the move to Warendorf has been put off especially as it would have meant a monotonous journey when it was time to come home.

Mum & I are hoping to try and find something for Walter & Olive when we go shopping during this week, and we will see what we can do in the matter for you.

We will see what we can find and hope to be able to make suggestions in a future letter.

I saw Bert Saturday dinner time and gave him your message re 140 Wing.

As we thought Rose would be out of the hospital Mum & I went round to see her last evening to see how she was and am pleased to say she is very much better.

She came out last Monday and you will no doubt be surprised to hear that Terry Perkins wife was taken in, to occupy the same bed as Rose vacated.

Terry has told us that his wife has had an operation and is now going on alright.

Rose is attending as an outpatient and is going to the hospital today and will be able to have a chat with her.

While Rose was in the hospital and able to get up she made herself very useful among the patients and the husband of one of the patients made a present to her, a very nice tray in appreciation of her kindness and consideration to his wife.

Aunt Lilie & Doris with baby Valerie came while we were at Rose’s last evening and of course we heard all about the Leslie business and perused all the letters etc. we will tell you all about it when you come home.

But one thing I will say Leslie must have the heart of a stone, to sever his responsibilities, a lovely baby as Valerie is, should have touched him and have given him the power to have gone straight and brought out the manhood in him.

There must be times when he will think, but I am afraid it will be too late, as I feel sure Doris will never be able to forgive him.

We had just returned home last night when Walter & Olive called. They have had a very busy time getting ready for the 12th and I can assure you all our hopes are centred on you and our combined wishes for your leave to be in time and trust the intervention of the Sargent will fulfil our hopes.

Cheerio, and my “Good Luck” attend you

All our Love Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

I am in receipt of No’s 6&7 and we are both delighted with the news in No 7.

I have no doubt you played well at the Sergeant’s mess just to show your appreciation.

I see you are starting E.V.T. again, it will certainly help to pass the time and I should certainly like the result of the August Exam to come thought while you are home especially as there are not too many taking part.

We hope you will get a posting near home for your two years overseas and that it will mean spending this coming Christmas at home.

We are just off out to have a look round and see what we can find for Walter & Olive.

We would like to let you know Doris is now Mrs Franklin since Sep 7th, she did not lose much time the decree being made absolute Aug 20th and it was Mrs Keyes who informed Walter who by the way has told Walter she is disgusted with the whole business.

Well Don I must come to a stop now as time is getting on so will wish you all the best and can assure you we are looking forward to the 10th and may your release be sooner than you think.

Cheerio, all our love, Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

I have today received No 8 and was pleased to hear that the dance was a success.

Also, I hope you had a good time at the dance last night (Wed).

You certainly had to be a bit nippy last Saturday to do what you did in such a short time.

I suppose this must be my last letter till we see you as I do not expect you will receive it before Monday.

We have carried out your wishes as regards the present for Walter & Olive.

We were out on Tuesday and after looking round Mum and I finally decided on a carving set, and for you we got a case of spoons.

These we considered good value (at the present time) and useful.

As it is usual to give them before the wedding, we had them ready and when Walter and Olive came we gave them to them and I can tell you they were both very pleased to receive them, being the key things they required.

They were both pleased to hear you will be home in time for the wedding.

I am glad you have managed to get your radio going.

We will now look forward to next Thursday (thanks to the adjutant) to seeing you and trust you will have a pleasant journey home.

Cheerio, all our love, Mum & Dad



Dear Don,

We were pleased to receive no1 and to hear you had a nice trip and smooth crossing.

I expect you were pleased to arrive in the evening it gave you a chance of having a good night’s rest after the travelling.

I hope some of the boys will carry on your good work and that you will all benefit by the result.

I trust the rumour is only a rumour and that you will soon hear something definite.

I saw that bit in the Express and I expect it reminded them that it would be nice to have a parade if only for the last time.

I see you have got Walters paper, so it won’t be long now before he receives it. 

We are pleased to hear you are not moving, so that will save you a lot of trouble packing up etc and I trust it will not be long before you return to England, the first step nearer to demob and we wish you all the luck.

Will now say cheerio and conclude with all our love from Mum & Dad.


Dear Don,

I have received No 2 I am sure that 19 days was not too long, it is just that it has taken you a bit longer to settle down.

I hope you had some interesting debates at the discussion meeting also after your name goes in I trust it will not be long before you get your posting over here.

The weather has changed considerably, it is quite warm this morning, so I hope you get the same change.

I will get your filament as soon as I can and send it along.

I expect the billet orderly duties gave you a good chance for a rest & read.

There is no music to report my next job will be the papers.

I am creeping up slowly on the football this week 3 more points than last and if it keep on like this I hope before Christmas something will turn up so as I am able to get a decent house and give you and Ern a good start.

I sincerely hope everything will go well with you and that you will be in a position to see the end in the near future.

In the meantime may “Good Luck” always be in attendance.

With all kind thoughts and Love from Mum & Dad.


Dear Don,

Have received no3.  We quite understand the vast difference in the two weekends.

I trust you get this soon, especially if it continues to be cold etc.

We hope you have settled down by now and also the time will pass pleasantly for you.

I don’t think I have much else to say , as I am anxious to post this off to you.

We are still looking forward to hear it will not be long before you are posted over here.

Cheerio, all our love, Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

I was pleased to receive no 4.

We had plenty of bangs on Tuesday evening. I had a bonfire, burning up some rubbish etc, but no fireworks.

I see you have received my first letter and I hope the other doings will soon turn up.

I hope you enjoyed the programme of music at the club.

I will give your message to Ern and will mention to Walter about the notepaper.

I have received from “Sun”

} Walter Winchell’s Rhumba

} The Continental Polka.

The weather is very changeable not too good today, but I hope it will not be too cold for you and that you will soon get your fire fixed up.

I think that’s about the lot this time; so will say Cheerio and conclude with all our love, from Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

I received No 5 this morning. Ern got his letter on Saturday so I expect he will be writing you in a few days.

A little better this week with the football, I got eight out of the 14.

I expect you enjoyed yourself so much at the mothers meeting?  That it will last you for some time to come.

The Waaf commandant was wise in going by Road, especially when the weather is too bad.

These crashes seem to be far too frequent and it is very sad for the relatives of the victims.

The demob news don’t look too good, but we hope something will turn up for you, through the influence of E.J.

The letters Bert has received don’t seem very hopeful in his case, but I expect he will be writing you to explain his position.

We had a fairly quiet weekend, Jean was here on Saturday and the Turners were here last evening.

I have settled with Bert for the book he got you. “The Campaign in Burma”.

I hope the weather has changed for you, we had a wet Saturday afternoon, it’s not too bad now, a bit dull, but I suppose we must expect that this time of the year.

We hope things are going well with you and that your Cold has gone, and you are now keeping free from them .

Both Mum & I are looking forward to you being in England during the next few weeks, so that you will be able to spend Christmas at home.

Will now say Cheerio and conclude with all kind thoughts

& love from Mum & Dad

P.S. Hope you have got the fire going alright and that you have received Practical Wireless.



Dear Don,

I have today received no 6 & 7 also Erns’ parcel has arrived.

I am pleased to hear you have got the filament, at the same time I should like the weather to be a bit better than freezing, especially when you are on guard.

Let’s hope it will not be long now before things are settled and you will know what’s going to happen and that you will be lucky enough to get near home.

I will try and scrape some brown paper together and let you have it.

I suppose being in a big parade came as a change for you. I hope it was not too boring.

I see you will be getting quite a collection of badges.

I think that will be all at present, mum is just going shopping so she will post it.

Cheerio, all our love, Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

I have received no8 with cutting but I have no idea if the J.P. of the same name is any relation.

More music just arrived

JD&H } Blue Skies

} Rumours Are Flying

} Blue Twilight

} My Beloved Marquita

I don’t think much of the demob news and I think there will be something done about it.

The letters in the Daily Express ought to wake them up.

The one cry is Get us Out. Let us hope the repatriation will not take too long.

The next time I hear from you, I expect you will be an instructor.

I hope you were able to perform at the camp theatre on Thursday after your practicing and you & Reg gave a good show.

I am pleased to hear you are getting good on the clarinet.

I see you & Reg had a proper excursion on Monday. When mum read it, she said no wonder she did not feel too good on Monday evening, had she known at the time she would have been worried out of her life.

I will be sending the brown paper during the weekend and will enclose this week’s papers with it.

Mum has not been able to get the C- you wanted and to be quite candid she is not sorry.  She says it would be a source of worry to her and I feel I must agree with her so I must appeal to you to appreciate our feelings.

Perhaps your pal’s friends might be able to oblige.

Ern was busy writing to you last night.

We had a wet day yesterday, did not stop raining all day and it is not much better today.

I hope you have had a change and it is not too cold for you.

I see in your letter of the 5th you sent the notepaper off to Walter.

He called here today and tells me he has not received it yet. I hope it has not gone astray.

I think that’s all for the present so will say Cheerio, all our love, Mum & Dad

Nov 18/46

Dear Don

Today I have dispatched a parcel containing the brown paper you require, together with the papers etc.

I have also enclosed the Daily Express I spoke to you about.

In the first place I am glad to let you know Walter has received the papers.

He went for Beryl yesterday and called to invite mum & I over to tea, it is quite a long time since we have seen her, it was when we all went out together to Hastings etc.

She was kept well amused and I expect she was tired out by the time she got home.

I have received the following music,

Chappells } Moonlight Propaganda

} Till Then

Lawrence Wright } Mister Moon You’ve got a Million Sweethearts

} I’ll be Thinking of You

The case you sent has just arrived. I was hoping to have heard from you today but as I haven’t, I thought I would write otherwise you would wonder what had happened.

We hope everything is going well with you. 

Cheerio, all our love, Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

I have received no’s 9&10 together today. I expect the gales held up No9.

I am glad you saw a decent film it passes the time better when you see something that you can enjoy.

You must have had a good time at the “Free & Easy” and I expect Reg & yourself will be sought after again, also the dog may make another appearance.

It is nice to know you are getting about a bit and having a decent time at concerts & dinners.

You say the weather has not been too good, just the same at home, just fair yesterday and incessant rain today.

I hope you get the brown paper in time for your requirements.

I am still without the result of the exam, I think perhaps they will let you have it as a birthday present.

Have you heard anything further about returning to England?  We hope it will be settled so as you are home for Christmas.

Will now say Cheerio, Best of Luck, all our Love from Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

Greetings, and Best Wishes for the 25th from Mum, Ern, & Myself.

To mark the occasion we have between us bought you a Ronson lighter and am wondering if I should send it to you or be on the safe side and keep it till you are home again.

I have received No11 this morning. It seems you are having the same weather as we are. I wonder when it will change. Rain day after day, and no chance of getting out.

Walter did not take part in the Veterans Car Race, personally I think he had forgotten all about it I mentioned it to him on Sunday and I should say it was because he could not spare the time.

I shall be pleased to hear all about the Radar Association when you get the particulars.

It is a pity about your last weekend and I hope you have a more pleasant time this weekend. Perhaps we will get a few fine days.

We hope you will be saved the trouble of moving by being sent back to England and I trust that will be during the next few weeks.

Mum went to Wanstead yesterday to see how they were. When we were there on Sunday Walters leg was not too good and Olive had a bit of a cold, but I am pleased to say they were both o.k.

Well Don I must finish up, so as mum will catch the early post.

Cheerio, all our love, Mum & Dad

3 Birthday cards:

Sailing scene from Mum & Dad

Sailboat from Walter & Olive

Woodland scene with cows from Bert 


Dear Don,

I expect through the gales the post will be a bit upset.

We all wish you the best for tomorrow and I hope you receive the card on the day.

We have not heard from you since Thursday, but I expect the weather has a lot to do with it, so we could not let the weekend pass without dropping you a ling.

This has been a rather bad week, not one decent day and I have no doubt it will cause a lot of damage and trouble, let us hope we shall soon have a change.

You will be pleased to hear the photos are all finished and look good.

I think the dissatisfaction with the demob news will soon speed things up and I am looking forward to see what Attlee has to say about it.

Heres’ hoping for the best.

Will say Cheerio and conclude with all our love, Mum & Dad 


Dear Don,

No 12 arrived today. I expected the letters would be delayed a bit owing to the weather we have had.

Today has opened out a bit better after a wet weekend but I do not think it will be fine for long.

Mum started the washing early and I only hope she will be able to get things dry before another change comes.

Well Don, so much for Jones, I hope when you get the chance of seeing him again, he will see your point of view and be able to give you some satisfaction.

I note your remark about the music and await the visit from Bert.

I expect your celebrations for today will be in a mild form and will be the last birthday in the service and that we can all look forward to brighter and happier times.

Our thoughts are with you today.

Cheerio & all the best.

All our love Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

I am in receipt of letters no’s 13 &14 and I hope now the mail is getting a little more regular.

I hope your room met with the approval of the C.O. after the busy time you must have had getting ready.

I am pleased to hear about your new job teaching and hope it will show a good profit.

You should certainly receive your stripes for a Job like that.

We hope you did not feel any ill effects for the strained back, when playing football and the next time you play have a different result anyway, I am glad you had a good game.

I hope the paper arrived in good time for your requirements and I think you are wise not to have the lighter sent.

After getting the second highest score in the sweeps I hope the third time you will be lucky.

I don’t seem to be able to get more than 16 points but will still hope for the best.

I am glad you enjoyed “See my Lawyer” I think a bit of comedy cheers you up that’s the sort of thing I like.

Walter & Olive were here on Monday evening. I was going to settle with him for the photos which by the way was 26/- but he asked me to leave it, till he sees you as he does not remember if he settled for the paper.

It is nice to know you have had a change in the weather, yesterday was not too bad, quite sunny when I went to the doctors and in the afternoon mum & I had a look round over Stratford.

I have received from Chappells

} If I’m Lucky

} April Showers

I listened to Attlee’s special last nightII, his excuse for the delay in demobilisation.  There was not much satisfaction in it and I think the only reason for it that he was forced to make it owing to the unrest that has been going on. Now we must wait to see what the outcome of it will be. It will give the MP’s an excuse when they are approached on the matter.

Anyway, I hope things will turn out alright for you.

Will conclude with our usual kind thoughts and best wishes.

Cheerio, all our love, Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

I have received no 15 and am very glad to hear the parcel turned up although it was very much behind.

I hope you have seen the papers which say what you may send, and what you may not. So, as you will understand mums feeling in the matter.

I expect your next birthday will be the best you have spent when you are free and the memories of the last three have been forgotten.

I am sorry to hear of the poor attendance to your class, but I expect it will build up as time goes on, so as to make it a remunerative pastime for you.

It’s a pity you had such a pretty hopeless weekend, and I hope the coming one will be much brighter for you.

Some decent weather would help to cheer us up. Rain yesterday and today but we have been promised a change for the better.

Will now say Cheerio, with all our love, from Mum & Dad

Dear Don

I have today received No’s 16 & 17 only taking 2 days.

I suppose you don’t think much of Attlee’s speech there is not much satisfaction in it.

I am more than surprised with Jones and I sincerely hope things will not get too complicated. You can guess how Mum & I feel about it.

In a way perhaps it is for the best, you had to see the C.O. if nothing had been said you might have wondered what had happened, had you been penalised in any way. With the knowledge of what has been done, it will prepare you, and you will be on your guard if anything further comes of it, I hope I have made myself clear.

Both mum & I will be greatly relieved when you are able to tell us that things have not been too unpleasant for you and that Tom’s attitude will not be hostile to you.

I am confident that you will say and do the right things and I trust in course of time you will be able to let Jones know what you think of him.

I should like to convince myself that some good will come of it and that things will right themselves also your posting will not be long delayed.

I can feel for you with the attitude of “I’m an officer” and I am afraid I should be less tactful than you so on that point I am convinced mum & I will not be unduly worried.

All I hope that good feeling will prevail in the section and that everything will go along smoothly.

We will be anxious to hear the progress of things.

Cinephonic have sent along

} My Rhapsody of Love

} Till We Meet again

The last one I trust will be soon.

Cheerio, & all the best of luck.  All our love, Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

Congratulations from us all on passing all subjects. I have just received the result.

Although there was no doubt about it, the confirmation has given us a certain amount of pleasure.

We all hope things are going well with you and that everything will be straightened out to your satisfaction.

All best wishes, Love from Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

I was pleased to receive No 18 today.

I have read it carefully and I have come to the conclusion the result of what you have done will in the long run be to your advantage.

I think you will know by the way the Radar Officer has explained things in a roundabout way you will be best off by being in 53 group especially if it means 54 & up being detained a considerable time longer. It seems so strange that they are hiding the most important facts from you all.

I should imagine there is little chance of 54 & up getting out at any early date.

I can also appreciate the feelings you have about the stripes, it is more like cheap labour but if being without the additional rise in pay helps in the matter of demob it will certainly be worth it.

Perhaps the jackasses when they get to know the real value of their stripes will not be so pleased about it, but you and the other services will understand and if any authority is shown well all I can say is that you and your pals will know how to deal with it.  Iknow you will use all the discretion that is needed for the time being and that you will soon be getting to know the date of your posting.

I think I am right in presuming you will not be penalised in any way and I have tried to convince mum it is all for the best.

How’s the classes going, are they increasing and are you getting the satisfaction out of them.

I notice you are adding more to your laurels, so I expect you will soon be an expert typist.

I have seen Bert and have told him of your success in the examination, he was quite delighted also I spoke to him about the Jones business.

By the way he has not spoken to me about the music yet.

I will settle with Walter for the photos and will not mention about the paper.

The football pools are very strange this week (Nov 30th) I have never seen so many home teams win, I wonder what the dividends will be like. I only got 10 points out of 22. Ern got 11 out of 16.

Walter has started with a dozen lines, I am sending them along with mine, so as to save him the time and trouble.

I sincerely hope something will turn up for me soon, so as it will benefit all of us, to make things easier in the so called good times that are coming.

I hope there will not be any delay in my letters especially as I want you to get No 16 with all speed.

My next job will be the papers.

I will conclude with our best wishes and trust you are keeping fit & well.

Cheerio, all our love, Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

I have received no 19 and I can tell you it has certainly pleased mum & I to hear the outcome of the Jones business has had no serious consequences and that the majority of the boys share your views.

The weather here has been very rough and prevented me from getting out but I am hoping it will be possible to get out tomorrow as we would like to pop up the other end, to have a look round and see if there is anything worth getting.  As you know it is the old tradition just before Christmas.

I see you spent a quiet day on Sunday, and I hope you got a certain amount of pleasure out of it.

You evidently guessed right about the speech, the usual twaddle, more amusing to schoolboys than to men, it remains to see how long these so-called reforms, are put into practice.

Anyway, I shall trust you to deal in your own way any matters that may affect you that are not to your way of thinking.

We are hoping that your posting will not long be delayed and that you will be over here in time to have a chance to be home at Christmas.

That would please mum, more than anything, especially as it is so difficult to make up a parcel these days, that is her main worry.

If she makes a cake with the materials she gets hold of, it does not keep nice after a few days.

We think it is about time that things should be altered so as to make life a little more pleasant.

What do you think the chances are of getting an early posting?

I think that’s about all so will say Cheerio, all our love, Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

Was pleased to receive no 20, and also to learn you were the first over there to hear the result. I expect it has made the others anxious.

I think your intention of seeing the resettlement officer will be a good idea and possibly speed matters up.

You have certainly got some good reasons and put over as only you can, may do you more good than you think.

Interrupted training etc, meets your case, and I hope it comes your way to get a substantial grant, to help you attain your ambition

I hope it is not too long before you know how you stand and be able to get in touch with H.A’s, but whatever happens you know I will not let you down.

It is nice to know what you will say about myself and Walter in the event of them making enquires but I don’t think somehow they will do that as the chaps from wealthy families would probably not trouble about availing themselves of these so called advantages.

Anyway I hope things will turn out to your advantages.

I am pleased to say the weather turned out very nice yesterday and mum & I went out. I must say there was plenty of people out and the different places were well crowded.

Mum was only able to get one or two things and I got the chance of one or two sit downs, but it made a break.

There is plenty of trash about and at a very nice price but there are some who will buy anything in spite of the price charged.

We were both well tired when we got home although we did not leave it too late.

It is very dull and foggy today, and not good for going out.

I have received from Feldman } The Stars Will Remember

} if you Could Care.

When your certificate arrives do you want me to send it to you?

By the way I found two nibs on the piano, which I am keeping for you, with your remark of a broken nib, I wondered if you would like me to send them.

Walter came on Tuesday evening, I settled with him for the Photos, he is still wondering about the paper, and did not want to take it, till he sees you, but I made him e take it as per your instructions.

I think that is all at present so will say Cheerio, all our love, Mum & Dad.


Dear Don,

I have today received No21.

The gales etc have certainly upset the post but I hope it will soon right itself, we had been getting your letters pretty quickly.

As regards the grant, I hope you will be lucky in course of time, I read of one case where a demobbed chap had to spend his all to further his studies, but I think it was going to be taken up, so perhaps things will be more settled later on.

I went thought the old papers to try and find it, so as I could let you have it, but I was unlucky.  However, don’t worry about these things for the time being.

I see you are going in for the usual xmas doings. I have no doubt it will keep your mind occupied and make you happy although your early posting would be much better.

Perhaps there is still hope you will be home for Christmas.  

I am glad to hear your pals have passed the exam.

Ern has had another change, he starts at East Ham today, true it is nearer home but I don’t think it has pleased him.

I don’t know how the post will be next week, I certainly hope there will be no delay the PMG on the wireless advised us to post no later than the 18th but that may only be to save the heavy rush at the last minute.

I think that is all just now, as I want to post it early.

All best wishes.

Cheerio, all our love, Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

I am pleased to hear by the arrival of No22 that the mail has caught up and trust there will be no more delays.

We are pleased to hear the Jones business is done with as far as trouble is concerned and hope in course of time it will produce some good effects.

I see you are in for a busy time and should you be still over there for Christmas I hope all the trouble you have been put to will be worth it and that the show will be a success.

Also the catering arrangements will be to your liking and that you will not be short of anything. That will prevent you having a good time.

I am pleased to hear you are happy with your classes and hope they will be for your good.

I am sending both papers you can easy return what you don’t require but I thought it might be handy.

I thank you for your thoughts as regards the pools that will be my next job. Last Saturday

I got the correct numbers of 1,2 x’s but not quite in the right order and it was only 14 points out of 25.

However we will press on as Peter WaringIII says.

I hope you are successful in getting your impromptu show ready for Wednesday and that you will be pleased with it.

I have got Practical Wireless and will sent that with my next letters.

We wish you all the best, and hope everything will got will with you, in all your undertakings.

Will now say Cheerio, and conclude with all our love, from Mum & Dad

Dear Don, 11/12/46

I have received no 23. To a certain extent I am pleased to hear you have heard from Jones, and I feel confident you will be able to reply in a capable way.

Do you think he has heard the result and should have written you earlier anyway I hope things will turn out to your advantage.

I presume the rehearsals are now in full swing.

I am pleased to hear you had an enjoyable time at the theatre.

I hope you are having some decent weather, after a fair day yesterday it finished up with a lovely fog, and this morning it is raining and doesn’t look like clearing up.

As promised, I am sending P.W. along also an enclosure from Lawrence Wright and I can assure you that he will not be the only one that will be thinking of you at Christmas time.

We wish you all success and trust the show you are preparing will prove another “Mossy Express”

Will now say Cheerio and conclude with all our love, Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

I have received no24 with enclosures.

Ern & I have studied your additional note and he will go to Jones tomorrow evening.

I will write you directly I have found out how things went.

I do not think there is anything in your letter to Jones that can be taken exception to.

No doubt he will write you again.

You mentioned about the EVT section, to get the job and then apply for the grant. So perhaps the next visit to Agar will give you a better idea of things.

I will keep your certificate when it arrives and put it with the other papers etc I have got.

As regards the parcels you want to send, do you think it would be safer to leave it till after the xmas rush has subsided.,

That is of course if your posting does not intervene.

I am glad a comfortable position and surroundings helped to stimulate your mind and together with your pals you were able to get quite a lot of script etc done.

I expect the time went quickly enough for you all and I expect you were all happy after sampling the contents of the cellar.

I suppose the F/O is not there for a considerable time, but to be isolated and waiting for burglars doesn’t tend to improve the position.

I hope you and the crowd have caught up through being unable to have the rehearsal and that you were ok for the next .

Time is getting short, so you will all have to work hard to make yourselves word perfect for the big event.

I think that’s all for this time but shall write again as soon as I know how  Ern got on with Jones.

All the best.

Cheerio, all our love, Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

I have by the same time of posting this, sent off the letter for Jones, as I regret to say Ern was unable to see him last evening and was told he will not be available till after xmas.

I thought I would let you know straight away in case there was anything else you can suggest, or just hope for the best.

The House will be rising on Thursday, till the end of January, so I hope I have done the right thing.

I hope you are getting well away with your show and as I have said before, the best wishes for success.

I have received from 

Victoria } Love Again

} Somewhere in the Great Big World.

I see this is the ninth (18 No’s) but on turning it up I notice I paid 9/- for 16 no’s so if I do not hear from them in a few weeks, I suppose I should send them another sub.  There numbers are usually about 3 months apart.

I think that’s about all this time.  So will say Cheerio, all our love, Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

I have received no’s 25&26. My no 24 explained about Jones letter and I hope you consider I done the right thing and that no complications will arise.

I hope when you have the costume rehearsal the budding stars will be line perfect and be a credit to the producer.  Also, I hope “In Town Tonight” will be a huge success.

I am sorry to hear about the band for the xmas show, but no doubt something will turn up to make things turn out alright. Perhaps as time goes on the xmas spirit will bring out some latent talent anyway, I trust you to have a good time.

The line “If I am still here” has set mum & I wondering and it would certainly be a turn up for the book if you had the luck to get home for xmas.

I expect after Wednesday the post will be a bit erratic as that’s supposed to be the last day for posting but of course I shall still continue writing and will hope for the best.

I hope you are not having the weather too cold and that you are able to keep yourself comfortable, it has turned very cold here, but it is certainly better than the fog which was awful last Thursday and Friday.

Well Don I think that is all for this time so will post off without delay.

All kind thoughts and best wishes.

Cheerio, all our love, Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

I was very pleased to receive no 27 and to learn of the RAF’s xmas present to you. (He became a corporal on 15th December).

Mum will confirm my anticipation of the event, I told her soon after you went back that would be the next thing to happen and we both congratulate you.

We are now experiencing some very cold weather and I was telling mum it would be very cold over there and I see our friend the snow has arrived.

I hope you will now give orders to have it cleared away, without participating in it yourself, as I expect you have memories of previous occasions, let us hope you will be back in England before you experience the winter of two years ago. You will no doubt remember spending the early part of the year in dock, the same time I was home with bronchitis. 

I shall not venture out till there is a bit of a change.

I suppose the extra renumeration will help to cheer you up. It will certainly make a difference by the time you get out I shall now look forward to addressing you in your new status.

I expect there will be some certain new duties that you will dislike but it is up to you to stand no nonsense but I know you will know how to deal with any complications that may arise and I know it will not be long before you gain the respect you are entitled to.

I trust there will be no tired feeling in the mornings when you are orderly corporal see that the alarm is set so you will be on parade spick & span at the appointed time, anyway I hope there will be sufficient chaps so as not to have these early turn outs too frequent.

I don’t think any of this business will convince you to sign on for any further service, but only make you look forward to the time when you will be a free man again to please yourself in your undertakings.

I agree with you in hoping that it will not slow up the de-mob business.

I can picture you in the choir at the wedding service. I expect you would have been more at home in a band.

I expect you will find a way out on another occasion.

I am pleased to hear the reading material arrived at the opportune moment.

As we have got to post early for xmas we have enclosed a card which means more than Mum & I can express, but I know you will understand our inner most feelings.

We both wish you everything you wish yourself, although it will be a quiet Christmas, our thoughts will be with you.

God bless you.  All our Love. Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

Many thanks for card received and also no 28.

Well my dear corporal both mum & I and the rest of the family salute you.

The post did not arrive till 10.45 am and after listening to the postman telling me he could smell his bacon burning. I hasten to reply.

The snow is falling and has been since 9 o/clock and is laying.

I can guess how cold it is over there, but I hope you can keep yourself comfortable and that there will soon be a change in temperature.

I hope you will soon get a chance to attend to the most important thing that of seeing the pay A/c’s and getting your rise entered in it.

I expect you are all so well pleased, that there is not much thought of leg pulling.

We don’t care how soon you get your posting but please do get it within a reasonable journey from home.

We have not discussed your promotion outside the home circles, as we thought we would wait for confirmation.

I am glad you had the assistance of the tailor to save you the trouble of sewing.

Walter is now having treatment for his leg. He went on Tuesday, so mum went over to Wanstead last night to see how things were.

They evidently put him through it but after he felt great relief.

He has got to go several more times.

It may eventually convince Ern to have some treatment.

How is the show etc going on?  Should you still be there I hope everything will got according to plan.

We wish you all the best will now say Cheerio and conclude with all our love, Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

I have received no 30. And we hope the weather will soon change for the better.

It was certainly unfortunate for Bob Dyer and I hope you do not get any further repetitions.

You seem to be anticipating a good round of celebration suppers and we hope you have many happy times.

I am glad the duties are getting well spread over, it will certainly make things easier for you.

Here is a list of music received the last few days.

F.D&H ] Just a Sittin and a Rockin

} I don’t Know Why

Noel Gay } Fuzzy Wuzzy

} California Sunbeam

} I was dancing in Heaven Last Night

} Appy Ampstead

Chappell } Bright Was the Day

} One Two Three

You may receive this during the xmas festivities, anyway I hope everything went off alright and you were not held up by the childish attitude of the band.

Perhaps by now they will have reasons to regret.

Mum is still worrying over the parcel business but I can tell this, she is saving you a small pudding also she has been lucky to get a bit of fat to make a cake so as to be able to send off soon after xmas, If you will still be there

No doubt you will be able to let us know if you have been posted you may be able to find out something definite during the next few days.

No 29 has just arrived. I had begun to wonder why there was delay or whether it was a slip up in numbers.

Well Don I really do not know what to say about Jones, he may just think it answers his letter and may not take any further notice.  After all I don’t think there is much harm done, as it only concerns coupons and he might write you again without going any further with it and then end the matter.

As I want to catch the post & save as much time as possible. I will conclude with all our love from Mum & Dad


Will write again tomorrow.


Enclosed with this letter was the following cutting from The Daily Mirror Wednesday, December 18, 1946.   I was surprised by few-ness of complaints and large number of men who want to make RAF a career said Mr G de Freitas Under-Secretary for Air, yesterday after a tour of British Zone airfields.


Dear Don,

Today is xmas eve, so thought I would drop you a line. Hoping you have been able to get everything settled for the show, and the good-will season extended to the band.

I expect you have got my No 29 explaining how your no 30 came before your 29.

I trust I made myself clear and the cutting Ern put in you understood.

Ern is trying today to drop you a few lines.

I don’t think I should worry anymore about the Jones letter.  There is nothing in it only a suggestion about the coupons, which I think is quite in order.

Surely, they understand that a man requires pyjamas shoes etc and of course, after being in the service so long, these things require renewing and have been renewed before on the family’s’ coupons.

There has been a big change in the weather over here and I hope it is not too cold for you.

I can now tell you I was not feeling too good, when I wrote my last letter to you.

Last Thursday I had a bad night so mum asked the doctor to call, the usual congestion. Poultices & bed.

I am pleased to say when he called today, there was a great improvement and the congestion is considerably loosened and I have been able to sit in the bedroom this afternoon.

As I can assure you there is nothing to worry about.  The doctor is coming again on Friday or Sat when I hope to look forward to getting out on a fine day.

I will deal with Victoria during the Weekend and also Noel Gay.

I have received from “Sun”

} Song of the South

} Sooner or Later

} Zip-a-Dee Doo Dah

} Uncle Remus Said

The papers have been sent off and now the xmas rush is over I don’t suppose there will be much delay in receiving the mail.

Mum & I hope you will have had a good time over the xmas and now we shall be able to look forward to you having an early posting and I sincerely hope there will be no more complications arising through lack of tact on Jones part.

I think I will now say “Cheerio” and conclude with all our love and kind thoughts.

Mum & Dad


As regards the change in the weather it is quite nice, and we have had a fair amount of sun. so we hope it will pass over to where you are.



Dear Don,

I received No31 on Christmas day and we all hope you had a nice time.

We will be thinking of you and the show tonight which we hope will be a big success especially after all the work etc it has entailed.

I hope you were lucky so regards the parade and that you were able to keep in the background.

I suppose you now begin to feel the dignity of your position and a happier feeling in obtaining the advantages it brings with it.  Now there is no more “Mary Ann” business, sweeping up and emptying the ashes etc and the dirty jobs are a thing of the past and it will be like a new life when you return to England.

Well Don, I am pleased to say I am feeling a bit better and was able to have my Christmas dinner & tea downstairs.

We had a quiet time the four of us, mum, myself Ern & Jean who came in the afternoon after she had had dinner at a big gathering of her relations. As you can guess our thoughts were with you all the time.

Uncle Bob & Arthur Hunt called this morning for an hour.

Arthur has been queer and been away from business for the past week.

The change in the weather is still good and it is quite sunny today and I sincerely hope you are having the same change in the weather and that the extreme cold and snow have departed.

Walter & Olive called Christmas eve and they were sorry we were not able to be with them on xmas day.

We are hoping to be able to be with them next Tuesday when they are having a party for Beryl, they have invited 4 girls & 2 boys from a local home so I am hoping to be well enough to join the happy throng.

Mum has had a very busy and worrying time it has meant a lot of extra work me being queer but I am pleased to say things have turned out well and I hope we will soon be able to get out for a change very soon, so as to cheer ourselves up and make up for the past week.

I will let you know how things progress as time goes on.

Perhaps you will soon hear of your posting, but if it is long delayed, we will try and get a parcel away to make up for the xmas you were unable to be with us.

Well, all the best and may the New Year open out well for you and as time goes on all our wishes & hopes turn out to be all you desire. 

Cheerio, and kind thoughts, all our love, Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

I have today received no 32 & 33 with Jones enclosure.

I am sorry you received that letter to remind you and I can only advise you two things,

1. Forget all about it & take no notice or 2 write to Jones, asking him to take no further action and that you will see him when next in England. (He will see your New Rank).  Of course, being only a personal matter, which does not involve anyone else I can’t see any complication arising being only confirmed to coupons and I don’t think the matter would reach the other side.

Anyway, use your discretion and hope for the best.

So, you have dropped out of the choir, but I hope the carols went well.

I think my last letter answers the show business. You have no doubt had a proper hectic time and as I said before I hope things went well during the festive season.

Both Mum & I will be pleased to hear how things went.

I hope you were successful in getting the Cpl & Sgt off so as they were able to take part.

Now some home news, we all spend Boxing day, the same as Christmas day, having a quiet & pleasant time. Ern had to go to work on Friday & Jean on Saturday.

I am pleased to tell you I am feeling much better, the doctor called in at 5o/c today and pronounced progress, no more poulticing etc and when I am able to get out in the air, I will get my voice back.  It has been a trying time, but it will be very nice to get out again.

The Turners called this afternoon to make enquiries & Walter & Olive came.  They were pleased I am getting on & now we are all looking forward to the children’s party on Tuesday.

Mum, in fact, all of us wish it was possible for you to be with us all.

Will now say Cheerio, and conclude all our love, Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

I was pleased to receive No 34. It is evident you have had a good time, and both mum & I are very pleased to hear you did not go short of the good things that go to make the festive season enjoyable.

I have no doubt you had a busy time with the others on Tuesday afternoon, and there was plenty of excitement with the young squareheads but being kids it is nice to know they had a good time.

The Wing Mag staff must have done the thing in proper style, but it is a great pity it should be marred by a gate crasher who was unable to behave himself in the proper spirit and no doubt he got sufficient punishment to remember that sort of thing don’t pay.

I see you were up in good time after the 3am business and I hope you did not feel too bad.

I expect the Church Club xmas party was a little more select and I hope things were very pleasant and that you were quite fit and in good form by the time the show was produced.

We had a fair day yesterday, I thought the fog was going to spoil things for me, but I am pleased to say it cleared away and then we had rain, and milder weather.

In the afternoon Ern & Jean went to the Peoples’ Palace to see the Vic Olivia show produced they had a very nice time, then returned home for tea & stayed the evening.

I think that is all this time, but Mum & I will be anxious to hear if you are likely to be posted soon, as she wants to get a parcel away about the end of the week.

Cheerio, and all the best wishes from Jean etc., all our love, Mum & Dad

Jan 1st 1947

Dear Don

Have received 35 today. Mum & I are pleased to hear things turned out so well and I hope you were well refreshed by your early night, that is, if you managed to get one.

After all what happened as regards the band etc. I think that some of you must have put that something extra in the show and the great reception you all received must have been justified.

Now I suppose we must look forward to hear how last night went off.

I don’t expect you went to bed too early and I hope you were up in time to start the New Year well.

I am pleased to say yesterday turned out well for my first outing.  Walter sent for mum & myself about 2.30.

The children from the Home arrived about 3o/c 8 of them accompanied by one of the Sisters who stayed with them till they went home.

Photos were taken outside the house and flashlights in the house.  There was 14 altogether including Beryl and I can tell you they all had a wonderful time.

They sat down to tea about 4 o/c and I think there was about 15 adults to tend to their wants.

You should have seen the eats disappear; it was a sight to see.

After the adults had refreshed themselves the fun & games started.  A friend of Walters dressed as Father xmas, added to the gaiety.

There was a large tree to be picked, and all the children were well loaded with toys etc.  

We shall be able to explain more fully when we see you.

The children left about 9 o/c and the remainder of us stayed to see the New Year in having a very enjoyable time.

Jean phoned during the afternoon to say she was unable to come as her mother had been taken very ill, so when Ern arrived during the evening, he only stayed a little while and then went off to Leyton.  I think it was a disappointment to both of them.

Well Don, I suppose we must look forward to 1947 as being a year of hope and that all our wishes etc will come true and will soon bring all what we have been looking forward to, a reality.

Cheerio, and all our love, Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

I have received No 36 am pleased to say that the weather seems to have improved and I hope you are having the kind of weather that suits you.  Foggy weather is my biggest enemy.

I expect you are now able to take it easy after the busy time you must have had, and after you made your uniform look spick & span, I hope you enjoyed a quiet read.

You will have to be busy getting your parcels away, I expect you have collected quite a lot of stuff and you don’t want to have to bring it with you when you get your posting.

I suppose they are tightening things up, by having a customs declaration anyway I hope you get sufficient away so that when you come over you will not be over loaded.

When group 48 is being demobbed this month, it will mean if they get a jerk on that 53 will not be a long way off.

Mum & I hope you have started 1947 well and that in your new position (which I expect you are getting used to) everything will go according to plan.

Cheerio, all our love, Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

I have received no 37 and I hope by now the mail has caught up.

Mum & I hope you have completely recovered from your cold, and that the stuff Reg gets, will keep you free from colds and that you will keep fit, in spite of the weather.

We hope you went to the Watchnight service; I expect you found it a little more restful after the hectic nights you have had during the past week.

It was nice to know you had an interesting evening going back a few years.  As a matter of fact, mum wondered if Reg knew Mr Celia the instructor at Aldgate: he is the son of the local grocer.

There are many reunions that have sprung from chats together and friendships that last especially when you have the same points of interest.

It’s a new one to me, to hear they pick all the mad ones for Radar Mec’s, but if that is the case, you had all better start collecting material for a book and add something else to your accomplishments.

I haven’t seen Bert for some time mum saw him last Saturday when he made enquiries about me.  I hear he was starting a new job last Monday.

When we see him again, we will mention your remarks, and then I expect he will have a lot to tell you, when he writes.

I am glad you were able to get the parcels away.  It will certainly help you later on.

I am pleased to say Jeans mother is a little better.

I am not keeping too bad and providing the fog keeps away I hope soon to get out if we can get some bright weather and to give mum a break after all the extra work & worry my illness has entailed.

Will say Cheerio, and conclude with our best wishes, all our love, Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

I have today received No’s 38& 39. Also one for Ern and am pleased to hear although there was some delay you have received all the letters.

We are pleased to hear of the improvement in your cold and hope you will keep free from colds in spite of the weather.

It is very bitter here and I am afraid you are having it much worse than we are according to the wireless this morning. I sincerely hope it will not be of long duration.

I think your decision of Jones is best to forget it and no doubt you will change your mind as regards. Seeing him when you get home.

I expect you felt good after your snow fight and was quite fit for the party.

I notice you are now close up with the letters and I hope there will be no further delays in spite of gales they have warned us about.

We are pleased to hear about the demob news, and we are hoping you will be out sooner than you think.

I am glad to hear you enjoyed yourself at the party and we should like to know that the next will be your demob party but I expect between the lot of you, excuses can be brought forward, to justify an occasion for an enjoyable time which certainly livens things up and helps to pass the time more pleasantly.

It is nice to know you have not been overworked.

Mum hopes to have a small parcel ready for posting Wednesday morning so I shall leave the papers till then for packing purposes.

There is no music to report this time, I have seen Bert and he admitted he has been lax in writing but will be doing so what with the new job etc he has got behind in his correspondence.

Walter, Olive & Beryl came yesterday he told us he had a very nice letter of thanks from the Home.

Beryl seems to be having a very good time and does not seem anxious to go home although she will have to about Thursday Jan 9th.

Walter has arranged for Thursday Jan 23rd to go to the circus and Beryl is certainly looking forward to it.  Mum & myself, Walter, Olive & Beryl so we are hoping for a nice bright day.

Jean also was here yesterday, her mother is going on fairly well, she sends her regards to you.

We are glad to think that 1947 looks a bit brighter for you and trust it will prove your best.

Cheerio, all our love, Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

No 40 to hand.

Hope you enjoyed “Carmen” on Sunday.

It certainly means when the lrks arrive, you will all have to stand on your dignity and not let the side down.

Does it mean if they come over for training that your posting will be deferred if that is so I suppose you will be entitled to another leave before you are demobbed.

I expect you would rather be over here training them, if there was a possibility of getting home pretty often.

According to the news you are having some Artic weather. I do so hope you are able to keep yourself warm etc and that your quarters are comfortable.

After I had written to you yesterday, down came the snow and kept on all day, it was quite thick by the evening, today is not much better, I expect it will hang about for a few days making everything uncomfortable under feet.

I have deferred going to the Doctor until conditions are a bit better, I have sufficient stuff to last a few more days.

Tonight, we will prepare the small parcel ready for dispatch tomorrow and we hope you receive it in good time and condition.

You will find the C-mounted with the fruits of your labour in Walters garden when you were home in October.

It will be a little Christmas cheer, a little belated but none the less welcomed.

Both mum & I would have rather you been home to enjoyed it but still the time will soon pass and then we can all look forward to the time when you will be home for good.

That’s all for now.

Cheerio, all our love, Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

The news don’t look too good. The terrible weather you must be having, and I sincerely hope there will soon be a change for the better.

I hope you are able to keep yourself warm and comfortable.

I expect you have heard about the transport workers strike.

If it keeps on any length of time things look like being difficult specially where food is concerned.

I hope the parcel which was sent off yesterday will not be unduly delayed and I know mum will be anxious to hear that you have received it alright.

The weather here has been a bit better today and I should like it to continue.

Walter called this afternoon (with Beryl to say Cheerio) and is taking her home. When mum asked her if she was glad, she said no, and is looking forward to the 23rd to go to the circus.

He had plenty of toys etc with him, so some will be left at Orpington and some will be brought back for another occasion as they are still staying at Fred & Ethels place, so I expect there is not too much room to play until the other bungalow is ready.

I expect the freeze up and the transport will delay the mail, but we must hope for the best.

I hope the stripes have saved you doing any unpleasant duties, out in the cold etc.

Friday Morning 

Have just received No32 am pleased to hear you had a good time at the opera & show and I expect you thought the cold journey was worth it but at the same time I hope it soon returns to normal.

Cheerio, and all our love, Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

I have received No 42 today. The weather has turned quite warm and we have had some rain today.

I hope the cold weather you are having will soon disappear.

I managed to get to the Doctor today, he told me I should be up & down and blames the weather, but I must get out whenever there is a bit of sunshine about.

I got the enclosed calendars while I was out today. I thought you might like them. When I see Walter again, I shall ask him if he is having any printed this year.

Through the strike there will be no meat dinners for Sunday so we shall have to make do with tin stuff. I don’t think it will be of long duration and I expect it will finish without bringing the services out, the position is very funny, if you can read between the lines.

I expect we shall all have our rations by next weekend, together with the extra 5 the present from the Argentine but to me it all seems very childish.

We hope everything is going well with you and that your mail will keep well up to date.

Cheerio, and all our love, Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

Today I have received No’s 43 & 44. I should think the mail has got into a hopeless mess, and I hope it will soon be straightened out.

No doubt the weather conditions have caused it, but it is nice to know none have been lost.

Both Mum & I hope the parcel will not be delayed and that you will find everything in a perfect condition.

Our weather was very nice yesterday till the evening when we had some rain.

Today has opened out very nice and I hope it will keep like it. Monday as you know is the day when the weather makes all the difference and a fine day is just what mum wants.

I hope the weather has improved for you we were sorry to hear the primer failed, and sincerely hope it was not too uncomfortable for you.

We were sorry to hear of the nose bleeding and trust it will soon be put right. Also, the cold & cough is responding to treatment and that you will soon be quite fit again.

The strike position does not seem too good this morning. Apart from the rights & wrongs it would have been much better to have taken the advice of DeakinIV who was unable to get a proper hearing at Stratford Town Hall yesterday morning. It seemed an organised attempt to have him down. So much for the intelligence of the stricken, it simply means that the public will lose all sympathy for them and in the end, they will struggle back and then realize what fools they are, not to listen to reason. Strikes never did any good and never will.

Ern has had a bad cold all last week, he has taken the cutting you sent so he will be getting some to sample and I hope it will put him right.

It is a good idea of yours to get your teeth seen to, especially if it is going to save time and expense.

Tommy Trinder’s film must have surprised you and your pals the “Old Nicks Players” and it seems strange you had the same idea for “Dear Swifter’s” but of course you know what great minds do.

Mum & I are pleased to hear there is only about 115 days from now, before you are out.

I think you must have had all the samples of weather that is possible, but I hope there will be no more failure of power.

I can quite understand how you feel about the strikers and all the others in the various services who understand what discipline is and as regards StracheyV I think it is disgusting to be so weak kneed. I was discussing him the other day to mum when he made a statement.

Surely public opinion will prevail before long.

I see you take this new land tax in the same way as I do and it has proved I was wise in getting rid of the Bungalow, it makes you wonder what  is going to happen next, it is a poor look out for personal initiative.

So now, if you do not get posted soon, we can look forward to seeing you early in March anyway I trust things will turn out to suit you.

I have just received two parcels.  Jeans mother has made a remarkable recovery and am pleased to say I am feeling a little better, subject to the weather and while the fog keeps away.  I shall be happy and shall take advantage of any bright day to get out.

I shall be sending the papers in the usual way, but as you see Practical Wireless on its own.

Heres’ hoping everything will go well with you and that you will soon be free from all your ailments.

Walter & Olive were here yesterday, he expects he will have some small calendars printed.

Will now say cheerio.

All our Love Mum & Dad

P.S. Parcel no 3 arrived just as I was going to post this. Dad.


Dear Don,

Yesterday I received parcel no4 and today I have your no 45.

I am sorry to hear of the mess up of the mail and I hope it will soon be straightened out.

Both mum & I enjoy Much Binding, and I must say one or two of the other shows are getting a bit monotonous.

We should certainly like to be in the audience when you produced your new show and would like to see you as Shakespeare. I am sure it will go down well ‘whether they like it or not’.  I expect these will be ‘much ado about something’.

Here’s wishing it every success.

I hope the change in the weather suits you, and that you will soon be getting rid of all that mud.

It is a pity you saw the same film twice, but as it was worth seeing it no doubt refreshed your memory.

So, you have got back on the saxophone, I hope the lapse of time did not make any difference to your playing.

We have just finished dinner, quite nice, after odds & ends. Mum got the meat she ought to have had last Sunday.

This strike business seems to be dragging on, but they may come to some settlement.  At 1 o/c on the news the delegates were still talking.

I think it would have been better for the strikes to have withheld their union money and refused to pay, action like that would have speeded up matters and the poor suffering public would have been saved a lot of trouble.

I suppose everything will come right someday.

So, we must all still hope for the Best.

I hope you are now free from all our ailments and that you are now fit & well.

Cheerio all our love Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

I have today received no 46 and both mum & I are more than pleased to hear you received the parcel so quickly and to learn it was in good condition.

I trust you will be right, in the way you have worked out the leave and demob, and I think you would rather it be that way.

So now we can look forward to see you early March and during that time you will be able to see HA& Co and I hope make satisfactory arrangements for later on.

Then you can return, full of hope for the future and spend the remaining six weeks far happier in mind and I think that would be better than having to get used to new surroundings in England, especially if you got too far away to get home.

So, here’s hoping the Boss will not raise any objections to this arrangement in spite of the other chap putting his leave back.

It is a pity you had rain after the sunshine with so much mud about.

Yesterday was quite a spring day, and I took the opportunity of getting out, morning & afternoon.  In the afternoon I went to Wanstead and walked across the flats and came out at Manor Park.  It brought back memories when you & I did the similar walk, I could picture you on the old sand hills and then there was the memory of the evenings at the Golden Fleece.

I am pleased to say it done me good, and I was tired by the time I got home 4 o/c.

I expect you have heard the strike is over, and they are making a start on Saturday, so let’s hope there is the last of the tomfoolery.

I expect they will be anxious to make up for lost time and the money will be useful after being without.

I could not see it being of long duration but at the same time it is upsetting to the public and causes bad feeling.

My only hope is that it will not be long before we get more of the things we need.

You will be able to read the article in ‘Tit Bits’ of the £320,000,000 sickness bill for 1946. Never mind what they say on the wireless about the nation’s health.

I think that’s about all this time.

Cheerio all our love Mum & Dad

P.S. No 47 just arrived.


Dear Don,

I am glad to hear the post has caught up again and trust there will be no further delays.

I trust the improved weather conditions will continue it is certainly keeping a bit better here and has given me a chance to get out although I can’t walk very far before I get tired perhaps that is after being indoors so long.

I see the Government are taking steps to safeguard the Country’s recovery programme against lightning stoppages. I think it is time something definite was done otherwise this sort of think will be always with us, and any forward progress will be a thing of the past 

I think the services have made a very good job in getting the food to the shops, I have seen several of the lorry’s delivering at the shops and at some places they had to stay on Thursday afternoon awaiting the arrival of goods.

Mum managed to get a little meat for tomorrow (Sunday) and I expect he will get the full ration by next weekend.

I think it a good idea to get all the different accounts transferred to one, so as you know where you are.

I have sent your book up and shall let you know the extra added to you’re a/c in the way of interest when I get it back.

I hope when you see the O.C. early next month, the important lesson will convince him to let you have your leave to suit you.

There is no music to report as a matter of fact I have received none this year.

I hope the Shakespeare business is progressing favourably also the time is passing pleasantly for you and that you are now keeping fit, no more colds and the nose is alright.

We send our combined good wishes to you.

Cheerio all our love Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

I was pleased to receive no 48 and now I am anxiously awaiting to hear the result of your visit to the vocational advice board.

I should imagine it is like having your fortune told and I can picture how interesting it will be for you and how you will sort it out after the interview.

I am very pleased to hear about the weather you are having and trust it will continue.

I trust you find no difficulty in getting up early so as you can enjoy your breakfast before going to work.

My suggestion of withholding subs instead of striking seems to be the right idea (see cutting).

Also, the heavy taxation which I have always said stopped production, this cutting is from todays “Express”.  No doubt some provision will be made in the next budget.

As I said in my previous letter the back rations should be made up quite soon and we could certainly do with a little more variety.

I should like to hear the move could be deferred so as you will not have to take part in it and not be one of the advance party.

I hope you have had a pleasant weekend.

Will now say Cheerio and conclude with all our love.

Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

You’re very interesting No49 to hand, and I hope you have received 41 as it contained “P.W.”

You are quite right, I have received 4 parcels and am now waiting for the 5th.

I am pleased you are having decent weather, yesterday here was foggy not too bad, but not good enough for me to go to the doctor, so I am going this morning.

Tomorrow is the day for the circus, so am looking forward to the weather being kind to us.

I have received your book back with £2.10.11 added.

As regards your visit to the vocational advice chap, I think you have explained that very fully and I think Mum & I should treat it as confidential.

There is no doubt it has been put in a very diplomatic way the kicks and the pats on the back not being sparred.

Keeping it all in mind you can make the position for your future and avoid the pitfalls and I sincerely hope it will prove a good guide.

I should like to go into the matter more fully, but I think that can wait till we can talk over the matter together.

In the meantime, all the best.

Cheerio all our love Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

Have received no 50 I should like to hear you have got no 41, being as I thought the safest way to send Practical Wireless.

I remember the occasion when Angus Nash was discussed with Olive so now we can tell her where he is and that you will be writing to him.

I suppose you mean these Yugoslavs are disposed persons, are they putting them into uniforms? Anyway it will be nice to know it will save the chaps a few duties.

I am glad to hear Jimmy’s party was a great success. I don’t doubt that the time slips away when you are enjoying yourselves.

You will no doubt miss the March parties should you be home on leave.

I expect you are getting a nice collection of snaps, and the folding camera from Reg will be useful for that purpose.

I am very pleased to hear about the accumulation of wealth apart from being the Root of all Evil a sturdy boot is a nice thing to have by you.

I hope you enjoyed yourself at the cinema.

First arrival of music for 1947.

Chappell } September Song

} Daybreak

Today has opened out very nice. So we are looking forward to a nice time at the circus.

Walter will be here soon after 12 0/c and we are going to pick Beryl up at Lewisham.

How did you get on at the Dentist? Mum has been thinking about it.

We hope the good weather will continue and that you are now quite fit.

Cheerio all our love Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

At last I am pleased to say parcel No 5 has arrived the largest one.

We all had a good time at the circus and I can say Beryl thoroughly enjoyed it all, and she did not miss much during the couple of hours we spent in the Fun Fair after the circus was over, and she fell asleep before we reached Orpington by about 8 o/c.

The first item at the circus was a parade of all who took part, they passed through the arena a very nice start off.

Mum was at her best, I thought there would be various items she would not care to watch, she even watched the cyclist. 80 feet up, cycle upside down with a woman suspended in mid-air by his teeth.

The lions were another item and the thrilling part is where the lion takes a piece of meat from the trainers mouth.

The dancing horses was a sight to see.

Trick riders three girls and five men five horse vaulting, standing jumps and bare back balance.

Six performing elephants wonderful juggling on the wire, Dagenham girl pipers.

A 17 year old British Lad was very good, with his horses they obeyed the traffic lights etc.

This is some of the items and I can say there was not a dull moment.

The weather was not too bad, but it turned very cold in the evening, and coming back from Orpington we ran into a snowstorm, but ran out of it long before we reached the tunnel, and we did not get any snow till about 11o/c.

It is still very cold and I am hoping it does not return to your quarters.

Sat mg. 25/1/47

I have just received your registered letter containing 5 of the best.

My start of this letter replies to query re parcel, and I am pleased to hear no 41 turned up. Also, I see you are now close up with my letters.

Ern has been using that stuff, and I am pleased to say he is much better. He was very queer last weekend, and after a discussion he took my advice and went to the doctor on Monday. A few early nights and treatment has made a big improvement in him.

I am more than sorry to see the bitter weather has returned both for you and myself and I do hope we shall soon have a change.

I see you are getting well away with monopoly, I expect you find it very interesting.

Times like this I don’t suppose you feel inclined to proceed with the new production.  What daft pig has started this P.T. with the weather like this.  I hope this ridiculous order will soon be cancelled.

I am more than sorry to hear about the food business and I trust the complaints will put the matter right.

You cannot possibly keep fit if you do not get sufficient food. we understand that well enough here. I do so hope you will be able to miss the PT business.

I was very sorry to hear about the unusual parade and I hope the idea was only for propaganda and that the two chaps will not suffer unduly. It is a terrible thing to happen when they were so near to demob and they should have certainly thought twice.

I am very glad you will not have the escorts job.

Both mum & I hope we shall soon hear that the PT has been cancelled and the food conditions will be brought up to a proper standard and I hope for all our sakes you will not think too loud about the conditions so as to prevent any unpleasantness, and I feel sure you will understand how we feel about it.

Heres’ hoping everything will turn out O.k.

Will now say Cheerio and conclude with all our love Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

I have received No 53 and have lost no time in sending the books you require.

I have made them up in a small parcel together with this week’s papers. I thought this would be the best way to send them and I hope you get them as quickly as the last parcel.

I have sent 3 books viz;

Green Room Gags

Evenings at Eight

From the Prompt Call

We shall be glad to hear the temperature has gone up for you, we have had a freeze up and snow for the past few days the sun is shining at present and I should like to think there will soon be a change for the better.  I think we have all had our share of the cold weather.

Every night at bedtime mums’ thoughts go to you wondering if you are warm enough and comfortable. 

Do you get a chance to have the heater on all night, I told mum I thought you would, and I hope I am right?

I think when you read Joad’s article in ‘Everybody’s’ you will know someone that expresses the same sentiments.

I have held this letter up thinking perhaps No 52 would arrive.  However, I expect it will soon be here so will not delay any longer in posting this.

All the best

Cheerio and all our love Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

No’s 52 & 54 arrived today, the two letters numbered 44 must have been a mental lapse on my part, but no doubt you were able to adjust matters by the date.

I am pleased there are no letters missing and I hope by this time you have received the small parcel which was posted on the 27th containing the books you require together with the papers.

I am sorry to hear of the weather conditions for you and do so hope it will not last much longer.

I have never known it to be so cold as it has been the last few days, and we have had to obtain water from the neighbours and what with the gas pressure you can tell how happy things are.

Let’s hope the news will be right, promising us a change by Friday.

I see you have had your first duty and I can tell how you felt, coming at this time it did and preventing you from having your game and I trust the number of NCO’s will mean that your next duty is well extended.

I hope you made yourself comfortable as possible while you were doing your guard duty.

The COs’ “Good Good” made you think I bet.

I see you are going to have a busy time with the entertainment committee, and I am glad you have found an erk that will probably be useful and I hope things will turn out alright for you.

More music to report –

Cinephonic – The End of a Journey – Each Little Hour

Victoria – That Little Dream got to Shine – Choo Choo Leh Boogie.

This letter will be posted within a couple of hours of receiving yours and I do hope the mail will not be held up any length of time by the weather.

How did you get on at the Dentist, have you had your teeth seen to?  We both hope you are now keeping free from colds in spite of the weather and also the nose is alright.

I think that is all at present mum is just going off shopping and is waiting to post it.

So with best wishes will now say Cheerio, and conclude with all our love

Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

I have received No 55.  4 days to come so the mail has not caught up yet.

I expect you have got my letter, telling you about the circus.

In my last letter I mentioned about the dentist, so now we will wish you luck for Feb 6th and trust you will get fixed up o.k.

I do so hope there will soon be a break in the weather for all our sakes, I think this week is about the worst I have known

I hope your game of monopoly was not interfered with on Wednesday evening and that the script was already for the show by the weekend.

From FD&H I have received

} The Whole World is Singing

} Good Night

} Put that Kiss back Where you Found It

} you see what a Kiss Can Do.

In fact, they have been generous and sent two copies of the last named.

I have heard from Victoria, so will be sending further sub.

I think that is all so will get it posted quickly so there will be as little delay as possible.

Hope everything is well with you.

Cheerio and all our love Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

I hope by now the cold weather you have been having has gone.

After a wretched week a thaw has set in, and it is now raining so you can imagine the slush everywhere, I expect you will have to wear top boots for some time.

We hope you have had a pleasant weekend and that you have been able to get the scripts ready, thus saving any more worries.

No56 arrived while writing this, am pleased to hear you have got the export from the Vocational adviser and more than pleased to hear you will soon be with us.

I think you are well advised to wait till officer returns, and I trust he will grant your request.

I am pleased to hear that you have found some budding talent among the latest arrivals.

Let us hope the mail will soon be normal and that I shall hear you have got the books etc and the most important of all the date when you will be home.

It is a pity you did not enjoy yourself at the dance perhaps it would have been better had you been playing but I suppose it made a break for you.

I hope the various duties are few and far between, and that things are much easier due to the stripes.

Mum is posting this straight away together with the papers.

Cheerio and all our love Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

I have received No 58 and am pleased to hear your mail has caught up.

I have yet to receive 57 but I suppose it will come during the day.

It is a pity about the money, but I suppose you can get some from your pals and I think it would be a good idea if you can get the things you require and the price is right so as to save coupons providing of course if there is nothing extra to pay when you bring them through the customs, so will wish you lick and hope you get a few bargains.

I am pleased the PT is held up and hope you will be lucky as regards losing other duties.

I trust the sketch etc will be a big success.

The bad weather is with us again, but I hope you are keeping yourself comfortable, I don’t think it can last much longer, anyway lets us hope for the best.

Excuse short letter, mum is just going shopping so she will post it.

Cheerio and all our love Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

No 57 arrived today that is about the longest time a letter has taken.

There don’t seem to be much improvement in the weather, I think we have had quite enough snow, and it is certainly time for a change.

That was hard luck about the fire, it is a pity you could not have arranged matters so as to have saved the trouble of moving; but I expect you will soon get over it and I hope you will be just as comfortable.

I expect you are getting quite an expert at monopoly, and it must be very interesting to keep at it so long.

So, we have got to the lined paper together anyway it has got to be used up and all letters are welcome whatever paper they are written on.

I have received from 

Feldman } The Jolson Story

} Rock a Bye Baby with a Dixie Melody

At last I have succeeded in getting a bit nearer with the football, and for matches played on the 1st inst, I received a share of the fourth dividend, the magnificent sum of eleven shillings. I hope this is just a sample to encourage me and that before long the anticipated prize will come my way.

I hope everything is going well, for the show and that the books were useful, and that the other talent is coming along well.

Did you get on alright at the dentist? And are you managing to keep free from colds.

All the best & Cheerio all our love Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

I am sorry to hear about the mail, the same applies this side.

As in my last letter 58 came a day before 57, now no 60 has arrived today, so am now waiting for 59.

The weather here is still very cold and plenty of snow hanging about, what with the anticipated electricity cuts for Monday and factories closing down through lack of coal, things look pretty grim.

I expect you have heard all about it on the wireless.

I hope you are making the best of things, and that you can manage to keep yourself comfortable.

I hope you have had a pleasant and profitable trip to Brussels and that when you return the mail will have caught up.

I am pleased to hear the dentist has made a big improvement also that you are getting well away with the show and I hope as you say it will be terrific.

I expect you will get some more inspiration while on your way to Brussels.

I hope you made a good job of the removable wiring system.  It looks as if the pools will be made void today as there is 13 matches off.  The promoters are going to decide this morning.

I think that is about all this time except to hope for conditions to improve soon.

Cheerio and all our love Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

No 59 has arrived, so that straighten things out. So, I hope you have now got your mail up to date, it is a pity the weather conditions upset things so much.

I am pleased to hear you have got a much better room and I hope it was worth the trouble of moving if only for a short time.

I expect the officer thought you were martyrs to discipline staying in such a cold room without complaining and I should not be surprised to hear of a reward for such devotion to duty. (please don’t take one too serious).

I am pleased to hear the rehearsals are going well and look forward to hear the result of the show.

I hope you were well pleased with your visit to the music circle.

The visit to Brussels I hope was pleasant and profitable and I am pleased to hear you will be able to send them duty free and it will be nice to know you have been able to save your coupons.

There was a very thick layer of snow, when we woke up yesterday morning but during the day it has thawed somewhat with great weights of snow falling from the roofs.

Bert called during the afternoon, he said he had not heard from you lately, so would we remember him to you when writing again.

It looks like being a very pleasant? Week, with the electricity cuts etc and I cannot see what business can be done in such circumstances and if conditions do not soon improve there can only be disastrous results.

It seems that the “bright future” is a long way off.

Promptly at 9 o/c this morning the juice was switched off then will be till 12 o/c then again from 2 o/c till 4 o/c.  so, there will be no wireless during those times, but I suppose we will manage, if things do not get any worse.

It is still thawing, and I hope it will continue so as to clear the snow away, but I hope it will not cause too much flooding, in various parts of the country.

How are things with you not too cold I hope anyway let’s hope there will soon be a change for the better and that there will be a great improvement in the weather and general conditions by the time your leave is due.

Cheerio, and the best of luck, all our love Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

We hope things are going well with you, in spite of the cold weather and I do hope there will soon be a change. I think we have had about enough of it.

Things are very pleasant? In England, as no doubt you have heard and I am afraid to think what it is going to lead to.

I expect the mail has been held up by the conditions, as we have not heard from you since Saturday, so I thought I would write to let you know how things are.

The mornings and afternoons seem very strange with no wireless on. After being used to the various programmes, and it certainly must be very awkward for the people that have electric only, apart from the gas being at low pressure.

We had one bit of luck the coalman brought us three cwt when we were on the last, which was nearly all dust, but I suppose we must be thankful.

One must feel sorry for those who are cut off and are in a far worse plight, I see planes are to be used to drop food etc up north.

I know this letter don’t sound very cheerful and I expect you have had quite enough to put up with lately, so the only thing is to try and be cheerful and hope for the best and look forward to the time when you will be home the brighter weather and the anxious times we are now having to be a thing of the pasts.

Cheerio and all our love Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

We were more than pleased to receive your welcome letter no 61.

So, you received a large mail on your return.

I will kick off with the music 

Lawrence Wright } Accordion

} Pretty Little Dirty Face

Both mum & I read with pleasure about the good time you had on your visit to Brussels. We can both imagine what a tonic it would be for us especially after the rotten times we are now going through.

I think perhaps it is as well you did not have your leave for February and now we must look forward to hope times will be better when you get home in March.

It is nice to know you had no trouble with the customs and that you got the things you wanted when you see all these difference things in the store, I quite agree that you could have spent a lot more, but I suppose there must be a limit to what one can carry etc in comfort, and I hope there will be no difficulty in getting the things home. We will respect your wishes re nylons.

What a difference things would be here if our so called heads could make the progress similar to some other countries and I hope the present difficulties are a blessing in disguise and will wake the people up. I don’t think they will get away with it so easily after this lot, everybody now must have learnt what mismanagement means.

I am sorry to hear the weather was so cold for your journey, but I really think there will soon be a change.

We understood how you felt in not wanting to tell us how things were in Brussels, but I can assure you, it gave us a lot of pleasure to know you had a good time and I hope after a good rest you are now feeling fit and looking forward to your show, and the pleasure of knowing your demob is getting nearer.

I am very glad to know that the fire business was noticed in time and that there was no losses as awkward complication.

I can imagine the astonishment of the girl when you fitted up your links, and I expect she wondered if you was going to put the shirt on.

I trust you felt no ill effects of the overindulgence of the fruit & sweets and we thank you for your thoughts and we quite appreciate you would be unable to send any fruit etc home.

I expect it was a jolly tea party and it was a nice round off to have a visit to the cinema in the evening.

Well Don, I think I must now finish up as I don’t want to lose any time in posting so will say 

Cheerio and all our love Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

Have received no 62 and I am pleased to see the mail is now not far behind.

We have got over the first week of the bad business and there don’t seem much hope of the end.

It will take a long time to make up and get back to something like normal.

The streets in the evening remind one of war time conditions.

Today it is still cold and the weather conditions on the wireless don’t seem very promising. There will be no MM or News Review for the next couple of weeks and the ordinary papers have been curtailed to war time conditions.

I will send P.W. with my next letter as these always seem longer in getting to you.

I hope to see things get better soon, so as when you get home on leave your will not be inconvenienced by the conditions we are now going through.

We hope you are keeping fit & well.

Wishing you all the best I will now say Cheerio and conclude with all our love Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

I have sent off the papers and after this there will be no Everybody’s, News Review etc for a week or two but I expect you will still like me to send N.O.W. People & Strat Express.

I expect it will seem very strange to both of us and we will certainly miss them.

No doubt it will be very awkward for people who usually have trade & technical journals who count on theses, for guidance and information but I see the daily express is going to publish the important statements from the leading trade papers.

This morning a letter came from the R.A.F. Association.

As the Post Mark was East Ham Ern opened it thinking it was meant for him.

It contained a receipt for membership & badge also a copy of “Flarepath” the official organ of the Ass.

I suppose you sent to them direct. I will keep them unless of course you would like me to post them to you.

No 63 has just arrived, and we were both pleased to hear you will soon be home on leave.

I am glad to hear the weather has started to improve and trust the improvement will find its way here.

I hope you will find enough fun & enjoyment being i/c of the modification party and according to the time (10-man hours) they don’t intend to overwork themselves and it will make a change for you.

What about the show, will that take place before you get home, or will all the trouble taken in practice and rehearsals be wasted?

I am not sending P.Wireless , mum & I thought it would be best to keep it here for you.

I hope the time of your leave will suite you and that the move will be in accordance with your wishes.

Each week now is getting nearer to demob and I hope things will look much brighter in this troubled world by that day so that you can look forward to happier and progressive times when you return to Civy street.

May good luck always be with you.

Cheerio, all our love Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

I have received the duplicate of your gratuity and post war Credit this morning. It is made up as follows;

Gratuity for rank of L.A.C.

29 months @ 10/- mth 19.10.0

1141 days @ 6 d per day 28.10.6


To be credited to PO SB, Book to be shortly forwarded.

I thought I would let you know straight away so as you can check up.

I suppose the remainder will be credited later on, and that will include the higher rate according to your new rank.

I hope the weather is till improving for you it is still very cold over here.

I don’t think I have much else to say this time except to wish you all the best. & conclude with all our love Mum & Dad.


Dear Don,

Today I have received no’s 64 & 65 both together.

It is now snowing again and laying. I really thought we had done with it, so as to give it a chance to thaw and clear away, but it seems you are in the same boat.

I trust everything will be alright for Sunday night, and that it will be well worth the trouble you have been put to.

I am sorry to learn you had such a rotten time in Hamburg; it must have been quite the opposite to the time you had in Brussels.

I expect you will feel quite smart when you are done up in the suit & doings, it will make a decent change from the uniform, and I hope the officers will be able to make up the required number.

It was rotten for you not to be able to get anything to eat except a few sandwiches, but I am pleased you were able to have a good feed, when you got back and I hope you felt fit after a good rest.

I suppose the demob party will be a deferred pleasure.

Last night the kitchen light went wrong, and we were brought back to our early days by using the lamp, it was a good job we brought that back from Laindon. We have phoned to the Elevi Co so I have no doubt we will be ok for tonight.

There was an interesting talk on the Radio last night by Graham Hutton the economist, he discussed the consequences of Britain’s limited manpower resources but I am afraid the people whom it most concerns would not be inclined to listen.

It simply means more and more work and production now, otherwise it will be a very long time before we are able to enjoy any of the things that we had in pre-war days.

Sometimes I think the last couple of weeks will not have been in vain and that it will make people think and I do hope that it has been a blessing in disguise.

Anyway let’s hope things will be more cheerful but the time you get home.

We wish you all the best for Sunday night.

Cheerio, all our love mum & dad.


Dear Don,

How does the weather suit you? I suppose you are having just the same as us.

After Thursday’s snow, when I thought it was the last, and going to clear up, Friday morning it started about 12.30, and kept on all day so you can bet we have nearly had enough.

We have had a garden full for a fortnight.

We have had one day out this year when we went to the circus and I have to pick my mornings when it is good enough for me to go to the doctor.

The necessary shopping is quite enough for Mum to be out and it has meant plently of chasing about to be lucky enough to get the various things that are in short supply.

I am still hoping for a change for the better by the time you came home and we are certainly looking forward to it.

Hope you will have an enjoyable weekend and that the show will be a huge success.

All the best & Cheerio and all our love Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

Was pleased to receive no 66 and I should like to think that you have seen the last of the snow.

The weather here is keeping with the times simply awful and this morning my old enemy the fog has returned.

I am enclosing the receipt and letter you require and have kept your membership and badge & Flightpath.

I hope the show was a success and that it was the best production.

We hope you will hear from your pal during your leave so that soon after your return you will be busy filling in your release papers the same as the other 11 are doing now.

This is the second week the pools have been void, if it goes on like this there will be no chance of getting that first dividend which I require for our mutual benefit.

Did you listen in to I.T.M.A.VI Tommy send some nice ones over for the benefit of Mrs Mann who called him a Twerp in parliament. I expect you have heard about it.

Reading matter will be very limited the next couple of weeks, with only the papers being sent and I expect you will miss the usual periodicals.

We hope you are able to keep yourself comfortable and free from colds etc and trust that better weather will soon be here.

Will now say Cheerio, and conclude with all our love

Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

I was just thinking of writing, wondering what had happened to the mail when I received No’s 67 & 68 and we were both pleased to read your very interesting letter.

In the first place we were sorry to hear about your cold, but am glad it was not of long duration, probably due to the gargling and sucking tablets and the will to make the show a success.

So, you made your figures correct, it is a pity it did not keep on until the time for demob but I suppose you will be thankful for small mercies by having the extra, due to your stripes.

As you have heard, we have had plenty of severe weather and I see you have had more snow but I am pleased to say after a sunny day yesterday it is not quite so cold so I hope it means that a change has come at last.

How about this leave, I hope everything will be arranged to suit you and that things will soon be made quite clear.

You must have had a very hectic time at the show it is a wonder you were able to change so many times in such a short while, that should have been a job for Ern and then the show would have gone on for about a fortnight.

I hope my letters have now caught up, I am a day behind with this one, but I thought there would be one yesterday and that is the reason I waited so pleased don’t think I have neglected you.

I was pleased to hear in your letter No 48 that your cold was a good deal better and that you had got your voice back and that you were helped by the aid of the microphone.

I see you were down for the 4th but that might mean the 6th but I don’t want to think it will be held up for several weeks and no doubt the uncertainty will get on your nerves anyway let’s hope for the best and perhaps it is as well you found out the mistake that your name was put a month too early.

Here’s hoping you will get your leave so as it will mean you are only back a few weeks and then comes the great day which you have been looking forward to.

How about the show, it gives us pleasure to hear that the reception of it was the best you had and it was nice that the team spirit was there so as to make it go with a swing.

You certainly must have been the star turn with 7 appearances and the 6 changes, and I expect you were nice and tired when it was all over.

Did you have our records on the desert island scene?

I hope there were no ill effects to the upper lip with the moustache being pulled off.

We were very pleased to hear your own composition was a great success and I hope the remaster of Freda the first has now died down although I think it was a great compliment.

It is nice to know that there are some officers with a sense of humour, and I have no doubt it pleased you all.

I think that will be all now so as I can get it posted without wasting any time.

Heres’ hoping you will soon have some definite news, and everything will be cleared up to your satisfaction.

Will now say Cheerio and conclude with all our love Mum & Dad

P.S. Bert brought over last night one large & six small, so have enclosed 4 of the small ones. Dad


Dear Don,

I have received No’s 69 & 70. It is indeed a bit of a knock after looking forward to things being so different.

We can quite understand how you feel about it and I feel I cannot express myself.

However, keep cheerful and hope for the best, things may not be so bad as they appear. 

I hope you were able to defer the going till Thursday so as you could be at the demob party to cheer yourself up.

I will look forward to the parcels coming and I hope they will all be delivered safe and sound.

I trust the next few weeks will pass pleasantly for you and that events in due course will prove to be to your advantage.

Cheerio, keep smiling, all our love Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

I have received 71 & 72.  I was pleased to hear you were able to be at the party and also to get up in time the next morning. I expect it wants some explaining how you done it.

May good luck attend you being my wish it pleases me to know you got in touch with George. So, as you were able to do things in style and by the time you get this you will be comfortably settled.

I have no doubt getting into conversation with the WAAF was another stroke of luck which will prove itself in course of time.

I shall be pleased to forward any letters which come from the Radar Ass:

I hope you will be able to get your leave on the 25th and I think it would be best to defer writing to the firm until you are sure about it.

I know it would suit you best to see them while you are on leave but if you don’t I hope they won’t expect you to return to business until you have had a few weeks at home so as your will be able to look round and get used to things.

I hope the change in the weather has come to stay, it has not been too bad the last couple of days, but it still keeps cold.

Anyway, the sunshine will brighten things up for you, during your stay at Sylt.VII

I am glad you were able to get the parcels away and will look forward to receiving them and shall advise you as they arrive.

I am sending the papers, the same as last week, but next week you will get the usual packet, as they have started printing them again.

I expect the busy time you have had and the rushing about has not left you much time for reading and I trust you will not be overworked during your stay.

I am still hoping that things will work out to suit you although we cannot always see it at the time, but I hope in your case it will prove a blessing in disguise.

Will now say Cheerio and conclude with my usual May “Good Luck” attend you always.  All our love Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

I have received No 73 and I cannot find words to express how deeply sorry and concerned Mum & I are, at the treatment you have received.

Surely the powers that be could have deferred such a journey, till there was a break in the weather, and there are good reasons for the Germans thinking us mad.

I sincerely hope you will not unduly suffer in health, through the effects of the wretched journey, and hope that the promised fine weather is near at hand.

I expect it has delayed all your letters, it must seem a long time since you have heard from me and I hope all the letters will be forwarded to you, I shall be pleased to hear you have got them all, and I hope you receive this one, with as little delay as possible.

You will be pleased to hear parcels No 1 & 3 have arrived.

No 3 was a bit battered about, but the contents were intact, the sweets & chocs were in good condition and Mum sends her best thanks to you.

Of course, Ern had to be at home, and the postman had to ask him to sign for 3 pair stockings, so I expect that will make him curious, but no other remarks have been make. I cannot understand why the postman should open his big mouth

I expect you will hear about the weather we had yesterday and during the night and after your experiences, you don’t want telling what it was like.

It is thawing now, and I do hope that the time has now come for a chance especially for you, and that you are now settled comfortably and in decent quarters.

In conclusion, I must say, I agree with your sentiments.

“Roll on April 7 Demob” and trust this is the last of Bitter experiences.

Cheerio.  Keep Smiling, all our love Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

I am pleased to let you know that all five parcels have arrived.

The one with your personal effects was well bashed about but the contents as per your letter were all intact when I checked them.

The sweets etc will be well appreciated.

As you will see, I started this letter yesterday but thought I would wait till this morning (Sat) to see if I heard from you.

I am pleased to say I received 74 this morning and am more than sorry to hear you have not received any mail and I hope with this, it has now caught up.  It must seem ages since you heard from me.

I am pleased to hear the guard duty turned out to be for your benefit and also to hear the weather has improved, it is still awful here.

I can quite agree with you that you could have done without that move and I expect you are a bit unsettled, but I do hope you are now comfortably settled.

It is a great pity the overtime spoiled the music circle, but I expect you will see that it don’t happen again.

What sort of a crowd are you with? Are you able to have some of the pleasant times you used to have, I can picture the place being desolate after the bashing about it had, I do hope you will be able to let me know I am wrong.

The enclosed came this morning, so I thought I would lose no time in getting it away.

I hope you will get the Photos I posted in one of my letters, and that the rest of your stay, (if the weather permits) will be enjoyable to you.

We both hope you are quite fit and well, and that no aftereffects came from the result of the journey you had in the terrible conditions.

With all kind thoughts and best wishes, I will now say Cheerio and conclude with all our love Mum & Dad.


Dear Don,

I thought I would drop you a line, and I hope it will soon catch up with the others.

There must be a great delay in the post, unless it is more difficult, coming from Sylt.

The last received from you was on the 8th and you wrote on the 3rd so you can guess mum & I will be glad when things are normal.

We hope things are going well with you, and that you are comfortable.

Up till today, you have completed half your stay, so I expect you are now looking forward to getting back to the old familiar surroundings.

We both hope the weather conditions have not make it too bad for you and we would like to think that better weather will soon be with us.

I hope when I hear from you again, you will be able to tell me you are close up with the mail as we know the feeling when you are waiting for a letter.

Cheerio all our love Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

I was hoping to hear from you today, and Mum & I are getting quite concerned with the delay.

Perhaps after all there is a good reason for it, and I was wondering if the letters are delayed till they are called for and taken inland before posting.

As you can guess we are getting anxious to hear how things are going with you and I hope all my letters have reached you. The enclosed letter came this morning, so I thought I would send it to you, together with the reply I sent so as you can deal with the matter. We do hope you are keeping fit and well and I suppose by this weekend, I should be writing to your old address and that you will be in a position to let us know if you will get a spot of leave before you are demobbed.

Well Don, I hope I have not unduly worried you, but I am sure you will appreciate Mum’s feelings in the matter, when the postman walks past without calling at 27.

I sincerely hope everything will turn out for the best and that things will go as you desire.

With kind thoughts and best wishes.  Cheerio, all our Love Mum & Dad

Copy of Reply


Dear Ernie,

I have received your note for Don and have posted it on to him.

His anticipated arrangements have somewhat been altered and I am unable to tell you anything definite.

I hope he gets it in time to be able to send a reply, for you to receive it before the 21st inst.

Both Mrs R & myself send our kind regards and trust you are well.

Yours sincerely,

J Redhead


Dear Don,

We were more than pleased to have received No76 this morning. No75 has still to come, so we have the reason for the delay.

I do hope this is the end of your privations, it is more than disgusting to send men to a place like that, the conditions I should think being more like Siberia and I hope that you will soon get the benefit of the thaw, we are experiencing today.

I am hoping the ration lorry has been able to get through in time to prevent going on war rations, and also the mail will soon be up to date.

I sincerely hope you have suffered no ill effects, from the conditions etc and that I shall soon be hearing you have returned to Gutersloh.

I am afraid to express my feelings over the matter.

Your bank book arrived this morning crediting you with £48.0.6 up to Oct 31st and 4/- for 2 months interest.

I don’t think I can say much more, and I want to get this posted with as little delay as possible.

So will say “Cheerio” and hope this experience will soon be a thing of the past, although I feel sure it will take a long time to forget.

Here’s hoping our worries will soon be over.

All our love Mum & Dad.


Dear Don,

No 75 arrived yesterday, I am hoping by now you have received the belated mail.

I hope you had an enjoyable time at the Squadrons celebration.

I think perhaps by Monday or Tuesday I had better address your mail to your previous address, so as to save any delay.

I have no doubt you are looking forward to the 22nd and that you will have quite enough to remember your stay at Sylt. I hope we have seen the last of the terrible weather, and a change for the better has come to stop.

The sudden change in the weather the last few days has knocked me off my perch with a dose of the “flu” but I am pleased to say I am feeling a bit better now.

We are still hoping there will be a spot of leave for you and I am looking forward to hear you have got your mail right up to date.

Will conclude with best wishes and saying Cheerio, all our Love Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

This morning I received No78 a little later on No 77 arrived and I was certainly pleased to hear from you.

I don’t think I will mention anything about the weather, from bitter experiences I think we can come to a mutual understanding.

As regards the floods and the water business, which you will no doubt hear about, which affects us, please don’t worry, as I can assure you Mum is taking every precaution and is boiling every drop before we use it.

These are certainly very trying times and I hope things will be a lot better by the time you get home.

The “Sun” has broke the spell of not being able to report the arrival of any music since Feb 14th with } The Wind Blew My Salcetic back to Me

} I’ll never Leave You Again

You must have anticipated my thoughts, as I suggested in my letter no 72 it would be best to address your letters after the 16th to your old address.

I shall be very pleased when I hear you have got them all, and that none will be missing especially the ones containing the Photos’, Waaf Papers Radar Ass, and Ernie Marshalls letter.

I am pleased to hear the ration lorries got through and I hope you have had enough food without having to resort to the war rations

I am sorry to hear about the time dragging slowly and I can guess what these periods of inactivity mean to you.

You say you have received no67, I expect you are wondering what the six missing letters contain but I sincerely hope everything will be straightened out by the time you get back to Gutersloh .

I am pleased to hear you derived a certain amount of pleasure from your visit to the music circle and that you had transport both ways.

I trust you will find the Anglo-German discussions groups very interesting, these different things certainly make a break.

I hope when you hear the April demob signal rumours is confirmed you will find that everything is in your favour and that we shall soon receive the letter that will cheer Mum up, more than anything else. 

You can tell them to tack the lost leave on to your demob period

Yesterday morning one of your musical friends Reg (who is in the army) called to enquire about you. He told mum he was stationed at Kingston-on Thames and hopes to be demobbed in July.  He also told her that Ken was out in Malaya.

I hope you can call them to mind, we don’t know their surnames.

Mum enquired about Les (Salvation Army incident during practice) but Reg says he has not seen him for some time.

Well Don, I suppose I must come to a stop so will say cheerio and conclude with all our love Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

I have today received no’s 79 & 80.

The outlook looks a little more pleasant and I trust you had a good day on Sunday, going through the mail and that you have got all the letters etc.

The story you have told for the Wing Mag, should make very good reading.

I hope you are now back at Gutersloh and are trying to forget your visit to Sylt.

We are very pleased to hear you have had some decent grub and have no doubt the new issue was very welcomed at the time.

I see you had a good time in your guard duty and expect the dog was a more welcomed visitor that the O.O.

I am pleased to tell you your certificate came this morning.

Now I am wondering since you have returned to Gutersloh if there is any chance of leave, but perhaps I am hoping for too much especially if you will be home for good in a few weeks.

I do hope we have seen the last of the bad weather, there will be a good many remember the winter of 1947.

I am pleased to say things are not too bad at home, mum is managing fairly well and the water co thinks things will be alright in about a fortnight.

Cheerio and the best of Luck.  All our Love Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

I expect by now you are nicely settled down and having a busy time with your accumulated mail.

I hope you have got over the experiences of the last few weeks.

The weather here, the last few days have been quite spring like but the intermittent showers have prevented me from getting out.

I should like a day or two out in the sun so as I can shake off the aftereffects of the ‘Flu’.

We were going to Littleport in the Fen District with Walter & Olive tomorrow (Sunday) but this has had to be postponed on account of the floods.

I have received from Victoria } That’s the Beginning of the End

} My Sugar is so Refined

Both mum and I are looking forward to hear some definite news as regards demob.

I don’t think I have much else to say only that I hope you are quite fit & well.

Cheerio.  All our Love Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

Today I have received No’s 81 & 82.

Having checked up it seems no’s 62 & 68 are missing but perhaps by now things have straightened themselves out.

I see you got Ernie Marshalls letter and I should like to know if you have got the photos.  I think they were in No 64 and also have you got the forms from the Radar Ass. No 68.

I have received all the parcels and perhaps by now you have received my letter confirming this.

I think this is about the worst hold up of letters you have ever had, but I am more than glad it won’t be for much longer.

It would certainly be nice to have a leave it would give you a chance to bring things home that would save being overloaded at demob time.

Perhaps you will be able to get some definite news soon, but I was thinking it might be possible to have a car to meet you at Euston and it will give you time to think how matters can be arranged.

I can see how difficult it will be to cope with all your kit etc but I hope you will think of a way out that will help you in the matter.

I might mention that no72 was the last letter I sent to Sylt. So you will know where you are when you get back.

I have made a note of the 8 weeks May 13, 3 weeks April 8th so will now hope for the best and I trust things will turn out that will be most suitable to you.

I can only say as I said in my previous letter, I hope you are now comfortably settled down and that your return journey was more enjoyable than the outward journey a few weeks ago.

Both Mum & I hope you have not suffered any ill effects from your experiences in the past few weeks and the waiting to see you period, will not long be delayed.

I will send the papers off as usual today.

Here’s hoping that everything will go well with you.

Cheerio and the best of Luck.  All our Love Mum & Dad



Dear Don,

We were very pleased to hear from you so quickly and to learn you had a fine crossing.

I am sorry to hear you have not been made up, but I shall still hope.

I hope you will soon be on the job you want, filling in your release book.

Certain parts of the Budget is good, but he is trying to make a nation of non-smokers and I can see a good many giving it up if only for a time but it is jolly hard luck on the  poor old pensioners whose only comfort is a pipe of tobacco but at the same time if people stopped smoking for about a fortnight something would soon be done about it.

Having lost 56 million on the beer, he couldn’t very well put that up.

I was sorry to hear BruceVIII got such a bashing, and I said to mum after the first round, I should not have been surprised to have seen the towel thrown in during the second or third round.

Well Don, I hope you have got settled down by now, and that things will go the way you wish, and that it will not be long before you are back for good.

This morning I received from FD&H } Down in Evergreen Valley Just Before I fall Asleep

} Pancho the Cuban Heel

} Poor Pedro

I think that’s about the lot so will get it posted at once and hope you receive it as quick as I got yours.

Cheerio and all the best of luck All our Love Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

I was pleased to receive no 2. It is evident there are no delays in the post now.

I expect the papers were a bit old fashioned by the time you got them.

I am glad to know you are well satisfied with your bargain and I trust it will prove good value in course of time.

I hope you are not being overworked and that you are able to spend your time in a pleasant way.

How’s the smoking going, are you reducing the overtaxed luxury?

Let’s hope you soon hear something of the releases, and I hope things will go well with you when you go to the section on Monday or Tuesday.

I hope you have been enjoying the same weather we have been having but there was a change yesterday a bit dull and cold. This morning opened out a bit windy but bright and I am hoping it will get better during the day.

Soon after you left on Monday Sid came to do the roofs so I hope there will be no more running water in the bedroom.

I think that is the lot so will say Cheerio and conclude with all our Love Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

No 3 arrived today and am pleased to hear you have started filling in the forms.

I hope the note with the papers will speed things up.

We listened in for the blow up but only heard the commentary and had to imagine the bang.

I am glad you did not have too much to do as on duty, and I think they might have had the inspection before you got back but I expect you did not have enough time to get untidy and as you say, I hope it will be the last.

JD&H have sent for a further sub and I have sent that by the same post.

I suppose we have had too much fine weather and last night we had rain it was steady enough to do the garden good and today there is plenty of wind about.

Mum had a go at the football and got the most points, but I am sorry to say not sufficient for a dividend.

It would be very nice to have a pickup before the end of the season so we will still hope.

I hope the remainder of the time you have to stay will be enjoyable to you and that it will soon pass.

Well Don, I think that’s about all this time so will say Cheerio, all our Love Mum & Dad.


Dear Don,

I have today received no 4.

We are all glad to learn things have turned out so well and trust May 10th will be the definite date and no doubt the streets of London will be gay with decorations to welcome you.

Of course, they can be left up for May 11th wen the Royal Party returns.

I hope you had a very enjoyable trip on Sunday and that you had fine weather for it.

The weather here has not been too good, windy and showers the last few days with an occasional burst of sunshine.

I trust there were no major incidents while you were orderly in the Naafi and I hope the one telling off done the trick. It must be decent beer to have an effect on the chaps.

Well Don, I hope everything will now be plain sailing and that nothing will happen to put you behind. The best of luck to you.

Cheerio, all our Love Mum & Dad.


Dear Don,

I was hoping to have heard from you today and both mum & I hope everything is well with you.

Wednesday I got your last letter and it seems a long time since we heard from you. So we must look forward to Monday morning.

Tomorrow (Sunday) we hope to go to Littleport with Walter and Olive and to make arrangements for the holidays the first week in June.

Ern spoke to Mum and this week will suit him so I hope everything will turn out alright.

I have quite a lot of music to report.

Chappell } The Sea

} I can’t believe it Was All Make Believe

Lawrence Wright } Sweetheart

} Nobody Loves my Baby Like Me

} Among My Souvenirs

} The Peanut Vendor

Also a Song My Love is only for you.

I am sending a further sub to them on Monday.

Another Flightpath has come but I have received no letters to be forwarded.

I must finish now as I want to get it posted having left it rather late.

So will say Cheerio, and trust you are fit & well. all our Love Mum & Dad.


Dear Don,

After Saturday’s letter No 5 I feel I must write off at once to save you wondering what has happened. You will no doubt be surprised to learn I received No’s 5,6, 7 altogether this morning.

Both mum & I certainly feel better after receiving them and I do hope you will receive this before you leave.

I was very pleased to hear you had a good time at Winterberg

We are very pleased with the latest developments and I trust you kick off today with a clean bill of health at 1.30 and everything after to go off according to plan.

As you say I don’t think you could have got a much earlier date and I am pleased that the usual good luck has been in attendance.

Well Don, I am more than sorry to have to tell you that Littleport is off.  We had a very nice time there yesterday and there was a big crowd there including a great number of relatives.

When mum discussed the matter of holidays Mrs Lester had to tell her it could not be done owing to her health the doctor telling her she has got to have a break so you can guess how we feel about it.

I expect Ern will now see what other arrangements can be made.

I hope your parcel will arrive in good time and I expect you will have quite enough to carry by the time you get on your final train journey home,

I hope you will be as lucky as the other chap and get a decent suit.

So now we can look forward to May 6th and I hope you will receive this before you leave and that you will know what has caused the delay.

So will now say Cheerio and conclude with all our love.

I: Wikipedia
Sir Benjamin Smith (29 January 1879 – 5 May 1964) was a Labour Party politician
A driver of one of London’s first taxicabs, Smith became the first organiser for the London Cab Drivers’ Union. He was national organiser of the Transport and General Workers’ Union from its formation in 1922 until he was elected to Parliament in 1923. He was sworn in as a member of His Majesty’s Most Honourable Privy Council in 1943. This gave him the Honorific Title “The Right Honourable” for Life.
Smith was Member of Parliament (MP) for Rotherhithe from 1923 until 1931 and from 1935 until 1946. He served as Minister of Food in the 1945 Attlee ministry until his resignation in May 1946 to become Chairman of West Midlands Coal Board.

II: Further information can be found in Hansard.  Atlee gave a statement on Demobilisation (Rate of Release) and then a wireless statement that evening.  The aim was that by end 1946 all men under 30 would be called up except those in essential production, and all men called up before 01.01.44 would be released in 1947.
In November 1960 the last men entered service, as call-ups formally ended on 31 December 1960, and the last National Servicemen left the armed forces in May 1963.

Peter Waring–magic, comedy and crime1916 -1949. From 1943 Peter Waring was one of the new generation of British magicians. He was smart, sophisticated and full of charm. He performed standard tricks in an entertaining manner.  As his career progressed, he spent more time as a compere and graduated to radio comedy with other up-and-coming entertainers.

IV: Wikipedia 
Arthur Deakin CH CBE PC (11 November 1890 – 1 May 1955) was a prominent British trade unionist who was acting general secretary of the Transport and General Workers’ Union from 1940 and then general secretary from 1945 to 1955.
Deakin was born in Sutton Coldfield, Warwickshire, in 1890. He began his working life at the age of 13 at the Dowlas Ironworks. He became an active trade unionist during the First World War and a full-time official in 1919. In 1932, he became national secretary of the General Workers National Trade Group within the TGWU and in 1935 became assistant general secretary. In 1940 he effectively took over the position of general secretary, following the appointment of Ernest Bevin as a cabinet minister. Deakin’s period as general secretary was marked by a consolidation of the powers of executive, occasional serious outbreaks of unofficial strike action among union members and a fierce anti-communist line.
Deakin was due to retire in November 1955 but on 1 May 1955 Deakin was addressing a May Day rally at the Corn Exchange in Leicester when he collapsed, he was dead on arrival at hospital.

V: Wikipedia 
Evelyn John St Loe Strachey (21 October 1901 – 15 July 1963) was a British Labour politician and writer.
A journalist by profession, Strachey was elected to Parliament in 1929. He was initially a disciple of Oswald Mosley, and, feeling that the Second Labour Government was not doing enough to combat unemployment, joined Mosley in founding the New Party in 1931. He broke with Mosley later in the year, so did not follow him into fascism. Strachey lost his seat in 1931 and was a communist sympathiser for the rest of the 1930s, before breaking with the Communist Party in 1940.
During the Second World War Strachey served as a Royal Air Force officer, in planning and public relations roles. He was once again elected to Parliament as a Labour MP in 1945 and held office under Clement Attlee as Minister of Food (he became an unpopular figure because of food rationing) and as Secretary of State for War. He continued to be a Labour MP, generally as a supporter of the party’s right until his death in 1963.

VI: Wikipedia 
It’s That Man Again (or, commonly, ITMA) was a BBC radio comedy programme which ran from 1939 to 1949. It was written by Ted Kavanagh and starred Tommy Handley in comic situations often related to current war news. It featured popular characters such as Colonel Chinstrap and Mrs. Mop and generated certain catchphrases that long outlived the series. ITMA was credited with sustaining wartime morale.  Twerp!  On Wednesday, 19 February 1947, Mrs Jean Mann introduced the epithet “twerp” to the House of Commons when referring to Tommy Handley during a debate on supplementary estimates
Jean Mann JP (née Stewart; 2 July 1889 – 21 March 1964) was a Scottish Labour Party politician and a campaigner for better housing and planning. She was the third female Labour MP in Scotland.
Mann was educated at Bellahouston Academy in Glasgow and became an accountant. Married with five children, she was a councillor on Glasgow Corporation from 1931 to 1938, where she served as Housing convenor. 
In the Labour landslide at the 1945 general election, Mann was elected as Member of Parliament for Coatbridge.
On 19 February 1947, Mann introduced the epithet “twerp” to the House of Commons.  She objected to Molly Weir, who played a Scottish girl (Tattie Mackintosh) on the show, “pursuing” Tommy Handley. Mrs Mann commented that in her day, no Scottish girl would be seen chasing a twerp like Handley. The next day, ITMA responded by opening the show with the overture revamped to “It’s That Twerp Again”.
Her memoir, Woman in Parliament, recalled the difficulties facing women MPs and their efforts to improve legislation for women and families.

VII: Wikipedia
Sylt is an island in northern Germany, part of Nordfriesland district, Schleswig-Holstein, and well known for the distinctive shape of its shoreline. It belongs to the North Frisian Islands and is the largest island in North Frisia. The northernmost island of Germany, it is known for its tourist resorts, as well as for its 40-kilometre-long (25-mile) sandy beach. It is frequently covered by the media in connection with its exposed situation in the North Sea and its ongoing loss of land during storm tides. Since 1927, Sylt has been connected to the mainland by the Hindenburgdamm causeway.

VIII: Wikipedia
Bruce Woodcock (18 January 1921 – 21 December 1997) was an English light heavyweight and heavyweight boxer from Doncaster. He held the British and Empire heavyweight titles from 1945 to 1950 and was the European heavyweight champion 1946–1949. He fought unsuccessfully for a World title in 1950.
In March 1947 he successfully defended his European title against Stephane Olek, but a month later suffered his second loss, against Joe Baksi at the Harringay Arena in a fight billed as a final eliminator for the World title. He was floored three times in the first round and twice in the second and yet tried to come back before the referee stopped it in the seventh. He was later found to have suffered a broken jaw during the first round of the fight, requiring a stay of almost two weeks in hospital.