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Don's WW2 Diaries

Active Service in England & France British Air Force of Occupation in Belgium & Germany: 1st March 1944 to 2nd May 1947


Dear Mum & Dad,

Arrived O.K. but my section was moved some weeks back & Sth Ken evidently didn’t know so I am at Hartford Bridge till tomorrow (Sat) & then I am going by some conveyance to Larkham where they are now.

Food & accommodation here are O.k.

Would you ask Ern to find out the details of my joining that S P Team back in March 1940. I want dates & full details because I think it comes under those things you can get those red service stripes for. If he can let me know I shall be entitled to 4 stripes (1940 to 1944).

I’ll write you tomorrow when I get my address.  Cheerio



Dear Mum & Dad,

I am now, thank goodness at the right place.  I arrived here today & after feeling very unwanted & unimportant I did at least get things sufficiently organised to obtain a bed. About 3.30pm I stopped getting signatures on my arrival chit as I felt pretty tired & further I took things easy. I tracked down a couple of radio mecs who left Sth K a couple of weeks before me & from them I found that the 39 should have arrived with me have gone on a course and nobody knows whether or not they will be back.

I will see the MO tomorrow.

The place could be worse but I’ve heard so many tales I don’t know what to believe.

I think I’m alright for day passes about every 9 days so I may be home shortly.

The laundry apparently is duff so let me have some paper & string for my stuff. 

Ask Ern if it will be possible to obtain confirmation of service in the fire team & where from. They may require this if I put in for the service stripes.

Food isn’t too bad & I had a good supper at Naafi.  But until next Tuesday fags are impossible to obtain unless the Naafi van has some tomorrow. If I start at the section on Monday I should be alright for a day pass about next midweek.

Cheerio for now



Dear Mum & Dad,

Started at section today.  Try to draw wellingtons tomorrow. Want papers & books. 

No good leaving camp at night.  Naafi’s cinema dance – Waaf’s leaving.  Hut 8 mins from Piccadilly Circus.

Naafi only got cigars, all like millionaires.

Went sick. Sgt took details.


Dear Bert,

About Hanford Bridge & getting to Larkham.

Arrival form.

Bags of walking.

Pay rise maybe in under a fortnight. 

Pretty deadly here but always Naafi piano.

Cpt at Section asked for piano lessons.

Regards to MBB’s

Cheerio YOP Don.


Dear Mum & Dad,

Days doings.

Getting boots, worked at section, dinner at field kitchen, saw dance band. Saw padre, what does confirmation let me in for.

Padre knows Plaistow. Padre had new Gum book socks left.

Day pass details. Leaves due to me. No alert London last night.

Cheerio & love from Don


Dear Ron & Doll  3 pages.

Hartford Bridge to here.

Big place – like hiking holiday not too much work. 

Day passes.  

No good going out at night.


Regards to all at Elccas.

Hope you’ve been getting bags of playing. 

Cheerio Don


Dear Mum & Dad

Good 3 features at film last night pitch black followed crowd home. Nearly lost in woods.

Sunday off,  home Saturday, want bath.

Paid today.


p.s. can you get me a torch & notebooks. Ask Bert if he’ll get me “Someday Soon” & “Wishing Waiting”.


Dear Walter, Doris & Beryl

Hartford to here.

3 days signing in. Organised now not too much work.

Miles of walking trying to wangle a bike.  Tyres of mud. Pretty deadly at night, only Naafi or pictures. I Ensa show a week.

Dead loss going to Alton.

Pitch black at night.

Day off Sunday.

Rather monotonous.

Best part of day when going to bed as bags of back chat plenty of laughs.

Grand change not cleaning every day.

Hope Mrs Keyes is ok.

Love to all

Cheerio Don


Dear Mum & Dad,

Read your letter today. Glad to hear from you. Try to find out about service stripes.

Got jerkin & overalls today, only want bike now.

Worked hard today, nearly missed lorry through late & probably busy tomorrow as well.

Wont write again this week as home Saturday. Having quiet night tonight cheerio till Sat.

Love Don.


Dear Mum & Dad

May not be home. Camp going under canvas, I’m in advance party going on Sat.

Tons to do don’t think I can get away. I’m getting my pass thought & if poss. I shall be home.

Try to post laundry tomorrow if can get to P.O.

Feel cheesed, not looking forward to sleeping in tent.

Excuse note paper all I could find in section. 

Cheerio for now.

Love from Don

p.s. on 2nd thoughts I’ll keep laundry till Monday.


Dear Mum & Dad 3 pages

Had my pass. Passes stopped. May get day off if finish early. If not may not get one till after travel ban.

Not worked too hard, put up tents, food ok quite comfy, hooks line trg etc. straw palliasses. Drawbacks cold in morning cold water miles from cinema & Naafi.

Laundry home tomorrow, sorry its late. Got yours of 22nd on Friday. 

What’s Ray doing at Sth Ken. Glad jerry is not too attentive. How does Donald like Raf. Mo didn’t bother to see me. Thanks for note about PO book. Get mail posted by cheapest section.

Not much time to write – dark early.  You’ll know why if I don’t write every day. Excuse letter but I’m on bed with book on knee, not best way of writing letters.

Please pass my regards to Jean, love to all from Don.

RADAR Coat of Arms


Dear Ron & Doll,

Thanks for letters.

Due for day pass today, hoped to see you, advanced party stopped it yesterday, busy.

Pleased to take week, may get day off not bad life.

Drawbacks cold, water, miles from everywhere, bed when dark.

Long for tomorrow night to Naafi & Cinema.  Decent officer.

Glad to hear of sax successes.  Super post war band.

Good idea re starts & amplifier serious consideration at first opportunity.

At least obey injunction about girls, about forgotten women.

Joke about swimming club dance.

Tired & hungry, good grub & plenty at field kitchen.

More love to June & hoping to see you soon yours Don.(Doll can’t say I’ve forgotten her this time).


Dear Mum & Dad,

Still on tents etc, may finish in time for day off. Grand weather. 

Officers arranged lorry for cinema waiting for it at present.

Posted laundry today.

Good lot of chaps.

Contd 28/3/44

Had good laugh at pictures.  Bumpy ride in lorry welcome change.

Glad to hear of your day at Laindon, expect there is bags to be done. I’ll have a day there when poss.

Any music from clubs yet.

No ill effects from inoc.

Lorry to Naafi

Change to write on table. Chance of a bash.

After today don’t think well get day off. Put up & took down one tent.

Cheerio for now   3 pages

Love Don


Dear Bert.

Read yours today. Les address.

Proceeding in RAF style. Like back of your letter.

Glad of Les’s success on Sunday pleased about Freds remark. 

Seen band Cpl. Couple of gigs per week.

From papers you have been on overtime most nights.

Guess you’re making a bit with weddings.

Knowing you I can understand her being dubious.

Seriously though keep plugging away & she’ll come round to you.  I say this after considering my experience with Eileen (I’ll tell you that when I see you, it may surprise you).

I also know American meaning of 6I.  can you guess the other meaning of NAAFI. 

Swimming club joke.

Heard from Ron he’s getting on ok with dots. Keep on post war band idea re starts & amp.

Weather ok till today. Awful, cold, bed after tea.

All to write about

So long YOP Don    4 pages


Dear Mum & Dad,

Read yours of 28th today.

Keep notebooks & music I should have a pass in a few days.

Weather today awful. Bed after tea to get warm everything damp.

Letter from Bert today.  Les will soon have stripes.

I don’t envy him. I hope I see him sometime.

One of lads returned from Naafi with sandwiches, makes a change from cake for supper.  We have to get battledress sometime I don’t want one because (1) you can’t walk out in it.

(2) it would be filthy in a couple of days in this job. My working blue is filthy now. Their advantage is they keep your collars clean.

I want to write a couple more letter so I’ll close now.

Cheerio Love to all Don 3 pages.


Dear Fred, 3 pages

I’m stuffed this time. It’s not my idea of a summer holiday.

Expect Bert has told you of advance party putting up tents since Saturday. Shouldn’t grumble could be far worse off. Can at least get home.

How MB’s are still beating it out.

Has Pretoria mended mike yet.

Sorry I missed Les

Heard he did good work, would liked to have heard outfit on Sunday.

Quite good Naafi band here. Hope for few gigs when Band Cpl returns. Wish I was with boys as corp dances are stopped.  Cinema relocated, films old but good.  

Padre asked if I could play organ said no. not been on it . hope family are well regards to all. 

Pardon scrawl but written under primitive conditions. 

Cheerio for now & all the best from Don.


Dear Mum & Dad

As you now know I’m on course.

Glad to see back of Larkham for a few days. Heard about it yesterday evening. Rush to get ready.

Journey to Waterloo ok. But after seemingly endless journey the late & never early lorry finally got us to Dereham. We had an hour wait for bus so had eats – real egg on toast.

From ridiculous to sublime place is opposite of Larkham. Peacetime camp. Barrack blocks. Hot water, central heating. Compact, food about best we had in Raf. 

Saw Cpl who will fix us up tomorrow.

Good cinema & Naafi. I shall enjoy my stay.

Called at office while in city. Will add address & post this tomorrow.  Will leave parcel at Larkham it’s so far. Got change of clothes here.

Will put in for 48 when I get back.  I’ll get gen tomorrow on how long we’ll be here.

Listening to Super pianist on Naafi piano. His played Warsaw concerto Chopin waltzes etc not often hear piano played like it.  Just met chap from Sth Ken he says will enjoy our stay.

I am now in bed & few more mechs have arrived at (1.45pm) several of us.

We’ll I’ll say cheerio now.

Love from Don    3 pages.


Dear Mum & Dad

Stay will be short & sweet. I went to final Wednesday.

Get pass when we leave. Return Friday morning. Few hours home. Don’t think I can get away Wed. evening.

Not nice today cold wet & windy.  John & I went to Dereham to pictures last night.

Not wanted at Section till 10.30 today so we decided to have breakfast & go back to bed.  Unfortunately nobody woke till 8.30. Made up at dinner & tea.

Wireless in billet even one in mess.

Sgt Young is here under canvas. Doesn’t like it had snow few days back.

Course very enjoyable, informal, at Section.

Now for bit of supper.

Cheerio love Don


Dear Mum & Dad.

Leave 11 Thursday pass till Sat morning. More chaps arrived. One wasn’t Holloway.  Start when we leave.  We’ve been working late tonight.

Cheerio till Thursday love Don.

Letters 8th April 1944 to 29th April 1947

2 Notebook containing notes of letters DJR sent home.   

This period covers his active service firstly in England attached to 107 Squadron, then he was posted to 305 Squadron Polish Mosquitos. In November 1944 they were sent to Epinoy France and in August 1945 he was posted back to 107 Squadron to Melsbroek outside Brussels.   In November 1945 he was posted to Y99 ( Gutersloh Germany)  as part of B.A.F.O.  British Air Forces of Occupation. 

Not all transcribed as most just in note form with no useful details.  However I did find some folded sheets of paper with some very interesting snippets which are included at the end of this section and I was very moved when I found his Will which he wrote on 12th October 1944 which is not mentioned in his diaries.

Don’s father continued to write to him regularly throughout his service in the RAF and these letters provide some very interesting insights both to his life in the RAF and to life at home.  LINK to Letters from home

6 pages 8/4/44

Dear Mum & Dad, 

Arrived safe all mail ok.

Stayed at YMCA.

Kip on train. Long to wait.

At breakfast met Ron & Iven.  They wondered where I had got to.  More mechs arrived. About 20 of us now. Cranwell chaps had trade board. Today was the day of great trek.

Our confusion over R & I. dispersal scheme for mechs – just in case.

We are best off of section site of tents, good facilities.

Now going for super.

Supper not bad spam bread & now in tent writing by candlelight.

Got locker tin cans etc. saw Chiefy about access & bulb.  Soon have light, only need battery set then.

Food fairly good today but in view of the fuel shortage I don’t think they should fry with the bacon.  

Leave restored, want 48 on 22 & 23rd.

Try for day pass on a previous Sunday to go to Laindon.

Please get another kit bag lock & send my pipe.

Don’t know why I am in such good humour tonight, probably because welcome & enjoyable day & a half at home.

But at the present moment, here am I in a warm bed, smoking a cigarette & writing by the light of 2 candles. What more could a fellow want.  Just ask me I could give quite a list.

YMCA beds fine, clean sheets & pillows every day.

Feel quite a veteran with other chaps asking my advice.

Well I think I had better heat my pen to it in the matter of drying up or I shall finish in pencil. I will now come to the end of a perfect ? day with a quick read.

Cheerio & love to all  from Don

p.s. from Johnny G’s letter he & Ken Searle have arrived at a very nice place, something like Swanton Morley. He has heard from Ken Cameron & he is in a similar place to me except he’s not with tents.

3 pages    9/4/44

Dear Mum & Dad

Going sick and heat treatment.  

Saw Watch on the Rhine last night jolly good.

Seen Band Cpl should get some jobs. 

3 pages 9/4/44

Dear Fred,

Hoping for 48 on 22nd & 23rd.

About band should get job.

About tents.

About bad leg.

Cheerio all the best to everyone one

  7 pages 11/4/44

Dear Johnny,

Pleased to receive yrs.

Congrats on your station wish I could give glowing report of this *** place.

Hospital for week.

Have food binges.

Arrival chit

Section personnel

First week good

Advance party

2 day pass

Ron & others back from Cranwell. 

No board – have to apply

Got to learn to drive

Plenty of vans hard to get bike.

No dances – Waaf gone

About band

Cinema good

I won’t go camping after war.

But resourceful Rada Mechs have “found” plenty of things.

Battledress & stuff

Bad leg & treatment – the one ray of hope.

Ron Cameron about same as me.

Saw Neale & W at Swanton.

Radar gives a slight pull here.

Cheerio Don

    2 pages    12/4/44

To Mum & Dad

Leg not better.

Fatigues today

Censorship soon.

Might get to village tonight try to send laundry tomorrow

Cheerio for now

12/4/44   2 pages

Dear Ron,

Thanks for fags

All under canvas – even work. Stay later some nights. Don’t know about days off.

Mail censored soon.

About band

Pains in leg.

Fatigues today.

Phil back from Cranwell. About tents.

Cheerio Don

2 pages 13/4/44

Dear Mum & Dad

Read yours 11th today

Sent washing tomorrow.

Please send cycle clips with pipe.

Sorry to hear of Jeans measles.  Hope Ern goes to doctor.

Glad to hear you weren’t turned back at Laindon.


Got cycle today.

Got paid sending £4

About fatigues & what I think of it.


    5 pages   14/4/44

Dear Bert,

Forgive me not writing before.

Now well & truly roughing it but organised a fire got hot wash & shave got bike.

About 6D work

Tell Dad I’ve had 48 on 22nd trying for day pass.

About band.

Scathing comments on RAF ways & use of tradesmen as GP’s.

Sunday 16th

Cheers Bert, a change after more 6D work yesterday morning we were called back, now at section & on real work.

About going out last night & cycle smash.

Further about 22nd. Don’t know when I’ll get a pass.


14/4/44   2 pages

Dear Mum & Dad

Off fatigues. Busy at section. Got letter yesterday.

Leg o.k.

Want a coat hanger.

Went to Alton last night.

Quiet evening in pub.

Doing another course. No day off till finished. Had my 48 also.

Fed up with 7 day working week. 

Got fire for washes. Late finishing but it’s worth it. 

Now time for supper.


3 pages 18/4/44

Dear Mum & Dad

Got yours of 16th

Working hard at section

Heating round campfire.

Naafi tonight good food.

Ike’s visit.

Pouch with pipe.

Trying for Sunday off. Tell Bert heard rumour of leave restarting.

Sorry to hear of bad weather at Laindon on Sunday.

4 pages 20/4/44

Dear Mum & Dad

Received parcel

How about lock

Fun & games with fire last night.

Sick today. Nose bleeding.

Get used to tents sometime.

Fed up with rumour won’t mention leave till pass is in.

Thanks for stamps etc.

Get parcel ready now


6 pages 21/4/44

Dear Walter, Doris & Beryl

You’ll hear when I return from Swanton.

Now moved out

Fires & about building a good one & Pete beating us.

2 Canadians provided grub decent part of camping, but its hopeless doing a day’s work as well. 

Been out only 2 or 3 times otherwise write letters.

No days off till next week.

Be glad of one for bath.

Going sick & nose bleeding.

Permanently in workshop.

Monty knowing Bessie Jean & Martin.

Visit from Eisenhower.

Do you know what part of Italy Bert is in? I wonder whether he’ll meet Chris sometime?

Beryl learnt anymore tunes?

Have driving course sometime.

Writing by light of 4 volts. 

Gave other chap a hand in turning supper of bread & cheese into welsh rarebit on toast.


23/4/44 2 pages

Dear Mum & Dad

In SSQ. Sent last night. Temp 100.6 don’t feel too bad don’t worry.

14 or 15 nose bleedings.

Taken in van to SSQ on Friday.

Throat sore & cold but better.

Had bath.

Read NFS papers. Weren’t we recognised before 15 July 40.

Quite nice in SSQ. Won’t be here long so don’t worry.


3 pages 23/4/44

Dear Bert,


Details of sore throat & nose bleedings.

Weeks doings.

Request for South American Joe chord.

You are getting on fine with Wendy.

What has Johnny passed out as.

Hope I didn’t let you down over last night.

Sorry to hear of your turn.

All the very best

3 pages 28/4/44

Dear Mum & Dad

Sore throat nearly gone, cold much better.

2 nosebleedings.

Treating me for that now I think. Want rest because feel bit weak.

Hope someone brings my mail.

Done more reading last 2 days than in previous month.

See trees coming into leaf & hundreds of primroses. Weather now fine.

Started this before dinner & after dinner decided to read a bit & fell asleep until teatime, amazing how you’ll sleep all day & night.

Send envelopes please.

that’s all for now further bulletins will be issued from time to time.

Love to all


7 pages 24/4/44

Dear Ron,

Back in hospital again.

Doings up to date.

You’ve got good job now.

Leg may have been caused by fall & I had similar fall.

Cheerio & all the very best

From YOP Don

2 pages 25/4/44

Dear Mum & Dad,

Still getting on o.k.

Ern called last night, forgot mail. Days of restarted.

Padre just brought news of increased pay.

1 yrs service today.

Band been up at mess lunchtimes.

Love to all 


1 page 27/4/44

Dear Mum & Dad

Feel fed up, quite fit. Can’t get up.

Doctors been get up tomorrow.

Love to all  Don.

2 pages 20/4/44

Dear Mum & Dad

Received 2 letters 1 parcel.

Up yesterday & today.  Out soon. Going to nose specialist .

Love to all  Don

2 pages 29/4/44

Dear Bert,

Thanks for note

Up  out soon.

Seeing nose specialist.

Hope to hear or see you soon. All the very best yop Don

2 pages 30/4/44

Dear Mum & Dad,

Thanks for fags sweets fruit etc.

Left today. Will be informed of appointment with nose specialist.

Going out now

Love to all  Don

2 pages 1/5/44

Dear Mum & Dad

Got yours 30th 

Felt tired during day ok now.

Got jab & take dim view of it.

Cinema last night.

Home Thursday.

Back Friday need bike lamps.

going to Naafi. 

That’s me till Thursday  Love to all Don

4 pages 1/5/44

Dear Ron,

Left SSQ. O.k.

Pub sold out. Cinema. Jab. Nose specialist.

See Friday at Elccas.

Enjoyed stay at SSQ, sheets & breakfast in bed. Glad to hear of reading program and glad to borrow some.

About all till Friday

All the best, YOP Don

2 pages 1/5/44

Dear Doll

Out. Ok.

Good weather.

General fill up of chatter.

Yours sincerely Don

2 pages 8/5/44

Dear Mum & Dad

Back ok.

Out Saturday & Sunday.

Busy.  Next day off Sunday

All my love Don

2 pages 10/5/44

Dear M&D

Going sick S/L away go tomorrow.

Ern & Oggy forgetting day off.

Need tinted glasses for glare.

May get battledress at weekend.

Initiating Ken & Maty into mysteries of cricket.


2 pages 15/5/44

Dear M&D

Journey back.

Resting tonight

Cheerio for now

2 pages 18/5/44

Dear M&D

Hope all well.

Inoc. Who was informed when I was S.O.L. Bad weather.

Want metal plate.

Home next Wed morning.

Has music arrived from Johns.

Cheerio for now

2 pages 20/5/44

Dear Ron & Doll

Nothing to say.


Day off



2 pages 26/5/44

Dear M&D

Back ok


2 pages 2/6/44

Dear M&D

Not heard from you, did you get my letter  etc.

Love Don

2 pages 7/6/44

Dear M&D

Back ok

Send socks

News good   (Note reference to D Day 6th June)

Doris letter not here

All for now  love Don

2 pages 10/6/44

Dear M&D

Best wishes for birthdays.

Hurt arm having massage.


Love from  Don.

8 pages 12/6/44

Dear Bert

Luck with day off.

Arrived at New Inn as they sold out so had “Special” supper in tent.

Heard from Ted we are envious.

Bushy Band. I’m not in it.


Cpl Dempsey on piano – good – times he played – about “She had to go & love it at the Astor” get words fit for you. 




Heard R D O pianist – lousy pub pianist – no time & beats lost etc.


Words of S H T G & L I A T A not got yet give them to you myself on Tuesday

All the best Don


I think this was a very good letter.

3 pages 15/5/44

Dear Mum & Dad

Got yours of 9th & 12th.

Doris letter not turned up.

Arm ok stopped nose treatment today.

Laundry contents.

New Inn sold out.

Special Supper.

Heard from Ted – curious ACSB.

Hope to see you on 20th

All my love  Don

2 pages 22/6/44

Dear M&D

Back ok.

Found mould on kit had to clean it.

Tents a damn nuisance. 

No more bombs I hope.

Cheerio all my love Don

  2 pages 26/6/44

Dear Mum & Dad

Got yours.

Sorry to hear of bombs.


Keep laundry

Home Saturday

Show on Sunday with Squadronaires.

Cheerio  all my love  Don


Dear Mum & Dad

Back ok. More rain.

I hope had a good day at Laindon.

Next day off Sat 15th.

I hope you’re having quiet time with no bombs.

That seems all for now.

Cheerio all my love Don.

2 pages 7/7/44

Dear Mum & Dad

Got yours today.

Glad to hear of less bombs in paper.

Weather better.

Found wild fruit & nuts.

All for now

Cheerio all my love.

1 page 15/7/44

Dear M&D

Back ok.


2 pages 20/7/44

Dear M&D

Sorry to hear of bombs.

Saw Rosie & Goody.

Earphones on sets.

Home Tuesday.

Found wasps nest.

Getting late so cheerio all my love Don

3 pages 21/7/44

Dear Ron & Doll,

Hope you are recovered now from FB on Russell School.

Saw Betty Gable in Sweet Rosie O’Grady

More I see BG more I wish I were H.J.

(Note Harry Haag James was an American musician who is best known as a trumpet-playing band leader who led a big band from 1939 to 1946. He broke up his band for a short period in 1947 but shortly after he reorganized and was active again with his band from then until his death in 1983. Wikipedia

Born: March 15, 1916, Albany, Georgia, United States

Died: July 5, 1983, Las Vegas, Nevada, United States

Spouse: Joan Boyd (m. 1967–1970), Betty Grable (m. 1943–1965), Louise Tobin (m. 1935–1943))

Wasp nest.

Anything about sax yet?

Dreamed the other night the old band was back together.

Headsets on wireless.

Canadian officer left. Stuff – softball.

Raining now day off .


2 pages 28/7/44

Dear Mum & Dad

Back ok caught 9.57

Cherry’s soon went.

Rain yesterday.

Springs for Ern

List of music to Bert

Hope last night was quieter

All for now  Don

2 pages 1/8/44

To Mum & Dad

Nosebleedings – SSQ – trip to Aldershot.

Punting – blister.

Home 9pm Sunday

Leave 23 -27th 12 hrs travelling time permission to wear a collar & tie.

Saw “Thank your lucky star”


Got yours today, what’s up with Ern. Sorry to hear of FB’s.

Cheerio till Sunday  Don

1 page 9/8/44

Dear Mum & Dad

Rush this morning caught 11.27 with couple of minutes to spare.

At Aldershot left bags in Stn had lunch – to hospital – not there long.

Cauterised with chromic acid. – painless- no confidence – previous same treatment had no effect.

More plugs of cotton wool & ointment – in till tomorrow.

Breathing through mouth – keep rinsing out my mouth.

Difficult to eat & drink. Back at camp at 3.45.

Got lift from Alton in jeep. At R & I hanger in 10 mins.

Tell Ern back ok.

Emil pleased with spring.

All for now


1 page 9/8/44

Dear Mum & Dad

Saw M.O.

Went to Naafi to see tombola.

Hope London is quiet maybe we’ll soon have FB sites.


2 pages 12/8/44

Dear Mum & Dad

Got yrs today.

Sorry to hear Jeans further damage.

Tombola is Housey Housey.

Band rehearsals tomorrow – future job.

Laundry – I’ll manage till I get home except maybe collars & hankies.

Latest news seems hopeful.

Walter Winchell’s forecast.  ( Wikipedia  Walter Winchell (April 7, 1897 – February 20, 1972) was a syndicated American newspaper gossip columnist and radio news commentator. Originally a vaudeville performer, Winchell began his newspaper career as a Broadway reporter, critic and columnist for New York tabloids. He rose to national celebrity in the 1930s with Hearst newspaper chain syndication and a popular radio program. He was known for an innovative style of gossipy staccato news briefs, jokes and Jazz Age slang. He found both hard news and embarrassing stories about famous people by exploiting his exceptionally wide circle of contacts, first in the entertainment world and the Prohibition era underworld, then in law enforcement and politics. He was known for trading gossip, sometimes in return for his silence. His outspoken style made him both feared and admired. Novels and movies were based on his wisecracking gossip columnist persona, as early as the play and film Blessed Event in 1932. As World War II approached, he attacked the appeasers of Nazism in the 1930s, and in the 1950s aligned with Joseph McCarthy in his campaign against communists. He damaged the reputations of Charles Lindbergh and Josephine Baker as well as other individuals who had earned his enmity. However, the McCarthy connection in time made him deeply unfashionable, and his style did not adapt well to television news. He did return to television in 1959 as narrator of the Twenties crime drama series The Untouchables. Over the years he appeared in more than two dozen films and television productions as an actor, sometimes playing himself.)

All for now

2 pages 15/8/44

Dear Mum & Dad

Band rehearsals

Home Monday or Tuesday

Wasp swatting contest.


Leave application in today home Monday.

lovely weather.


2 pages 15/8/44

Dear Bert

Sorry I missed you, home next Mon or Tue.

Band rehearsals


Inter van wasp contest.


Leave application in. home Monday.

Good news except for V2.


1 page 26/8/44

Dear Mum & Dad

Back ok.

Went sick going to Aldershot

Laindon Cheese gone fruit going, 

Fine weather here.

Next 44 beginning 6th Sept.

All for now.  All my love. Don.

2 pages 31/8/44

Dear Mum & Dad

Got yours today.

Glad weather ok at Laindon.

Not heard about Aldershot

Thank Ern for gen.

Neuralgia I had.

Saw Adventures of Robin Hood.

Need new plate.

Station band bash.

All for now Cheerio All my love Don

2 pages 31/8/44

Dear Ron & Doll,

Thanks for yrs & also for fags. Home next Wednesday, try to pop round.

Going to Aldershot again re nose.

Hope Buzz bombs aren’t so bad.

Let’s hope its soon all over & we can start the band again.


1 page 9/9/44

Dear Mum & Dad

Got flight let me know if you get one.

Suit & cape o.k.

Home 16 to 18 & leave 28 till 3rd.

Close now Cheerio

½ page 16/9/44

Dear Mum & Dad

Back ok.

Eaten lot of fruit.

Remind me of Silvo when I’m home.

St Leger Sweep.

Going to bed early.


1 page 30/9/44

Dear Mum & Dad

Back 12.  Sandwiches ok.

Had good time.

Cleaned up battledress. day off 10th

Raining, awful comeback.


1 page 4/10/44

Dear Mum & Dad

Moved to statics Monday.


Happy returns to Ern today.


1 page 6/10/44

Dear Mum & Dad

Got parcel ok.


All for now

Love Don

2 pages 10/10/44

Dear Mum & Dad

Well as you can guess I was very disappointed at not making it today, but still I can’t do anything about it.

Some things I wanted, notepaper, envelopes, stamps, fags, razor blades, laundry, soup, nail brush, marking pen.

Any music been sent.

Books etc to read.

Ask Bert if he got my cap buttons. Writing him shortly.

All for now.  Cheerio

2 pages 12/10/44

Dear Ern,

I hope the enclosed envelope is never opened.  But it’s best to make a will.

Had trade board for time being expecting it in about 3 weeks so maybe I’ll have my LAC before I’m 20 even yet.

Move in hut. Toast etc that evening.

Did you try headphone on the set I lent Bert.

Time to close – hope your legs ok, my regards to Jean. Cheerio

P.S. I thought it more tactful to send the will to you instead of Dad.

I nearly forgot I’d like you to have my diaries, you may be interested enough to read them. I think you’d find 1 or 2 good bits in them.



Dear Dad,

I hope with all my heart you never have occasion to read this, but I felt the wisest course was to make a will & I have several other wishes I am also enclosing in this note.

Naturally, in the main, you will dispose of my effects as you think fit but I would like to make one or two specific gifts.

I would like Ern to have the books that you gave me & also my wireless equipment any tools & my technical drawing outfit because I think he could make use of them.

I would like the piano at which I have spent so many hours in due course to remain in the family.

I would not like to feel my music had gone to waste, possibly Bert would like the orchestrations & I daresay somebody would appreciate the rest.

I would like Bert & Ron, if they so desire, to have something of their own choosing as a memento of our friendship. The same applies to anyone else who may desire.

I am not leaving anything to Ern or Walter & Doris as I feel my affection towards them could not be measured in monetary terms. I am making an exception with Beryl for some reason which is unknown even to myself.

Finally, Mother & yourself know that in return for all you have done for me you have my love & esteem to an amount beyond reckoning. I hope that this will be of some solace to you & we can be assured that we shall meet again in a place where the trials & tribulations of this earth can be seen in their correct perspective – mainly as merely a steppingstone to a far better place.

From your ever loving son.

3 pages 12/10/44

Dear Bert,

Just a note apologise for delay in writing. Not much to write about round the fire write read play chess argue make toast for supper.

Hope wireless is on.

I suppose you’d like to see West Ham I know I’d like to.

Hope MBB’s going strong.

Started short story.

“Once upon a girl there was a lovely time”

Gen about KC M Kites.

No difficulty in getting music & working on intro now.

Not had board yet.

Enough nonsense for now cheerio

1 page 15 Oct 44

Dear Mum & Dad

Got yours yesterday. Thanks for stamps.

Went on celebration yesterday night.

Hope parcel is on its way.

Possibly I’ll see Len Donovan soon. 

Thanks for bit of music.

Off to cinema now.

Best wishes

1 page 16/Oct 44

Dear Mum & Dad

Got paid today.

first try at darning socks  tonight.

Making toast now.


1 page 19/Oct 44

Dear Mum & Dad

Back ok.

Play chess

Grub ok.

Had a letter from you today.


1 page 25/10/44

Dear Mum & Dad

Sorry not written for last week.

Been elsewhere for couple of days arrived back today.

Met Halle

Met secretary of the Birmingham Rhythm Club.  Entertaining conversation.

Had bad cold.


1 page 3/11/44

Dear Mum & Dad

Back ok at 12.

Not long to walk.

Very tired this afternoon.

Bought ticket for raffle.

Very tired, think I’ll go to bed early tonight.


1 page 16/11/44

Dear Mum & Dad

Plenty of time last night at Paddington 9.35.

Lights in High St make big difference.

Billet orderly this morning as I felt tired. Spent 2 hrs getting the fire going.


4 pages 19/11/44

Dear Mum & Dad

As you can see my address no longer takes half a page to write.

Quite well off at a first look around – in huts – top bunk might fall out.

visited entertainment – beer cheap.  6 francs for a litre or  200 to £  you can work out for yourself.

Only call it beer for want of a better name. it’s like peculiar flavoured water.  Coffee at 2F rather better.  No milk so no butter, but cake is sweet anyway.

Found piano in entertainment but out of tune – get Marsden to tune ours.


Stayed in bed ok last night. Strange at first.

Has Ern got further in training can I make enquiries but no one knew anything about or where I would get a book on numismatology.

Let me have all books possible.

Any more music, don’t send any till I’m back.

Hope to have more food here.

Had half day off spent day at HB. Went to YMCA & played chess& billiards.

Tell Bert I’ll write him.


4 pages 24/11/44

Dear Mum & Dad

Settling down.

Cookhouse disorganised.

Visit to dance & band.  Going Sunday, ask Bert for Orks.

Lost gloves, can you send some.

Washing night last night.

Variety of notes. Want to open RAF savings bank A/c.

Plenty of fags. Naafi fags 20 for 7 francs.

Hope V’s keeping off.

Writing some more letters.

Regards to Ern & Jean


4 pages 24/11/44

Dear Burt,

Eventually got here.

About band at Douai 

Request for orkes

Cheap beer – poor – tomorrow organise variety of notes.


Fixing radio

how’s band going

West Ham

Regards to all

From the other side.

3 pages 27/11/44

Dear W D & Beryl

Now on wrong side of channel.

Not so hot at first look round.

Organised with good little café band.

Cheap beer but poor.

In huts Radio

Variety of notes

Food could be better.

White bread.

D&M still away suppose it best till V’s is cleared up.

On wireless just now about Paris 48s ? 

My turn in about 2 yrs. 

All for now

4 pages 27/11/44

Dear R&D

On wrong side of channel.

About band & orks

Praise for Ron’s alto playing.

Still at Elccas? Pass on my regards,

Driving on right

Notes 28/11/44

Housing good – food poor 

Going out so closing now

Best wishes to all 

Love to Jane  Don

3 2 pages 28/11/44

Dear Mum & Dad

Yrs today of 22nd. Not had 19th. Thanks for thoughts of 25th.

Above address probably ok for fags. Wait few more days though.

Left my dates with band

Very good time

Going out now, best wishes to all

Love from Don.

2 pages 29/11/44

Dear Ern,

About Dr being  collector.

Saw Squadronaires tonight.

Chance of TTB shortly.

Pass my compliments to Jean

Cheerio all the best Don

    3 pages 1/12/44

Dear Mum & Dad

Got yrs yesterday of 19th from HB

Darning socks.

Playing with band a good bit lately.

No answers to letters yet.


Got yrs of 27th today.

Thanks for list of music.

Pleased to hear Marsden called.

Takes about 5 weeks for fags to get through.

Ern send, my pipe will help.

Rate of exchange not in our favour.

West Ham lost again.

Food could be better.

All for now love Don

4 pages 8/12/44

Dear Mum & Dad

Got No 4 today 

Getting on ok with language.

Food worse

Laundry in 2 weeks.

Band at Douai

Hope to organise corp band


Had English Beer at Naafi this evening 

Love Don


Xmas Cards.

Mum & Dad office

Ern & Jean Mr Tagg

Walter & Doris Mr Richards

Ron & Doll Homerton

Bert Elccas




Freddie Wells

5 pages 11/12/44

Dear Mum & Dad

Recd yrs of 30th with gloves & also papers.

Visit to Douai. Purchases.

Going in on train.

Out to house in Douai.

Tea & cakes

Football today.

Organising band.

Vacuum flask clocks  

From this point onwards each letter is just a few barely legible scribbled notes but I did find some interesting snippets as follows:-  

Within the first booklet I found some folded sheets of paper which contained a short play Don had written, transcribed below:

Literary Supplement

This week we bring you an enthralling episode from the life of an airman entitled :-

“The Shape of Things To Come” (with apologies to H. G. Wells)

Scene Gutersloh Camp

Time Winter 1951

A crowd of Airmen are seen slowly dragging their weary bodies, heavy with the weight of GG’s & gongs, through the deep snow.  Their bodies although covered with a thick layer of dirt & woollen “comforts” are shivering in the intense cold.

They are on their way to the cookhouse to have their weekly meal of dehydrated potatoes thrown on their plate.

But before they reach the mess they must get on the end of a long queue & cling to each other for support to enable them to stand.

Patiently they shuffle forwards, a few steps an hour; occasionally one poor wretch unable to stand it any longer sinks down into the snow. But we are used to this & press on & soon he is forced by many feet, under the snow, to his last long rest. 

After many hours we have had our meal & stumble along to the Naafi where we receive 100 marks & sign a chit allocating our ration to a German.  This has been started because it was found that the airmen had not the strength to carry their cigarettes, chocolate & soap to the waiting hordes of Heinings. 

On our way an officer passes us in his car, sending up showers of snow which completely envelopes us, the officer laughs a brutal laugh as he observes this.

As we leave the Naafi an airman can be seen lying in the snow. It seems he has a message for us for his mouth is working & he feebly waves one arm.  We crawl over to him & lean over his emaciated body to hear what he has to say.

With many pauses & much chattering of blue lips he feebly whispers in a hoarse voice “Group 28 out by June”.  In return for this good news we feel we have to do something for the poos creature, so we put a foot on his neck & end his suffering.

As we stumble back to our billet to fight for a place by the radiator, we do a little mental calculation “Group 28 out in June —– Yes —–our most hopeful dreams are realised ————————– we have only another 37 years to serve in Britain’s Wonderful Peace Time Air Force, & we will be discharged just in time for our old age pension”.

The End

Also within the notebook were a couple of draft letters to ‘Gwen’ who he seems to have been introduced to by a pal.


I little guessed that when Ernie took a photo of me such a pleasant development would result from it.  It must say a lot for his photographic skill.

Well to introduce myself, my RAF identity card says I am 5’10 ½  “ , hair brown, eyes brown, build medium. My occupation these days is calculating how long it will be before my group (53) is released & spending as many days away from the section as I can find excuses for.

Fortunately for me that s not difficult, I am in the station band & that provides a multitude of reasons for not being at the Section.  I started in the band game way back in 1940 my Boss used to say I thought more of music than of accounting – but I haven’t really done much in that line in the RAF till fairly recently.

When we first formed the band here I was on piano but I’ve just switched to Tenor Sax to help fill out the front line.  The only snag is that Ernie & the boys seem to disapprove when I practice in the billet, still I cant really blame them, the efforts of a learner on the sax sound somewhat horrible to the sensitive ear. 

I am enclosing another photo that was taken last year when I was down in France, don’t think being in the RAF makes me as happy as I look in the picture the smile was all for the benefit of the camera.  Please enclose a photo when you write to me.

I am entering a new sphere in writing to you , so far apart from my family, practically all my correspondence has been with my fellow music murderers in the band at home.  The greatest part of our letters is filled with plans for the new bigger & better (we hope) band we are going to form when our demobilisation numbers permit us to gather together again, so I can see I shall now have to cast my mind around my other interests (ranging from the fourth dimension to modern literature) because it seems to me – maybe I’m wrong – that a dance band is not a subject in which many girls would be interested.  However I must wait to hear from you before jumping to any such conclusions.

Well here’s to our future correspondence.

Yours S.

No date

Dear Gwen,

As I have not heard from you I expect my last letter with the Easter issue of “Wing” has gone astray – the Post Office do not bother very much about magazines so I am sending you another one separately.  “Wings” is published fortnightly now so I have put the new one in as well.  Actually I felt a little dubious about sending the latest issue because of the first article in it:  the offending article has created quite a stir here, most of us feel it was very bad to publish it, – especially as we have Waaf’s on the unit.  Apparently the author has just been demobilised & he had a last fling before he left.  However it has aroused so much adverts comment that I do not think anything else like it will appear.

We had a section liberty run last weekend to the Mohne See to see the Dam that was blown up in 1943.  It has been repaired now but you can still see damage it caused.  We climbed all over it, at great risk of life & limb, to obtain some good photos.  I haven’t seen them yet but they shou8ld be very good.  After seeing the dam there was not much else to do there, we were going boating but when we saw one boat sink & leave an army type clinging to the wreckage we gave up that idea very rapidly – the water looked too cold.

The sounds I make on the tenor sax are not quite so horrible these day – I must be getting a little better (conceit)  The band is also slowly getting better but unfortunately we have to rehearse in the cinema & the operator always seems to have to do a test run of a new film when we go there lately.  We don’t get much rehearsing but still we see several films instead which is just as nice a way of spending an afternoon, its better than work (horrible thought) anyway.

One film I saw the other day was “At Dead of Night”. I don’t know if you have seen it, but I am sure that if I had not had a haircut that morning that the hair on the back of my neck would have stood on end.  I have never seen a film just like that before – but I wouldn’t mind seeing a few more, I really enjoyed it.  The supernatural has a rather morbid fascination for me.

There was a rumour about here the other day that we were all going under canvas at a place about 25 miles away, for 3 months starting in June.  I didn’t fancy that in the least, I have had enough of tents to last me a lifetime, 7 months in England in 1944 & then 3 months just outside Brussels last year.  If I never see another tent it will be too soon.  However, another rumour was around today to the effect that my section wont be going.  I hope this one is true.  If most of the chaps at the airbase go there shouldn’t  be much work here & it will give me a chance to finish preparing for the exam I’m  taking in August.  I want to get through that & then finish studying for a while.  After the exam my demob should be up fairly soon & I intend to make the most of my 3 months leave – plenty of dances, both play with the band & dancing myself although I shall have to learn to do more than I can now, I’m limited to the waltz at the moment – never had time to learn before.  Do you dance much?

I also want to see some of the shows in London.  Since coming over here 18 months ago I have only seen one West End show & I mean to catch up on what I have missed.

My leave is due about the  end of next month, could we arrange to meet while I am home & see a show or something?

Well I suppose I must say cheerio here, hoping to hear from you soon,

Yours very sincerely,