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Don's WW2 Diaries

Active Service in England: 21st March 1944 to 19th November 1944

Letters from home start again as he has now been posted to 107 Squadron at Larkham and is living under canvas.  In July he is posted to 304 Polish Squadron and in November 1944 they are sent to Epinoy France. Whilst at Larkham he had regular passes home and also two stays in hospital.

27 Edinburgh Rd

Plaistow E13


Dear Don

Both mum & I were pleased to hear from you and trust you are getting settled.

We hope you got a conveyance when you got to flat.

We received both letters yesterday morning, and I could not reply till I saw Ern.

You will excuse pencil am writing this at the shop so as I can get it posted by dinner time.  I know it will seem a long time before you hear.  Here is the note Ern left –

Ask Don to make sure about service stripes first (as Civil & forces may not mix) and if haven’t proof on my F.G. papers I shall probably be able to get it.

I shall try and get this in any circumstances. – 

I suppose by now you have seen the M.O.  We hope you are feeling fit & well, and that you like your new surroundings.

I am sending paper and string.

I trust you will be alright for your passes it will be good to see you again soon.

On Sunday we were going to Laindon, but it rained early in the morning, so we stopped at home, it seemed a very long day and to make matters worse, it turned out quite nice.  However, we must take the next opportunity, in case the new ban stops us.

I think this is all this time, so wishing you the best of luck etc and cheerio.

Will all kind thoughts from Mum & Dad


just received your letter, with letter for Burt.

27 Edinburgh Rd

Plaistow E13


Dear Don

We were pleased to receive your letter and to learn Monday passed off alright.

I suppose you fancy you are at Laindon on a wet day, now you have got your gum boots.  I hope you get the socks, because you will find the heels will wear thin very quickly.

I trust the pleasing thought will become a reality, and that you will retain the stripe on your sleeve.

Mum had a visitor this afternoon none other than Aunt Lillie, who is closing on Wednesdays instead of Thursdays, during the conversation, it was mentioned that Ray, Arthur Ovens pal, is at Kensington.  He told Aunt Lillie he saw you in the band and when he told her you was playing the Sax. She thought he was mistaken.  He was unable to see you to speak to.  She wishes to be remembered to you.

Leslie has been home on leave and is now at Northampton.  All at Homerton are keeping well.

I hope the week is interesting, and that the time is passing pleasantly.

Now with reference to this Confirmation business, this has to be considered very carefully.  Perhaps it will be as well to say you will have a chat with your people, it is not a matter to be considered lightly, after you have been to the Class once or twice, then have a talk with me, before you take any decision.

Now as regards when you come on leave for your day as much as we would like you to stay the night, I think you should return in the evening.

You know it would mean getting away very early in the morning, and I am afraid it would be impossible to get to Waterloo so early in the morning it would be a great source of worry, should anything go wrong, I know you will understand.

Monday night was a quiet night but last night we had to get up as it was so noisy.

Arnold has been at Cardington for the past seven weeks.

Have you seen the M.O.? Did you get all the cigs you require on Tuesday? Cigs smoking is very expensive although you do not require so many.  Hope you received paper etc & reading material.  

I think this is all this time and trust you will be able to understand this letter, in spite of mistakes.

Jean is here and sends her best wishes.

With the usual kind thoughts.

Cheerio & all the best from Mum & Dad.

P.O. book to hand 20/5 added.

27 Edinburgh Rd

Plaistow E13


Dear Don

Received yours of the 21st, and I send you a few lines.

Pleased to hear of your good luck , but I don’t expect you thought much of your thrilling experience in the Dark.

However, I suppose all’s well that ends well, and we hope to get your torch etc by the weekend.

Mum & I went to Laindon today.  It was a very nice day and we were able to do a bit, which has made us tired but I think we will feel the benefit after.

Saw Bert this evening, and he will see about the music and he hope to see you fit & well when you come home on Saturday.

Mum says don’t forget to bring your washing.  Hope you have felt not any ill effects after the inoculation.

Excuse short letter. Cheerio & all our love, from Mum & Dad.

27 Edinburgh Rd

Plaistow E13


Dear Don

Just a hurried note in reply to yours of the 26th as you can guess we were as much disappointed as you were not seeing you at the weekend. However we hope it won’t be long before you get your pass.

I have got you notebooks & music, do you want me to send them, when I return your washing?

I trust you have had a fairly pleasant time under canvas and I hope the weather keeps alright for you.

I saw Bert on Sunday & again yesterday he told me he is writing you.

Ray is doing similar work to what you did at Ken.  We do not know how Arnold likes the RAF. Perhaps we will be seeing Rose or some of the others, when we will learn more.

Has anything been done about the M.O. or have things passed over.  Hope you are keeping well and cheerful.

As you can guess I am writing this at the shop so as I can get it posted quickly.

With all kind thoughts & love

From Mum & Dad.

PS I forgot to tell you Les called on Sunday he is on 7 days leave. He has got his sparks up above the line.

27 Edinburgh Rd

Plaistow E13


Dear Don

Received yours of the 27th & 28th this morning, the parcel arrived yesterday (Wednesday) and we got up early this morning so as to get the washing etc back to you.

We are going to Laindon today as we do not know when we will be able to go again, the Ban starts on Saturday, and we are wondering what’s going to happen.

I am glad the weather is good to you during the operations.

I have received from Campbell Connelly “Take it Easy” & “Someday Soon” I think this is the finish (24).

I hope you are making the best of your time, and that you will soon be able to settle down to your ordinary work.

We are still looking forward to seeing you and we hope it will be soon.

Letter enclosed, I expect is from one of the boys.

I have not heard about the notebooks, so I am sending them to you and I hope you receive everything in good order.

Well time is getting on so I must close otherwise I shall be late.

With the usual kind thought & love from Mum & Dad

27 Edinburgh Rd

Plaistow E13


Dear Don

Glad to receive your letter, and to know everything went off alright and that you arrived safe & found your parcel.

I hope things will keep you cheerful it must be amusing to meet these different fellows, who wondered what had happened to you.

I suppose you are now getting more settled in your new surroundings. You must make yourself and comfortable as you can and hope for the best.

Have you got your washing away yet?  I will send your pipe in the parcel, as it is so awkward to send on its own, and I trust you will not be inconvenienced by the short delay.

I will see Ern when he comes home, and convey your thanks to him, also tell him about the kit bag lock. Also I shall remind him again about the particulars you require.

He has been a bit queer, and we found out from Jean (on the quiet). I should imagine it is some kind of indigestion, I had a talk with him, and advised him to go to a doctor as it may be his teeth, I must wait till he is in the humour, and have another chat, I have offered to meet any expenses, if only he will do the right thing, it will be better for us all.

Jean came over Sunday afternoon, she has just recovered from measles. 

We had a quiet weekend thinking of you and wondering what you was up to.

Monday morning mum & I got up early and caught the 8.20 to Laindon. We were able to proceed to “Highland View” after our credentials had been examined.  I will tell you more about this when I see you. We had a very strenuous day and arrived back about 8.30. tired out. We both feel the effects today, but still I have no doubt it does us good.

Jack Reddin has passed A1 & Ron Levin went away this morning. I expect his mother & father feel as we did the first night you went away.

I think this is about all, I know you will excuse mistakes and grammatical errors and we are looking forward to the 22nd & 23rd.

With kindest of thoughts and Love.

From Mum & Dad.

27 Edinburgh Rd

Plaistow E13


Dear Don

We were pleased to hear from you and also to learn your surroundings are more pleasant, and that you will enjoy your stay.

I sincerely hope your parcel will be safe at Lasham and am glad to know you had a change of clothing.

I hope it will not be long before you get your 48 hrs.

I have no doubt you enjoyed listening to the classics. I suppose you are able to have a bash now and again.

Leslie Ovens had had a 10 days, he and Doris called last Thursday evening and wishes to be remembered to you.

I gave Bert your address this evening so you can expect a long epistle from him.

We saw Walter etc during the weekend and Beryl is much better after a bad cold etc.

I don’t think I mentioned music in my previous letters. I have Chappels 24/3/44 Thinking about the Wabash?

Could it be you

Campbell Connelly Take it Easy

Someday Soon

I think this completes the 24.

What about leaving the subscription?

As regards Cinephonic I had a letter from them asking particulars, so I had a chat with them on the phone the subs has gone up, so I sent the further P O for 1/- and the matter has been finished.


Have just received your letter and hope to see you soon.

Mum tells me Jack Reddin has got his medical on Friday.

Over and Out.

Cheerio all the best  etc Mum & Dad.

27 Edinburgh Rd

Plaistow E13


Dear Don

We were pleased to hear from you, but not so pleased to hear you have been queer with your leg, and hope by now, with the treatment, you are quite fit again.

It is very funny about falling off the paillasse, I wonder if it’s through taking all those pills a few weeks ago, are beginning to take effect.

I hope you will soon get in the band, that will be more your style, I have not been able to get the cloth line yet but will send it along as soon as I can.

Bert called this evening, he will be writing you. He told me he has been out each evening, he said you will know who with.

You will no doubt be surprised to hear Ken Liddeham passed away last Sunday, he has been buried today at Epping after a very impressive funeral service at St Mary’s.  Mum went, she told me what a wonderful gathering it was, all sections of the various organisations were represented and the Church was packed.

Doris came this afternoon and sent her best wishes.

Don’t think I have forgotten about the Civil defence business, I am still waiting for Ern to get the dates etc.  I am pleased to say he must be feeling more himself now, he is getting back on his food etc.

Mum has be wondering why she hasn’t received any washing this week, are you managing alright.

I think this is all this time. So hoping you will keep fit & cheerful and that we can look forward to seeing you on the 22nd. In the meantime, all our thoughts are with you

Love from Mum & Dad

Friday Morning

Have just received yours of the 12th. I trust this leg business is nothing serious.

I hope the spell in the village bucks you up and that you will soon be on your own work.

Cheerio Dad. x

27 Edinburgh Rd

Plaistow E13


Dear Don

I am writing this at Laindon I came down on my own today, it was dull when I started, and when I got to Laindon station it was pouring, so I waited about 2 hours. It eased up a little, and I made my way up to Highland View, and it has not stopped raining yet.

Well I hope you are feeling fit and that things are going well with you.

I have got the doings for your Kit bag, and shall be sending along to you, the cloth we have not been able to obtain yet, but it may be possible next weekend.

Chappell Connelly have returned but they have discontinued sending out owing to paper shortage.  From “Sun” I have received   I planted a Rose, Mississippi Dream Boat

Lawrence Wright’s sub gone up to 8/- 24 No’s they tell me they owe 2 numbers & the rest will be for 18 so there will be 20 numbers to come from them.

No news yet from the Victoria. There is a trolly bus strike, since 3 o/clock which prevented Ern from seeing Jean last night.

There is a meeting this morning and they are hoping to start tomorrow (Monday) morning.

It appears they are dissatisfied with the summer schedule.

It is now nearly 4 o/clock it has eased up a bit, but too wet to do any practical work so I think the best thing will be to make a cup of tea and try to cheer myself up.

I shall leave about 6 o/clock so shall continue letter when I get home.

Arrived home about 7.30.

Ern is trying to find dates etc and I hope to let you have them soon.

I have received the £4 safely. 

How is the leg trouble?

I don’t think there is any more at present. I hope to collect all the things you require and let you have them in a few days.

Well cheerio and all the best from Mum & Dad.

27 Edinburgh Rd

Plaistow E13


Dear Don

I am glad to know you are back on your old job and pleased to learn the leg is o.k.

I am enclosing this with the washing etc, and sundry things your require.

I have not forgotten the dates for the fire duties etc I hope to let you have them soon.

It is a pity the 48 is cancelled. I hope it won’t be for long. I know Bert will be sorry about this, anyway I sincerely hope it will not be long before we see you again.

I know how you feel about 7 days, I know it is difficult to keep cheerful under the circumstances.  I expect you all cheered yourselves up in the pub.

Don’t worry if you can’t write long letters I know how it is when you don’t feel like it and have not the time. A short note is just as welcomed under these conditions.

I think this is all at present I am writing this at the shop, as I want to get your parcel away, when I go home to dinner.

Well cheerio and keep smiling. Love and best wished from Mum & Dad

27 Edinburgh Rd

Plaistow E13


Dear Don

Pleased to hear from you  and hope we shall see you on Saturday.

I shall let Bert know.

I expect by now you have received parcel and I trust everything is ok.

I herewith send details of the fire service etc and Ern would like the forms back.

Heard from the “Victoria” at last. Yesterday received Whistling in the Light & You’re the Rainbow.

We will have another try for the lyrics this weekend.

I am glad you are making the best of it and that you had a good time in the Naafi. 

I have looked through all the papers today but only saw one picture of the Gen. in The Times but read an account of it in the Telegraph.

Shall tell Jean about Monty when we see her. She was here last evening.

Heres’ wishing you the best of luck for the weekend.

Cheerio & all our love from Mum & Dad.

Note enclosed from Ern –

Stirrup pumps from A.F.S. Prince Regent Lane July 15 -1940

It is doubtful if I can get confirmation from the N.F.S. on the date of going for the pump, as they do not now have much to do with the scheme.

This date (July 15, 1940) is actually the time when we had authority for entering etc.

The Rota for fire watching started on 12th March 1941 and your first duty was on 19th March 1941 but we were actually available from the time of getting the pumps.

The Forms enclosed, please return.

27 Edinburgh Rd

Plaistow E13


Dear Don

We have received your parcel & letters, and we are sorry to learn you have been queer, and sincerely hope you will soon be yourself again.

I trust this camp business will soon be finished, and that your will get more comfortable quarters.

I have got the book for you and will be sending it in your parcel together with the lyrics.

As regards the NYS I think you have got all the dates possible, Ern turned up all his papers and I was able to check this info with the entries in my diary of that period, so I trust you will be able to straighten things out.

I see you have a very enjoyable? time, getting your hot water. What with the fire lighting, you must be getting an expert in Camp life.

We were more than sorry we did not see you during the week-end, and hope it will not be long, before we see you again.

Both Mum & myself have had a feeling something was wrong, and although you say there is nothing to worry about, we cannot help it, and look forward to your next letter to let us know how you are progressing.

I will close now so as I can get this posted tonight and shall be sending your parcel off tomorrow (Wednesday).

With all kind thoughts & love

From Mum & Dad.

27 Edinburgh Rd

Plaistow E13


Dear Don

In answer to yours of this morning, I am pleased to hear your cold is much better, and hope you soon get the nose alright.

Rest and treatment will probably do this.

Your parcel is being sent this afternoon so I thought I would send this separate as no doubt you will get this quicker and you can ask for it , I trust some kind friend will bring your mail along.

There is some fags & sweets etc and I trust you will find it all in order.

I am glad to know you are in pleasant surroundings and both Mum & I hope you will soon be quite fit. 

Could not get a compendium so have sent the next best thing

Be careful with the brown paper we are getting very short.

Just one other thing, don’t heave your pullovers off too quick.

I am afraid I can’t stop to write more now as I am very busy, and I want to catch the 2.30.

So hoping to receive some cheerful news in the near future and with all our love & best wishes

From Mum & Dad.

27 Edinburgh Rd

Plaistow E13


Dear Don

Yours of the 27th to hand. We are glad to know you are now o.k. and that the feeling of boredom will soon pass.

I hope by this time you have received your mail & parcel and also the treatment you have had has had the desired effect. How about the nose, has anything been done to stop the persistent bleeding, feel you have had a tough time and you are making light of it. I do hope you feel quite well and will soon be quite ok.

I do not know if I told you the Victoria has sent “Something in the Light”, “You’re the Rainbow”.  Yesterday “More than anything in the world” & “Just Dreaming”.

Jean sends her very kind regards to you. It looks like being a nice day, and we are just off to Laindon to do some more work, and I thought I would get this posted on the way. 

Wishing you all the best of health and luck.  All our love

Mum & Dad.

27 Edinburgh Rd

Plaistow E13


Dear Don

We were very pleased to hear you are going alright and trust you will continue so.

Also we hope when you see the expert you will get some satisfaction, I can assure you, it has been a worrying time for both Mum & I and we are longing to know how things will turn out.

I expect you can get a chance to tell them how this business has been worrying you, and the operations you have had.

Tuesday morning.

As you will see my pen ran out, so – am finishing this letter this morning.

I have received yours of the 30th.

Mum says she hopes the fruit kept alright.

We are looking forward to the result of seeing the specialist and we anticipate the result you require.

Let’s hope our wishes come true.  I see you will be sending laundry later in the week. You can be sure it will be sent back at the earliest opportunity.

I saw Bert last night he will be writing you today.

Ern has got the weekly Sketch (6 pages). I will send this in your parcel.

I think this is all this time, so wishing you all the best. Trusting you will keep well and happy.

All our love from Mum & Dad.

27 Edinburgh Rd

Plaistow E13


Dear Don

Received your letter this morning (Wed) and glad to hear you got back alright. It has been a worrying time not hearing from you for so long, but I told mum, not to worry, as I know how things are at present.

It is nice to know you are having a good time but don’t tire yourself too much cycling.

We hope you are keeping fit  & well. Have your heard about the M.O. yet?

Jean arrived just after your left on Friday, she was sorry she did not see you, and send her kind regards to you.

Well now I suppose we must look forward to Saturday to see you and I trust the time will pass pleasantly 

You did not say what sort of a journey you had back. It was a very rough night here, and we could not go to bed till we thought you had arrived. I told mum I did not think you had rain, as the clouds were coming this way.

I think this is all at present.

So cheerio till Saturday

Love from Mum & Dad.

27 Edinburgh Rd

Plaistow E13


Dear Don

Was pleased to hear from you this morning and to learn you arrived alright, after sufficient excitement for the evening.

Anyway I am glad the bike turned up, and that there was no danger overhead.

Jean came Monday evening, she was sorry to hear about your nose and she hopes it will soon get better.

How has the weather been, at your end it has been very cold & wet here the last couple of days.

You tell me you had a feast, I expect you could do with it, after the weekend and I trust you felt no ill effects, and that you are now fully fit.

I have sent away to F. D. & H, but I have not seen Bert yet as regards the other perhaps I shall see him this evening.

Well cheerio & all the best from Mum & Dad.

27 Edinburgh Rd

Plaistow E13

Sat Evn. 20/5/44

Dear Don

We were pleased to hear from you this morning and glad to learn the inoculations hardly affected you.

Sorry the weather has been so bad for you, but I think it will turn for the better by the new moon.

We are looking forward to seeing you next Wednesday 24th. I thought you might have had something strong to drink, as you mention in your letter it will be the 18th.

By the way it was Wednesday March the 8th when you went into Hospital, and I wrote on that date to the C.O. to inform him and told him the hospital authorities would get in touch with him.

The address was Hartford Bridge, ( probably RAF Hartford Bridge, former name of Royal Air Force Blackbushe, Hampshire)   

Mum has got you a metal plate which I hope will suit you.

The music arrived from John last evening (Friday) and Bert has got your other music except 1 piece, which he will be getting later.

I thought I would get this away this evening, as we hope to go to Laindon tomorrow (Sunday).

How are the biscuits going. Would you like some more to take back with you if she can get them.

Well cheerio 

All kind thoughts and love from Mum & Dad.

27 Edinburgh Rd

Plaistow E13


Dear Don

Pleased to hear from you. Hope you did not have to walk too far, before getting a lift.

I trust you were able to lie in bed till you felt interested in work.

How does the hot weather suit you?  We had a lovely storm here last night.

Mum & I went to Laindon on Sunday morning and stayed till Monday evening, I managed to get a good bit of painting in and other work in the garden, although I feel tired I certainly feel all the better for it.

I found your ticket under the chair by the desk where you were sitting reading, I hope you did not have to pay again.

From the “Sun” I have received The Music Stopped, I saw you first Campbell Connelly (No more subs taken) “Don’t ask me Why” “Blue Bahamas”   Tonight Bert (who is on holiday & browned off) brought in from J D&H. “I’ll get by” “Star Eyes” a smashing fox trot he says.

Ern is home today and soon after he left this afternoon Bert called and was mad because he would have liked to have gone with him, he has just left me to go and clean his drums.

Doris has had a letter from her Brother Bert, he is keeping very fit.

I suppose you are now looking forward to your next day. In the meantime keep cheerful.

With our usual kind thoughts and love from

Mum & Dad

27 Edinburgh Rd

Plaistow E13


Dear Don

We were pleased to hear from you, and to learn you got back alright.

Am sending socks as requested and I hope Doris’s letter has turned up.

We have had plenty of rain today, but I trust it has not been too bad for you and I hope it will soon clear up for the sake of the boys in their huge task.

I don’t think there is much else at present, so will wish you all the best and trust you will keep fit and well.

Cheerio & all our love,

From Mum & Dad

27 Edinburgh Rd

Plaistow E13


Dear Don

We both thank you for letter, and best wishes, and sincerely hope by your next birthday things will be very different.

No doubt by now, you have received my last letter containing box.

We were sorry to hear about your arm and hope by now you are quite alright again. We trust the weather will keep fine etc, it seems much better today. It was none too good yesterday when we were down at Laindon, but we managed to get some work in. 

The workmen will not be in this week but are making a start next Tuesday 20th.  It is a job I shall be glad to see finished.

Well Don, I hope the present conditions will not rob you of your day and look forward to seeing you again in the near future.

Jean was here yesterday and asked to be remembered to you when I wrote.

Doris & Beryl have gone to Orpington for a few days.

I saw Bert this evening, who came over to make enquiries about you.

I think this is all this time so will conclude with our love & kind thoughts.

From Mum & Dad


Little excitement early this morning saw a plane in flames from the window.

27 Edinburgh Rd

Plaistow E13


Dear Don

I thought I would send you a few lines, we have been wondering why we had not heard from you, the last few days but I told mum, I expect you have been too busy.

We received the parcel mid-day today and you can rest assured it will be sent off early next week, possibly about Tuesday.

Well, Don, how are you keeping, how’s the arm, sincerely hope quite well by now.

We at home are all pretty fit but a bit tired after a couple of restless nights.

Both Mum & I hope to go down below tomorrow, to get a bit of fresh air.

Here’s wishing you all the best and hoping to hear from you soon or better still to see you.

Cheerio and all our love,

From Mum & Dad

27 Edinburgh Rd

Plaistow E13


Dear Don

Glad to hear you arrived back o.k. and trust things are going well with you

We have had a very exciting time this week, but I am pleased to say it has been a bit better today, and I hope it will continue so as we can get some rest.

I see you have had a nice job cleaning the mould away. I do hope none of your stuff has been spoiled and I hope the insects are not troubling you so much.

We hope to go to Laindon tomorrow, Sunday, I don’t want to work too hard, but I know the grass will want doing.

As you know Ern starts his holiday from today. Let’s hope the weather keeps alright, so as he can get around.

Jack Reddin has his papers for an interview, at Romford, next Thursday.

Your washing is all ready, should you require it sent on.

I have received from Cinephonic the first issue since I sent the sub in March. “Sweet as a Song

Keep a Sunbeam in our pocket.

I hope we can look forward to seeing you again during the week, in the meantime we wish you all your wish yourself.

Cheerio and all our love

From Mum & Dad

27 Edinburgh Rd

Plaistow E13


Dear Don

I have just received your letter, and hasten to reply, so as you receive it before you leave on Saturday.

When you reach Waterloo will you make enquiries about the train, and I will try and find out some time to know.  Be sure you do this, in case I am unable to find out.

The weather and other things are not too good let’s hope they both change soon. It is not so good for Ern & Jean but they are getting about a bit.

We are glad to hear you had a couple of good nights at the Pictures etc, we saw Walter last night and they are all well.

Well Don, the decorators have been and gone, leaving behind plenty of work for your mother, assisted a little by myself. We are both extremely glad this has been done.

I hope the weather has not made you too uncomfortable this week, and that you are keeping fit & cheerful. 

Mum saw Rose yesterday and she told her Leslie has been home on leave, Arnold is still at Blackpool.

I think this is about all, and we look forward with pleasure, to see you on Saturday.

With all our love and kind thoughts.

From Mum & Dad

27 Edinburgh Rd

Plaistow E13


Dear Don

Pleased to receive your welcome letter, and hope the weather will soon change, so as you can get rid of the mud. And also your feet are not giving you any trouble. 

I see your next time off is not till Thursday, it is a pity it wasn’t this Saturday, then you could have accepted an invitation to the wedding next day.

The times are not too quiet for us. We have had plenty today.

Mum went over to see Doris this afternoon, during plenty of excitement, but thank God we are all safe.

I have handed over the notes to the PMG, and have written today (Cinephonic)

We had a fair day at Laindon on Sunday, it was a bit dull but the rest we were thankful for.

Chappells have sent -Suddenly its Spring and Jenny.

I think this is all this time as the Bing boys are not giving us any peace.  4 or 5 have gone off while I am writing this, so will say Cheerio, and all the best.

With all kind thoughts and love from Mum & Dad

27 Edinburgh Rd

Plaistow E13


Dear Don

We were pleased to get your letter this morning and am looking forward to see you on Thursday. 

I hope you enjoyed your Strawberries etc. it is a pity you did not have the cream

What they have been selling in London, were not fit to buy.

Doris and Beryl came over on Saturday to see Joan married, the weather was very good and the other jokers kept away.

We had a very enjoyable few hours in the evening and it would have been nice for you to have been there to complete the party.

Yesterday, (Sunday) opened out very nice, and we went to Laindon, but it turned out very rough about dinner time, and prevented us from doing any work. We had several of the doodle bugs over, and the crashes shook the place.

Ern & Jean stayed at home, Leyton had another yesterday morning , & Manor Park Custom House this morning.

I hope the worst has passed, the news seems very hopeful.

I have sent 6 months subs to Chappells. I am writing this in the shop, having a few minutes to spare.

We hope you are keeping fit & well. 

I think this is all this time. So well conclude with our usual good wishes & love.

From Mum & Dad.

27 Edinburgh Rd

Plaistow E13


Dear Don

Received your letter with enclosure which has been attended to.

Glad to know you enjoyed the strawberries hope we can get some more by the time you are here again.

You must excuse pencil, as I am writing this at the shop in bits.

The buzz bombs paid a visit to the Russel School in Queens Rd I yesterday afternoon, so you can guess we had a find old mess to clear up.  However we are all safe & sound.  (half a mile away)

Walter came round soon after to see how Mum was and then came for me. I packed up at once and got home to help clear the muck up.  

I did not have time to answer your letter last night but I know you will understand the delay.

The Cinephonic have sent piano conductor for the last numbers you had, and have asked for another 6 sub I have sent.

I think this is all at present so wishing all the best.

Cheerio & keep smiling

Love from Mum & Dad.

27 Edinburgh Rd

Plaistow E13


Dear Don

We received your letter this morning. It has seemed quite a time since you went back till we heard from you.

We often wonder how the time does go these days, what with the worry, and insufficient sleep.

Sorry to hear you got caught in the rain. We had a slight shower, but the rest of the day was not too bad.

Ern is dealing with the springs, he is at present at home, having been to the doctors, I have just seen Bert he is fed up, and wondered if you could find him a job.

We have had plenty of excitement since you were home, more damage & clearing up to do. 1 o/c Sunday morning, one in the bus garage Green Gate st.

After the clearing up we went to Laindon and caught the early train back. While we were there one came down in Cara Rd. Ern had only just patched up the far light when he had to do it again, both him & Jean had a busy time.

We hope to have Wed & Thursday at Laindon, and perhaps Ern will come with us.

I gave Bert the list for the music.

I nearly missed your second info note at the bottom of the envelope, however I’m glad I found it.  I have enclosed the air mail letter is this correct I thought it was 3d for the forces, if this is right?

And you will let me know, I can post your some more: I hope when I hear from you again you will be able to let me know when you will have your next leave.

I think this is all I can think of so will conclude with our usual kind thoughts and Love from Mum & Dad.

27 Edinburgh Rd

Plaistow E13


Dear Don

I received your letter when we got home last evening and the second one this morning. I am writing from the shop hence the paper & pencil, as I wanted to get it posted by dinner time.

I had Wednesday & Thursday off, so we made the best of it, although a doodle bug paid a visit about 1 ½ miles away, about 4 0/c Thursday morning.

I am sorry you had a rush, but glad you caught the train.

How do you feel now, after the messing about, I hope you are more comfortable, and that the plugs have been removed.

I hope you enjoyed your ride in the jeep I suppose the officer took compassion on you

Ern has seen your letter. Jeans place has been blasted on Tuesday & Ern went over to clean up etc. her mother & father have gone to Canvey.

I sincerely hope your hope will soon come true, and that the flying bombs will soon be a thing of the past.

Have you found out what the game of Tombola is? Or perhaps you have mastered it and will soon be an expert .

We are now looking forward to the 23rd, perhaps it will be possible to have a day at Laindon.

What about your clean clothes, will you be able to manage, or will you want me to post them to you, if you do, let me know what things you require.

I think this is all what with several interruptions, one cannot concentrate on letter writing.

We hope you will keep fit & well and should the other start again, you will know what to do and I trust the M.O. will see his way clear to give you what you want.

With all kind thoughts & love

From Mum & dad.


Dear Don,

Was pleased to receive your letter yesterday and trust the nose is alright and that your feel no ill effects.

I don’t suppose it took you long to learn tombola, but I trust your learning was to your advantage.

I am more than pleased to hear about the band and hope you will now have some enjoyable times..

Bert has got some more music I think there is another one to get, I saw him last night, he is properly fed up, being on holiday, and not able to get away.

Well Don the news is still good and I hope Churchill does not have to pay out too many $1000.

We went to Laindon on Saturday, Jean & Ern came with us, and we came back Sunday evening.

We had a nice time, and the weather was very good, although we can do with plenty of rain, the ground is parched, and the barrels are empty.

Well now for the sad side. Walter phone me this morning to tell me Bert Keyes has been killed.  There are no details through yet.  He told me he had a feeling something was wrong, on Monday.

As you know Mrs Keyes is down in Wales with Ethel.  I feel sorry for the one who has to break the news to her.

I think this is all at present.

So will conclude with the usual kind thoughts & love 

From Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

Was pleased to receive your letter and trust things will go OK with you, when you have your next appointment.

I am glad the weather has not been too bad. We have had a little rain both yesterday & today.

We got down to Laindon on Saturday evening, Ern & Jean came and it was a nice day on Sunday. We returned early to avoid the crush.

I saw Bert on Monday evening and settled with him for the music.

I have received from FD &H Sh-don’t make a Sound & Crazy Joe. And from Feldman, Someday I’ll meet you again, Marianne

Jack Reddin has received his papers and is off to Chatham next Tuesday.

Well Don I trust the time will pass pleasantly for you, and we are looking forward to Sept 6th. And if things keep going as they are at present, I think we are near the end, I can see the Jerrys asking for an armistice before very long.

Mum has heard Stan Ovens is in France.

I think this is about all, so will conclude with our usual kind thoughts and love

From Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

Received your letter this morning and thought I would drop these few lines at the shop to save time.

I hope you will get some satisfactory news from Aldershot before Wednesday so as you will know what to do, and I trust you have not had a return of the toothache. 

Mum will see about getting another plate and I hope you manage alright in the meantime.

We hope to go to Laindon tonight till tomorrow evening.

Well Don the news looks very good and I still think it will be over soon.

I have just had a chat with Doris on the phone she returned from Wales yesterday she has been away since Monday. I am pleased to say they are all well.

Hope to see you on Wednesday.  So will conclude with love from Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

Was pleased to receive your letter this morning, and to know the “Tuck” was appreciated.

Now to the present I have not received a copy of “Flight” from Smiths yet.

I notice the change in your leave date, Saturday instead of Sunday and it is nice to know you will have another leave again so soon.

We had a nice weekend at Laindon, the weather was glorious and we hope to have a day or two this week.  We want to make the best of it before the weather finally breaks.

Bert told us this evening that he had written a short note to you.

I have been very busy all day, and did not get a chance to write, so had to leave it till this evening.

I think this is all this time, & will conclude with the usual kind thoughts & love from Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

Was pleased to receive your letter and to learn you arrived back o.k.

Mum noticed your Silvo soon after you left, but I expect you will manage till you get home again

I notice you had the usual Redheads luck in the sweep, but at the same time it is a bit of fun.

I hope you made a fine job of packing the palliasses and made it more comfortable.

We managed to get down to Laindon before dark on Saturday evening, we had a good night’s rest including the extra hour and the weather yesterday (Sunday) was real good. The empty train was fairly packed when it left Laindon.

I saw Tony Parker this evening he tells me he is at Beason about 3 miles from Lasham. He returns tomorrow (Tuesday)

Well Don, I think this is all this time.

Hoping you will keep fit & well.

With the usual kind thoughts, and love from Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

Was pleased to receive your letter, and that you got back alright also that Ernie had a good time.

There is one thing we are anxious to know, are you in the huts yet?  Our thoughts were with you when it turned out so rough on Saturday evening.

We took advantage of the weather yesterday, spending a few hours at Laindon, and returning with some more blackberries, and tomatoes.

By the way, Mum was very annoyed with herself, for not packing you up tomatoes, she thought of it soon after you left.

Arnold Clark was up today instead of coming round last week, he came with his mother this morning, you can bet mum was well pleased, in the middle of washing day. However they left when I came in to dinner, he had got to leave about 5 o/c for Iceland.

Mum will be sending your washing off Wednesday and trust you will receive it, in good time.

Now we are looking forward to the 10th.

Wishing you all the best and trusting you will keep fit & well,

Love from Mum & Dad.


Dear Don,

I herewith send the following articles together with a key which I presume you left behind .

Towel, 5 Hands (hanky’s) shirt, 2 collars, pyjamas, vest & pants, 2 pr sox.

Best wishes & love from Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

Have just received your letter and can only say we were as disappointed as you were, at not seeing you on Tuesday.  What was the reason?

We will try and get the things you require and post them off with the washing, at the earliest.

We were real glad to learn you have moved into billets, and trust you are comfortable.

We saw Len Donovan last week he is on embarkation leave.  He said he would call last Tuesday

 but he did not do so, I do not know if he was recalled the same as Fred Cantwell.

What’s the idea of doing your own washing, have you got to get domesticated.

The following music I have received since you left last Saturday week.

Noel GayII  – You were Right

Till the stars forget to shine.

Chappells – Spring will be a little late this year

Since you went away

Lawrence Wright  – Walking the floor

My thoughts will be with you

When we dance at the victory Ball

Someone is thinking of you.

I will see Bert and give him your message.

I think this is all at present and I look forward to hear from you again, and sincerely hope it won’t be long before you will be home again.


Dear Don,

Your parcel has been sent off this morning.

I trust you will receive it safely and in good condition. 

These are the contents:

Paper Cigarettes

Envelopes   (2 packets)

Blades 15 stamps ½ doz

Marking ink soap (for washing clothes)

Pen Soda

Nail Brush tomatoes

Shirt apples

vest, Pants Pears

2 Hands rag for wiping plates

Bert has been unable to get buttons

Well shake ink and wet pen nib before using.

This is the last nib for marking, mum has got. Mum was unable to get the paper with Crest but I expect you will make this do.

Well, all the best and I shall be anxious to know you have received parcel, so will look forward to your next letter which I hope tells me you will soon get another leave.

All our love from Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

We were very pleased to hear from you this morning, and I send a few lines in reply.

By this time I hope you have received parcel and found everything ok.  You know we will be anxious to know.

We received your parcel yesterday (Monday).

I am glad to know you had a good time in Basingstoke. And we also hope you are keeping fit & well.

How are you getting on with the washing?  Mum says she should rather be doing it herself.

Mum also tells me Kinch of Pelly Bridge is in France.

Well Don I hope things will go well with you and that “Good Luck” will attend you on all occasions.

In the meantime you know all our thoughts are with you.

Hoping to hear,(or better still to see you) in the near future.

All our love from Mum & Dad.


Dear Don,

We were very pleased to receive your letter and sincerely hope your cold has now quite gone, and that you are feeling fit.

It is good to know you are with some interesting chaps especially when you can discuss things in common.

I hope it is on the cards that we shall be seeing you in the near future, and if so bring some things home to be washed, Mum says she will be pleased to get them done so as you are able to get them back with you quickly.

I am writing this in the few moments I have to spare so as not to delay the posting, so you will excuse the pencil.

Lots of music has arrived

Victoria }  It could happen to you

Swinging on a star

JD&H }  It had to be you

Don’t believe everything you dream

We have had some very rough weather, but it was not too bad yesterday and it was the first chance to get to Laindon for a fortnight.

I think this is about all so will wish you good luck & conclude with love from Mum & Dad.

Re nose.  If you are still being put off, get to see your C.O. in the usual way & tell him everything i.e.:- that you are not content with treatment, & how it interferes with your work etc & that you would like to see a specialist (if he is unable to satisfy you, ask if you may see a civilian specialist or go to a civilian hospital on your own account to ask advice or receive treatment) brackets my suggestion



Dear Don,

We were very pleased to receive your letter this morning and glad to learn you did not have a long distance to walk.

I trust after a good rest, you are feeling o.k.

As regards “Bike” put your home address and tell them to send it carriage Forward, then forget all about it, but joking apart, you might be lucky.

I am glad the tomatoes were alright, mum thought they may have got knocked about.

Mum tells me she saw Dennis Mahony with his dad on Saturday. He is on 14 days embarkation.

We have had a rough weekend, wind and rain, I suppose you have had about the same.

We shall certainly like you to have another 24 hrs, if it is not too much to hope for in the meantime we can only hope.

I hope you have entirely lost your cold and you are keeping fit.

Our thoughts are with you all the time.

Cheerio and all the best love from Mum & Dad


Dear Don,

We were pleased to learn you arrived back ok and that you had an interesting journey.

Bert came up to the shop this morning with Johnnie so as he could have a look at the materials for a suit later on, so I expect he will be coming in again when he has another leave.

We had plenty of rain yesterday, so it put paid to going to Laindon, but strangely enough it has been quite nice today, but very cold, so if it keeps dry for the next couple of days we will try and go on Sunday.

Well Don, I hope the weather is not too cold for you and that your will keep fit and well.

I’m looking forward to another surprise visit next week.

In the meantime, our most kind thoughts & love

From Mum & Dad

Ps our kindest regards to Ernie.


Dear Don,

Was pleased to receive your letter and glad to know you had plenty of time, and I hope you had a comfortable journey.

I can quite understand your feelings the next morning I got that on Sunday mornings when I don’t care if I get up or not.

I have received receipt from Feldman’s, and F.D.& H. have sent: 

The Sweetheart waltz

And then you kissed me.

I hope you have had better weather than we have had plenty of rain, but it has turned much warmer.

It is Sunday morning and while I am writing this I am wondering if you are going to pay us a surprise visit as last Sunday, but perhaps it is too much to expect, so we must hope to see you again during the week.

I see in the Stratford Express that DJR paid a visit to Elccas.

The news looks good and trust it will continue so and that the end will soon come.

I think this is all this time, so will conclude with love and best wishes.

From Mum & Dad.

This was the last letter before 305 Squadron was posted to Epinay France.


Ashburton mixed secondary modern school, Freemasons Road, Custom House, originated as Russell Road board school, opened in 1893. By 1939 Russell Road elementary school had been reorganized for junior boys, junior girls, and infants. In 1932, when the higher elementary school moved to Queens Road, its buildings were reopened as Ashburton senior boys school, but they were badly damaged during the Second World War, and in 1945 those that remained were combined with the buildings of the Russell Road elementary school to form Ashburton mixed secondary modern school. In 1956 this was renamed Lister Tech School.

I: Wikipedia
Noel Gay (15 July 1898 – 4 March 1954) was born Reginald Moxon Armitage. He also used the name Stanley Hill professionally. He was a successful British composer of popular music of the 1930s and 1940s whose output comprised 45 songs as well as the music for 28 films and 26 London shows. Sheridan Morley has commented that he was “the closest Britain ever came to a local Irving Berlin”.